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If you could be any Sonic character, who would you like to be?


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This can be because of what they do, how they behave, because they are like you, whatever the reason may be!

Personally, I want to be Rouge- I mean Metal Sonic. He's one of my favourite villains in the franchise for his depth in Sonic Heroes. He looks menacing as heck, he's super cool, and he's fast! Also I would like to be the villain.


Edited by IHaveACaseOfSonicMania
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Looking through my favorite characters (Shadow, Knuckles, Blaze), I realized that they all carry a level of emotional baggage and responsibility that my sensitive rear end couldn’t handle. The more I think about it, the more I realize: If I were to pick any character in the series to BECOME, it would have to be Sonic himself, hands down. The ability to be so comfortable in your own skin, to be relaxed and confident in the most stressful scenarios. To crack jokes in the face of death, knowing you can overcome impossible odds. And the SPEED? Sign me the heck up!

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I would be either Cream or Sonic! Cream has a nice life! She's super nice, she lives with her mom, and she has the ultimate tool of mass destruction. Sonic is super fast, fun, loves to travel, and is surrounded by amazing people! Also, he's famous! (and has a pretty nice fanbase too) 

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Do I wake up on magical Mobius or real Earth? Do I still need to go to my job?

Do I get mental prowess, like with Eggman or Big?

Am I bound to their roles in the franchise or can I become the dentist?

Those are important questions that will deeply affect my choices.

Either way, I pick Omega to blow everything, but still.

Edited by MetalSkulkBane
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Oh man...what a decision.

Honestly, I'd go with Vector. I like his style, he's fun and who doesn't love being in a dorky trio?

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1 hour ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Do I wake up on magical Mobius or real Earth? Do I still need to go to my job?

Do I get mental prowess, like with Eggman or Big?

Am I bound to their roles in the franchise or can I become the dentist?

Those are important questions that will deeply affect my choices.

Either way, I pick Omega to blow everything, but still.

Um... uh... damn, not here! But in all seriousness, I would say you get their mental prowess. But you can just craft the path if you wish, whether it be on Mobius or Earth. I really should've thought this out, but I would say for the rest you can go wild.

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I have three choices for who I would like to be as a Sonic character; Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna or Metal Sonic. I am much like the first two, and Metal Sonic is just so cool.

But if I had to choose just one, I would go with Sonic, since he is my favorite character, and he is cool.

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 Buzz Bomber.  His life seems simple and happy enough. 

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If I could be any Sonic character, I would like to be Sonic The Hedgehog and Knuckles The Echidna.

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Alright, a bit more serious answer.

There is a temptation to pick Sonic just to feel his incredible speed. Expect Shadow is that plus chaos powers. Tails is slower but with freedom of flight. But the obvious winner is Silver, with speed, flight, and telekinesis (and the potential of seeing the future).
Unless we count intelligence as power, then Tails is OP, Sega please nerf.

I guess we don't treat becoming cartoon animals as an existential horror? (becoming a robot or fat bald scientist isn't much better)
As a man I would like to try the female perspective, but for like 24 hours, maybe a week. If it's permanent, I'll just go with Shadow. Looks cool and I presume the "ultimate life form" has good dentistry.
And if he is immune to all diseases like the common cold? Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Truthfully speaking, I wouldn't want an "adventurous life" where bad guys keep trying to kill me every day. Getting punched in a face hurts, you know? I should pick Elise just to live a life of luxury with maybe one or two kidnappings per day. Or Sage with no physical body to get hurt and amazing wifi speed. (But no pizza ever again. Hmm.)
But if I'm to embrace my inner child, then obviously Sonic's life was designed to be cool. Action, adventure, travel, friends, unhealthy food. Part of me still wants to pick Shadow, but logically it's a much less tantalizing lifestyle, even skipping all the traumatic events. Maybe I would pick Tails just to avoid the responsibility of being THE hero. Except I'm not sure I want to become so young. Does Mobius have laws about mature ratings?

Also, sorry Knuckles. I like some peace and quiet, but no computer lifestyle is a deal breaker. And I love Metal Sonic, but I wouldn't want to be him.

(And if I would be forced in a "role" that narrative gives me, not allowed to be true me... I pick Forces Avatar. Ha ha, I outsmarted the system.)

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7 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Unless we count intelligence as power, then Tails is OP, Sega please nerf.

Tails was nerfed more than enough in Forces, please no more

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