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[EVENT] The Sonic Stadium 52 Game Challenge 2024! - New Prizes every week! Current Prize: Shadow the Hedgehog AND Racing Bonus Challenge now on!


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2 hours ago, Salamander said:

Ongoing: Stella Glow (3DS) - One way or another, I've found myself playing an awful lot of strategy RPGs in the last year or so.  This is one I picked up as part of a last-minute FOMO spree for the 3DS, on the assurance that it was an excellent strategy game - though I'd dismissed it in the past owing to its rather dubious female character designs.  In truth, I think I was sort of right; it is a very good game, but I also think it's probably carried best if you're a deeper fan of its extremely anime aesthetics.  As somebody playing it ongoing, it can be quite slow and doesn't give nearly enough catch-up XP, and its character balance is not particularly well-considered.  I'd been hoping to finish it this week, but instead I just got to maybe the beginning of the endgame; which at thirty hours in could still be a lot yet (HowLongToBeat estimates nearer fifty hours).  So away it goes until the next time I need to call on my 3DS, and hopefully I'll finish it then.  When I do, I'll have a longer write-up on exactly what the game is and does.  ...Though I tried to take a broadly representative screenshot:

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Yeah, I remember buying this when it came out and liking it okay, but I never finished it because at some point I hit a wall and subsequently lost interest; the slow XP gain and character leveling imbalancing sounds about right to me. I want to give it another go someday though.

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Covskin was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

Triple update this week!

Breath of Fire (finished, not 100% – pretty sure I missed some ultimate weapons)



A series I was aware of but had virtually no knowledge beyond “Capcom RPG”. The first game is a bit of a mixed bag. In most aspects its pretty basic and bare bones, but there are some interesting ideas that could have been further fleshed out. The overworld map is interactive, and depending on which character is at the head of the party you can hunt wildlife, unlock special doors or transform into a large animal for better traversal. But hunting is undercooked, there are only a handful of doors and you only get the transformations late on.

In battle, few characters have unique abilities. Karn can unlock spells that allow him to fuse with other members of the party for a massive stat boost, which is pretty cool! But then you have virtually no reason to leave him unfused, making those FOUR party members irrelevant otherwise!

There is an auto-battle feature which is welcome for the wrong reasons. Aside from the opening hour when you’re pelted with Poison attacks, the random battles offer little challenge. You can auto battle everything apart from bosses really.

Oh yeah, bosses. Here’s an odd choice. Every time you attack an enemy, you see their health bar. All good. Except...when a boss’s health bar empties, they get a second wind. The visible health bar still shows zero, but it turns out you’ve only taken out half their HP! If this was used sparingly it could have been a memorable moment, but this happens on every boss and the impact is lost.

I’ve read that the sequel expands the fusion/transformation concept so each character has four or five different forms, so I’ll give it a go, but not for a while.


Earthworm Jim 2 – 100% Complete (shout-out to @Agie for making me aware of the secret level which I never knew existed!)




Ah, I had this back on my Mega Drive back in the day. I will automatically call the SNES version superior purely due to the extra button which allows you to cycle through weapons! That frustrated me no end as a kid.

What also stuck out to me as a kid was the unusual level order. The first level is normal enough and you can build up an impressive arsenal of weapons. Then you get three stages (five if you include the puppy levels) where you cannot use any of them again, and if you die in that time, they’re gone forever. There’s only one other level after this which locks you out of the weapons, so couldn’t they have been alternated better than that? That all said I still enjoy this game and have fond memories, just some odd design choices.


Super Mario Land 2 – 100% Complete



I first played this on an emulator as a teenager, and its a fun if simple game. Creative level themes help this game carve out its own niche in Mario’s history. Very low difficulty as well if you just want to blast through something quickly.

13 games finished, 10 of them 100% completed

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Checking in again with an update but nothing much in the way of game completions. Hopefully that will change soon.


Rather than finishing anything I had on the go, I decided to start a couple of new ones this week, namely Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered, which I've wanted to play for a while but haven't gotten around to, and now that it's leaving PS+ on the 16th April I thought it was time. I also streamed about half of Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition for a charity stream, along with Maneater, but I don't think that one will count towards this challenge as I think I started it in 2022.


Just the one game here, and this is another one that won't count towards this event but as I'm keeping my own log of games completed I'll mention it anyway - Working through Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu, though as it's been a long time since I've played the Gen 1 games I'm a bit lost trying to find the fourth Gym. I'm sure I'll stumble across it at some point!

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Was hoping to get a proper submission done myself this week, but I've fallen behind with a few of the games I've been running through and I wanna get a big update done with them in one shot, so I'll settle for a process update for now and do a submission proper when I have everything cleaned up.

If you've missed it, I already played through and talked about Jak & Daxter the Lost Frontier:

Other than that, I fully 100%'d Simpsons Hit and Run, which is a childhood favourite. Surprisingly, it was actually a hell of lot easier for me this time too. I used to get stuck and have to skip so many missions in the past, but the missions went by pretty smoothly this go around, and I didn't have much trouble. 

Fuck Alien Auto Autopsy though. That shit was horrendous in the 2000s, and it's horrendous now. All three parts.

Other than that, I finished the Invincible Atom Eve game, only to find out that there's some dickish achievements I need to finish up, and given it's a unskippable virtual novel, that's going to be a tedious process.

Thanks to the Steam Families beta, I got a huge surprise being able to play the now delisted Telltale Guardians on Steam. I had it on PS4 and enjoyed it then, so this is my second time running through it. I'm up to episode 3 and so far, I enjoyed it as much as I did back then. One of the most underrated Telltale games, and I highly recommend anyone play it.

Between that, I've been working on Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League again, and chipping away at the battle pass of Dragon Ball: The Breakers Season 5. I'm also planning to start up Mega Man 7 and Sonic Heroes relatively soon.

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Spin Attaxx was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.


So prior to replaying this, I had held the belief that in spite of the previous game being technically worse, this was the unlikable middle-child of the Game Boy Mega Man games in my books. The technically solid, but unfun and bullshit game sandwiched between the flawed and janky if ernest first two attempts at a portable Mega Man, and the latter two games that take the series to heights even the mainline games wouldn't for some time. After replaying Mega Man II and remembering just how flawed and janky that game was, I wondered if my opinion on this one would improve as a result.

No. No, I still kinda hate this.

Well, OK. I don't hate the first half (much). Sure, by now we've largely abandoned the idea of combining the two games' assets in interesting ways in favour of diet versions of the original NES stages, but there's still some slight differences that make them stand out. I like that Snake Man's stage now occurs within a jungle rather than what looks like a non-descript tower, and it's neat that the Charge Shot can clear the Pole eggs in Gemini Man's level easily at the cost of not getting any power-ups from it. Other than that, uh. Yup, it sure is half of Mega Man 3, but black and white and with slightly different boss patterns that always throw me off.

It's when we go to the second half of the game that I have more to say. First off, yay - they clearly marked the second set of stages this time! No need to look up a guide to see what teleporter leads where! Weapon ammo is refilled after every level, so resource management's not an issue if that's a bother for you. The Mega Man 3 weapons are still useful even in these latter stages (though ironically I seldom used Shadow Blade, while Search Snake and Spark Shock were reliable standbys). I even like that the level backgrounds visibly imply you're inside the Wily Castle the whole time, unlike in II. Skull Man's level also gets rather beautifully trippy in its final stretch.

It's just too bad the difficulty sharply shoots up here. You WILL hate Shield Attackers after playing these. Very often, you'll be minding your own business, only to get jumpscared by them as they fly in from nowhere, and they'll almost certainly slam into you before you know it because of the smaller screen size. Dive Man's stage suffers from the Game Boy's smaller screen size and altered water physics compared to its original NES iteration, has Mets that attack before you can counterattack, and small manta ray robots that do a deceptive amount of damage. I can't play the latter half of that stage without getting nervous.

And then there's Dust Man's stage. Someone was extra spiteful when making this. Now, I haven't played (much of) Mega Man & Bass, something which is probably not going to change, but I'm still willing to bet that (at least when it comes to raw level design and putting aside bosses) Dust Man's stage here is the single worst level in all of classic Mega Man with just about no redeeming aspects. Imagine, if you will, several extremely tight jumps over pits, pits with enemies that jump out of them. Enemy setups that are downright cruel, like being thrown into a big bulky enemy the moment you cross over a pit. The aforementioned Shield Attackers that come from nowhere. A crusher section that's slow to go through, and has to be redone if you die (which you will do). An overreliance on Rush Coil to cross a long spiked floor, then to get up onto a ladder, THEN to scale a wall - and if you happen to run out of energy at that latter part, you're trapped and given a single spike to commit suicide against. The inability for Rush Jet to aid you (naff as it is in the Game Boy games from this point on) because you get the Rush Jet from Dust Man. And every time you think the level's almost over, it just keeps going and going and going and going.

Honestly, after Dive Man and Dust Man, everything else is practically a blur. Punk feels like nothing after them, and even the trickiest parts of the final Wily level don't come anywhere close to what Dust Man's stage has. Even Wily himself is more annoying to fight than really difficult. Didn't use Screw Crusher as often as I'd have liked in the stage itself, but by this point honestly I just wanted to be done with this one.

So yeah. Not likely to come back to this one for a long time. Not when the next two games are infinitely better in every way. Being real, I think I liked Mega Man II more than this. Maybe.


Edited by Spin Attaxx
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Haven't completed a game this week, but I can safely say I made some very good progress on Super Mario 3D Land, as I've completed a good chunk of the special worlds by now. Also, I started playing some rom hacks lately, starting with a complete product: Hellfire Saga, for which I think I've made some good progress as well? I'm not sure, it's the first time I'm playing it, but it certainly feels like I've made good progress.

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Danj86 was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

Registered Games

  1. Sonic The Hedgehog: Triple Trouble 16Bit

  2. The Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown  -  1st: 100% Completion

  3. Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series P1 - Klonoa: Door to Phantomile

  4. Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series P2 - Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil

  5. The Pedestrian

  6. Another Code: Recollection P1 - Another Code: Two Memories

  7. Another Code: Recollection P2 - Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories

  8. Touhou: Luna Nights - 2nd: 100% Completion

  9. Afterimage - 3rd: 100% Completion

  10. Yohane The Parhelion -Blaze in the Deepblue- - 4th: 100% Completion

  11. Metroid Dread - 5th: 100% Completion

  12. Mario vs Donkey Kong (Switch Version) - 6th: 100% Completion

  13. Metroid Prime Remastered

New Additions

14. Tevi - 7th: 100% Completion



I actually prefer to write my posts on the Saturday, but the progress of my two active games was in the final stretch, I might've been able to complete them both 100% on Sunday, which is today and what I managed to do. First up will be what I consider to be the last of my made up theme month entries in March-O-Vania, Tevi. It's fairly standard and from the same developers who made another Metroidvania I played called Rabi Ribi. I could tell because Rabi Ribi also had bullet hell elements which Tevi also has. I was also suspicious because the protagonist in Rabi Ribi was an actual bunny girl and that appeared to be true for Tevi too. Spoiler Alert, you learn pretty early in the game that those rabbit ears are fake and she's actually a human.

Something I didn't expect was the sheer amount of lore and world building put into what I believe is a humble indie game. I hate to admit it, but as I was getting further into the game, it was becoming a little too confusing and I ended up skipping dialogue most of the time. Something Tevi does that I don't think is commonly used in Metroidvania's is a mechanic you'd more likely see in an RPG. The game calls them Sigils but they are basically badges like in the classic Paper Mario games. You can build up the points required to equip them and gather a significant amount to become devastating. I might've been over leveled for the final battles since I was having difficulty finding collectibles and wandering around, beating up monsters and...well, the game was tougher in those earlier fights...

15. Princess Peach Showtime! - 8th: 100% Completion



No save file to show progress in this game. My pictures consist of a unique dress that can be purchased after finding all the games main collectables and a shot of the Album, specifically a section you only unlock in the post game which is...somewhat slightly spoilery in nature. In the process of making sure I got everything for the 100% completion, I learned that the developers of this game were Good Feel. You might remember them for developing Yoshi's Crafted World and Yoshi's Wooly World.

So as a new stand alone game, Princess Peach Showtime! appears solid enough. Simple and easy to pick up and play for it's target audience of little girls, it's challenge comes from searching for collectables. They are called Sparkles and function as Stars did in Super Mario 64. Something else this game does, reminds me of a gimmick I can recall from Wario World on the GameCube. They both have small challenge rooms hidden within the levels which offer coins, a Sparkle or something else.

It's also interesting that this game does the same thing that most main Mario titles do, whether it is F.L.U.D.D. a white Luma or Cappy, a certain brother might even opt for a version of a poltergust. These games start out by giving you something new that lets you access new abilities which is essential in the adventure ahead. For Princess Peach, this comes in the form of Stella, who is....character wise, not much of one. But these companions usually are like that. The more dialogue focused RPGs have time and narrative to build up companion characters, but I'll always take a bland nothing character over Starlow. She was fine in her first game, but became obnoxious and mean to the lovable Luigi far too often as she kept being brought back.

So, thanks to Stella, Princess Peach can access the power of Sparkla, a type of positive energy. Grape, the games antagonist, uses a power called depression, I-I mean, Darkle which is the opposite. She specifically seeks to create tragedy, who I see as a very plausible goal since tragedy is a common genre in theatre. Also, since theatre is the theme, it does have a little more focus on story. But not the story of Peach vs Grape, they add focus to the stories in the plays which are levels. This becomes one of my biggest problems with the game. The majority of the time, you cannot speed up the dialogue so you are forced to go at the games pace. This can grow to be a major annoyance if you are a completionist that desires all the game hides from you because the pace breaking story featured in the levels, is still there on repeat playthroughs of the stages. Some collectibles are pretty well hidden, especially in the post game content. You will lose patience quickly if you're struggling to find something after playing a level four times. If the game allowed you to skip them or speed them up, at least once you complete them for the first time, that could've helped mitigate this issue.

I am tempted to explain the slight gameplay shifts that the costumes engineer, but that feels like major spoilers so maybe I shouldn't. You will find some stage types weaker than others and that will depend on your own preference.

Edited by Danj86
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Quick question.

I know this week's rewards are running late, but was wondering;  As I've completed (and 100%ed) 14 classic sonic games, should I have recieved my reward badges / console rewards for 10 games completed and 10 games 100%ed or are they being given out later?? 

Edited by castell-neath
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17 minutes ago, castell-neath said:

Quick question.

I know this week's rewards are running late, but was wondering;  As I've completed (and 100%ed) 14 classic sonic games, should I have recieved my reward badges / console rewards for 10 games completed and 10 games 100%ed or are they being given out later?? 

They will be given out at the same time as your rewards for the week.

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13 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

They will be given out at the same time as your rewards for the week.

Thank you for this info - much appreciated!!! 

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hi guys
no games this week but i want the sonic adventure gift
also i am playing 3d land/world rn

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Sorry for the delay in getting last week's rewards, guys - I will hand these out with this week's check-in rewards on Tuesday. Too many projects and IRL stuff happening this week to find the time. Apologies!

For that same reason I again have made little progress BUT! I did 100% another game - Assault Heroes on Xbox 360. Completed all stages but there isn't really any collectibles or anything to '100%' it so I'm considering it fully beaten.

Will edit this post later with screenshots and an updated progress list. :)

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Lady Marie was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

I'm happy to announce that I can finally take one of my in progress games off the board this week! With me being sick, I was able to make some good progress on some games and finally finish one of them!

Game #3: Spider-Man 2 (Finished)


I absolutely loved the first Spider-Man game and Miles Morales, and this sequel was a very good follow up to both. The swinging mechanic is still satisfying, and the combat system is on par with the Arkham series. While some of the fights were a bit frustrating sometimes and I kept messing up whether an attack could be parried or not, it was all the more satisfying when I was able to overcome those obstacles and get through the fight in only a few tries. I liked having the uniqueness between Peter and Miles with their ability sets; it really helped to make it feel like the best of both worlds in the previous two games merged into one. The music was also top notch as always, which helps make everything that much more impactful. I love me a good soundtrack.

In terms of the story, while it wasn't perfect, I think it was executed pretty well. Though I do have some complaints. It does feel like Miles' place in the story was almost an afterthought given how much of the story revolved around Peter, which is a shame. And by the end, I had almost completely forgotten that the hunters were a thing. Especially given Kraven's ending, which is almost felt... dissatisfying? Like all that hype and build up was made for Kraven in the beginning, only for him to go out so easily in just a few minutes. And everything around the different Venom suits, like MJ turning into Scream, felt a bit rushed and almost like they were trying to introduce / resolve conflicts that could have been fixed other ways? I don't know, it just felt like some things were a bit unnecessary given everything else that was already going on. 

Now, onto the positives: this game did make me cry several times (in a good way). The emotions around the situation with Harry and the deep bonds that the "Spider Gang" had with each other was so moving. It was also really nice to see how Miles had kind of taken up the mantle completely by the end to be able to take care of things on his own and how he and Peter both started to prioritize their personal lives more. I also thought it was cool to get some nice cameos from other Marvel characters in there, and the side quests felt meaningful and touching rather than something haphazardly thrown in. 

All in all, I'm looking forward to what'll happen in the next game! (I'm sure Norman will learn to stop injecting his son with sketchy stuff, right? ...Right?)

Oh, I should probably keep a tally of how many games I've finished and completed for challenge, so I'll start doing that now!

Finished: 3

Completed: 2

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Just a check in this week. We've moved onto Sonic Before the Sequel over on YouTube after finishing Sonic 3D in 2D. It's been a fun jaunt and my full thoughts will come in next week's update when we finish the game over on YT.

Had Sonic Yoda of SegaDriven suggest a generally difficult fangame, so may tackle that soon, but Superstars still looms...

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

TheKarmaCollector1994 was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

Games Finished/Completed So Far:

  1. Power Wash Simulator (XBOX One) - Finished 25/02/24
  2. Unpacking (XBOX One) - Finished 07/03/24 - 100% Complete - All Achievements Unlocked
  3. Tecmo Bowl (NES (Switch Online)) - Finished 09/03/24 - 100% Completed
  4. Sonic the Fighters (XBOX 360) - Finished 10/03/24 - 100% Completed - All Achievements Unlocked
  5. Super Mario Bros. (Super Mario All-Stars Version) (SNES (Switch Online)) - Finished 21/03/24 - 100% Complete - Star Worlds Included
  6. Donut County (XBOX One) - Finished 24/03/24 - 100% Completed - All Achievements Unlocked

Hey Guys!

So, just got time to post my check-in before this week’s deadline. First up: a progress update on some of the games I’m planning to complete. At this point, I still have a few Mario titles that I am in the process of running through, including Mario Bros. 2 and Mario 64, with a couple of others still in the pipeline (no pun intended) - I recently bought the Super Mario RPG remake and I plan on starting a run on that. I will also try to get a few more titles in over the next few weeks, so expect a few other surprises here and there.

Now you may have noticed that I mentioned my playthrough of Mario 64 is still in progress at the moment. Guys, please don’t hate me, but… I messed up. I will admit that I almost got to the end of the 120 Star run that I was trying to go for, and in my haste to get back into the game… I saved over the save state that I had on my Switch Online file, and I lost some of my progress. Not all of it, but quite a chunk of it disappeared as a result.

Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

So yeah, my bad. But rest assured I will try and make sure something like that doesn’t happen again. Expect me to have that revised run completed in a couple of weeks though, at best.

On a better note, though, I did manage to get another short game completed for another quick and easy achievement hunt:

Game 7: Open Roads (XBOX One) - Finished 31/03/24 - 100% - All Achievements Unlocked


Road trip? Whoop whoop!

OK, so it’s not quite the sort of road trip that Sonic and Tom experienced together in the first Sonic movie (the live-action ones), but this short yet sweet point-and-click adventure focuses on the road trips that a mother and daughter have together as they face the prospect of being kicked out of their home. As they travel through various locations across the northern USA and into Canada, you take on the role of Tess as she explores various locations that relate to her family’s history, uncovering secrets about their past along the way. I won’t spoil the story since the game has only just been released, but if you’re curious about exploring the mysteries of Tess and her mother Opal’s upbringing, as well as going on a quick achievement hunt that takes around about an hour to unlock all the achievements, I say that you should give this a try. It might be over quickly, but the story’s content was enough to keep me interested.




That’s all from me for now. Hope everyone is having a great Easter/Spring Break. Just be careful about April Fools Day tomorrow (at the time of writing it is tomorrow - don’t believe everything you read…)

See you later, guys! Take care!

Games Finished: 7

Games 100% Completed: 6

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Time for a very quick progress update while I still remember.

I started actually playing the DS version of Final Fantasy 4 and have just recruited Telah. To be honest I think I prefer Final Fantasy 3.

I also picked up John Romero's Daikatana on Steam, but I haven't gotten to the bit with the sidekicks yet.

On a final note, I finally got around to purchasing Amiga Forever for the Kickstart ROMs so I can now play Amiga games on the MiSTer. I really want to try out the Turrican games so those will probably be first.

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Emperor Robrainiac was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.


Status: Finished! (DLC completed)


Well, with the DLC, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is now done! Really fantastic game overall, I think I might like it more than Xenoblade 1, and I really loved that game as well.

But now, here are my thoughts on Torna, The Golden Country

So basically, this DLC is a prequel to the main game... when I first heard it was a prequel, I felt a little... eh towards it. as I'm not the biggest fan of prequels as more often than not I know how it's gonna end, and considering all mentioned of the country Torna was about how it doesn't exist anymore, I easily make the assumption that almost all of the characters are going to be dead by the end of it, which made me think it was going to be hard to get invested in it.

But, prequels have surprised me in the past before and it made me look at the original in a different way. And I'm pleased to say that this was one of the few prequels that did just that!

The prequel follows a woman named Lora and her Blade Jin, who is also of the base game's antagonists. They meet others along the way, such as Addam and Mythra, the former often mentioned in the base game as a legendary hero and the latter being a major character in the base game,  Hugo, a teenage king of a nation called Mor Ardain accompanied his blades Brighid and Agaeon (Both of whom are also characters in the base game), and two tagalong kids, Milton and Mikhail (The latter of whom is in the main game as one of the villains) Together, they go on a quest to stop the villain, Malos from causing more destruction across the world.

At first, while I was excited to play a bit more of Xenoblade 2 before moving on, I was still kind of iffy on the game being a prequel. Not to mention, I wasn't happy at first that the third act of the game locked the main story away until you did a certain amount of Sidequests... but I have to say, the game slowly grew on me, and I really came to love these characters. Hell, even the sidequests gave some insight to the main party and even developed them a little. I was enjoying it so much, I ended up forgetting that most of these characters were confirmed dead in the base game.

So needless to say, once the ending came around, it was gutpunch after gutpunch, with certain characters dying, the titular nation of Torna being destroyed, all wrapping it up with the moment before the main character Lora is killed, which is what sends Jin down his dark path in the original game. I have to admit, I got pretty teary eyed at some point during the ending.

Gameplay actually takes an interesting twist this time around. It's the similar real time RPG gameplay that's present in the base game and Xenoblade 1, but now you can actually play as the blades that accompany you... It's a really cool feature, and pretty fun switching out your character in the middle of battle. Definately something that would have been really cool in the main game.

But overall... I really loved this DLC and this game. It's been a rough few month for me IRL, but this was a game that really got my mind off the stresses in real life, and despite some weird, goofier moments, it's balance of lightheartedness and dark tone had a certain charm to it and I couldn't help but chuckle along with the more sillier moments. It's a game with very likeable characters, fun gameplay, a good story, nice music, and a world I like exploring in. I guess the biggest problem I have with this game though is its gatcha elements. God have mercy on those who want to complete the main game, because good lord the RNG is going to make you wanna pull your hair out.

I admit kinda sad it's over, but it'll definitely be a game I'll be revisiting in New Game+ and very much like Skyrim did when I was in a stressful place a long time ago, it'll be a nice game to play if I'm feeling down.

On a different note, I started to play Xenoblade 3. I was gonna play for a couple of hours to get a feel for it... I ended up playing all day when I wasn't helping out with my family with Easter dinner lmao. You'll hear my thoughts on it at a later date, but for now, I wanna take my time on that game and focus on some shorter games.

Edited by Emperor Robrainiac
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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Winston was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 30 points.

I didn’t have a whole lot of time to game this week again sadly. Not much to say either from what I can think of right now. 

I’ve made a bit more progress in the current Fortnite Battle Pass. I enjoy the many different abilities this season grants you, the mobility has been quite a bit of fun. Even if the battle pass itself this time isn’t as interesting to me, I certainly enjoy the gimmicks they’ve introduced so far this season.

The other game I’ve been playing still is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, same as last week. I got to Costa del Soul this week, and I don’t really recall everything I said last week, but I’m still enjoying myself with it. I also finally got good at the card game, even if I still haven’t enjoyed it the most, but at least I can do it consistently. The cruise mission with it where you’re in the tournament forced me to get good. I could’ve quit at any time but I wanted to get it done. I don’t consider that too big of spoilers but if people think so I’ll block it out.

I also didn’t get back to Pikmin 1 this week, but I’m looking forward to trying to finish it too sometime before the end of April I hope.

That’s my update this week though. I wish I could’ve had more but I just ran out of time. I hope I can finally move into some more retro and short games this week, just to get some more stuff marked off, and try to make more progress in Rebirth.

Edited by Winston
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Weekly Update:

Batman Telltale series has been coming along smoothly. I'm considering going for multiple different takes with each session. One for my most preferred methods, and one for a storyline that feels like it flows well with the alternatives.

The Ace Attorney series are coming along swimmingly as well, no surprise there.

And the Transformers War For Cybertron series is a nice return to memory lane. I cannot stress enough, the particular genius that goes into those games. Perhaps such can be fleshed out better upon completion.

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Progress Report:

Sadly, not a lot of progress was made in my games this week. With exams coming up, I can barely find the time to game for long periods of time. Hopefully soon things will start to ease up.

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Doing my check-in, but I'm a bit short on time so I'll keep it extremely simple.

Game Number 19/52: Kirby's Dream Land 3 (100% Complete)

Game Rating: 5 Out Of 5:


Game Number 20/52: Sonic CD (Tails) (100% Complete)

Game Rating: 5 Out Of 5:


Game Number 21/52: Sonic Adventure 2 (Finished)

Game Rating: 5 Out Of 5:


Games Finished: 12

Games Completed: 9


Edited by KingSonicFan134
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#10/52 - Katamari Damacy REROLL (PC)

All levels completed, all presents obtained, didn't complete the item compendium because there's an unreasonable amount that would require dozens more hours to meticulously fill out so whatever.


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Shit, forgot to say something on sunday. Anyways i haven't done anything this week, recovering from the last one

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Failinhearts was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.


Changing up how I am posting from here on out! Failin's Postgame is now a blog featuring each game I played! Today, I have played Skylanders Trap Team on the 3DS! Check out my... VERY detailed thoughts below!




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