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Cdjblue makes the rest of us look like n00bs.

Hazuki Heartwood

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Wow, I suck worse then my mom in comparison. And she runs off the edges on purpose in these sorts of games.

I want to start a new religion, but I don't know if I should worship him as a god or detest him because he must have sold his soul to be this good.

Edited by Hazuki Heartwood
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Oh the days when I would do this shit with all the characters, including Amy. (I wish I hadn't)

Oh? Out of curiousity, why?
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Sonic Advance 2... just isn't one of those games that I ever felt good completing 100%. Rather than feel a sense of accomplishment like I would with other (better) games, I just thought to myself, "Why did I ever do that shit?" The requirements this game sets for total completion are utterly ridiculous even for a Sonic game, and it's so ridiculous that it surpasses that satisfying feeling of accomplishment and comes all the way back to feeling like you just wasted so much of your life doing it.

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Ah, yes, I know what you mean.

Collecting 7 Sp. Rings without dying 7 times with 5 characters is rediculous. It's like the programers were trying to torture us.

I thought you had something against Amy. I like the color pink and her design, but her voice and personaility annoys me.

Edited by Hazuki Heartwood
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Man, I used to do that shit in my sleep. When I was in my Sonic Advance 2 optimal stage, every single 2-2 level, I knew the perfect (and coolest) routes to take, It doesn't take much, just some memorization and you're set, and of course, to complete the games true ending, you had to be somewhat of an expert at the special ring collecting art, however minimal.

Ask anyone who got the true ending without cheating devices and they'll tell you that the methods they used weren't far off from this. ;D


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That is a pretty normal time. Dispite the flashy moves, most of them weren't needed. He could have shaved off a good 20 seconds not using the jump-boost move every time he jumped.

Other than that it's pretty normal. Once you get all the emeralds and stuff you're so good at the game you can pretty much fuck up any level you want and do it damn well.

Also, you could always try it with 999 rings (AR cheat) and it gets a bit harder as you go full speed in under five seconds.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about the nifty little ring acceleration system, that my friends, took collecting special rings to the next level, I definitely have to try that 999 ring trick, the most I've done was like 300 and the acceleration was pantsu tearing.


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Man, I used to do that shit in my sleep. When I was in my Sonic Advance 2 optimal stage, every single 2-2 level, I knew the perfect (and coolest) routes to take, It doesn't take much, just some memorization and you're set, and of course, to complete the games true ending, you had to be somewhat of an expert at the special ring collecting art, however minimal.

Ask anyone who got the true ending without cheating devices and they'll tell you that the methods they used weren't far off from this. ;D


I used an FAQ Special Ring guide. :P

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Man Sonic Advance 2 wasn't my best sonic game at all. The whole special ring system threw me for a loop, and I refused to look up a guide for it. I'm not gonna lie, I've never truly beaten the game, but I'm just amazed by this guy's performance.

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That's a pretty sweet run, but for the most part color me unimpressed. Back when I still had a GBA, I'd do runs like that. Sure, I wasn't much better than this guy, but the requirements they make you go through to get the Chaos Emeralds are ridiculous, especially if they don't reward you with a "Super Sonic in-game" mode, and the Special Stage is a pain in the arse to control in the first place anyway. All that work for nothing.



Okay, NOW I'm impressed.

Edited by Indigo Claus
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The Sonic Advance 2 Strategy Guide from Prima is a wonderful thing (I own the e-version).

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I used a map in paint and drew the path I could take to get the rings. Eventually, after a while, I could memorize the locations. In fact, if I go back, I may be able to find probably 4 or 5 of the rings.

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I don't see what's impressive about it. Having played it and beat it myself, it just looks like stuff I pulled off on a bad day. It was a decent run thru tho. But anyone who has did this and more.. won't be impressed.

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Got all the Chaos Emeralds with every character. Unlocked Amy. Did the same thing with Amy.

Funny thing is most of it is just a blur to me. Maybe my mind blocked out how awful it was. :P

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Wow, I suck worse then my mom in comparison. And she runs off the edges on purpose in these sorts of games.

I want to start a new religion, but I don't know if I should worship him as a god or detest him because he must have sold his soul to be this good.

Hahaha, that's awesome.

I didn't even know half of those jump-moves existed, and I've 100%-ed the game! :3

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Suggest a topic name change: "Sonic advance 2 speedruns topic".

I remember SADV2's chaos emerald runs they were a bitch to get on some levels esp. this one:

This guy did pretty good on the last level.

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