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Sonic gives you himself in Sonic Forces Mobile and Dash!


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32 minutes ago, DaBigJ said:

That's a cool costume, but how is this interesting in any way?

Gifts are always interesting.

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Ho Ho Ho! Gotta deliver gifts(?) Fast!

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7 hours ago, castell-neath said:

Tails elf needed!

Yes, that would be the cutest little thing ever!

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  • The title was changed to Sonic gives you himself in Sonic Forces Mobile and Dash!

I guess now we know how Santa is able to travel the entire world and deliver gifts in just one night. Supersonic speed.

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I love Snowdrift Sonic!!...
For me, he's not Sonic the Hedgehog but a doppelgänger from what I call the "Christmas Dimension", along with Santa Big, Elf Classic Sonic, Jingle Bell Amy and Nutcracker Silver!!...
(Well, we know there is a multiverse in the series, confirmed by one of the lattest issue of Tails'Tube, and moreover the game deals with the Phantom Ruby and Phantom Ruby prototypes which alowed Classic Sonic to travel through time to appear in a different dimension in SONIC FORCES which is his future in which his Modern version lives...)
In addition, every doppelgängers in the game have different special attacks and stats from the "prime" characters...

Anyway, I've got a very big problem with SONIC FORCES : SPEED BATTLE and it started yesterday : I can no longer race!!...
Let me explain...
I was very happy because I could collect many rings to improve my Special Characters in the current Chrono Silver event but suddenly things changed : Now, when I want to play, I select a runner as usual but the game starts loading and never ends loading, so I can't play anymore!!...
What's very strange is that I can still watch adds and open chests but nothing else!!...
Is it the same for you or have you ever had the same problem with the game?!...
And what can I do to make the game work again because I've uninstalled and reloaded the game many times but it's always the same?!...
Thank you for your help...


Edited by Vlad the Vampire
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New headcanon: Sonic did a spin-dash through the snow and that's why he's got snow sticking to his quills.

Also, has anyone else noticed that his back spikes are sticking out through his coat?

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5 minutes ago, Lorekitten said:

New headcanon: Sonic did a spin-dash through the snow and that's why he's got snow sticking to his quills.

Also, has anyone else noticed that his back spikes are sticking out through his coat?

It’s a special coat Amy gave him

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I had to do a double take when I saw the first one where his outfit is silhouetted, I thought he was wearing a dress lmao 

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5 minutes ago, cosmichaos said:

I had to do a double take when I saw the first one where his outfit is silhouetted, I thought he was wearing a dress lmao 

"...I lost a bet with Knuckles."

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