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Feedback Forum: Site Design Feedback Nov/Dec 2023


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I wanted to kick off a quick little topic to poll people's opinions on the site itself, and be proactive in offering a space for you guys to tell me what, design-wise, could be improved.

To give you some context, at the start of the year, I did a big "Reader Survey" that was super helpful for me and helped shape some of the updates you've seen over the last few months. I'm actually thinking of doing another one at the start of 2024 (the benefit of that is that it's open to non-members as well, casual readers etc), so I wanted to get ahead of that a little bit and sort of do a mini-survey here. :wave:

In an attempt to give this topic some focus, I'd like to ask specifically about the site's design. It might be brand new for those of you who only visited the old Wordpress before July 2023, but for longtime SSMB'ers this design has been active since arounds 2021 - however, there have been little tweaks and evolutions here and there over the years.

Here are some example questions as thought-starters, I'd be keen to hear your thoughts. Note that these Qs relate to the overall 'header navigation' but you are free to let me know any feedback about other design elements of the site (the way Wiki pages are displayed, for example, or Forums organisation):

  • How easy is it for you to navigate to your favourite section of the site?
  • Do you mostly browse the site on Desktop, or Mobile?
  • On Mobile, do you like the Drawer popup menu system, and is it simple enough to navigate?
  • On Desktop, do you appreciate the dynamic pop-up drawers that appears when you hover over a menu item?
  • Can the 'sticky' menu bar be more useful for you? Are there options that you would prefer to have on the bar that aren't on there / instead of others?
  • Overall, how aware are you of the different sections of the site (Calendar, Blogs, Gallery, Wiki)? Are you curious to visit these sections? Why/Why not?

Let's have a chat! :tea:

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A way to tell whether reactions are positive or negative, as some are unclear.

(And possibly more reactions if that's not too much of a hassle.)¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

Edited by Knight Terror
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So, I've seen this place expand A LOT. And needless to say, it hasn't really been difficult to navigate regardless of how I browse the site.

I mostly browse on mobile, but I find myself using the Desktop more and more as I do work online. The dynamic pop-up does take some getting used to, as I tend to be finnicky with my mouse at times.  I do think a sticky bar might be a bit more helpful for those who find it annoying to keep the pop-up from flicking off to something different if that happens.

As for the auxillary parts, the calendar, blogs, and wiki? Some parts like the wiki are very underdeveloped, but that's only because it's a recent addition and you can pretty much find other wikis out there for what one is looking for. SSMB has been more of a social and news hub than one for a wiki--I'm not sure what it'll take to expand upon these sections, but it doesn't encourage much vistation given the alternatives. The Calendar at least keeps folks informed of upcoming dates for releases and other details, but that's kind of a given.

I can't really think of much to improve, however. I've been around for so long that I've seen majority of the changes that have happened when this place had to rebuild after two server wipes, but that's my input at least.

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To go through these briefly:

  • How easy is it for you to navigate to your favourite section of the site?

I would say mostly easy enough on desktop. I do have to admit that I think it would be better if we could customise what we want our home page to be (Specifically - if you want the one with the news, events, etc), or if you want to go directly to the forums. I do have to admit that even awhile after the revamp, I do find my muscle memory still instantly clicking the Sonic Stadium banner to try refresh the forums, which instead brings me to the home page.

I feel maybe it would be better to make the Sonic Stadium banner be the forums redirect again, but perhaps have the home page button become more obvious on the site's header (Right now, you have to hover over it to see it's the homepage button).

  • Do you mostly browse the site on Desktop, or Mobile?

I mainly use desktop, both on a computer and tablet. I do use mobile occasionally too, but I do find it can be a bit annoying, as the popup ad that usually appears at either the top or bottom, or the Sonic Stadium app notification will block the notifications tab for awhile. 

  • On Mobile, do you like the Drawer popup menu system, and is it simple enough to navigate?

I think it's easy enough to navigate, especially since it's been like that on mobile for awhiles anyways, personally. 

  • On Desktop, do you appreciate the dynamic pop-up drawers that appears when you hover over a menu item?

I do like the dynamic pop-ups myself, but I do think they could do with slight rearranging, personally. Aspects such as clubs, the member shop, and so on are pretty heavily tied to the forum itself. I think part of it is because the forums tab makes you think 'It's the aspects of the forums itself', while really it's shortcuts to the sub-forums. 

I think it could be beneficial to perhaps rename the two sections, and organise them a little more - specifically have a main forum section which is the major aspects of the forum (IE - Member shop, our picks, status updates, etc), and then have the More tab specifically renamed to 'Sub-Forums'. That was, it becomes clear which is meant for the major sections of the forum itself, and then which section will give you the shortcuts to the different forum elements. As it is, it does feel major parts of the site is a little hidden to get to (Statuses, Clubs, Member Store, etc).

I also think moving the events tab back to the main page would highly incentivise using the calendar more again.

  • Can the 'sticky' menu bar be more useful for you? Are there options that you would prefer to have on the bar that aren't on there / instead of others?

I think I accidentally answered this one in my previous portion, so I'll just point back to what I said about renaming the Forums and More section to be more clearer. 

*Side note, as much as I like Mighty, I think the icons could be updated every now and then, especially as the games are currently pushing Amy to be part of Team Sonic. Feels like a minor revamp to include Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles as the major four icons would be a nice touch.

  • Overall, how aware are you of the different sections of the site (Calendar, Blogs, Gallery, Wiki)? Are you curious to visit these sections? Why/Why not?

I am aware of them personally, and I have interacted with a few of them (Calendar, Wiki). I wouldn't really say I have any particular reason why I use/don't use them. For the calendar, I do use them as I create a lot of SSMB events, and I've gotten into the habit of trying to help out with the release calendar and such, especially with the likes of Forces events and so on.

I haven't really got much of a reason to create a blog as of yet (Could change once Sonic Musical Spectacular ramps up again, as it could be used for progress updates and the like). I don't have many art assets to share, but I do know @Danj86 has set up a gallery for our Musical Spectacular stuff. So I wouldn't say I have anything in particular here.

As for other random suggestions off the top of my head:

- I think expanding the achievement system a bit could be a really cool thing. Right now, it's being used for things such as news tips, being a great community help, checking in over a series of days, anniversaries, etc, which is great. However, these could be used for a fun way to automate a new member's introduction to the site, or even incentivise older members to check out new functions.

Have a 'newcomer' achievement set that gives a sub-set of achievements for interacting specifically with things they'll need to learn to get to grip with SSMB (IE - Creating a status update, joining a club, checking out the wiki, leaving a like on a gallery page, etc). 

Then, you could also have sets of achievements for the new functions of the site. Creating a certain number of events, making a gallery and adding to it, making a blog post, etc. 

I think there could even be ring awards attached to the achievements to give a little more of a push towards going for them, even if it was something like 100 rings per achievement, or something. The member's store is just meant to be a fun thing anyways, so it would be a nice way to encourage more interactions with the site's features. I know some is already integrated, but more could be there IMO.

- In general, I think expanding on the rings would be a fun new addition to the site. We've already got quite a few as it is, and some that integrates the site's features (events, clubs), but I think more could be done. Perhaps rings for status updates (A lower amount, due to the smaller effort required in making a status compared to post/topic), rings for creating a blog post, rings for contributing to the Wiki (Personally, I think this would be highly important, because the Wiki - while a fun project - does take quite a lot of effort to make a concise page, with not nearly as much payoff as the topics).

- I think it could also be neat if there could be a way for community events to give rings as rewards, and might incentivise a few more of them to be made throughout the year, and give a nice incentivise for participating.

- While I'm sure it's in the works, I think expanding the member's shop would be fun too. Maybe making a few new specific collections for people to go after, like Archie exclusive characters, AoStH/SatAM characters, X, Sonic the Comic, etc. Could even be themed ones like a Halloween set or a Christmas set. 

- New reactions would always be a fun addition, as mentioned above.

That's about all I can think of for the time being.

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I’m gonna second the addition of more characters to the member shop!

I would buy Egg Boss Conquering Storm with the quickness the moment she’s added.

How would we go with the other SatAM characters tho? Would you use their classic designs or their Post-Genesis Wave designs? Cuz I personally favor their Post-Genesis Wave looks, even if that’s no longer canon. I’d rather they be remembered looking like that more.

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3 hours ago, CrownSlayer’s Shadow said:

I’m gonna second the addition of more characters to the member shop!

I would buy Egg Boss Conquering Storm with the quickness the moment she’s added.

How would we go with the other SatAM characters tho? Would you use their classic designs or their Post-Genesis Wave designs? Cuz I personally favor their Post-Genesis Wave looks, even if that’s no longer canon. I’d rather they be remembered looking like that more.

Personally, I think there could just be multiple collections for the pre reboot Archie universe, post reboot, Egg Bosses, etc. Would make the most sense to me at least, given the high number of characters.

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4 hours ago, CrownSlayer’s Shadow said:

I’m gonna second the addition of more characters to the member shop!

I would buy Egg Boss Conquering Storm with the quickness the moment she’s added.

How would we go with the other SatAM characters tho? Would you use their classic designs or their Post-Genesis Wave designs? Cuz I personally favor their Post-Genesis Wave looks, even if that’s no longer canon. I’d rather they be remembered looking like that more.

Is there comparison pictures?

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42 minutes ago, Knight Terror said:

Is there comparison pictures?

So this is Sally from the original cartoon:


Her old comic design follows this look as well:


But THIS is her latest look, her Post-Genesis Wave design in the Archie comics:


Her best look yet that is unfortunately barred from appearing again anytime soon. I prefer this Sally over all the others, cuz who doesn’t love freaking laser-swords?

Even more ironic as I never wanted Sally to be redesigned, but holy hell did this look change my mind and make me glad she was!

Edited by CrownSlayer’s Shadow
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One small site design matter I'd like to suggest is the ability for members to individually opt out of automatic global theme changes.

It's cool to get a Halloween or Christmas theme for the forums around those times of year, but some members are just going to immediately switch back to whatever they normally use.

If it'd be too much hassle to implement something like that, don't sweat it. Switching back takes only a few seconds, after all (if you haven't forgotten where the theme option is from months of never using it, anyway). It's definitely not an urgent need, just a small convenience that'd be nice to have.

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On the subject of holiday themes, I think the light blue text of the 'light' holiday theme is a bit too light; it makes it difficult to read without getting a headache. The dark mode is cool though (and I love how its banner has Shadow on it).

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I think much of the commentaries I'd make already have been addressed.

Not really a complaint, but something that felt heavy for me is that the website changed quite a lot in a small-time frame, to the point I'm still kinda lost with everything, especially with life taking much more time from me than it used to two/three years ago, so I could dedicate more to the forums.

I must agree that the top bar features links to places I'm not even sure where they take me, which I guess it's a bit annoying since it's mixed with some essential features.

I think it was Yesterday or Friday, I was looking for the status updates page, and I'm a little confused as to why such an essential feature is under the "More" section, and not the "Forums" section, as that is pretty much the second most important feature on SSMB for me, other than the topics itself (or I may dare to say it's the most important feature if you want to get up-to-date and don't have time to go through a bunch of topics' pages).

Usually, I always comment about having more intimate talks with users, or just places to bring a new topic to talk, but I must admit I still couldn't take the time I'd like to digest the new stuff like clubs, wiki and member shop. I feel like needing to read a short and direct SSMB manual to teach me the basics again.

Oh, and I agree that I still click the logo to reload the forums, and it takes me to the home page.

Answering the questions:

  • How easy is it for you to navigate to your favourite section of the site?

I can get through the basic of the basics on a daily 10-minute visit, but as I just mentioned, doing something slightly off from the usual, such as looking at all status updates, was harder than I expected.

  • Do you mostly browse the site on Desktop, or Mobile?


  • On Mobile, do you like the Drawer popup menu system, and is it simple enough to navigate?
  • On Desktop, do you appreciate the dynamic pop-up drawers that appears when you hover over a menu item?

I think it works really well for its purpose.

  • Can the 'sticky' menu bar be more useful for you? Are there options that you would prefer to have on the bar that aren't on there / instead of others?

As suggested, I feel a rearrange could work better, and the ability to custom with your most used features would be excellent.

  • Overall, how aware are you of the different sections of the site (Calendar, Blogs, Gallery, Wiki)? Are you curious to visit these sections? Why/Why not?

I think I was only aware of the Wiki, which, once again, as others already have mentioned, it's not much handier when you can just access the Sonic Wiki or Sonic Retro, though it's been a long time I found it weird that SSMB didn't have something like that, so it's a nice addition. However, it would be great if it was more complete, or possibly given some reward for those who help expand it, as it's not an easy task.

Gallery and Blogs look interesting, though I'm still unsure what's the difference from a blog to a topic.

I must admit if it wasn't this question, I would have never paid attention to the Sonic Calendar, I just realize I always scroll past it.

This also reminded me that the column on the right, on the forums main page, feels a bit too busy. I still miss when we had Status Update first, then topics. I feel the Blog Posts and New Replies are a bit useless, as I'd look for them if I were interested (e.g. opening a topic by looking through the subforums page or accessing the blog section to see if there's anything new). The Discord and Calendar section could be moved to somewhere they could fit better, but I'm not sure where. Like I mentioned for the pop-up drawers, if this list was customizable, it would be perfect.

Oh, and if you are on your profile, and you open a page in a new tab, it doesn't load the content.


Sorry for the long post, and I hope I didn't end sounding whiny. Just a lot of small feedbacks, I hope it can be worth and helpful. Of course, I still love this website and visit nearly every day, unfortunately, much less than I'd like to due to some other priorities.

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Here's an issue that's come up for me: when someone tags an user in the holiday version of Dark Mode in a comment made on status pages, the color scheme makes it difficult to read the tagged name.

Edited by Lorekitten
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Thanks for all the feedback so far guys - trust me no matter how whiny you think you're sounding, it's all super useful information for me to pool together.

I know there are some colour-scheme related issues I should tweak, I'd love to get on this this week if I can seeings as we're using a seasonal theme for default.

The big concern for me seems to be confirmed by some of you, which involves the user-journey and overall navigation. Some of you are looking for sections that you cannot find, are buried under certain menus, or don't seem to make sense from a 'forum' point of view. I know that the big News Site + Forum integration that happened in July is probably still being felt by some of you, so can see why SSMBers would click the logo expecting to be taken to the forum home still.

I don't know if this will offer any clarity right now on the subject, and I appreciate that relatively-speaking the site's evolution appears to be happening at a hundred miles an hour, but the over-arching meta-goal of this site+forums unification project is essentially to transform the Sonic Stadium into a broader Community Hub / Home for creative and discussion-hungry Sonic fans. Forums will really be just one piece of the overall puzzle as we add more sections to the site. So really instead of thinking that "Clubs" or "Gallery" is a sub-section of the Forums, it's better to think of them as their own individual sections of the larger 'Sonic Stadium' Community Hub.

I do know that a lot of work has to be done on the homepage to reflect that as well. At the moment, the homepage kind of reflects the Sonic News side the most because that's where a lot of our initial traffic hits (and it's a bit more difficult to structure a 'latest topics' feed in as engaging a way as a news story right now...), but rest assured a revamp of all of this is in the pipeline and is all part of the roadmap.

It's possible that we may leverage things like the Activity Feed or Our Picks in some way (both features intended to pull updates from all areas of the site into one place), but it's an area I'm still investigating. We are limited in what the site software can offer us in terms of how we can display and design things, but we are hoping that some changes are incoming on that side of things soon as well.

I like the idea of more things to buy in the Members Shop, and I hear you on the ability to earn in other areas of the site (unlike everything else, the Rings is actually part of a third-party extension of this site software, but I'm checking if we can further extend elements of this feature to account for earning Rings for Blogs, Wiki updates etc). Having said that, I do have some ideas relating to this that I will discuss with the team for the new year.

Keep it all coming guys, thanks again! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I have a lot to say about the way TSS/SSMB has been laid out for a while.

My first complaint really lies in the unification of TSS and SSMB. I get the idea in principle but it makes navigating the forum specifically a lot more annoying. When I click that big TSS banner at the top of the page I get sent to TSS, rather than Forum. This is just a minor point from a navigability point of view, but if you want to quickly reset yourself to the top of the forum the first place you'd try to go is the Site banner. However doing so now requires you to click multiple things to get back to the top of the forum. I get that you could click the 'forum' button, but its less obvious.

See the screenshot below. What are you most likely to see and click on if you quickly want to go back to the top of the forum?


So the suggestion from my front would be for the banner to link you back to the top of whichever part of TSS you're on. If you click it while you're in the Forum, it should take you back to the forum. If you're on News, back to News and so on and so forth. 

The second issue I wanted to talk about is also visible in the screenshot above. Look at all of that unused space. I have a 25" 1440p monitor. This is obviously not typical for everyone, but 1440p is increasingly a more popular PC resolution - even on Laptops nowadays. But a modern site should be able to utilise all of the available screen real-estate available to it. This just is not good enough. The Navigation Bar has so much space, and yet the links on it are so small. The space needs to be better utilised. And please do not fill that space with Ads.

The third issue is that I'm on the Forum, but the entire first block; 'Stadium Central' is essentially an announcement/community section. I have to scroll down before I can actually see the main 'Discussion Forum' - this is bad design. I'm sure you would like the community to engage with the Site Updates & Features section and the Community Section, but in my opinion that should not be front and centre. It can have a place high up the page so important things can be quickly accessed, but in my view this is a complete waste.

From a UI/UX point of view, people are less likely to engage in conversation if that requires scrolling down. This site isn't a Youtube video where the main content (i.e the video) is front and centre and discussion is below. Discussion should be front and centre in a Forum. At least in my opinion. A lot of this can probably be fixed with a site that better utilises navigable space - at least on desktop. Mobile would require a different approach which I'll be honest I'm not going to bother with because I don't really use SSMB on mobile.

Its annoying when there is some new Sonic Content that I have to dick about trying to look for where the conversation is. I honestly believe if those conversations were given greater importance on the screen in terms of where they are positioned, the engagement on those conversations would increase.

There is more I could dive deeper into, but at the moment I lack the time, but feel free to ping me if you want me to go into some more detail.

I hope this does not come across as too coarse, just providing some feedback. Cheers

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Thanks for the feedback @Scar- definitely some good points that are worth me taking into account, particularly with regards to forum frontpage listings. I do have some points though, and I only bring these up to clarify a few things.


So the suggestion from my front would be for the banner to link you back to the top of whichever part of TSS you're on. If you click it while you're in the Forum, it should take you back to the forum. If you're on News, back to News and so on and so forth. 

I like this idea in theory (it sadly can't currently be done with this version of the forum software, but maybe in a future version), but... I feel like the idea of the homepage has been misunderstood somewhat. Is it really a 'homepage' if its definition changes depending on what section of the site you happen to be on?

You seem to be coming at this as if the current homepage is 'News' (as in, the news-focused part of the site) and you would rather that homepage be 'Forums' instead. But the current homepage isn't just a 'Latest News' page - it's intended to be a landing page that touches all elements of the Sonic Stadium (not just news, but not just forums either). I feel like, with the site branching out to including loads of new features (including Member Shop, Events Calendar, Blogs, Gallery) there needs to be a single place where all of the hottest content from those nodes all appear, and logically it has to be the overall site homepage.

Now, there is a case to be made that the current homepage doesn't really serve its purpose as I described above very well (News stuff is at the top, it's the first thing people see so it's fair to assume it would be a 'news' focused homepage)... I can see that argument, and the current look of the homepage isn't where I want to keep it. I'm thinking of ways to redesign all of that in 2024.

But, there are probably ways we can tweak the header anyway so that it is easier for a user to quickly click over to Forums instead of the site logo if they fancy it... I'm thinking of all of these kinds of things for the near future too.


The second issue I wanted to talk about is also visible in the screenshot above. Look at all of that unused space. I have a 25" 1440p monitor. This is obviously not typical for everyone, but 1440p is increasingly a more popular PC resolution - even on Laptops nowadays. But a modern site should be able to utilise all of the available screen real-estate available to it. This just is not good enough. The Navigation Bar has so much space, and yet the links on it are so small. The space needs to be better utilised.

This suggestion makes me smile because I remember when I introduced what I called "Liquid Skins" on SSMB way back in like, 2007 or something which did exactly what you're asking for here (increase the size of the content areas to accommodate wider screen/browser sizes). The feedback I got then was instantaneous and almost fatal disgust from almost every member of the forum. 😅 Times change though, and there's probably something we can do in that department. However, the challenge would be in making sure content areas don't look too weird when stretched out too far...

All your other points seem fair, although I must say...


And please do not fill that space with Ads.

I do hope you're not using an adblocker on this site while making requests like this (I can't see any in the screenshot you posted)? I can't tell people what to block/not block, and I'm always trying to find the right balance between making sure I can actually afford to run this community without impacting user experience too much... but unless this site is whitelisted on your adblocker I'm not too interested in hearing suggestions about ad placements, sorry.

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2 hours ago, Dreadknux said:

Thanks for the feedback @Scar- definitely some good points that are worth me taking into account, particularly with regards to forum frontpage listings. I do have some points though, and I only bring these up to clarify a few things.

I like this idea in theory (it sadly can't currently be done with this version of the forum software, but maybe in a future version), but... I feel like the idea of the homepage has been misunderstood somewhat. Is it really a 'homepage' if its definition changes depending on what section of the site you happen to be on?

You seem to be coming at this as if the current homepage is 'News' (as in, the news-focused part of the site) and you would rather that homepage be 'Forums' instead. But the current homepage isn't just a 'Latest News' page - it's intended to be a landing page that touches all elements of the Sonic Stadium (not just news, but not just forums either). I feel like, with the site branching out to including loads of new features (including Member Shop, Events Calendar, Blogs, Gallery) there needs to be a single place where all of the hottest content from those nodes all appear, and logically it has to be the overall site homepage.

Now, there is a case to be made that the current homepage doesn't really serve its purpose as I described above very well (News stuff is at the top, it's the first thing people see so it's fair to assume it would be a 'news' focused homepage)... I can see that argument, and the current look of the homepage isn't where I want to keep it. I'm thinking of ways to redesign all of that in 2024.

But, there are probably ways we can tweak the header anyway so that it is easier for a user to quickly click over to Forums instead of the site logo if they fancy it... I'm thinking of all of these kinds of things for the near future too.

Its tough, I can't really tell you what direction to take the site, but I suppose my issue is that I think its better if different areas of the site are different. I understand the principle of what you're doing with TSS, but I think its perhaps not good for the Forum specifically. But then again, I've been around the block for over a decade over on SSMB and I got used to SSMB being distinct from TSS as a news org, and I generally preferred it that way.

Ultimately, its all about the cleanliness of the site. Right now I just find SSMB tough to navigate and I believe that separation is a better way to fix that, but of course if you can find a way to marry the two in a more effective way, that's fine too.

I do appreciate the thorough response mate.

2 hours ago, Dreadknux said:

This suggestion makes me smile because I remember when I introduced what I called "Liquid Skins" on SSMB way back in like, 2007 or something which did exactly what you're asking for here (increase the size of the content areas to accommodate wider screen/browser sizes). The feedback I got then was instantaneous and almost fatal disgust from almost every member of the forum. 😅 Times change though, and there's probably something we can do in that department. However, the challenge would be in making sure content areas don't look too weird when stretched out too far...

Ah yes. Times do change. I think web design has moved on a lot in the last 10 years, and from what little experience I have with some WebDevs I know professionally, dynamic scaling in sites is a lot better than it used to be. So maybe there is something there. Obviously I can't speak of the cost of doing it, so if it is a cost issue - which is fair enough - then I can understand the trepidation. However I do think its probably the most effective way of fixing some of the navigability issues. Just using screen space better means that things become more obviously visible.

2 hours ago, Dreadknux said:

All your other points seem fair, although I must say...

I do hope you're not using an adblocker on this site while making requests like this (I can't see any in the screenshot you posted)? I can't tell people what to block/not block, and I'm always trying to find the right balance between making sure I can actually afford to run this community without impacting user experience too much... but unless this site is whitelisted on your adblocker I'm not too interested in hearing suggestions about ad placements, sorry.

I have to say, perhaps my comment here came cross like me being an asshole - which if that's how you feel, its completely understandable.

I have TSS whitelisted, because the ads aren't that intrusive - and I respect that. So if I came across as a bit rude or coarse with that I do apologise. I've just been burned over the last 10 years with ads taking over web pages to an egregious degree.


Again though, I appreciate the response. TSS has been a stalwart in the Sonic Community for a long-ass time - longer than I've been on it, so I hope any feedback I give is useful to you all.

Edited by Scar
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