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Sonic the Hedgehog competition thread!

Hazuki Heartwood

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I thought it would be fun if we as a forum were a bit more competitive. With that in mind, I'm starting this thread for people to post any sort of record they want to, and see if anyone can beat it. I will post the high scores on this post. Let's make this intense! :D

I'll start with a record that I have avalible right now, and that is...

Sonic Advance 2: Leaf Forest Act 1, 59.22 seconds. Set with Cream.

Come on guys, post! Any sonic game is fine. :)

While you guys work on posting your records, I'll work on making this thread pretty.


Sonic Advance 2

Time Records

Leaf Forest Act 1:

1st Place: Black Spy with an amazing 37.23 seconds, set with Sonic!

2nd Place: Frozen Nitrogen with a very good 58.27 seconds, set with Cream!

3rd Place: Hazuki Heartwood with a decent 59.22 seconds, also set with Cream.

Hot Crater Act 1:

1st Place: Our speed demon Black Spy does it again with an extremely impressive 37.58 seconds, set with Sonic! Will anyone ever be able to beat him?!

Sonic Adventure 2

Time Records

Wild Canyon:

1st Place: Our first place goes to our very own Verte, who has a record of 24 seconds without any resets!

Edited by Hazuki Heartwood
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So flawless, I've been unable to replicate the performance!

I actually completed the first mission in SA2B's Wild Canyon in 24 seconds. I did not do the restarting cheat in which you can find emeralds faster should they be in your immediate starting vicinity, it was just luck. You'll have to take my word for it as that was accomplished on a file which corrupted and had to be deleted.

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Let me see.

Sonic Advance 2- Leaf Forest Act 1 (Sonic): 0:37:23

Sonic Advance 2- Hot Crater Act 1 (Sonic): 0:37:58

Both of these took me the better part of forever to perfect and around a week before I decided to quit. Infact, my Hot Crater time beat the best time on The Sonic Center by 0:00:10 seconds! Infact, I have TWO records that beat that time. 0:37:58, and 0:37:65.

Unfortunately, I do not have any way of showing the times until my sister's camera gets recharged. I really want to upload it to that site.

Edited by Black Spy
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Sonic Advance 2: Leaf Forest Act 1, 59.22 seconds. Set with Cream.

I see your Cream 59.22 and raise you a Cream 58.27.

Did it on an IRL DS, so you'll just have to take my word for it. ;)

EDIT: Aw, hells, Black Spy makes us both look like n00bz. ;_;

Edited by Frozen Nitrogen
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I can do pretty good on Sonic Advance 2 and it's my favourite Sonic game for Time Attacking but there's a problem with my game which I've seen other people on the net have.

I've 100% completed the game with all 5 characters and unlocked everything.

The problem is that one day my game froze when trying to save and leave the Tiny Chao Garden and then my Time Attack Records stopped saving after switching the game off. When you turn the game back on their all default 9:99:99 again and the Tiny Chao Garden problem also continues to happen every time and doesn't save the Chao data anymore either.

I'd delete the file and try again but since I've 100% unlocked everything I don't really fancy going through all the hassle of 100%'ing the game again. No way do I want to go through the hassle of those 7 special ring hunts and 7 special stages 4-5 times again >_<

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Alright guys, I've updated the records. I don't need to see any proof, as I'm going on the honor system here. I don't think anyone will lie. o.o

I don't accept records from people that aren't on our site, BTW.

And Black Spy, those records are rediculous. ._. I mean, holy hell, I can ALMOST understand the leaf forest one, but the hot crater one sounds so good it can't be true. I guess I'll take your word for it. I feel like a n00b now. XD

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Sonic Advance- Neo Green Hill Zone Act 1 - Sonic - 0:39:28 seconds

Sonic 1 - Green Hill Zone Act 2 - 0:28 seconds

Sonic Adventure DX - Windy Valley - Tails - 0:24:48

They're nothing ground breaking or even that great but they're a personal record so I thought I'd post them. I'll post more times when I get them.

EDIT:I just remembered one more record.

Edited by Blaziken
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I once completed Emerald Coast on Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast version) in 1:25, BUT DO NOT STICK IT ON YOUR FRONT POST UNTIL I UPLOAD PROOF!

Okay, yeah; so it's not an utterly fantastic level time, but I suppose it'll do for the time being...

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I've done a no death run of the original Sonic game, which wasn't fun the minuet I hit Scrap Barren Zone.

I've also completed Emerald Hill Zone blindfolded, but I'm pretty sure others can do that as well.

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I've done a no death run of the original Sonic game, which wasn't fun the minuet I hit Scrap Barren Zone.

I've also completed Emerald Hill Zone blindfolded, but I'm pretty sure others can do that as well.

Do Labyrinth zone blindfolded. Including the boss.
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Do Labyrinth zone blindfolded. Including the boss.

Oh god don't get me started on that course. I respect anyone who can that let alone the annoying boss for Labyrinth Zone.

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Only 13 replies? What nonsense!

Ahem, anyways,

. I've done much better than that before, I recall getting a time of 1:37 once but I didn't record it. Accomplished with Crest of Wind of course.

I was inspired by ONM's time attack section. Months ago, they listed a time of 1:31 for that mission which is a time that boggles me. Whoever did it must have been glitching.


Edited by Verte
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Oh, this definitely looks like something I can get into. I'm not the best at it, but I love competition in Sonic games, especially in Advance 3 and the Rush series. I even pulled a sub-0:30 in Green Hill, Act 1 (I'll try to get proof later!). Might not be something to be proud of, but I'm proud anyway.

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Jesus, I'm getting so f***ing annoyed right now. Now I can't even FIND my sister's camera and god forbid it actually charge it's dead battery. Of all the times an available camera had to be dead!

One of these days, I AM going to show my record of Hot Crater! I swear it! I just hope this topic is still open by the time I can show it.

In other records I can remember, I once won first in a 10 lap race on Night Chase on Sonic Riders after giving all the opponents a 3 lap head start.... And no, I DIDN'T use the High Booster.

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The only speed run I actually finished, have proof of, and is somewhat noteworthy is my 26 sec. GHZ run I did for an on-going contest. It's obviously not a record breaker, but for only an hour's worth of trying, I think I have right to feel proud of myself for that. <3

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Speaking of Sonic Riders.. I was absurdly good at it. I should be considering how much I played it. LOL 68,977 RINGS. These are older pictures too.

Metal City in 1'55"76 with Knuckles on the High Booster

Egg Factory in 2'27"48 with Knuckles on the Red Rock

SEGA CARNIVAL in 2'19"35 with Knuckles on the Red Rock

Night Chase in 1'51"26 with Knuckles on the Red Rock

Just a few times I'm particularly proud of. :3

I can crush you all with default Extreme Gear.

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Night Chase in 1'51"26 with Knuckles on the Red Rock

Just a few times I'm particularly proud of. :3

I can crush you all with default Extreme Gear.

Holy damn! I only got 1'55"something, USING THE LIGHT BOARD. (You can lock your speed to 240 using that thing.)


Edited by Black Spy
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Let me see.

Sonic Advance 2- Leaf Forest Act 1 (Sonic): 0:37:23

Sonic Advance 2- Hot Crater Act 1 (Sonic): 0:37:58

Both of these took me the better part of forever to perfect and around a week before I decided to quit. Infact, my Hot Crater time beat the best time on The Sonic Center by 0:00:10 seconds! Infact, I have TWO records that beat that time. 0:37:58, and 0:37:65.

Unfortunately, I do not have any way of showing the times until my sister's camera gets recharged. I really want to upload it to that site.



It's hard to see, but it's the best quality I could get. Any closer makes the numbers very blurry. I just hope it's readable enough.

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It's hard to see, but it's the best quality I could get. Any closer makes the numbers very blurry. I just hope it's readable enough.

Wait, what's that? I can... I can almost make it out...


I couldn't resist.

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It's hard to see, but it's the best quality I could get. Any closer makes the numbers very blurry. I just hope it's readable enough.

Damn. That's an insane time man. I've got something of my own that i'm proud of.

is Hidden Island 9 from Rush Adventure. I'm pretty sure no-one has gotten this low of a time. And, uh, sorry about the video quality, the camera is crap.
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Ah, here we go. I managed to scrounge up some of my best Advance 3 times:

Route 99:

Act 1- 55.58 (Tails & Sonic)

Boss- 1:01.07 (Cream & Knuckles)

Sunset Hill:

Act 1- 1:09.05 (Amy & Sonic)

Act 2- 35.42 (Cream & Sonic) ^^

Act 3- 1:35.63 (Tails & Sonic)

Boss- 40.67 (Cream & Knuckles)

Ocean Base:

Act 3- 52.63 (Sonic & Tails)

Boss- 45.63 (Sonic & Cream) Annoying as all hell to pull off.

Toy Kingdom:

Boss- 1:44.82 (Amy & Sonic)

Twinkle Snow:

Act 3- 1:11.23 (Cream & Sonic)

Boss- 44.93 (Knuckles & Tails)

Cyber Track:

Act 1- 1:18.58 (Cream & Sonic)

Act 2- 1:10.00 (Amy & Sonic)

Boss- 1:06.32 (Sonic & Cream)

Chaos Angel:

Act 1- 2:43.45 (Tails & Sonic)

Act 3- 2:16.27 (Tails & Sonic)

Boss- 45.07 (Cream & Knuckles)

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Ah, here we go. I managed to scrounge up some of my best Advance 3 times:

Sunset Hill:

Act 2- 35.42 (Cream & Sonic) ^^

Don't get too comfortable with that one. Seeing that time brought back my memories of playing Sunset Hill 2 over and over and over again. Tonight i just couldn't help but try to beat my personal best..which i did :3

19122009002.th.jpg 29:13 With Tails + Sonic. Sorry about the blurryness but my phone camera is horrible x3

And to this i'll add a video of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvNctmtqVCs. Since the making of that video i was able to lower my time to an insane 41.70. Sadly the emulator i was playing on was lost with my old computer.

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