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Sonic the Hedgehog IDW #63: Reader Reaction & Review


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Time to talk about IDW #63


We also have some promo art from Aaron Hammerstrom



Hey everybody! #IDWSonic Issue 63 is out today! I got to draw a short backup story featuring two of my favorite characters, Sonic & Blaze! Check it out and let me know what you think!!


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For some reason previews have been a bit all over the place for this issue, but we found some with our news story:

Looking forward to seeing people's reviews/opinions of the new issue here though! I've promoted the topic so more people can find it! :)

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Warning, spoilers!

I enjoyed this issue very much:) First part's about Diamond Cutters' adventures as they "train" Duo, (that turned into something) and second 'bout Sonic and Blaze just enjoying traveling around Sonic's world. 

Well, the story begins as they meet Silver that stuck in the past without anything to do, they invite him to help with training for Duo. You know, actually that was some kind of disaster for me 'bout Duo at all, cause when I first saw him on preview cover, I thought "Wow a new cool character? Yeah!!! A cat? Yeah!!! Diamond Cutter? Yeah!!! My new favourite? (Shadow don't judge me please) Yeah!!!" And then it's actually Mimic... Well, back to the story, Silver and Whisper found out that Duo IS Mimic, but Lanolin keeps guarding him. Yup, already can't-wait-till-next-issue-for-an-entire-month!

Second part starts as Sonic and Blaze running through traps in ancient cave (I'm not fantastic at zones admittedly yet), and then they go to Spagonia to enjoy the view. (As I enjoy viewing them!) Blaze still worries, as a princess, she should protect the empire and all like that. But always optimistic Sonic says "no worries, just enjoy your life" and all like that. Then they run to the sunset. And I can't-wait-till-next-issue-for-an-entire-month! 

At all, that's as usual amazingly interesting and inspiring! :ok:

(And that's my first review, don't judge me much please:)

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I really enjoyed reading this Issue on my Amazon Kindle app this morning. 


I love the Sonic Unleashed reference In the comic as well which was very welcomeing too.

Love the artwork the colours from Stanley she does amazing job on them as well. This was a joyful to read Issue #63 and looking forward to the next Issue #64 6 September 2023 (dates subject to change anytime)

I'm definitely looking forward to my 3 variant physical comics of Issue #63 coming this week to go with my other IDW Sonic physical collection 😊

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This issue is fine.

Story A is simple Mimic sabotage story. I liked the start with Belle and start was really promising, but... man Mimic is grossly incompetent. They on to him already? It's one thing he underestimated Whisper's sight. But failing to outsmart Silver is just sad. He made two mistakes in short successions, two failed assassination attempts, his lies were pretty weak and you know what's the worst part?

If that giant Chomp Chomp didn't show up, his plan would fail instantly Silver would grab the rocks and nothing would happen, but Whisper would already know he's a bad guy. So he had bunch of luck and was still to incompetent to use it.

Eh. I'm slightly disappointed. There is a chance he wanted Whisper to hunt for him and this is a trap, but I don't see how's that would work to his advantage.

Story B is... Sonic and Blaze on a date. Not officially of course , but they spend time alone together, run around, talk about feelings, were going to grab a food and at one panel held hands. This as close as we'll ever get a date between those two. Not gonna lie, I didn't seen it coming from Flynn. I was under the impression he's avoiding any ship fuel between Sega characters as hard as he can.

Regardless it's nice. Some good art, Sonic has cool lines. Like Knuckles Amy last issue, it's just relaxing characters doing nothing. Sometimes that all we need.

(I do find it weird that both Blaze and Silver have same thing on their mind: should I work harder or enjoy myself? Seems a bit repetitive.)

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Fuck literally EVERYTHING else about this issue.



I have had to watch this fanbase drool over Silvaze because of one stupid ass poorly written game, while every thing about Blaze and Sonic's dynamic was swept under the rug. 


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5 hours ago, Kuzu said:

Fuck literally EVERYTHING else about this issue.



I have had to watch this fanbase drool over Silvaze because of one stupid ass poorly written game, while every thing about Blaze and Sonic's dynamic was swept under the rug. 


That smile she gave Sonic on the last page so reminds me of the playful sarcastic looks Sally would give Sonic in SatAM.  These two just meld together so well...much better than Sonic and Amy.  

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Couple things I find amusing.



1.) In an issue they had to know would have been assaulted with a fine tooth comb for shipping content - they got sneaky and scored a cameo for Lah that is absolutely perfect. She even has a little heart emoji. Sonic/Lah confirmed and renewed. (Seriously tho, they need to bring those ghosts back)


2.) Sonic and Blaze always end up holding hands. Always.


3.) She brought the dress. Sonic willingly took this girl Shopping.


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16 hours ago, Kuzu said:

Fuck literally EVERYTHING else about this issue.



I have had to watch this fanbase drool over Silvaze because of one stupid ass poorly written game, while every thing about Blaze and Sonic's dynamic was swept under the rug. 


I second the statements in the following quoted post with great intensity. This issue absolutely gets the dynamic between Sonic and Blaze and why they mesh so well together in both action/adventure scenes and casual downtime. The two holding hands like usual was already nice, but Blaze being aware of it and blushing was adorable and icing on the cake.

I need more of these two together. Whether it's another comic issue, a animated short or preferably a game, I am fiending for more of my favorite duo. But for now, I'll just be greatful for this and it being as good as it was. Not bad, IDW team. Not bad at all.

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Honestly, it's just about what I expected. The Sonic/Blaze story is genuinely wonderful. Even outside of the shipteasing, I love the dynamic and the idea of the story, Sonic showing Blaze around his world in only the way someone that can keep up with him can do, how they discuss the beauty of their worlds, and that desire to protect it.

I actually really liked that they touched on that. A lot of Blaze's heroism feels more like duty (which they touched on with Knuckles in a previous issue), so I thought it was really cool how they balanced it by showcasing her and Sonic having that same love of adventure, that same desire to explore the world around them and see everything going on. 

Even more than that, while everyone is geeking out about the shipteasing, what I really enjoyed was something we don't often get nowadays - a callback to Unleashed's worldbuilding, I've always called it one of the best things showcased in Unleashed, how Sonic goes to all of these different diverse worlds, hangs around, checks out the locales, helps the people he meets because he's just that kind of cool dude who wants to help anyone. Seeing him talk about places in Spagonia as if it's like a second home is just really wonderful. Honestly makes me want a arc of Sonic just running around the world exploring.

But that's where my issue comes in again. I know I sound like a broken record, but please, please - just give the Diamond Cutters a break. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy Tangle and Whisper as characters, but I am genuinely tired of seeing the Diamond Cutters constantly in the book. Even when we get a spotlight story, it's Silver having to work with them, or it's a backup like the Sonic/Blaze story. They've been in a massive spotlight since before Issue 50, and even now, they're still constantly turning up and are even going to be in Endless Summer, where right now - the only other slated character in it is Sonic.

Ironically, it feels like when they ran out of ways to shove Starline into stories, it's now either Surge/Kit, who are back almost immediately after being defeated, or the Diamond Cutters. It really feels like they just feel a need to shoehorn in the original cast members in whenever they can for whatever reason.

Even worse, they already very quickly made this story pretty forced by having Mimic do a very OOC and stupid move by obviously tripping Silver up and trying to kill him. The careful, calculating character doing something so quickly boneheaded and in plain view of everyone, as well as quickly tossing away his disguise for no good reason? It feels like it was only there for Whisper to catch on immediately.

I'm also feeling like the conflict feels pretty contrived to make Silver feel awful about himself. Between how suddenly he decides he needs to help out, and the rather needlessly blunt way they turn the Diamond Cutters on Silver, it doesn't fit. It also really doesn't do wonders for Lanolin of all characters to try and pull the "You have no right to screw up!" card when the literal previous arc was specifically about the Diamond Cutters' first mission being botched out of the gate and them nearly paying a price for it. 

Considering that Lanolin was a cameo character that got promoted up to main role, I really feel like they need to do a way better job of showcasing why we should like her, especially as part of the same team as Tangle and Whisper, who are heavily more established and have had more work done to endear us to them.

Because so far, all we got of Lanolin is being serious, doubting herself sometimes, and now randomly apparently not holding others to that same standard if they happen to mess up. I also feel like it was weird how Whisper saw Silver be pushed, yet didn't even try to come to his defence. You could argue maybe she was trying to be pragmatic, but I don't know, honestly it just feels like it was only there to push conflict for not much reason.

It was a alright issue, but nowhere as good as Issue 62. I'd rather have more stories like last issue's Knuckles/Amy teamup, and this issue's Sonic/Blaze teamup than what feels like going through the motions with the Diamond Cutters. 

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On 8/18/2023 at 5:30 PM, Ryannumber1gamer said:

 I've always called it one of the best things showcased in Unleashed, how Sonic goes to all of these different diverse worlds, hangs around, checks out the locales, helps the people he meets because he's just that kind of cool dude who wants to help anyone. Seeing him talk about places in Spagonia as if it's like a second home is just really wonderful. Honestly makes me want a arc of Sonic just running around the world exploring.

Couldn't agree more. Seeing some of the fruits of his globetrotting labors helps to tie the world together and push Sonic's "enjoy the world" mentality. Just a few off the cuff comments about food, and not only are you name dropping a few easter eggs for the hardcore crowd, but your also showing the reader that Sonic lives the life he's always talking about.


That being said, I find it funny that Sonic somehow thinks he needs a reservation to do anything. Pretty sure if he showed up with a Smoking Hot Princess on his arm, the wait staff would sparta kick half the customers in the building out the back door to make room for them. lol.

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Cover A thumbnail. Art by Gigi Dutreix.


Cover A inks. Art by Gigi Dutreix.


Cover A pencils. Art by Gigi Dutreix.



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I'm probably one of the few people disappointed by Unleashed World-building.

Don't get me wrong, Greek Mediterranean architecture is lovely. It's good to be used as inspiration for Apostos. But I don't want it to be basically 1:1 copy. Because this isn't our boring Earth, it's magical Mobius (I mean "Sonic's Earth", whatever). Where are giant frogs that summon rain? Haunted castles of illusions. Windy valleys with 24/7 tornados? I would like it much more if the word was just a little more magical.

And I know, SA1-06 period confirmed boring human cities exist, but Unleased said it's 90% of the planet.


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23 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

I'm probably one of the few people disappointed by Unleashed World-building.

Don't get me wrong, Greek Mediterranean architecture is lovely. It's good to be used as inspiration for Apostos. But I don't want it to be basically 1:1 copy. Because this isn't our boring Earth, it's magical Mobius (I mean "Sonic's Earth", whatever). Where are giant frogs that summon rain? Haunted castles of illusions. Windy valleys with 24/7 tornados? I would like it much more if the word was just a little more magical.

And I know, SA1-06 period confirmed boring human cities exist, but Unleased said it's 90% of the planet.


I get where your coming from.... but on the other hand they were literally dashing through a death trap filled sewer system that was also haunted by 3 ghosts.... so.... yeah.

Its not frog forest whimsical, but its no slouch 1:1 copy either.

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Sure, HERE in comic it's haunted by ghosts. This is a nice callback. I would like if ghosts were a big thing in this region.

But in Unleashed, Sonic flies to Spagonia and it's just Italy, with balloons and video game levels.

Like, imagine playing new Zelda and Link entering a new region that is shamelessly medieval Paris. No gorons, no fairies, just knights and peasants dying of plague. Would kinda feel off, right?

Take ancient echidna. That was clearly inspired by Aztecs, but using Mobian, connecting it to Knuckles and Chaos, made the whole thing feel Sonic-ish, not like lazy copy-paste.

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5 hours ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Sure, HERE in comic it's haunted by ghosts. This is a nice callback. I would like if ghosts were a big thing in this region.

But in Unleashed, Sonic flies to Spagonia and it's just Italy, with balloons and video game levels.

The Ghosts actually were there in Unleashed too. A small part of it, but they were there.




Like, imagine playing new Zelda and Link entering a new region that is shamelessly medieval Paris. No gorons, no fairies, just knights and peasants dying of plague. Would kinda feel off, right?

Take ancient echidna. That was clearly inspired by Aztecs, but using Mobian, connecting it to Knuckles and Chaos, made the whole thing feel Sonic-ish, not like lazy copy-paste.



Narrowing Spagonia down to "just italy" is ignoring the whimsy right in front of your eyes. There is a place for incorporating Sonic's ascetics into the modern "normal" world. Spagonia is a constant festival. Its built up with loops and utilizes the dominant architecture for its setpieces. Its impossibly large aqueducts are no less Whimsical than the oversized tree's Sonic can traverse in other games. The skyline is so inundated with balloons that they built a racetrack to bounce around them in TSR.

Spagonia finds the whimsy in brick and mortar. There should be a healthy balance between that and the more abstract stuff. Calling it lazy because its inspired by real world locations isn't the right way to go. Plenty of Sonic levels in a bunch of games can be boiled down to a real world equivalent. I wouldn't call pirate storm or ice cap lazy for just being bog standard locations. It matters more about what you do with it.

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Fine, I take back "lazy". Considering that "ice world, fire world, grassland" is the standard, it's hard to call research lazy.

And I don't really want something like Lost World, complete artificial chaos. I want something like Angel Island, something I can buy as a real place, but is more fantastical than real life (granted, I imagine Angel Island is one of the most magical places on Mobius). Or to use Archie, I want places like Meropis, Breezie's Casino,

But there is disconnect between levels and the 'actual' world. When Sonic runs in HUBs, it's just a city. Nothing special (they hid ghosts in 2 missions, wow). Then the level starts and the reality twists to be, you know, video game level. It's a same disconnect between Speed Highway and Station Square.

IDK, Mario had Oddsey around his world and those places were crazy levels, while still feeling like actual places (in comparison Galaxy is mostly random shapes flying around).



To me, the problem is that Sonic never had a proper setting.
Mario lives in cartoony world where hills and clouds have eyes, level or not.
Zelda is high fantasy, with monsters, Zora and rupees as currency.
Donkey Kong games show you his house, his family, their houses, how everything works.
And each of them can travel to new location that feels less "on brand", but you know what "Brand" is.

Sonic kept visiting new Island and saving... actual little animals. No home he could call his own. And first 3D games just used normal human cities. This wasn't the problem until later games wanted to establish some kind of home for him, which is why Green Hill had to explode so much, to become our Peach Castle.

I would prefer if cities were based on levels, not levels based on cities. I want a city that clearly takes place near Spring Yard or Grand Metropolis from Heroes.

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10 hours ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

which is why Green Hill had to explode so much, to become our Peach Castle.

Now that you mention it... I'm kinda surprised Sonic didn't take Blaze straight to GHZ.



I wonder if Blaze will return the favor down the line and give Sonic a tour of her world. Its begging to be explored and it would be a cool full circle moment.

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Perhaps a little late to join this conversation. I only just got to read the issue. Though I didn't notice the significance myself, I watched @Megabeatman's video covering the same issue and he pointed out something interesting.

Heading to Sonic Unleashed locations basically confirms humans, even though we still hadn't seen any. Sonic specifically names one. But if the IDW crew are now allowing to even suggest the presence of humans, Megabeatman rightly points out, what were they doing during the Zombot arc? It was a global threat after all...

Meanwhile, personally speaking, I don't have any interest in shipping or shippers in general. I do find it cute that Sonic was oblivious to the hand holding thing and only Blaze was embarrassed. XD

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6 hours ago, Danj86 said:

Heading to Sonic Unleashed locations basically confirms humans, even though we still hadn't seen any. Sonic specifically names one. But if the IDW crew are now allowing to even suggest the presence of humans, Megabeatman rightly points out, what were they doing during the Zombot arc? It was a global threat after all...

I can tell you what they did: exactly the same thing as mobians. Got infected, tryed to stop it, failed, Super duet saved them.

I fail to see the appeal of humans (beyond connections to Eggman) when they can't do anything unique that Mobians can't replicate.

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On 8/27/2023 at 9:28 AM, MetalSkulkBane said:

I can tell you what they did: exactly the same thing as mobians. Got infected, tryed to stop it, failed, Super duet saved them.

I fail to see the appeal of humans (beyond connections to Eggman) when they can't do anything unique that Mobians can't replicate.

A rather...disappointing reply, I must say. But it is funny because many years ago, I would've agreed with you. I cared little for the humans involvement in Sonic stories and games like Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic 06 and how dull Sonic X turned out to be, certainly contributed towards that feeling.

I don't really know when I changed my opinion on this. Maybe the Meta era is heavily to blame? It certainly solidified that regular Sonic characters can be just as dull.....even worse in fact. As I point towards the Deadly Six and Infinite.

I do appreciate the humans for bringing out interesting story elements through Shadow as well as Eggman. Shadow especially as he is heavily tied to them.

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7 hours ago, Danj86 said:

I do appreciate the humans for bringing out interesting story elements through Shadow as well as Eggman. Shadow especially as he is heavily tied to them.

Obviously Maria and Gerald must be humans and while 1 Eggman could be anomaly, having 3 would be pushing it, might as well do more. Plus image of human Maria gunned down by animal soldiers feels like worst option (unless for a laugh).

With that said if we're willing to cut family ties between Eggman and Gerald (not worth it, but indulge that scenario for a second) I think Shadow's story would work fine with Maria and everyone as mobians.

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