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TailsTube Episode 1 - With Special Guest Sonic

Blue Blood
Message added by Dreadknux,

This topic was good and got turned into How Does Sonic's World Work? TailsTube's First Episode Finally Gives an Answer at some point.

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If you don't take into account that the Classic and Modern characters have the same ages and heights, sure, it makes plenty of sense they just grew up. I'm cool just seeing it as different art styles they had at different times that sometimes crossover. It doesn't make sense when they reference it in-universe, but what is sense in Sonic?

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8 minutes ago, Razule said:

If you don't take into account that the Classic and Modern characters have the same ages and heights, sure, it makes plenty of sense they just grew up. I'm cool just seeing it as different art styles that sometimes crossover. It doesn't make sense when they reference it in-universe, what is sense in Sonic?

I mean young Sonic is 15 and in Generations older Sonic was turning 15 after having been 15. Taking mascot characters ages seriously is kinda silly. 

56 minutes ago, phobs said:

I've seen people say that TailsTube is dubbed over Japanese and it seems to be incorrect, because Katie and other members of English speaking social media team worked on it.


I knew Ian had to be involved. Though obviously only one of a pretty hefty group of writers. That "let's do it to it" was a dead give away. 

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1 hour ago, Dr. Mechano said:

Doesn't quite work with SA1, which has Eggman reference his own classic design via Hedgehog Hammer, as well as Casinopolis having the classic designs of the characters on a slot machine.

Well, meanwhile, the game show classic moment of the IP with the model design. The designs are mostly design. They don't exists in-story.

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Just now, Kazhnuz said:

Well, meanwhile, the game show classic moment of the IP with the model design. The designs are mostly design. They don't exists in-story.

Blah. Eggman used to wear a cape and no one can take that away from me.

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5 hours ago, Blue Blood said:

New human character hidden in plain sight here, the one with the people hair behind Tails. 


That is definitely not one of the Townspeople that appeared in Sonic Unleashed.

Could she be:

  • A - a new character that will appear in Sonic Prime
  • B - a new character from Sonic Frontiers
  • C - a new character that will appear in the IDW Comics
  • D - None of thee above/something completely different
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Having not seen the video yet, I think people are looking too deeply into this new human character. Those are all in the Unleashed style. 

She’s probably just a scrapped human design for that game. 

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1 hour ago, Kazhnuz said:

Well, meanwhile, the game show classic moment of the IP with the model design. The designs are mostly design. They don't exists in-story.

That may have been the case during Sonic Adventure and up to Sonic 4, but Classic Sonic looking different than Modern Sonic was acknowledged in-universe in Generations and Forces. 

But SEGA still didn't want Classic Sonic to be treated as Sonic's younger self in the comics after, and the Modern games he appeared in had some fourth-wall breaking lines..

This is why I stopped thinking about this. Sonic is Sonic, sometimes he looks different.

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16 minutes ago, Guy Strong said:

Having not seen the video yet, I think people are looking too deeply into this new human character. Those are all in the Unleashed style. 

Based on her design, what Country is she from?

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Official acknowledgedment of the "Naka Canon" returning is the most exciting Sonic news I've heard in 5 years.

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39 minutes ago, Sonictrainer said:

Based on her design, what Country is she from?

Who knows? Judging From her design she could’ve been affiliated with some organization and maybe wandered the globe, not being tied to any continent in particular.

Either way it really doesn’t matter where she’d be from. I really doubt they’d place a brand new unseen character in what’s clearly meant to be a design sheet for humans in Unleashed.

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43 minutes ago, Guy Strong said:

Who knows? Judging From her design she could’ve been affiliated with some organization and maybe wandered the globe, not being tied to any continent in particular.

A new villain organization?

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I don't know if the new character is from IDW or Frontiers, but she's definitely not a scrapped character from Unleashed. If you're pretty familiar with official Sonic artists and their styles, you should be able to tell that her art is very distinct looking and doesn't match with Gurihiru's art from Unleashed. If I were to guess, I think it looks similar to Uekawa's Sonic Channel art or Mark Hughes's official art, making me think it's a character from Frontiers. Though that's purely speculation, and we shouldn't assume anything until we see it in another context.

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6 hours ago, Blue Blood said:



I am willing to bet money that new girl there is not an unused unleashed model. There are several artistic cue's to that set of characters as to where she stands out as the sole outliner.

For starters, her overall proportions lacks the distinctive exaggerations of the rest of the characters. She is much more normal. Look at her head size compared to the rest of em. It doesn't fit.

Second, the way she is shaded here is different then the rest. While the six characters on the left have accent shadows only, She stands alone with a more edged highlights shading style. She is the only one with a different shading style here. It doesn't fit.

Third, the drawing itself still has sketchy production lines. You can see follow through lines bleed through on her cuffs and wrists. The other six characters are more or less finished renders. It doesn't fit.

Forth, (probably the biggest giveaway) new girl lacks a realistic nose. you get the idea.


It doesn't make sense that they would couple together a WIP of an unused Unleashed lady who doesn't even fit the vibe the game established alongside all the other polished renders. We've seen concept art of the NPC characters before and the noses and exaggerated limbs/proportions were something that had been around from the drawing board days.


New girl here is something different.

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When was the last time we actually had a non-Eggman human in the games? Has it really been since Unleashed??

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53 minutes ago, LunchPolice said:

When was the last time we actually had a non-Eggman human in the games? Has it really been since Unleashed??

If Merlina is a human (ambiguous because of her ears), then she might be the last in the main series.

Technically Eggman Nega has appeared here and there in the Olympic games since then as well, but not sure if he counts as "non-Eggman" (he's still an Eggman at least).

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Mystery Girl is interesting.

I think she's affiliated with Eggman somehow. Her outfit looks right at home with the Egg Boss jackets from Archie.

This would also make sense if she's a villain, as she would be a foreign element in the Starfall Islands of Sonic Frontiers, since we're apparently using Islands VS Continents to distinguish between furry and human colonies. I'm saying this just going off the fact that it's a weirdly-specific thing to reveal otherwise, and so I'm also predicting that most of the NPCs in that game will also be animals.

It's also the perfect time for them to have leaned into the "Eggette" meme from a few years ago, maybe she and Eggman are family. I can see her heel-face turn in the climax of the game already.


That, or she's just Sonic's obligatory human companion for the game and it's none of the stuff I'm saying, but I hope it's not that dull.


Also, maybe this means we can get "Islanders" going as the new name for Sonic-style characters? "Mobian" is outdated, "furry" probably brings up some incorrect associations, and "animal" just sounds wrong.

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If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say she's some kind of explorer/ruin hunter investigating the Starfall Islands and would likely be a background, but reoccurring NPC. Maybe giving out a few missions and the like. Her tech-y bracelets imply that she may be well versed in whatever it is Sonic is dealing with for this go around.


Now if you want to go off the deep end speculation wise.


Like headfirst into the ocean deep end



Its Lah. Ghost Girl in the flesh.

Same eyes, same nose, same hair part (which could extend to match Lah's) and the long dress is conveniently hidden behind Tails' ears to obscure the mermaid tail link.



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4 minutes ago, Sega DogTagz said:
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Its Lah. Ghost Girl in the flesh.

Same eyes, same hair part (which could extend to match Lah's) and the long dress is conveniently hidden behind Tails' ears to obscure the mermaid tail link.


No, she's got legs. You can see if you pause the video before the image has fully appeared.


Unless this was a joke and I didn't notice.

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1 minute ago, Shaddy Zaphod said:

Unless this was a joke and I didn't notice.

Half joking. Although her overcoat would give off the same vibe as a long dress when closed



Gah. I'm gonna talk myself into it lol

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