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Modern Amy outfit announced for Sonic Superstars (Free Newsletter DLC)

Message added by Dreadknux,

This topic was good and got turned into Modern Amy Outfit Available for Sonic Superstars With Free Newsletter Subscription at some point.

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Ryannumber1gamer was awarded the badge 'Sonic News Tipster' and 30 points.

As with Sonic Frontiers, there's going to be a exclusive DLC outfit for those that sign up to a Sonic newsletter by January 31st 2024, although it seems to be much more elaborate this time - as instead of simply getting a pair of SOAP shoes for Sonic, you'll instead get Amy's modern design for use in Superstars, a especially interesting addition, given SEGA for a long while has been typically trying to keep Classic and Modern content separate. After all of the story realignment featured in Frontiers, it seems SEGA is starting to properly embrace allowing Classic and Modern Sonic mingle.

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2 minutes ago, MGA_Gamer said:

I hope this means we can get modern skins of the other characters as well!

But see, the issue here is that this is literally just Classic Amy wearing Modern's outfit. Not a Modern Amy Model. You can't really have Classic Knux, Tails and Sonic wearing "Modern" outfits because... their outfits are the same.

Oh well, within the first month of release, I'm sure we'll get a full set of Modern Model swaps. lol

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Hold on... I SWEAR that website text said 'classic' Amy outfit instead of 'modern'... must have been a mistake and they changed it. It actually makes more sense now anyway, so oh well. :cube:

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If outfits are a thing, it's conceivable that Modern characters might make de facto appearances in costume form, i.e. a playable Shadow that's really just a Sonic skin.

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Where's the Steam option? I'm not doing this unless I can get the code for Steam.

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I bet £10 that Knuckles gets his treasure hunter hat as part of a skin.

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55 minutes ago, Waveshocker Sigma said:

Where's the Steam option? I'm not doing this unless I can get the code for Steam.


Don't know if this means it's just late to the announcement or that there's no plans to bring it to the platform... which, if it's the later, would be really fucking dumb.

Going to hold off signing up till that gets straightened up. Interesting thing of note is that the Windows 10 option is currently absent from the site so maybe it is all still in flux? Who knows.

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26 minutes ago, Strickerx5 said:

Don't know if this means it's just late to the announcement or that there's no plans to bring it to the platform... which, if it's the later, would be really fucking dumb.

Going to hold off signing up till that gets straightened up. Interesting thing of note is that the Windows 10 option is currently absent from the site so maybe it is all still in flux? Who knows.

Helpful as always, Stricker. Thanks.

Definitely seems like a hasty blunder on their part. Maybe things haven't fully gone through yet or they haven't even talked to Steam about it despite listing them as a platform in the trailer very clearly. Classic Sega.

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In fairness, every PC Sonic buyer should understand they have a right to steal whatever SEGA refuses to give them.

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I'm happy that they are trying to merge modern and classic, but IMO this is still not enough. It's fine that the classic games (the original trilogy) are considered the past of the series, but IMO all the new classic games developed in the present, should be classic only in the artstyle and gameplay... continuity-wise they should still be set in the present, an art style should just be an art style and nothing else, otherwise it's just a useless limit to creativity.

-I want to se modern Fang in a modern game; classic Shadow and Blaze, and collect chao other than save flickies, maybe to bring them to Cream, in a classic game. This should be possible, because classic should just be an artstyle, it should not affect the continuity.

-Amy in Sonic Adventure was unexperienced and had an hard time running away from one single robot of Eggman, without being able to destroy it until the very end of her story. If the classics are the past, it makes no sense that her classic self is already that skilled (same abilities as the other characters), since it was implied that she became stronger gradually over time, and not in the classic era (her story in Sonic Adventure doesn't make much sense anymore, because she could have done a rampage instead of being captured and harassed by a robot for the entire game).

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13 minutes ago, Iko said:


-Amy in Sonic Adventure was unexperienced and had an hard time running away from one single robot of Eggman, without being able to destroy it until the very end of her story. If the classics are the past, it makes no sense that her classic self is already that skilled (same abilities as the other characters), since it was implied that she became stronger gradually over time, and not in the classic era (her story in Sonic Adventure doesn't make much sense anymore, because she could have done a rampage instead of being captured and harassed by a robot for the entire game).

People have wanted playable Amy in a classic game since Mania. When you push for stuff like that you kind of have to just take retcons like that on the chin for the greater good of the product.

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1 hour ago, Iko said:


-Amy in Sonic Adventure was unexperienced and had an hard time running away from one single robot of Eggman, without being able to destroy it until the very end of her story. If the classics are the past, it makes no sense that her classic self is already that skilled (same abilities as the other characters), since it was implied that she became stronger gradually over time, and not in the classic era (her story in Sonic Adventure doesn't make much sense anymore, because she could have done a rampage instead of being captured and harassed by a robot for the entire game).

Her running away from Zero never made sense in the first place to be totally honest. 
Or maybe she’s just scared of Zero until the end. I mean, she can destroy other badniks without fear as well.

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2 hours ago, Ming Ming Hatsune said:

Her running away from Zero never made sense in the first place to be totally honest. 
Or maybe she’s just scared of Zero until the end. I mean, she can destroy other badniks without fear as well.

I'd pin it on ludonarrative dissonance, but honestly there's no need to. Amy is so cumbersome to control and you have an extra layer of complexity for combat over Sonic and Tails, so attacking badniks is not always immediately practical over just avoiding them; furthermore, Amy not wanting to tussle with the much bigger and scarier robot (until watching the birdie get hurt wakes up her inner mama bear anyway) isn't a hard sell. 

Classic Amy dancing with the rest of the crew is a plain and simple retcon of her abilities, and there's no real reason to be up in arms about it. It's a win-win to include her. For Sega you get good female representation for an expanded demographic to sell to, Amy fans are happy, fans get another playable character, gameplay is more interesting, etc. 


If you want to be technical, Classic Tails can theoretically take down the Great Eggman Robo in Sonic 3&K by himself, so why was he scared of the Egg Walker? The easy and correct answer is don't worry about it.


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How would Amy being playable here contradict anything? Her arc in SA1 was always about just learning to rely on herself and not depend on Sonic all the time - her being playable in a game with an explicit focus on multiplayer would if anything reinforce the development she got later on.

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You all are missing my point. What I suggested is that if the game was set in the present instead of the past, there would have been no need to retcon anything.

My point is that using the classic design as representation of a timeline is stupid, it should just be an art style period.

Meaning that games set in the modern times with a classic art style and Shadow and Silver should exist.

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Here's some fanart of Classic Amy wearing her Modern Dress by ThePinkGalaxy55


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