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Sonic Origins Plus: Knuckles in Sonic CD Gameplay


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In yesterday's Sonic Official - Season 7 Episode 5, some gameplay of Knuckles in Sonic CD was shown

It appears Amy now appears in the 3D recreations of the locales now.


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I wasn't sure how to take the performance there. My personal guess is that, if the game runs fine or poorly on your PC now, expect that to continue with the update.

But considering how low-tech the Sonic Official setup seems to be, I'm left wondering what exactly they tried to run it on AND if they're attempting to game and stream on the same machine.

Come on, SEGA, at least get these kids some decent cameras and a real green screen!

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Probably a very minor footnote compared to Knuckles in CD, but I think this is pretty noteworthy!

Screenshots are very blurred due to the stream's video quality, but it appears to be similar or identical to the model used for merchandise. If Amy's gonna get a new model, there's a chance that Knuckles might also get one on Angel Island.

How does this make you feel?

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It makes the island menus feels like a little bit less of a shameless Generations asset flip to see Amy's model included, and I hope that Knuckles is too. But they're still pretty bottom of the barrel, ngl

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14 minutes ago, Blue Blood said:

It makes the island menus feels like a little bit less of a shameless Generations asset flip to see Amy's model included, and I hope that Knuckles is too. But they're still pretty bottom of the barrel, ngl

To be honest, at this point bottom of the barrel is what I want because if they're not even gonna be arsed to change the menus, then I'm not gonna expect anything beyond bare minimum.

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I have never owned a game where the system requirements refer to the MENUS rather than the actual content.

Running a set of 2D platformer remakes on Intel integrated graphics shouldn't be a tall order but Sega found a way. I had to downscale my Windows tablet by 50% from native (from 1920x1200 to 1280x800) so the menus at least wouldn't kill the performance of the games.

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7 minutes ago, SolidSurgeTT said:

I have never owned a game where the system requirements refer to the MENUS rather than the actual content.

Steam Genesis/Mega Drive Collection runs into this too, because that apparently needed a low-overhead version launcher as part of it. I think that recent Unity-based Pac-Man Museum Plus had some weirdness around that too, and Atari 50 (which is more interactive museum exhibit than game collection) is no slouch either.

The priority here seems to be "We have all this extra overhead on consoles, let's make a fancy launcher." It isn't a completely unjustifiable stance considering that they make games with console as priority, but it's not a fun time for those who rely on scalability.

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Is It me or Is the gameplay running slow with Knuckles? I'm looking forward to playing as Knuckles In Sonic CD from Sonic Origins Plus. Knuckles Is my all time favourite character In the 90's Sonic game when he debut In Sonic & Knuckles on the Sega Mega Drive.

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The game looks like it's running at almost half speed. Pretty embarrassing to show, if you ask me.. I had some slight hope that there would be performance enhancements and bug fixes with the update. Considering the performance is still awful on PC (partially due to Denuvo, of course), it makes me feel like they won't have done anything to better the game. I would not be surprised at this point if some bugs still exist and continues to have issues on Switch. There is no reason Genesis remakes should run poorly especially on the Retro Engine, which is known to be pretty lightweight and efficient (as seen in Mania).

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I’m still eagerly awaiting confirmation as to whether the bilinear filtering has been addressed. I know I can just disable it with mods, but I’d like to pick up a physical console version 

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They won't address it or fix it. It's an intentional side effect of using the Hedgehog Engine 2 as a frontend. Expect it to be exactly the same, visually and performance-wise.

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