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Sonic Forces - Zavok


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I have a really embarrassing question.  How to heck do I beat Zavok in Sonic Forces?!  I've been trying for months!  I can get to the second part where you have to dodge him trying to run you over, after part of the platform falls away.  but then after that I can't seem to hit him!  My homing attack won't even activate.  Do I jump first?  Do I NOT jump first?  I've tried it both ways but the controls just won't work!  I've looked online, and I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, but I'm clearly missing something!  

Any help would be appreciated!  This is so frustrating!

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  • The title was changed to Sonic Forces - Zavok

Dodge Zavok's shadow so that you don't get hit when he slams into the platform. The ricochet will cause Sonic to be launched into the air and, if you're facing him, this will allow you to perform a homing attack.

For what dumb reason, jumping will not work. You might jump just because you think that Zavok's attack will send shockwaves that will damage Sonic if he's in the immediate area. But nope. The solution is to not jump.

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10 hours ago, Blue Blood said:

Dodge Zavok's shadow so that you don't get hit when he slams into the platform. The ricochet will cause Sonic to be launched into the air and, if you're facing him, this will allow you to perform a homing attack.

For what dumb reason, jumping will not work. You might jump just because you think that Zavok's attack will send shockwaves that will damage Sonic if he's in the immediate area. But nope. The solution is to not jump.

So, don't jump, b e facing him and hope I get launched right.  I'll keep practicing but thanks for the tips! :)  I'll let you know how it goes!

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Basically just avoid colliding with him, do nothing else and then you'll get the opportunity to attack. It's really, really unintuitive design. 

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Fun fact: there was an unused setting for this boss where you'd be able to hit him as he was doing his charge attack. You can see it around 1:24 in this video.

Not sure why they removed that, seems like it would've been a good alternative to waiting for him to knock Sonic into the air.

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