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Sonic the Hedgehog IDW #58 - Minithread


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STH IDW #58: Preview Pages



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  • The title was changed to Sonic the Hedgehog IDW #58: Issue Mini-Thread (Preview)

On the watch. The Neo Diamond Cutters made enough noise for Eggman’s goons to ambush them in the previous issue, and Sonic had the unfortunate luck of being separated from his friends and surrounded by his enemies.

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48 minutes ago, DaBigJ said:

So was that lamb lady's confidence faked or something? I'm a bit confused...

She was pretty obviously putting up a front and had no idea what she was getting herself into....oh hey she is Sally.

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  • The title was changed to Sonic the Hedgehog IDW #58: Issue Mini-Thread (Reader Reaction & Review)

Loved the scene where Amy smashed an Egg Hammer with its own hammer with a little assist from Silver. That was hard core.

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So, I feel like this is an improvement over the last issue.

1) General Thoughts

Dang it, Tangle did it again. I try to be negative and judgy, but noooo. Lemur girl is too fun to watch, I can't stay mad. Development on Whisper and Lanolin is welcome as well. Especially with the latter one, it's almost a perfect counter to everything I said about Lanolin in the last issue.
And come on, Amy's hammer scene is awesome, no one can deny it. Good for her, I kept saying she needs to do something really impressive. (Still won't beat "stop swinging like a wuss" from Archie #208, but close). B-plot didn't accomplish much, but it was enjoyable. It's always a pleasure to see Sonic cast bounce off each other.

Overall while not jaw-dropping, it's a solid fun issue.

2) Nitpick Town

Fans of Silver and Blaze who waited a long time for the Dimension Duo to return: they don't do much. I knew the focus would be on Diamond Cutters from the start, but even Amy and Sonic get a bigger slice of the pie. Arguably Tails as well, since his brain is moving the plot forward, Silver and Blaze are mostly extra muscle.

Also, Shadow is back and... I have this eerie feeling. Why end issue on Team Dark like this is a bad thing? And it was right after we established blowing up the city could have bad consequences. Hmmmmmmm.

I'm calm, there are many ways this can continue. But if my hunch is right? If Shadow is doing stupid things AGAIN? And Sonic will have to point that out to him AGAIN? And the situation gets worse due to his actions AGAIN? I. WILL. BE. PISSED.

EDIT: Maybe I won't?

But as I said, right now I enjoyed the issue. Thumbs up from me.


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alright everyone. i have read the latest sonic issue 58. i liked it alot. theres some cool scenes including amy with her hammer and whisper forgiving tangle and with that and lanolin forming a new team of heroes and sonic having backup was funny and cool. and team shadow has just joined the chaos too. all in all a good issue with resolves and fun scenes and heartwarming scenes too. so yeah. cool issue. this is the raptor here signing off. 

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I really liked how there are two panels that serve no other reason except to specify how Blaze and Silver CANNOT Deux-Ex every situation.

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  • The title was changed to Sonic the Hedgehog IDW #58 - Minithread
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I wouldn't say the issue is particularly exciting. Frankly, we've had so many issues of non-stop badnik attacks at this point that it's beginning to wear thin, but I would say that the art-style really elevates this issue. The expression work is really on point, and reminded me of the Classic-era comics and their expression work a bit. 

I also like the character combos we got. Silver and Blaze isn't a combo we get with Sonic, Tails, and Amy very often, and I think it works well. I particularly liked Silver geeking out over Amy smashing the giant hammer down and wanting to be the next one to do it, along with Blaze's expression when she calls Sonic out on wanting to just smash emeralds willy-nilly.

The Diamond Cutters stuff just felt kind of eh to me. I didn't really feel like this narrative of Tangle and Whisper drifting apart was really justified, and I honestly think it was weirdly insensitive that Tangle jumped to claiming the Diamond Cutters name without even asking Whisper first. I'm happy they quickly moved past it, but it does feel like to me, it was just introduced to give some quick conflict for the newly created team. I do like the idea of having a 'fifth' team, like the Heroes' teams, although unless I missed it, it feels like they probably could've gave Lamolin a wisp/wispon or something so she wasn't just the planner. 

Still, decent enough issue, even if it's still a little by the numbers imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/28/2023 at 1:29 PM, Kuzu said:

She was pretty obviously putting up a front and had no idea what she was getting herself into....oh hey she is Sally.

Pretty much. I don’t know how I feel about that.

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  • 1 month later...

I enjoyed reading this Issue and seeing Lanolin In action and screen time as well with the other Sonic characters. I like her character as well.

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