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The ONE thing STH06 got right.


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I think most people here (and everywhere) are in agreeance* that STH06 is a flaming pile of shit that did nothing right at all. After thinking long and hard about it though, I think there was one very overlooked little thing that they got oh so right in this game, take alook at these:





Check out how amazing those eyes look, theres so much life in those things, plus, with the darkness around the outsides they look sortof like a classic/modern hybrid as far as the eyes are concerned. However, Sonic Team being Sonic Team they straight away went back to these:


Urghh, I know its such a nitpicky little detail but I don't know how they can think those eyes look good, they're so bland and dull and look as if they've been painted on. I know its been the standard look of 3D Sonic character eyes for a while now but really, they don't look good. Which do you think look better? (in before: Sonic shouldn't have coloured eyes)

*probably not even a word xD

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They got the eyes right... on the renders... that really have nothing to do with the game in the long run. For the record, fellow-fans have created better. None of the other games have gone for such a 'selectively' realistic style either.

They ARE nice eyes.

Edited by Blue Blood
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They got the eyes right... on the renders... that really have nothing to do with the game in the long run.


Looks pretty much the same style as the renders to me =/

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Urghh, I know its such a nitpicky little detail but I don't know how they can think those eyes look good, they're so bland and dull and look as if they've been painted on. I know its been the standard look of 3D Sonic character eyes for a while now but really, they don't look good. Which do you think look better? (in before: Sonic shouldn't have coloured eyes)

I... can't tell the difference.

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Looks pretty much the same style as the renders to me =/

I stand correctecd. But you tend not to look at the characters from the front.

And these eyes look so much better


Edited by Blue Blood
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I stand correctecd. But you tend not to look at the characters from the front.

Besides the cutscenes... which are always in abundance...

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Since you're using the models that are never used in the game and then using a low res of Sonic Unleashed that's a bit unfair.

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Besides the cutscenes... which are always in abundance...

If you had to think hard to find something good about the game, then clearly they're not noticeable enough. Nobody else seemed to.

Also, Prof J, are you drunk? Or high? This topic would make more sense if you were.

Edited by Blue Blood
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Since you're using the models that are never used in the game and then using a low res of Sonic Unleashed that's a bit unfair.

The final image in the first post is from SatBK artwork...

Also, Prof J, are you drunk? Or high? This topic would make more sense if you were.

I wish I were... I wasn't frantically looking for something good in the game, I just kinda noticed how good it looked and wondered why they never kept it xD

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The final image in the first post is from SatBK artwork...

It was placeholder art and was eventually replaced.


Not much improvement though.

Why are we discussing this? I feel stupid.

Edited by Blue Blood
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It does sound a little nitpicky, but one of those great things that can make a game is the amount of details lovingly rendered into it. Look at the mention of the background details with New Super Mario Bros. Wii and how alongside with the flowers and enemies, even Yoshi dances to the background music. Hell, even I appreciated how in Mario Kart Wii opposed to the previous Double Dash, the character actually looked up (moving both eyes and neck) at the blue shell when it hovered above their heads before it came crashing down upon them.

A small mention that without Sonic 06' we would never know the color or Robotnik's eyes. Actually on all of the boards I have been on, I might say, nobody who has received the hacked models ever posted up a model of that Robotnik with the eyeglasses removed for all to bask in his naked glory.

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A small mention that without Sonic 06' we would never know the color or Robotnik's eyes. Actually on all of the boards I have been on, I might say, nobody who has received the hacked models ever posted up a model of that Robotnik with the eyeglasses removed for all to bask in his naked glory.

And with good reason. That shit is scary!

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I wouldn't call this "something" the game got "right." How someone like's their eyes is very much personnal perference, and not something someone "gets right." I can only imagine someone doing eyes "wrong" when someone colors eyes that are established as one color but color them a different color. The eyes are really just a spec compared to the entire textures and models in the game, which most people focus on, and I'm sure a good number of which didn't like.

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And with good reason. That shit is scary!

Errr, how is it so?

They are just eyes, not mutated talking heads on a pair of tumors that sing random Nickleback songs at intervals.

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They are just eyes, not mutated talking heads on a pair of tumors that sing random Nickleback songs at intervals.

Tell that to Prof. Gerald. Look up that shit, they're fucking black holes that will empty your soul!

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They're all reflecting a bunch of light sources that aren't suggested by the shading. Also, it's funny how all their mouths look drawn in place.

The real time eyes in Unleashed are about as detailed as the ones seen in the StH 06 pre renders, and they fall into much the same trap. Walk into a dark area, turn and face the camera, and it looks like Sonic's pupils (as opposed to his irises) are glowing.

A small mention that without Sonic 06' we would never know the color or Robotnik's eyes. Actually on all of the boards I have been on, I might say, nobody who has received the hacked models ever posted up a model of that Robotnik with the eyeglasses removed for all to bask in his naked glory.

That model was only in a pre-rendered scene, it's not on the disk. Interestingly, the CG for Sonic 06 wasn't made by Sega. Not only do they not have the model either, but they also didn't make it, which makes me doubt that it was official.

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I liked the 06 models. Not only the eyes, but the body sizes and stuff. And the game was really fun. So I wouldn't say the eyes are the only thing the game got right... But I do like the faces in the Adventure (Not World or Rush Adventure) games more

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That model was only in a pre-rendered scene, it's not on the disk. Interestingly, the CG for Sonic 06 wasn't made by Sega. Not only do they not have the model either, but they also didn't make it, which makes me doubt that it was official.

Dr. Eggman's eyes were also visible in some in-game cutscenes for a second or two.



Eggman's in-game model used for the cutscenes also appears in the Sonic vs. Egg Wyvern boss fight, so it must be on the disc somewhere.

I'm also in agreement with Professor J on the topic of Sonic the Hedgehog's use of beautifully vibrant and lively eyes. The irises are oh-so-detailed, and are vivid with color. It appears like that was all a one shot-deal though - just about every game since then features the characters with their standard simplistic eyes.

I would also like compliment the beautiful pre-renders for the original Sonic Rivals.


Look at those eyes. They're freakin' real, man.

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I would say that Sonic 06 got more right than you think the music for example was excellent, and I have a fondness for the taller leaner look of the character models.

Although I have to say I never noticed the eyes until now, and I'm inclined to agree they do have a lot more depth to them than those that came before and after, but in the grand scheme of things this is a very small detail which in the grand scheme of things doesn't add that much to things.

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And I thought the model in Sonic 06 were lanky to the point of parody... Sort of like this:


And his running animation looked unbelievably silly, especially with his quills so floppy, and Tails's model was just plain creepy (Maybe he's the one I should really be watching out for). It was also the game that taught me to fear Amy. I also wasn't a fan of Sonic's omnipresent grimace.

HunterTSF: Then there the heck did they find a model without his eyes?

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Wow, those eyes are good. Strangely, I also liked the standing animations for Sonic and Shadow. And Sonic's running animation. I wish I knew why :x

As for other things, the second half of White Acropolis and also Crisis City in general were epic. As Sonic. That's as far as I got when I played it at my mate's house. I'd say these 2 are the most Sonicy levels aside from maybe Wave Ocean, as many Sonic games have ice levels and it was a new twist on it (and the searchlights make a most epic sound), and Crisis City is very Speed Highway influenced, just more realistic and owned. Acropolis also had a massive expanse to explore at the end which was sorely lacking in Heroes and Shadow, and Crisis City had many alternate routes, and in the graphics, a surprising attention to detail. Check out all those cracks in the pavement. It's like they tried most for Crisis City.

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It's good to know I'm not the only one that happens to really like the Nextgen models (in-game, as in, not the cutscene versions with those horrid mouths. Those mouths looked horrid on those models). When looking back at the game, I believe it was one of the only things Nextgen did right, and that was to make a good-looking modern Sonic. Of course, Unleashed's model designs were better, but I claim them to be a hybrid of classic and modern.

The animations from Nextgen were awesome, just used very terribly (since the dang engine was so unstable, Sonic went from a walk to a jog to a run wayyy to quick,, and animations looked jagged because of their usage i.e. balancing). And the only reason Sonic's run ever bothered me was because he looked as if he was going so fast yet he was really going nowhere. It looks much better and more fitting when in the Machspeed stages. I also thought it was a nice touch to see the wind blow Sonic's spikes around. It gave a neat effect when moving and flying through the air.

And Eggman looked freaking awesome in this game. I don't exactly know what it was, but his design in Nextgen just screamed "epic". I think it was a mixture between the hardcore military suit (which looks like a huge improvement from the one usually used), the mustache, and the fact that instead of being a blob, he actually looked like a fat old man (and a sexy fat old man at that).

Tails was adorable. Nuff said, except when he had the mouth from the cutscenes. Then I wanted to beat him with a stick. But then again, I wanted to beat everyone with a stick in the cutscenes, since their mouths are hideous. If they went in the Unleashed direction and used side-mouths instead, the models would've looked much better.

Basically, I liked how every character in the game looked, except for the human characters and Amy. The reason I hated Amy was for the same reason Phos does; it was just plain creepy. No one should ever have demonic looking eyes that bulge out of their head. 0_o

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Even though I don't like how skinny and tall the characters were in '06, I agree that their eyes look very real and beautiful. That's probably the only thing I like about the game though, next to the music.

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