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Big the Cat deserves his own freaking game

Indigo Rush

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Indigo, I applaud you.

Big is actually one of my favorite characters, and I find him endearing and lovable enough to easily carry his own plot- It should probably be a lighthearted side story that doesn't get too involved with the main cast and their typical battle for the fate of the world though.

An adventure with Big sounds like a blast; But even if the game's about him actively platforming and fighting, I hope for a fishing minigame somewhere, as I actually enjoyed his SA levels.

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I used to find Big boring, but I've warmed up to him quite a bit. He doesn't seem so much "stupid" as socially awkward due to his unique lifestyle and worldview. I suppose one could say that he's the closest thing the Sonic games has to a hippie.^_~

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Odd enough as it is, Big and Blaze (the two cat characters) were the only two nextgen characters ever made that were truly worthwhile. Maybe not his own game, but Big should be at least a minor character again, given that he has tons of storyline potential, unlike alot of the nextgen characters (unlike Shadow, Big is actually likable; and unlike Blaze and Silver, Big isn't stuck in an alternate dimension or in the future; etc.). Big is charming because he's not one of those characters that you must force the storyline around. He's just there, and instead of being a major storyline keypoint, he brings himself to the story, which is what makes him the most charming. =3 The only reason we've seen him go wrong was because Big's gameplay in SA1 was trash (the one stain on the otherwise crystal clear cloth), and in Heroes because that game just sucked, period. Big could easily be in the next big Sonic as a major, highly-playable character, and can use his weapons for full-advantage, instead of how they had limited his almighty powers to a minimum so Amy and Cream could be of worth. >=\

Big forever yo.

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I had an idea months ago about Eggman losing the Chaos Emeralds, which leads to Froggy finding them and going through a transformation. The game would be about Big and Super Froggy going on an adventure, with lots of visual comedy. For some moves, Big could charge with his fishing pole, hook stuff with it, use it like a pogo-stick, use the line like a bow and shoot Froggy at enemies, and ride Super Froggy around (get that image in your head). I was thinking it'd follow Sonic action formulas but slightly slower with puzzle elements, and as ridiculous as possible.

Edited by Stretchy Werewolf
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I used to find Big boring, but I've warmed up to him quite a bit. He doesn't seem so much "stupid" as socially awkward due to his unique lifestyle and worldview. I suppose one could say that he's the closest thing the Sonic games has to a hippie.^_~

A hippie is a good way to put it, although Big is much cooler. And he pulls it off without getting high.

SEGA have proved themselves to make good fishing games, why not make a "SEGA Bass Fishing" styled minigame for Big? Heck, I'd pay twice as much for said game if you could catch a furious Seaman in the game.

As for an antagonist... it'd be easy to just throw Eggman in there, but that's too obvious. But I really don't want a one-shot villain either. Maybe the game could be based off of a massive misunderstanding between Big the Cat and the Ice Cream salesman from Unleashed, who's moved on to selling French food. Frog legs are on the market, and he catches Froggy in the process. Can Big save his polliwog pal before it's too late?

...okay, that was lame. I'm sure there's something that can be done for a plot. I really want to see this dream realized.

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A giant ass retarded fat cat who loves fishing for his frog and sating, "KINDA SUPER DUPER HAPPY!"

You must be kidding. No fucking way. What's Big's only redeeming quality? The fact that he's purple, a nice shade at that.

Edit: Okay this topic isn't meant to be taken seriously. I get it. Sorry. Geez.

Edited by eboni
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Big the Cat should have his own game. I would most definitely buy it. He is worthy enough to have his own game. Then if the game is really good and memorable, a sequel should be made. Big has a load of potential. In his own game, Sonic should make a cameo appearance.

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A hippie is a good way to put it, although Big is much cooler. And he pulls it off without getting high.

I'd say our feline friend doesn't need weed because he's high on life.^_~

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lol this topic. The crazy things people say. If there ever is a Big The Cat game, I'll eat my own corduroy trousers. :lol:

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I've actually opened up a lot to guy, even though he's still my least favorite character. There's potential him like other characters such as Shadow, but I'm not exactly the guy to ask...unless you really want to hear my thoughts for him.

Aside from that, I'm not sure how his own game would work tho.

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Maybe if he had a DARK PAST, was able to utilise CHAOS POWERS or PSYCHOKINESIS and came from a space station from another dimension in the future then we might have a potential game. The plot is Big wakes up and realises hes the IBLIS TRIGGA, then goes fishing as a means of dealing with the deep emotional trauma. The final boss is Marine the Raccoon.

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The final boss is Marine the Raccoon.

Now I'm picturing Marine floating in the air and shouting "All living things, BOW BEFORE YOUR MASTER!"XD

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Maybe if he had a DARK PAST, was able to utilise CHAOS POWERS or PSYCHOKINESIS and came from a space station from another dimension in the future then we might have a potential game. The plot is Big wakes up and realises hes the IBLIS TRIGGA, then goes fishing as a means of dealing with the deep emotional trauma. The final boss is Marine the Raccoon.

Holy crap, I want you to work for Sega. Now. 0_0

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Made this due to inspiration. :3


A giant ass retarded fat cat who loves fishing for his frog and sating, "KINDA SUPER DUPER HAPPY!"

You must be kidding. No fucking way. What's Big's only redeeming quality? The fact that he's purple, a nice shade at that.


Jeez, eboni.

I'm pretty sure I gave you several reasons why Big the Cat is a great character. If you want to be a negative nelly, please take it somewhere else, or at least tone down the vulgarity, sheesh.

Edited by Indigo Dude
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That gamebox mock-up actually looks fairly professional.^^

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I'm not sure how someone could go about making Big's eyes in greater detail in 3D without them looking painted on :\

Eh, maybe something workable could be devised.

Made this due to inspiration. :3


Make a page about it on the Sonic Wiki, wait a week, and see if anyone on Youtube makes a rant about it.

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Looking over Indigo's post again, I think that the "Exasperated Sigh" look on Big's face is rather adorable...You can actually get a fair bit of expressibility out of that usually neutral face if you try.^^

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I'm thoroughly curious if SEGA would even consider the idea of giving Big the Cat his own title. What Big has going against him is a lack of popularity, unfortunately. I find that people dislike Big more than any other character in the franchise (next to Chris Thorndyke, of course) so there would be major hurdles to cross.

It's a shame because there are other secondary characters that would do well in their own title. The Chaotix for one, Silver maybe, and not excluding Dr. Eggman of course. I'm still thinking about how a game starring him would work (Mean Bean Machine doesn't count, folks)

It's not that it isn't workable, the issue lies in their popularity. Regardless of how good the game is, if it lacks a general appeal, then it'll have a rough start, or might not get a start at all. This really saddens me.

Now not all characters need their own title. I'd like to see someone come up with a successful game concept for Amy Rose or Cream the Rabbit sometime soon. Although if you could prove me wrong, go for it.

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Before I continue onwards, I must state this this topic is so incredibly freakin' awesome that it deserves to be archived for future SSMB generations to come. We need to being back the goddamn Purple Catfish theme back from the dead, and we should all take part in some serious mass Big appreciation here. BIG 4 EVAR.

As for an antagonist... it'd be easy to just throw Eggman in there, but that's too obvious. But I really don't want a one-shot villain either. Maybe the game could be based off of a massive misunderstanding between Big the Cat and the Ice Cream salesman from Unleashed, who's moved on to selling French food. Frog legs are on the market, and he catches Froggy in the process. Can Big save his polliwog pal before it's too late?

Now, who would be a more suitable antagonist for a silly lazy purple cat fisherman than a wacky unperceptive mustachioed robot pirate? Why, Captain Whisker would be a perfect opponent for Big! They're both incredulously awesome characters to begin with, and a rivalry between the two would be hilarious.

Let's see... in "Sonic Rush 3: Big's Grand Adventure", some crazy typhoon of doom is heading towards the coasts of Mystic Ruins. Poor unsuspecting Big is fishing near the shore at the time being with his amphibious frog-pal, Kaeru-kun, and by the time the typhoon comes into Big's line view it is too late. All the archaeologists nearby had gotten word of it long beforehand, the mine cart railway leading towards the forest had been shut down, and Tails was stationed at one of his many other workshops at the time being. Big and Froggy are swept up into the storm, and vanish!

Big is discovered lying unconscious on a beach by a familiar-looking raccoon girl. Said raccoon girl takes our protagonistic purple (non-princess) cat back to her shack, and once he wakes up she starts talking up a storm along the lines of "ZOMG! Why, I do believe a very similar situation hath previously occurred a while ago! Except it was some blue hedgehog guy and some totally hawt fox boy. Oh, what? You know them? No wai!" She is interrupted by cannons ablasting outside! It's Captain Whisker and his mighty band of pirates! They have detected a Sol Emerald within the area, and Froggy ended up swallowing it. Needless to say, Whisker snatches our green friend and A NEW VENTURE BEGINS.


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Hmmmmm.... I dunno... Big is too big of a character (lol) for one genre. But how it'll mostly focus on would be difficult. But I would wanna see Big in another RPG again. And maybe have him use a super move of death like making himself into a meteor or something. lol

Oh if they make another Sonic fighting game, guess who's gonna be top tier. >:D

Edited by U N Owen was Wei
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I am all for a Big The Cat game. I once had an idea for a game where we see how he searched for froggy in SA2(remeber the hidden Bigs in the dreamcast version?). He has great potential for exploration, with his weight, swiming, and fishing rod. The fishing rod especialy could serve alot of explorative functions, such as acting as a grappling hook, or reeling in distant objects.

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