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Sonic Frontiers - Content Roadmap, new playable characters and new story content confirmed!

Message added by Dreadknux,

This topic was good and got turned into New Characters, Story and DLC Revealed for Sonic Frontiers in 2023 Content Roadmap at some point.

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Huh, I was expecting them to just leave it out to die.

Sounds kind of weak outside of update 3 though. Like what the fuck does "new koco" even mean.

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The game needs control/physics refinements more than new content.

if we are getting new stuff I would have liked more stages or a new island more than anything else. 

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I am praying that the Challenge Mode mentioned is an Egg Shuttle mode with boss fights sprinkled in, that coupled with multiple playable characters would make this my most replayed 3D Sonic title by a country mile. Finally, something to surpass Gens!

I also hope they fix some stuff under the hood, too. Like pop-in and whatnot, but if this is gonna be free, then I'm glad Frontiers' shelf life is something they have active interest in prolonging.

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As a Frontiers enjoyer this is GREAT, I’m more than stoked getting new content for this game. Im totally shocked they’re just dropping three new playable characters on us out of the blue after over a decade of Sonic only, a quick end to that period of time I must say lol

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All being said and done - this is a pretty big deal.

It’s wonderful to see Sonic Team providing long term support for this title, it deserves it after the successful launch.

This can only help improve an already great time. Extra characters and an additional story are the cherry on top really and I’d rather they take their time to implement them by the end of next year. 

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Looks like we’ve got our first new tidbit of DLC - Sonic’s Santa Outfit from Runners will be releasing for December:

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Goodness, this is beyond what I expected. They come in 3 updates huh? Honestly it is just what I needed, after the story finished I did not have much to do aside from 100%ing the islands.

Btw it sounds like it is for free... and it doesn't include the skin costumes.

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While the first 2 updates seem kinda small, I can't really complain since it's free

Making update 3 as a free update is pretty surprising tho, usually in games this kind of thing is a paid DLC, so that's really cool. Especially if they all have different movesets I hope.

So yeah, wow, that's kinda more than I expected from free updates.

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Well, whad'ya know?! This is way beyond what I expected! I thought at most there'd be new costumes and maybe a boss rush mode, but new story and characters? Woah! 

I really thought this was a fake verified account at first, but this is actually huge. Oh man. Sucks it'll take a whole year for update 3 though.

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I’m pretty cynical regarding the whole roadmap thing, as it’s essentially promising content that hasn’t even been made yet, with no guarantee they’ll follow through. Anthem, Avengers, and a few other notable AAA games come to mind when I think of this stuff. So we’ll see if this roadmap actually plays out how Sega has laid out, or if it’ll be a giant waste of time outside maybe one or two things 

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Flying around the Starfall Islands as Tails and Knuckles sounds so fun! Heck, playing as Tails and Knuckles in general in 2023 sounds fun. Wonder how they're going to incorporate Amy though. Hard to imagine how her typical gameplay style could work in a huge open world environment. Or maybe they'll just be playable in Cyberspace levels? So many possibilities!

And new story content, ho ho hoooooo, that is what I'm talking about. A lot of stuff from Frontiers' story 'felt a bit half-baked, so I'd love to see some course correction there.

What I really want though...is a dang cut scene viewer or ability to replay boss fights whenever I want.

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Good: YES!!! Playable Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sage?! 

Bad: we have to wait near the end of next year... damnit!!!

But still, good free content awaits! (gotta finish the game soon)

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NOW we are talking! Amyyyyy playable OMFG I HAVE BEEN WAITING OVER 15 YEARS!

Frontiers could end up being my top Sonic game since Heroes!

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2 minutes ago, KHCast said:

I’m pretty cynical regarding the whole roadmap thing, as it’s essentially promising content that hasn’t even been made yet, with no guarantee they’ll follow through. Anthem, Avengers, and a few other notable AAA games come to mind when I think of this stuff. So we’ll see if this roadmap actually plays out how Sega has laid out, or if it’ll be a giant waste of time outside maybe one or two things 

The key difference there is those were live service games with extremely grindy and monotonous systems that most of them were released in a incomplete state with a promise to complete them. Especially when you consider the likes of Nintendo’s games ala Animal Crossing, Mario Strikers, Switch Sports etc.

Frontiers is a single player adventure that’s fully completed while the content being promised is free bonus content that’s being added to a already finished product. I don’t think those are really comparable.

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10 minutes ago, KHCast said:

I’m pretty cynical regarding the whole roadmap thing, as it’s essentially promising content that hasn’t even been made yet, with no guarantee they’ll follow through. Anthem, Avengers, and a few other notable AAA games come to mind when I think of this stuff. So we’ll see if this roadmap actually plays out how Sega has laid out, or if it’ll be a giant waste of time outside maybe one or two things 

Why are you comparing GaaS games that live or die on regular updates to a pretty much finished, content-complete (somewhat) single-player game?

And it's not like updates are really anything big outside of the third one if said roadmap is to go by.

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Updates 1 and 2 pretty much sound like content was cut from the initial release. Its nice, but hardly impressive. 

Update 3 sounds like a bit of a dream come true and I can't quite believe it. But I'll temper my expectations. It'll probably be limited levels/areas that you can play with each of the characters, not the full range of the open zones and cyberspace. Because its new story, maybe that will include new areas? But they don't specify such, so I'm not sure. 

And otherwise... Yeah the game still needs work on physics, and preferably a new island with a better layout and some decent cyberspace levels to match. The new content will surely elevate the game, but it's not exactly what I'd call the priority. 

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