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The Road to Sonic Adventure 2: What We Know So Far

Message added by Dreadknux,

This topic was good and got turned into The Road to Sonic Adventure 2: What We Know So Far at some point.

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Sonic Adventure 2, eh? Probably the most anticipated Sonic game to date. And you know why? If you don't, you'll find out right about now! Details on the story and the plot itself are rather scarce, but what we do know at the moment is exciting everyone, especially the old 'Dreadknuxster' here! Least of all because Sonic's 10th Anniversary is drawing nigh, and Sonic Team are beavering away to ensure a worldwide release date and to make this the BEST Sonic game to date!!!

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Looking at the Sonic Adventure 2 Trailer (which you can view here), the basis of the story seems to be about opposites of certain things. It describes 'Love' and 'Hate' and 'Good' and 'Evil'. Could this be an indication of any kind of an evil composition of our dear Sonic, much like the Metal Sonic and Metallix before it? It may just be my imagination, but those metal Sonic replications in Eggman's base (where you have to go to reach 'Final Egg') in Sonic Adventure seem a bit too peculiar to be just for display. Could these be..?

More info will be added to this website, as well as movie downloads and extra pictures, when Dreadknux gets them. Until then, take a butchers at this lovely lookin' lot. Love Sonic. Love the Sonic Stadium. LOVE Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Team.

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Collecting ALL of the past information and the new, I can tell you roughly what has just happened @ E3, and what's up with the screenshots. So here goes. The movie from E3 2000 showcases the game for two minutes, and features opposites of different assortments. It shows off Sonic a lot, Knuckles in parts, and even Eggman in certain sections. It goes on to feature the words 'Original', 'Fake' and 'A Top Secret Weapon'. The Master Emerald is included and so is the prospect of 'Ultimate Life'.

Sonic and Knuckles were the only characters shown to the public. It seems that Sonic's trusty friend Tails will not be joining the bandwagon again. Oh dear. Oh well! As far as screenshots are concerned... well, the old saying 'a picture speaks a thousand words' would DEFINITELY sum this up. The most interesting images feature a new special move for Knuckles, and a possible cut scene from Sonic's story, involving the blue blur wearing handcuffs jumping out of a plane. You can bet your LIFE that the cute little A-Life Chaos will return, and now it looks like they can do a lot more than cry, draw and punch each other up.

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Thanks to Sonic Team's Fall Festival, we have been given CHUNKS of info. We know that Sonic is now capable of unbelievable stunts, like grinding on rails with his sneakers. We also know that Knuckles, between his break between Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, seems to have been taking swimming lessons at the local Sonic Team pool. Yes that's right, Knuckles can swim! But the best is yet to come. Ooh yes...

As revealed in some of our later screenshots, we see Dr. Robotnik (Eggman) in a new hovercraft. But one of those shots contain...Eggman being controlled? This is just a 'Sonic Stadium Theory', but I believe judging by the screenshot, Eggman is playable. See for yourself here. You'll notice an item box in the background...

And that's most of the juicy info that Sonic Team have let rip at the moment. Any more info will be updated on this site, so stay tuned to the Sonic Stadium!!! Until then, I leave you with a Press Release from SEGA about the game at E3 in 2000...




LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 11, 2000--Today at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Sega announced "Sonic Adventure 2 (tm)" for Sega Dreamcast (tm). The title, which is being shown behind closed doors, delivers improved 3D graphics, new characters and levels. Developed by the legendary Yuji Naka of Sonic Team, "Sonic Adventure 2" will ship in the United States next year.

The original "Sonic Adventure (tm)," which shipped at the launch of Sega Dreamcast in September 1999, has been one of the top titles on the platform, selling through more than a half million units. "Sonic Adventure 2" will build upon the storyline of the first incarnation, but with some new challenges for Sonic and his friends in their ongoing battles against Dr. Robotnik.

"We expect 'Sonic Adventure 2' to be an even bigger hit than the first," said Rob Alvarez, product manager, Sega of America. "As with all of our titles moving forward, Sega's goal is to take the gamers' experience one step further with better graphics and more immersive gameplay."


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