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PLAYSEGA Level Editor


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Whoa. A brand new soundtrack to go with this? I certainly haven't heard these tunes before!

Can somebody rip the music from this game, or at least point to a possible source?

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Wow, now THIS is something that I'd love to try out!

...too bad I don't have the money to get a VIP account so I can get this...

Ah well...

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over herrre http://www.playsega.co.uk/editors/

the game is free, the level creator requires a paid subscription (but you get a free USB saturn pad, so fucking awesome!) and it's probably the coolest Sonic thing to come out of SEGA in ages.

ch-ch-check it out

FFFFFUCK! Damn you Sega for making me pay for this DAMN YOU! :angry: T_T

And I reeeeeealy wanted to play it! :(

Edited by VirgoTheCougar
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Eh, the game is like a decent flash game.

I'd rather just make a ROM hack and use the actual game engine and not a cheap flash copy. :\

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Neat idea, but the engine seems pretty buggy and the levels I played were pretty crappy (which, being fanmade, is expected). I might give it another play if someone with some skill makes a level, but otherwise, eh.

Also, no spindash? Bah.

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The flash level editor is pretty cool

All of the Genesis games run off Java though, and they run great!

Signing up soon, I want that Saturn USB pad!

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Seems like it would be really fun.

But it's gotta be pretty limited as far as how much you can create. Is there a video of it in action anywhere?

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They didn't have to make it VIP only. I think it should be members only. You can make a member account without making a VIP Account.

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Eh, you might as well use Sonic Worlds, which is free and better, to boot. This is neat, but it's somewhat buggy and the engine isn't that good anyway, and Sturgeon's Law comes into play once again.

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Ended up going for a full year subscription XD

Saturn USB pad + Free Shipping

50% off normal subscription rate

paying 20 dollars seemed like a ripoff when i could pay 35 and get much more.


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Ended up going for a full year subscription XD

Saturn USB pad + Free Shipping

50% off normal subscription rate

paying 20 dollars seemed like a ripoff when i could pay 35 and get much more.


It's VIP get over it.

Stop being cheap.

Wow, thats just hillarious!

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Christ, I hope Project Needlemouse's music is better then that pile of plinkity-plonk. The level editor itself looks pretty sweet though! Not bad for something most likely cooked up by a couple of guys at SEGA somewhere. I like the art style and the simplicity, and the fact all the original sound effects are included. Not so sure about paying for it though, especially at a £5 a month subscription. About the price of bloody Xbox Live, forget that.

You can buy a USB Saturn controller on eBay for cheap anyway.

Edited by bolt7
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Eh, the game is like a decent flash game.

I'd rather just make a ROM hack and use the actual game engine and not a cheap flash copy. :\

The level editor is badass, and 100000x easier then making a goddamn rom hack.

all you people do is whine, whine, whine.

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agreed with ya remz, people love to whine, anyways!

My level is done...

I hope anyone that plays it enjoys it... I worked really hard on it.

Multiple Paths

Tried to Iron out most bugs caused by the app for my level

1 secret passage!


have fun! ^^

I tried to iron out most bugs, some are just impossible to get rid of!

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Why, SEGA Europe been putting a lot of effort into original Sonic games as of late. From the looks of it, SASASR, like its predecessors, is going to be an non-Japanese exclusive. That being said, SEGA Japan also seems to have no involvement in Project Needlemouse whatsoever, and hasn't even been mentioned by Sonic Channel. And now Sonic The Hedgehog Level Creator comes along, and I don't see a Japanese equivalent anywhere. (Perhaps It's because 『ソニックザヘッジホッグレベルクリエイター』 is too huge of a title to even bother translating =P)

Anywho, it looks like a blast. I'm too lazy to go through the process of buying it, though.

Edited by HunterTSF
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agreed with ya remz, people love to whine, anyways!My level is done...I hope anyone that plays it enjoys it... I worked really hard on it.Multiple PathsTried to Iron out most bugs caused by the app for my level1 secret passage!http://www.playsega.com/games/?action=play&levelid=2908&gamegroupid=52have fun! ^^I tried to iron out most bugs, some are just impossible to get rid of!

I liked the multiple routes ^_^

Or it seemed like there were anyway, yay for top paths!

Maybe Needlemouse will just be a level editor :P

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I tried out some of the levels here, it's pretty good, except for one level though, which I beat it in only 2 seconds :\

Also the level art here is very nice :D, it's good to see something new and official? Gonna subscribe as well sometime later, I need more USB controllers anyway.

Keeps taking me to the sign up page, I lack money D= to create short but sweet levels =(

Edit: Never Mind, Clicked the play now and pay later button, playing your level now =P

Edited by Jetronic
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I tried out some of the levels here, it's pretty good, except for one level though, which I beat it in only 2 seconds :\

Also the level art here is very nice :D, it's good to see something new and official? Gonna subscribe as well sometime later, I need more USB controllers anyway.

Keeps taking me to the sign up page, I lack money D= to create short but sweet levels =(

Edit: Never Mind, Clicked the play now and pay later button, playing your level now =P

Cool ^^ tell me what you think of it

also, anyone who signs up for PLaySEGA VIP Trial or subscription, be sure the check out the Genesis games, they run much better then the backbone ports on XBLA.

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