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DAY 25 - Sonic Game Challenge 4: 'Can't Touch This' [30DOS22]


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Saturdays are for gaming! Time for the final Sonic Game Challenge!

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As this is the last day of Sonic Game Challenge, you can earn up to a GOLD Badge by participating in all of the challenges. Be sure to do that by the end of the month.

Sonic Game Challenge

Can't Touch This

Take a screenshot of your character situated in an area that Sonic cannot reach in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

You cannot use Sonic for this challenge and you cannot use any kind of Debug mode. We want you to use either Tails or Knuckles' abilities to get yourself to an area where Sonic alone can't access with his stubby little legs. You can use any version of S3K you like for this challenge, but obviously it might be easier if you use Sonic Origins as it's the only version of the game on modern consoles (with a console snapshot functionality).

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Indigo Rush was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.


To my knowledge, only Knuckles has to deal with those floating spiky ice balls

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Dr. Mechano was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.

Just went to the first Knuckles-only section in Angel Island Act 1. This split-path is iconic, setting the precedent that Knuckles can (and in some cases, must) go to areas Sonic alone cannot.

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WanderingBleats was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.


Technically Sonic can get up here with Tails's help, but I think this is within the spirit of the challenge, right?

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Ryannumber1gamer was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.



(Apologies for the crop, my image was exceeding the SSMB file size limit unless I did this lol).

Anyways, the location I'm picking is two locations, connected together. By taking a path only Knuckles can destroy in Angel Island Act 1, you end up in an alternative underground version of the flamethrower miniboss.

When you take out this boss, instead of going top side and into the pools like Sonic/Tails would, instead Knuckles starts out act 2 in a series of underground caves filled with moving platforms, spikes, and a fire shield. 

Part of the reason I picked this is as Mechano mentioned, it's the first time we get to really see how Knuckles' pathways split off. However, I chose the image above of Act 2's caves because I feel they represent a neat story purpose - that Knuckles can only access this area, which leads him to an underground set of caves and tunnels that feed through parts of the island and offer shortcuts. Sounds awfully like how Knuckles is always ahead of Sonic, ready to spring a trap on him in this game, right?

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castell-neath was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.

Gone with Launch Base Act 2 and that section by the spinners towards the end of the act. Knuckles has to break through the wall as his jump is too low to get in to the spinner. The path takes you on to a different section for the boss fight.




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Covskin was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Silver - Participated in three Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I haven't got Origins, so back to Mega Collection I went! Excuse the mess...


This is a section of Hidden Palace that I actually learnt about on the SSMB, many years ago.

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Ducktor Naldush was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Blue - Participated in one Game Challenge of the Week activity' and 5 points.

Haven't got Origins, frankly not planning on buying it any time soon, but I have a legally purchased Sonic 3 & Knuckles on Steam, and you know what that means...

Sonic 3 A.I.R.

There is a place in Flying Battery Act 1, right at the start of the level, that I always visit, where you can fly or climb up a wall for an invincibility and an electric shield, here it is.



Wait, there is something wrong with that picture, let me just retry, here it is



 Absolutely subarashii


ok, for realsies, here is one with just Knuckles



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Rabid-Coot was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Bronze - Participated in two Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 10 points.

A small one in Hydrocity near the end of act 2 where Sonic gets dumped down a hole Knuckles punches through a wall and gets a short alt path with a big row of spikes to glide over.


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Celestia was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Silver - Participated in three Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 15 points.


I have a fond memory of this simple Knuckles-exclusive route in Mushroom Hill Act 1. S&K Collection for PC was my first Sonic game, and I was like 9 or younger, but I have a surprisingly vivid memory of when I first started playing this.

I didn't know that you could glide--and therefore climb--out of this area.


...Fortunately by the time I got Mega Collection I had actually read the manuals.

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JezMM was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.

Sadly I'm short on time and couldn't think of an especially unique location to use that had meaning to me (well aside from the Hidden Palace one mentioned earlier but actually forgot that the challenge was Tails or Knuckles).


As such, you get basic bitch Angel Island's Caves as Knuckles, but hey I did go all the way through them for a more dramatic picture at least!

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On 6/25/2022 at 7:18 PM, Indigo Rush said:


To my knowledge, only Knuckles has to deal with those floating spiky ice balls


On 6/25/2022 at 6:30 PM, Dreadknux said:

Sonic Game Challenge

Can't Touch This

Take a screenshot of your character situated in an area that Sonic cannot reach in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.




You're fired from this fandom.

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H-how did you get there?!

Well this one I know for sure isn't part of Sonic's path, hopefully this counts instead 

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Nix was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.


basic ass knuckles running through a wall to get to the boss

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Sean was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Silver - Participated in three Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 15 points.


...Yeah someone already posted this area but they didn't post THE OTHER SIDE

I remember discovering this area all on my own and it blew my mind that anything was up there at all. I used to play as Tails a lot more as a kid and I'd explore as much of every level as possible with his flight.

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Tornado was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Silver - Participated in three Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I should actually post an example instead of trolling Indigo with vanilla S3&Ks's buggy collision detection:







lmao "fuck this cutscene"

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On 6/26/2022 at 12:22 AM, WanderingBleats said:


Technically Sonic can get up here with Tails's help, but I think this is within the spirit of the challenge, right?

If Sonic can’t get to the location by himself (i.e. needs Tails’ help), it counts. :)

I know others have posted this one but I only just got round to taking a snap of this so indulge me :)


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Iko was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.

Finally did it, I had to do a new full playthrough as Knuckles because it's not that easy to find places that only he can reach that are also secret places.


This is not a secret place, but this bossfight is Knuckles specific... but I heard that you can enter it as Sonic too with a trick, so, if this doesn't count, then...


This ring is between two towers, you have to climb them and jump from one to the other in order to avoid the yellow platform blocking you and land above it. I don't know if there is a way to reach it with Sonic as well, I'm pretty sure you can see it from behind the tower but it can't be reached.


But in case it can actually be reached with Sonic, this one I think is placed in a Knuckles-only route at the beginning of the act 2 of Sandopolis (instead of going right like usual, go left and climb, climb a lot and you will eventually reach it).


In order to stay safe, I also posted this because I'm sure that only Knuckles can go there. Right?


All these years and I never noticed the Sonic statues in the background until now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Sonictrainer was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Gold - Participated in all Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 20 points.

I checked and I don't think Sonic can get here or here in Hydrocity Zone Act 1.


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RosaRosaRosalina was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Game Hero Bronze - Participated in two Game Challenge of the Week activities' and 10 points.


Would this count? The area it's around should be pretty reachable for Sonic, but this here is a section I feel that's meant for either Tails or Knuckles to get through.

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