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DAY 22 - Question of the Week 3: 'Sonic's Birthday' [30DOS22]


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Wednesday's rolling around again (at the speed of sound)! It's time for another Question of the Week!

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You know the drill by now. If this is your first time, you get a Blue badge. If this is your second time, Bronze badge. If this is your third, Silver badge. Week 1 Question of the Day participants are eligible for a separate '30DOS22 Day 1' badge.

Question of the Day

How will you celebrate Sonic's Birthday?

As it will be Sonic's 31st anniversary tomorrow, we wanted to throw a relevant question out to the community. Will you be celebrating the anniversary at all this year? If not, why? If you are, what do you plan to do? Play lots of games? Watch some cartoons/movies? Maybe get some running shoes on and have a little jog around the park in honour of the blue blur!

It doesn't have to be something you plan to do tomorrow (it's a work day, dammit!) and you can choose to celebrate in your own head if you prefer. Just let us know what you're thinking.

For me, as tomorrow is a work day my plan is to spend some time over the weekend watching the Sonic Movie/s (in the UK the streaming service that has it, Paramount+, finally launches at the end of the week, so I might indulge in the 7 day trial or something) and playing Sonic Origins. Just having a very chill one with the blue boi, in between nappy changes and walks in the park. :) 

How about you guys?

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Adamabba was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Bronze - Participated in two Question of the Week activities' and 10 points.

I'll be diving into story mode of Sonic Origins. Should be a fun time, excited to see all the story animations 👍

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Cosmos Rogue was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Bronze - Participated in two Question of the Week activities' and 10 points.

Probably post in the day 23 of 30 days of Sonic topic. Maybe wear my one (1) Sonic the Hedgehog t-shirt? Could even play a Sonic game, I suppose!

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JezMM was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

Lucky for me, I'm working in the morning only, so I'll have most of the day to play Origins, bar some interruptions for dog walking and a work conference call I have to take midway through the afternoon.  Beyond that I'm hoping to buy the necessary components to make chilli dogs for dinner - something I often do for Sonic game release days anyway.  The day after I have the whole day off, so I'm planning to intersperse my Origins playtime with working on some artwork for his birthday too.  I've started it already and was really hoping to finish in time for the day itself, but alas work!  Happy with it so far though, it's coming out pretty nicely - and I have to say, very... banner-shaped so far?  Hmm, wonder what that's about.

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Shiny Gems was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Blue - Participated in one Question of the Week activity' and 5 points.

I am planning to post some videos for Sonic's birthday, a tribute to Sonic is one of them. I am also planning to play Sonic Origins tomorrow when it comes out. I especially plan to be playing the story mode of Sonic Origins. All in all, I plan to have a blast during Sonic's 31th birthday.

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Dr. Mechano was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I plan to play Sonic Origins. I love the original Genesis games, and I'm looking forward to playing them in a new way tomorrow! I'm also looking forward to the extra features like mission mode. Hopefully there's a lot of content there!

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Ryannumber1gamer was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

Well, the answer for me tends to be pretty simple every year - usually by launching a certain musical event every year lol.

Beyond that, I don't really plan out how I celebrate Sonic's birthday in my own way, although my plan tonight will be Sonic Origins. Just by sheer luck - it turns out Origins' release date just collided at the exact time that I'm about to obtain my 200th platinum trophy. Usually, I make my platinum milestones games I find important to me (Sly 1 - 1st, GTA V - 50th, KH2 - 100th, Arkham City - 125th, Persona 5 - 150th, Crash 4 - 175th), but Sonic has been an absence. 

Sooo, yeah. Origins being my 200th platinum would fit nicely, and be a nice way to celebrate.

15 minutes ago, Dreadknux said:

For me, as tomorrow is a work day my plan is to spend some time over the weekend watching the Sonic Movie/s (in the UK the streaming service that has it, Paramount+, finally launches at the end of the week, so I might indulge in the 7 day trial or something) and playing Sonic Origins. Just having a very chill one with the blue boi, in between nappy changes and walks in the park. :) 

How about you guys?

Off-handedly, but some bad news on that front, unless Paramount is holding off specifically for Sonic's anniversary - I got Paramount Plus today since it's a free perk from our TV provider, and there's nothing Sonic wise on there, neither Sonic 1, or Sonic 2 (which is particularly odd because Paramount Plus made a big deal about having movies 45 days after cinema release, and the US got it already).

That said, Sonic 1 is on Netflix UK if you've got that.

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Covskin was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I'll be honest, I've never been one to mark 23rd June as a day to anything in particular.

Maybe I'll listen to some soundtracks whilst I'm working tomorrow but probably no more than that.


Edit on the 23rd - I picked the Sonic Unleashed OST. Actually got to hear the nightime stage music uninterrupted for longer than ten seconds at last.

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Indigo Rush was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I'll be digging into Sonic Origins for sure! May even have a chili dog for the occasion. Can't think of a better way to celebrate.

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castell-neath was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

For tomorrow I will wear one of my old school 90s Sonic ties to work, play origins in the evening, and probably see if they have the official Sonic b.day cake in my local tesco. If so, a big slice of that and a cup of tea to round it off


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Winston was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I don't typically do anything for Sonic's birthday outside of remember it usually, but thankfully, given Sonic Origins is launching on June 23rd, I'll be playing that for most of the day. I'm pretty excited to get the definitive versions of Sonic 1 and 2 finally on console, and I'm interested in seeing how Sonic 3 & Knuckles is in this collection. 

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FReaK was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Blue - Participated in one Question of the Week activity' and 5 points.

Plan is to platinum origins day 1. I'm starting the minute it drops, in about 1,5 hours. :D

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NikoS was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

Every year I have chili dogs for dinner, and I hope tomorrow will be no different, also I'll listen to some of the OST's, probably I'll be able to play some games too, and since it's cold here I'll wear my Tails 25th anniversary jacket.

unfortunately I won't be able to buy Origins day 1, but when I do I'll play the whole story mode from start to finish.

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Stasis was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

So usually I'd be playing the games, maybe do a drawing for social media, but there is currently a 50% chance that my daughter is going to be born tomorrow. 

Being born on Sonic's birthday sure would work out quite fun.

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Spin Slasher was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Bronze - Participated in two Question of the Week activities' and 10 points.

For Tomorrow, I will watch Sonic X and I'd might be playing the games

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Tornado was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I mean, realistically, I'll go to work for 12-14 hours again and come home and pass out.



Sorry Sonic D :

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NegaMix was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Bronze - Participated in two Question of the Week activities' and 10 points.

Hmm... I'll probably be asleep until around 5pm, then wake up, make something to eat, maybe find some time to play whatever game's on my to-do list, then have dinner and go to bed.

I won't be able to afford Origins until next month at the earliest.

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Celestia was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I think this is one of those years I'll be replaying the original games, especially since I've been meaning to anyway! Probably won't be via Origins though, even if I get it I'll wait until later for a price drop or sale.

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Iko was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I don't think I will do anything too special, probably I'll just play some Sonic games... I'm currently playing the fan-remake version of Sonic 1 8 bit (I'm not completely satisfied of the changes in level layout and physics, I prefer the original by far, but some new content such as playable characters and boss rush are fun), and I also revisited Colors.

I'll probably start working on the "Party" artwork, if I'm inspired enough (technically I already started it, but so far I only did a random sketch of the scene, I have all the work to do still).

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Rabid-Coot was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

Probably nothing, its very rare that my desire to do do something Sonic related lines up with the anniversary date.

I did rewatch Mania adventures on a whim earlier so I guess i did  something in general vicinity accidentally.

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WanderingBleats was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

I will play Sonic Origins! I've been very much looking forward to it.

...Other than that, not much. I have been doing a "180 Emblems" run of SA2, but it looks like I'm probably going to finish that tonight, so... it's just shy of the actual anniversary. But if I don't, I'll also finish that tomorrow, I guess?

Happy 31st birthday, Dr. Eggman!

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Dr. Detective was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Blue - Participated in one Question of the Week activity' and 5 points.

I'll probably end up acknowledging him on his special day on accident. Literally not a day goes by where I'm not thinking about Sonic in some capacity. That's just the reality of being on this forum. 

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Solister was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

Tomorrow will be my first day of vacations from college, I didn't even correlate the dates.

So I hopefully will take a well deserved rest and probably have a lazy day, wake up late, play video games all day and possibly even eat some junk food occasionally.

About Sonic per se, I didn't really have anything in mind. It's been a while I've been wanting to revisit some blue blur's games and I guess that's the right day to do so. Not planning to get Origins yet, so if I do play the classics, it'll either be via Sonic 3 AIR or the Sonic 1 and 2 equivalents I've forgotten the name. I also believe some of the YouTuber's I follow might do a complete play trough of Origins, so I might catch that.

If I remember, I should try to group all/most of the Sonic content I have and do one of those huge pics of the collection. Really curious how big it's now.

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Sapphirine Wind was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Bronze - Participated in two Question of the Week activities' and 10 points.

I might be going to a market tomorrow. If there's a vendor there selling Sonic dolls like I saw at another one last week, maybe I'll buy one or two.

It might be someone other than Sonic though, because I have two Sonic dolls.

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Eggman Fan was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Question Hero Silver - Participated in three Question of the Week activities' and 15 points.

yes. I will celebrate by spendin the entire day only allowing myself to run, no walking.

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