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DAY 12 - Fan Art Challenge 2: 'Heroic' [30DOS22]


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Hi everyone! Sunday is artwork day, so time for another Fan Art Challenge!

If this is your first time participating, you will earn the following badge:

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If you took part in last week's activity and choose to take part in this week's too, you'll earn this badge too:

Fan Art Bronze.png

You'll have a week until the end of the month (30 June at 23:59 UK Time) to share your creations in this topic and log your participation in this activity.

Fan Art Challenge

Theme: 'Heroic'

As last week, no further details on this one - we want the interpretation on this to be entirely up to you! 

This topic unlocks on Sunday 12 June at 12:00 UK Time. You will be able to post your artwork in this topic after that time, until the topic lock date.

Good arting!

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Ryannumber1gamer was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

Still a bit rusty, but...

For this week's theme of heroics, I decided to instead focus on a character who was initially a villain, and had a change of heart, becoming a hero. A certain red and black individual who initially followed orders loyally, only wanting what their master wished, until a certain pink hedgehog helped them find their way. I am of course, talking about...



So the idea of this was pretty simple - somewhat at least. Initially, it started out as a Most Wanted poster that would've taken place during Sonic Forces, ordering for Sonic's capture, but said poster would've been defaced.

However, as things progressed along, I got some more inspiration, and decided it'd be a neater idea to do Gamma, because not only does the poor robot not get nearly as much attention as other characters, but I feel like he actually conveys the theme of heroism pretty well - a villainous robot only mindlessly following Eggman's orders, who changes and redeems himself thanks to Amy's help. This is especially true when you get to the Archie books, where Gamma wasn't destroyed at the end of Adventure - instead becoming a lone agent taking down Eggman's forces, which infuriated the doctor to the degree he sent Omega to hunt him down, and even at that, Gamma still gave his upgraded successor a good run for his money, as well as leaving him with parting words that would causes Omega to have a change in heart in that continuity.

So here's Gamma being bestowed with a great mark of honour for any hero on Sonic's world - with Eggman wanting you captured for a huge ring reward, with Eggman handing him the greatest title you can have, for any hero - having backstabbed his empire, and massively taken down Eggman's elite army by a wide margin, Gamma's been branded a Empire Traitor.

Apologies for some of the wonky writing, the program I use for sprite work isn't particularly friendly when it comes to text, but hopefully it all came out decently in the end.

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

WanderingBleats was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

Uwaaa, I thought it was custom Badnik week. But! I was able to get this together.

It doesn't matter how strong or fast or cool you are. It doesn't matter if you're the most famous hero in the world. Everybody, sometimes, will be in danger. Everybody, sometime, will get sucked into a magic video game with the batteries running out. When that happens, the heroes become the innocents in need of a hero themselves. Who saves the heroes when they need protecting?


The sidekicks, of course! Don't forget,they are heroes too. To the world, Mario and Sonic might be the greatest heroes. But Tails and Luigi are their heroes. And by the transitive property, that means that the world owes these two, too.

(Five seconds after this picture, Metal Sonic is going to learn firsthand why you never underestimate a Mario Brother with a seemingly harmless object like a football.)

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Indigo Rush was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

I thought it was Badnik week!!!!

Had to scrap something together quick, and I went with our hero Tails receiving a Chaos Emerald for saving Station Square from the Egg Walker.


He did it all by himself. He's the best. 

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11 minutes ago, Indigo Rush said:

I thought it was Badnik week!!!!

Had to scrap something together quick, and I went with our hero Tails receiving a Chaos Emerald for saving Station Square from the Egg Walker.


He did it all by himself. He's the best. 

where's the stuff about badnik week coming from lol

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41 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

where's the stuff about badnik week coming from lol

The schedule was posted here:

Hopefully Badnik Week is still happening next week? @Dreadknux? Any clarification on that?

(My "Heroic" art's still on the way!)

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1 minute ago, Dr. Mechano said:

The schedule was posted here:

Hopefully Badnik Week is still happening next week? @Dreadknux? Any clarification on that?

(My "Heroic" art's still on the way!)

Huh, I never noticed the schedule part. Weird. Good thing I hadn't, or else I probably would've did a Badnik picture of Motobug instead lol.

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Multikaris was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

What could be more heroic than savin’ a lil’ damsel in distress from the horrors of evil? 


You’d get the picture if you played the game the girl’s from. 

Medium: still life photography.


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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Sonictrainer was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

This piece is called "Chivalry"


It features Sonic & Caliburn protecting one of the child villagers in Camelot.

Originally, this was going to be a practice sketch but I really liked Sonic's pose (although his left ear might be a little off).

While looking at references, I never realized how much detail was in most of the characters in this game.

Another idea I had for this sketch was having Sonic run while holding the villager while Caliburn is floating beside him while a horde of the Knights of the Underworld chase from behind.

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Dr. Mechano was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

I call this one "Complicated Guy"


Tails may be one of Eggman's greatest enemies, but right now, they're allies. So as soon as he sees Tails in danger, he leaps into action immediately - which I always interpreted as Eggman being a good (temporary) ally and genuinely trying to save Tails's life. The moment happened so suddenly, and Eggman reacted so instantaneously, that I can't logically write it off as him merely hedging his options or manipulating the heroes. Eggman saw his ally in peril, and without a moment's hesitation, put himself in harm's way to save him.

As villainous as Eggman is, this moment is "Heroic" by any metric.

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12 hours ago, Dr. Mechano said:

The schedule was posted here:

Hopefully Badnik Week is still happening next week? @Dreadknux? Any clarification on that?

(My "Heroic" art's still on the way!)

Yes, my apologies - things had to get switched around last-minute. This has probably screwed up people's timelines for working on these things, but I'm going to be removing all time limits on the month's activities later today anyway so if you can't get it done this week then you should be able to contribute before the end of the month :) 

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

castell-neath was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

A quick sketch on my lunch break of what i think we all hope occured last year as sega hq! Lol!


I hope the heroic decision was made!! Lol


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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Sega DogTagz was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Blue - Participated in one Fan Art Challenge activity' and 5 points.

Nothing says hero like swooping in to save the day.



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A super no.2rookiemusician was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Blue - Participated in one Fan Art Challenge activity' and 5 points.

I started this before I knew this was gonna be one of the 30 days of sonic. Glad I decided to use it just for this.

Sonic always puts that hand out in front to protect his little bro from danger:


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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Bad Guy was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

A real hero. Protecting the innocent and helpless against a barbaric warrior tribe she knows won't listen to reason and knows she stands no chance against.


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Nix was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

space patrol saves the world




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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Sapphirine Wind was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.

Did this with my new colored pencils


It's a Flicky thanking Sonic for always saving him and the others.

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

JezMM was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Fan Art Hero Bronze - Participated in two Fan Art Challenge activities' and 10 points.


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