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Sonic Central Presentation, June 7th, 2022 12PM EST

Message added by Dreadknux,

This topic was good and got turned into Get Ready, A Sonic Central Broadcast Is Happening Tomorrow at some point.

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Yup, we're getting another one. Likely more info on Origins and a Frontiers trailer and more info about Prime as well.

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Looking forward to it. Perhaps we'll get a full trailer for Frontiers with a little more information.

I'm already sold on Origins, so I don't need any more convincing on that front, but it would still be nice to see more of it.

I wonder if maybe we'll learn more about Prime as well?

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I hope we get some information about Prime.  I would like to see how the other characters besides Sonic would look like and how this plot line about the multiverse will play out.

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We are most likely getting:

  • New look at Origins
  • New look at Frontiers
    • Full-blown trailer or
    • Teaser trailer saying to tune in during Summer Game Fest
  • New trailer, teaser or first clip from Prime
  • Merch (100%)

We might be getting:

  • Tiny-tiny update on Sonic 3
  • Date for Steam release of Sonic Colors Ultimate

Also hoping for some cool surprise.

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My one actual hope is announcing a Origins Physical release because I would genuinely love that. Otherwise I’m expect the usual dishing out of Frontiers, Origins, maybe Prime 

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General predictions:

  • Almost definitely a new Frontiers trailer. Hopefully with some new story and gameplay stuff in there.
  • Origins will maybe get a new Overview segment showing off similar stuff to the Japanese livestream at the weekend.
  • Sonic Prime will probably get it's debut trailer here.
  • Probably a couple quick segments about new merch / events happening in the mobile games.

Mayyybe a surprise or two thrown in? I doubt we're getting anything like an announcement of the rumoured 2D game or anything but maybe some new collabs. We did get an announcement of the concert last year so hopefully another cool thing like that.

If 06 is getting added to Xbox Backwards Compatibility after all I'm looking forward to the meltdown on the socials if they were to announce that here.


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Motobug will be streaming the Sonic Central tomorrow live at 12pm EST/5pm GMT, for any SSMB member looking to watch it together!

Honestly, this came completely out of left field. I wonder if this is where we're gonna see that IGN interview thing tomorrow as well? It'd be neat if we got some kind of surprise announcement too.

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I literally get off work at 5pm but by the time I drive home 10 minutes later it'll probably be over.

You'd all miss my live reaction to the Team Chaotix anime series they're totally making.

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Broke: Sonic Frontiers trailer and more Origins looks

Woke: Sonic Colors Ultimate update that adds updated Rival rush, playable Metal Sonic, some kind of use for those icons and fixes more bugs.

I'm probably the only one who wants more updates for Colors Ultimate but still, don't care.

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Alright so I know this is 100% not happening at all and that I'm gonna be bitterly disappointed but...


All I'm asking is just for more re-releases of Sonic's history.

Sonic Heroes, Sonic Adventure, I'd even take Sonic 2006. Use Origins as a starting point in bringing more of Sonic's history to modern devices like the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 5.


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I would love if they announce a DLC with more characters and tracks to Team Sonic Racing. The online mode is alive once again, probably because of the movies and the game being free on PSN+. But Sega doesn't like money, so it's highly unlikely.

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I think this is just going to be like, a real trailer for Frontiers, Prime and all the Origins info they've been stockpiling.

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2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

I think this is just going to be like, a real trailer for Frontiers, Prime and all the Origins info they've been stockpiling.

At this point if this means getting proper looks of two of these things then I'll take it.

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I feel like if it was just news updates, it'd be a little weak. I feel like if nothing else, they might at least try to squeeze in a announcement of some kind of re-release, let it be the last few games on 360 being added to BC (06, All-Stars Racing), or a rerelease of another game, like Gens or Unleashed or something.

With SEGA putting new-found focus on re-releases and the like, and with Origins about to drop, I feel like it'd be enough of a decent, but low-key announcement to make.

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4 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

I feel like if it was just news updates, it'd be a little weak.

That's all these things are for though. Don't psyche yourself into believing more is coming.

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Just now, Wraith said:

That's all these things are for though. Don't psyche yourself into believing more is coming.

Last year was several announcements of things that hadn't yet been announced, and we're on Sonic's birthday month. I'm not saying that this is happening, and I'm not psyching myself up for anything, all I'm saying is I wouldn't be surprised if they announced a re-release, even if as a early announcement, to give this presentation something new, which would go together with SEGA's new focus on re-releases and ports.

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For all you Unleashed fans, I hope you get a remaster just as good as Colors Ultimate tomorrow.

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They’re most likely going to announce a new animation by Tyson Hesse’s studio to promote Frontiers 

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5 minutes ago, Shaddy Zaphod said:

For all you Unleashed fans, I hope you get a remaster just as good as Colors Ultimate tomorrow.

Dem's fightn' words! 😡

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7 minutes ago, Shaddy Zaphod said:

For all you Unleashed fans, I hope you get a remaster just as good as Colors Ultimate tomorrow.

That's very kind of you, but it's Adventure fans' time to shine.

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How and why did they schedule this the same time as the ign trailer? That’s so weird to me. I’m sure these things are planned way in advance. Must be a miscommunication or odd coincidence. Excited nonetheless. Considering Frontiers is still getting ign coverage, prime will be featured Friday in Netflix’s geeked, and I’m unsure what else they really have to show of origins, I have to wonder if there will be any overlap in news this week.

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4 minutes ago, Dr. Detective Mike said:

Dem's fightn' words! 😡

Why? It's exactly what Unleashed deserves.

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They'll give us the same footage IGN gave us last week and we''ll all be utterly appalled at their inability to read a room.


There. expectations at rock bottom. Anything above that is a win lol.

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