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SPECIAL REQUEST - Stadium Banner Bonanza! [30DOS22]


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For 30 Days of Sonic, we have daily activities that you can participate in, to celebrate the blue blur's birthday month with your fellow Sonic fans. But, we wanted to add a little extra activity alongside all of this - it's time for a...


We have been meaning to bring this challenge back for quite some time... and many of you have asked whether we would do another one over the years as well. So, with 30 Days of Sonic in full swing, a new-look Sonic Stadium (since last year) and an incoming Achievements system to lean on, we thought now would be the perfect opportunity to launch...

Stadium Banner Bonanza

This activity tasks you with developing a custom header banner for The Sonic Stadium, which will go on rotation on SSMB's "Stadium" default theme.


Your banner could be there!

'What's the incentive for doing this,' I hear you ask. Well, besides being freaking COOL, your TSS Account will be blessed with the following exclusive, limited edition badge when we roll out our new Achievements system (soon):


There are some ground rules to consider:

  • Your banner must be (your own) fan art - no arranged clippings of official art or other people's artwork allowed
  • The banner must be your own original (fan art) work
  • You must adhere to the Sonic Stadium Banner Specifications (see below)
  • Your banner must account for the Sonic Stadium logo and motto text in the centre, as well as the User Bar in the top right corner. Consider the placements of characters and objects in your artwork so they don't obscure (or aren't obscured by) these elements
  • Probably goes without saying, but absolutely no NSFW imagery or themes

Stadium Banner Specifications

The entire document dimensions should be 2400 pixels wide x 600 pixels high. These dimensions allow for your banner to be seen across mobile and desktop versions of the website. However, the website dynamically resizes your banner based on the device and the screen resolution you're browsing on.

With that in mind, to ensure your banner is seen correctly across all platforms, there are bleed areas at the top and bottom of the banner area that must be considered when developing your art piece. Simply make sure that the key elements of your banner art appear in the centre of the banner template (inside the bleed areas) if you want them to be seen by all visitors of The Sonic Stadium, regardless of device.

An opacity of 60% will be applied to your banner when in rotation, so please consider this as well.

Your banner will appear in rotation on the Stadium (default) theme, so you may wish to consider the header background/checkered colour scheme and the above opacity application.


PSD Template (31MB) | PXM Template (13.6MB)


Example Banner without Bleed Areas

Screenshot 2022-06-06 at 12.29.12.png

Example of Banner applied to Stadium (default) theme on Desktop.

Screenshot 2022-06-06 at 12.43.47.png

Example of Banner applied to Stadium (default) theme on Tablet screen sizes.

Screenshot 2022-06-06 at 12.45.45.png

Example of Banner applies to Stadium (default) theme on Mobile devices.


Looking forward to seeing what you have cooked up! As mentioned, this is a month-long challenge, so spend as long as you need to on it!

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  • The title was changed to SPECIAL REQUEST - Stadium Banner Bonanza! [30DOS22]

Are we required to add "The sonic stadium" or will it be added onto the banner automatically? And how can I upload my image?

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The 'Sonic Stadium' logo in the middle doesn't need to be included in your banner art - it's added on within the website. There should be an upload image field underneath the text area of the post editor here, when you're writing a reply (the bar that says, "Drag files here to attach..."). There is a filesize limit though, so if your banner art is quite heavy you can always upload it to Google Drive and link it here instead.

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

A super no.2rookiemusician was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Stadium Banner - Created a Banner for The Sonic Stadium during the event' and 100 points.

Okay, here goes:


I made this a couple of months ago. Just let me know if I need to adjust it.

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Thanks for your contributions, guys! I've added them to rotation!

@A super No.1 washedupgamer Your banner art looks great, but I think it is probably falling foul of the logo and userbar placement on desktop - see below to see what I mean. If you like, please download the PSD template file linked in the OP and use that to help adjust your banner's items around the bleed areas and safe zones.

Screenshot 2022-06-11 at 19.52.29.png

@Stasis I absolutely LOVE this! Combining Sonic Movie 2 action with Sonic the Comic art style is genius. I'm also a big fan of how you placed the Master Emerald so it sits behind the Sonic Stadium logo. Thank you! Here's how it looks on site (desktop):

Screenshot 2022-06-11 at 19.51.54.png

@Indigo Rush A great banner, thank you! I really like the creative placement of the Special Stage elements. Sometimes the simplest concepts can look the best!

Screenshot 2022-06-11 at 19.52.59.png

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Spin Slasher was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Stadium Banner - Created a Banner for The Sonic Stadium during the event' and 100 points.

Here is my design, It is so modern and I made it so Modern and it is themed around Sonic and this Website.Untitled design.png

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

castell-neath was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Stadium Banner - Created a Banner for The Sonic Stadium during the event' and 100 points.

Ok, I've tried here. Not sure on pixel requirements as my ICT skills for art design are zero. As a result I've had to go for hand drawn, with a crude screen grab pasted on. I then emailed it to myself, screenshotted it of the phone and uploaded.

I know its not goung to win any awards but I thought I would and a go and try at least. Hopefully you can see what I was trying for....The Sonic Stadium & Knuckles!



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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

Bad Guy was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Stadium Banner - Created a Banner for The Sonic Stadium during the event' and 100 points.

Storm! I absolutely love this character. He isn't particularly popular though, so he probably wouldn't ever really get the spotlight. So it's up to me to help give the guy some limelight when no one else will by having him be front and center with his very own banner!


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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

NikoS was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Stadium Banner - Created a Banner for The Sonic Stadium during the event' and 100 points.

I tought for a while if I was going to take part in this, and if so what to do, after a while I had an idea to use various phrases from the series (akin to the one below the Stadium logo); I selected some, prepared a cool background, and the result is the following


The text behind is a google-translated greek lyrics of Open Your Heart, i felt it needed some more flavor, and IMHO the end result was a nice one.

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This post was recognized by Dreadknux!

WanderingBleats was awarded the badge '[30 Days of Sonic 2022] Stadium Banner - Created a Banner for The Sonic Stadium during the event' and 100 points.


context: i saw this thing and burst out laughing for like a minute or two. It is hilarious and adorable and I'm sad it's out of stock.


I initially intended this to be a little less entirely-done-in-MS-Paint-y, but I had a hiccup with the tablet I ordered. The components I needed to actually get it working only just arrived today and I do not have enough time to practice with it. But maybe it's better this way for this thing anyway.

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On 6/12/2022 at 5:59 AM, Spin Slasher said:

Here is my design, It is so modern and I made it so Modern and it is themed around Sonic and this Website.Untitled design.png

It's impressive. I liked It.

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