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Sonic legacy games price hikes


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In my country, Sega has increased the price of legacy Sonic games. They did the same in other countries. Here in Brazil, the prices increased about 170%. In some of other countries, about 500%.

Maybe a consequence of the second movie's success? The interest in Sonic-related content has grown exponentially.

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It's not just Sonic games, but a few other SEGA games as well like the image shows, but still, this shit justs sucks. It's even worse in places like my country where they tax you some extra not shown stuff with certain credit cards, making some old games as pricey, if not more, than a modern AAA game.

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34 minutes ago, MetKey said:

It's not just Sonic games, but a few other SEGA games as well like the image shows, but still, this shit justs sucks. It's even worse in places like my country where they tax you some extra not shown stuff with certain credit cards, making some old games as pricey, if not more, than a modern AAA game.

I think this is probably because of the movie success, even the other Sega games, because most of them are classic games. Some people may feel nostalgic about the time Sega used to make consoles after watching the movie.

It's just an speculation. No evidence to support that, but it makes sense to me.

Sonic Forces wasn't full price when it came out and there were sales right after the game's release. I think Sonic games were cheaper because demand was lower, Sega needed the sales to keep people buying them.


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Is this specifically a Sega issue? Was under the impression Brazil was kind of heavy on the video game taxing - you sure there hasn't been a new rise or something? Those increases seem beyond ridiculous otherwise

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