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Sonic Frontiers - Teaser Trailer

Message added by Dreadknux,

Recent posts about the 'Sonic Frontiers' trademark information has been broken out into its own thread. This thread was originally about the game's announcement trailer way back in May, so it's a bit out of date to be posting significant game updates here.

Please remember to create a NEW forum topic if fresh news about a game has surfaced. This makes it a lot easier for users to find and discuss the latest news on SSMB. The side-chat about 'another solo Sonic game' may also be broken out into its own separate thread, to contain and avoid repeat discussions about it.

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An untitled Sonic Game was teased at the end of today's Sonic Central

I'll post a better trailer once the Official YouTube updates.

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This trailer is pretty frustrating tbh. More cryptic than even Forces' trailer, and not even showing much whatsoever. They've been keeping us in suspense for this long, the very least they could've done was give us more information than Sonic running in realistic forest with weird light trails. 

The fact the game is dropping on Switch is kind of concerning for me too. Forces' port was a good enough port, don't get me wrong, but I'm kind of worried that the game is gonna be throttled in order to be runable on PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, unless they're intending to make a next-gen and past-gen version, like Unleashed HD/Wii.

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When he's running at the screen it looks like classic sonic but if you pause it when there is a side on view I'm not 100% sure if it is classic? 

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Yeah there's teasers and then there's... whatever tf that was lol.

It could literally be anything.

Is is tied to Sonic Prime? Is that warping effect the scatterverse opening?

Back to realistic environments now too. Gotta love the inconsistency from game to game haha.

Just now, Eurisko said:

When he's running at the screen it looks like classic sonic but if you pause it when there is a side on view I'm not 100% sure if it is classic? 

It did seem like he's had a redesign for sure. Somewhere between the two.

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I think I speak for everyone here when I say that there is pretty much nothing to talk about with how cryptic the teaser was.

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It might be just me, but the design to Sonic looks kinda pudgy in what little we seen of his face...

Sorta like Adventure...



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7 minutes ago, Guy Strong said:

I sure hope those "squares" don't indicate Sonic transitioning back to pixel form...

They're the Null Space thing I thought so feels like hinting at Infinite coming back (given how his disappearance was weird in Forces).

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6 minutes ago, Polkadi~☆ said:

I think I speak for everyone here when I say that there is pretty much nothing to talk about with how cryptic the teaser was.

There is a something, but I

1) Mostly it's asking questions that we can't possibly answer

2) I feel too insulted to even do that.

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Honestly I was into it, then it just kinda ends... it's almost intriguing but it's so vague we don't even have like a one little thing to chew on. I expected a teaser, this is like a teaser for a teaser...

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I'm honestly not sure if it's even meant to be a word.

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Seems I wasn't the only one who noticed the similarities between Classic and Modern Sonic, as well the 3D/2D perspective.

As bad as this can sound, a game where you play with modern sonic in 3D and with the press of a button you become classic Sonic in 2D?

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There seems to be, not quite hints, but at least what is depicted happening: wider environments to explore and somewhat more vaguely, also having a more expressive physics engine!! 

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1 minute ago, Chili Dawg said:

Honestly I was into it, then it just kinda ends... it's almost intriguing but it's so vague we don't even have like a one little thing to chew on. I expected a teaser, this is like a teaser for a teaser...

That's pretty much been how Sega advertises Sonic over the past decade or so. Don't even get me started on the whole Sonic 4 debacle...

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That trailer was a lot of... Nothing. And nothing regarding a brand new project is pretty unacceptable if they want to give people some faith that they've learned from past games. It could be argued that this trailer implies that nothing at all has been learned. Even Forces' first teaser, as cryptic as it was hinted at some of the game's themes (even if they were way overblown for dramatic effect).

We pretty much know exactly what we knew before and nothing else - "We're working on something". This honestly, could easily be one of the biggest mis-steps SEGA has made in recent memory when they're showing so little when they've had so long to put together something of substance. There's really no excuse for not being able to show even a slither of gameplay at this stage given the game's been in development since at least 2019.

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15 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

The fact the game is dropping on Switch is kind of concerning for me too. Forces' port was a good enough port, don't get me wrong, but I'm kind of worried that the game is gonna be throttled in order to be runable on PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, unless they're intending to make a next-gen and past-gen version, like Unleashed HD/Wii.

Assuming Switch Pro is real I think we'll be fine In that department 

Anyway trailer was nothing and the symbol is nothing so....gonna keep waiting however many months for the next piece of info I guess 

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5 minutes ago, expansivelovestories said:

There seems to be, not quite hints, but at least what is depicted happening: wider environments to explore 

Oh man this new game teaser shows Sonic running around in a huge environment, it's going to be so open and free, it's gonna be great!

e: anyway this teaser is basically nothing, "a game exists". May as well have not even bothered.

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It looks like Sonic is infected with some digital virus or something. Makes me think of the Zombot arc lol

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15 minutes ago, Eurisko said:

When he's running at the screen it looks like classic sonic but if you pause it when there is a side on view I'm not 100% sure if it is classic? 

It's not Classic Sonic...

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4 minutes ago, Diogenes said:


oh noo :0  i definitely didn't remember this if i have ever seen it!! Although it is interesting that both have a deciduous forest for Sonic to run through!  this certainly could be a soft to medium reboot of 3D Sonic, so maybe it is an intentional choice to reference it?

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I feel like the aesthetics of this teaser get across some "ancient civilization" vibe, and I'm curious if this means a return to a more elaborate storyline. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

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