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Sonic & The Guilty Pleasure


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So, I recently got my hands on official copies of Sonic Rivals 1 and 2, two games that I used to play a lot when I was younger, and even back then I couldn't exactly tell you why I played them as much as I did.

My relationship with Sonic is kind of weird, cause when I like it, I love it, when I dislike it, it's among the most dreadful experiences I can have in gaming.

My relationship with the Rivals games is even more weird, I know they're bad games, I have nothing positive to say about them except a couple stages look cute, and some of the music is ok, I do realize they're awful and janky *while* I'm playing them, but at the same time, I keep going back to them every now and then, and I gotta say, I don't have a bad time with em.

I guess that's the definition of a guilty pleasure, right?

So I'm here to ask, what's your guilty pleasure. What's that one game that you can't play without thinking "wow, this sure is a pile of trash", but still enjoy throughout the whole experience?

I don't want to know about the games you actually think are good or w/e, I'm interested in the worst of the worst!

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Sonic and the Black Knight has shit level design, the core gameplay loop is utterly moronic, the controls are not good...

but I start up that game, swing my Wii Remote around a bit


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Probably Sonic Battle. Everything about the gameplay is jank roughly equivalent to how cute the character interactions are. It's a crime (maybe a misdemeanor at best but STILL) that Emerl hasn't come back yet.

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4 minutes ago, Sixth-Rate Soma said:

Probably Sonic Battle. Everything about the gameplay is jank roughly equivalent to how cute the character interactions are. It's a crime (maybe a misdemeanor at best but STILL) that Emerl hasn't come back yet.

Sonic Battle is no guilty pleasure, it is a battle scar of pride showing how much of an absolute madman and true heir of royalty you are. That game is mean and it is clunky, but that's what makes overcoming it a worthy experience.

No the REAL guilty pleasure is learning to accept that 3D Blast is kinda good. Not like, good good. But fun. Extra points if it's the Saturn version.

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to call shadow the hedgehog a guilty pleasure is a sign of weakness. I think of it more as a spiritual awakening. the moment i hit start and that gunshot played bestowed upon me a sensation that was more joyous than anything I've ever felt.

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Just now, Wraith said:

to call shadow the hedgehog a guilty pleasure is a sign of weakness. I think of it more as a spiritual awakening



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Sonic R for me. I dunno, something about how quick it is to 100% the game once you know what you're doing makes it so satisfying; also the music and low poly aesthetic is just so cozy for me. 

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27 minutes ago, Indigo Rush said:

Sonic R for me. I dunno, something about how quick it is to 100% the game once you know what you're doing makes it so satisfying; also the music and low poly aesthetic is just so cozy for me. 

I'm down with this. I find it a fun enough experience...although only if you play as Knuckles. Favourite character aside, Knuckles' glide allows for far easier repositioning of the character and helps a lot of the control issues in the game.

Heroes is a bit of both. It's my first Sonic game, and while I will always love it on a nostalgic basis, I find it frustrating to play almost entirely because of the controls. Way too slippery for their own good, and the team structure requiring four playthroughs of the same unchanged level, other than it being a little shorter or little longer is kinda eh.

Rush is a good time, even if the level design is kind of crappy towards the end of the game. Don't know if that counts as a guilty pleasure since it's mostly agreed Rush is a good game.

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37 minutes ago, Sixth-Rate Soma said:

It's a crime (maybe a misdemeanor at best but STILL) that Emerl hasn't come back yet.

One day... 


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My guilty pleasure for Sonic Games at the time was Sonic Chronicles.


Before it came out, I used to play those fanmade Sonic RPGs on Newgrounds and wondered when a true Sonic RPG would come out, which would be about a year after I got into Newgrounds stuff. I played through it, hoping for the best and while it was decent overall (with the exception of the city music), I could not help but go through it a few times after beating it originally to try out different character combinations.


I did play Colors and Generations soon after, but they did not hold my interest (though the former had more going for it than the latter).

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"Guilt" is a strong word for it but I enjoy booting up Sonic Lost World every once in a while. Almost everything people say about it is fair, a lot of it I even agree with, I just find it fun in spite of it's clear flaws. ...I avoid those weird levels that turn into Flappy Bird for no reason though.

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42 minutes ago, Indigo Rush said:

Sonic R for me. I dunno, something about how quick it is to 100% the game once you know what you're doing makes it so satisfying; also the music and low poly aesthetic is just so cozy for me. 

Sonic R Isn't bad, fight me

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Sonic Riders has an brutal learning curve not helped one bit by it's breakneck pace. But damn if it isn't an exhilarating joyride once you learn how to play it. And now Tournament Edition exists and that's even better.

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AOSTH may be weird and poorly drawn, but it’s still enjoyable at times. I’d also put Spinball in this category, along with Shadow. I used to put Sonic 4 in here, but I realized how boring it really is a while back. 

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2 hours ago, Wraith said:

to call shadow the hedgehog a guilty pleasure is a sign of weakness. I think of it more as a spiritual awakening. the moment i hit start and that gunshot played bestowed upon me a sensation that was more joyous than anything I've ever felt.

I can't call it a guilty pleasure. I genuinely think it's a good game and it gets way too dunked on.

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Sonic 06. I've finished the game many years ago and still think it's a laughable mess, but I keep coming back for more due to the more "open" level design of the most playable levels compared to the boost games. They are literally everything that I want in a 3D Sonic game and I have fun with them when the game pretends to be something actually functional. 


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Sonic R is my favorite "bad" Sonic game. The music is just so catchy. Feeling the sunshine makes me feel so free, so alive, the bad times pass me by.

Sonic R just makes me think about the good times.

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I would say Chronicles but that would require me to feel any weight on my conscience. It was on the last few Sonic games I actively replayed. The storyline, characterization, soft resetting my game so I can get every Chao available, that was a good time for me. If I’m having fun with a game, why the hell should I feel guilty about enjoying it.

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Sonic 4 ep 1 and a few levels of Sonic Lost World 3DS.

I like plaing S4ep1 on my phone with tilting controls... it makes the game near unplayable but the challenge of controlling it is what makes it interesting for me. Lost World 3DS is a bad game, but I enjoy some levels, including the infamous snowball one (because when you know the stage there are a lot of shortcuts that you can go through by abusing of parkour). I remember having a bit of fun from speedrunning levels and uploading scores online, and from multiplayer.

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My guilty pleasure is Sonic and the Black Knight. I know it is not a well liked game, but it was fun for me, and I loved its music. To me, it is such an underrated game.

Oh, and both episodes of Sonic 4, too.

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The closest thing I can think of to a Sonic guilty pleasure is the ongoing joke I have with my friends about owning Sonic Labyrinth in multiple forms and proudly displaying my original boxed copy on my bookshelf. It's not even a game I've played a lot of when I was a kid, but I have it and just accept its existence.


(I don't know why there's a hole between my copies of Sonic & Knuckles and 3D Blast :P)

I actually really enjoy Shadow. I acknowledge its issues, but Shadow Rifle goes brrrrr and that's all that matters.

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I did purchase Sonic 4 (Part 1 only) many years ago, but never quite got into it despite the somewhat improved graphics at the time. 

Never got Part 2 though, and I do not think it is available anymore, is it?

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