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Sonic Games on PlayStation Consoles that'll be no longer available after July/August - UPDATE: PS3 and Vita stores remaining open!


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So, with the impending closure of the PlayStation Store on PS3, and PS Vita in a few months, it also means that while most of these games will still be available in some form on different platforms (mostly Xbox/Steam), there's actually a few that will be much more difficult to get, especially now with game prices skyrocketing for both PS3 and Vita. 

The PS3 store will be going offline on the 2nd July 2021, and with it - every Sonic game digitally available for the PlayStation 3 will be delisted permanently, including DLC. 

The Vita store will be going offline on the 27th August 2021, and again - with it every Sonic game available digitally, including PSP titles.

While both stores will be closing, it is confirmed you'll still be able to access and redownload your bought games from your download list, so it may be worth picking up anything Sonic wise on these platforms that you didn't already do so.

With that said, I thought it would be a good idea to give a comprehensive list of what games (and additional downloadable content) are available where and how, for those still looking to pick up Sonic stuff before the storefronts are gone for good. Some of the US prices shown here may be slightly off, due to being estimations mainly for the DLC, as prices differ between PS3 and Xbox 360, so it's a little bit give or take with those. There are also regional differences to consider, so some games listed here as unavailable may be available in your region, so it might be worth checking the PS Store anyways.


  • Game - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Unavailable Digitally 
  • DLC - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Very Hard Mode (Sonic, Silver, Shadow) - As the name implies, these are altered stages for the three playable characters with additional enemies and hazards included - $2.49/£2.49 each
  • DLC - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Boss Attack Mode (Sonic, Silver, Shadow) - A mission pack where Sonic, Shadow and Silver fight each boss from their retrospective campaign one after another - $2.49/£2.49 each
  • DLC - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Team Attack Amigo - A mission pack with redesigned levels focusing on the amigo characters from each character's campaign (IE - Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, Omega, Blaze) - $2.49/£2.49.
  • Game - Sonic Unleashed (2008) - $14.99/£12.99
  • DLC - Sonic Unleashed - Mazuri Adventure Pack - A level pack that gives four daytime stages and two night stages set in Mazuri - $2.49/£2.49
  • DLC - Sonic Unleashed - Spagonia Adventure Pack - A level pack that adds four daytime stages, along with two night stages to Spagonia - $4.99/£3.99
  • DLC - Sonic Unleashed - Empire City + Adabat Adventure Pack - A level pack that adds five day stages and four night stages spread between both Empire City, and Adabat - $2.49/£2.49
  • DLC - Sonic Unleashed - Apotos + Shamar Adventure Pack - A level pack that adds five day stages and four night stages, spread between Apotos and Shamar - $2.49/£2.49
  • DLC - Sonic Unleashed - Chun-Nan Adventure Pack - A level pack that adds four day stages and two night stages to Chun-Nan - $3.99/£3.29
  • DLC - Sonic Unleashed - Holoska Adventure Pack - A level pack that adds four day stages and two night stages to Holoska - $2.49/£2.49
  • Game - Sonic Adventure (HD Remaster) - DIGITAL ONLY - $3.99/£3.69
  • DLC - Sonic Adventure - DX Upgrade - It adds the additional content from the Gamecube version of Sonic Adventure DX to the remaster, adding the game's mission mode, among other features - $2.49/£1.69
  • Game - Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing - Unavailable Digitally
  • DLC - Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing - Ryo Hazuki/Forklift Truck - It adds Ryo from the Shenmue series, along with his forklift truck as a selectable racer into the game - £3.99/$4.99
  • DLC - Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing - Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone - It adds Metal Sonic as a racer to the game, along with the Death Egg Zone as a racetrack - £4.99/$5.99
  • Game - Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 - DIGITAL ONLY - $6.99/£6.49
  • Game - Sonic the Hedgehog (Vintage Collection) - DIGITAL ONLY - $3.99/£3.69
  • Game - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Vintage Collection) - DIGITAL ONLY - $3.99/£3.69
  • Game - Sonic Generations - $19.99/£12.99
  • DLC - Sonic Generations - Casino Night Zone - Hardly worth bringing up as it's essentially impossible to get on consoles now, as the codes will have long since expired - Casino Night Zone was a recreation of the pinball mini-game found in Sonic 2 and beyond in Generations' style, and it was available for buying the collector's edition of the game, or pre-ordering it at certain retailers in the US.
  • Game - Sonic CD (Whitehead Remaster) - DIGITAL ONLY - $4.99/£3.69
  • Game - Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 - DIGITAL ONLY - $9.99/£9.99
  • DLC - Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 - Episode Metal - A unique DLC, instead of simply buying it, it's instead a 'bonus' for buying both Sonic 4 Episode 1 and Episode 2. That said, if you don't get them both before the store closure date, it'll be gone forever. You play as Metal Sonic going through the four zones from Episode 1.
  • Game - Sonic Adventure 2 HD Remaster - DIGITAL ONLY - $7.49/£6.49 
  • DLC: Sonic Adventure 2 - Battle DLC - A DLC pack that adds the additional content from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle to the game, including the additional multiplayer features - $2.99/£1.99
  • Game: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed - $19.99/£11.99
  • DLC - Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed - Metal Sonic + Outrun Pack - A DLC pack that adds both Metal Sonic as a playable character, along with an Outrun race track - $2.99/£1.99
  • Game: Sonic the Fighters - DIGITAL ONLY - $4.99/£3.69

PS3 Games Available Only in Certain Regions:

  • Game: Sonic Heroes (PS2 Classic) - Europe/Japan - £7.99/1,200 Yen
  • Game: Shadow the Hedgehog (PS2 Classic) - 1,200 Yen

PS Vita:

  • Game: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed - $19.99/£11.99 - Notable for being the full console version ported to a handheld console, and plays well at that.
  • DLC: Metal Sonic + Outrun Pack - Same deal as the PS3 edition, although it also came bundled with limited editions of the game on Vita - $2.99/£1.99

PSP Games (Playable on both PSP and PS Vita):

  • Game: Sonic Rivals - $6.99/£6.49 (Possibly already delisted on UK Store)
  • Game: Sonic Rivals 2 - $6.99/£6.49 (Possibly already delisted on UK Store)

With that, that's all of the Sonic related content that's currently available on the PlayStation 3 and Vita stores, apart from minor stuff (Sonic's Little Big Planet DLC costume packs, SEGA Mega Drive Collection (PSP), which can't be confirmed to be currently available). Once the stores go, all of these games and DLC go along with it, with games like Heroes, Shadow, and both Rivals games especially notable among these as these versions of the games aren't available readily elsewhere, so be sure if there's anything here you're interested in getting, you get them before the stores go.

Edit: Forgot to add Sonic the Fighters to the PS3 list.

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Hopefully I'll be able to still play these after the closing date because I've heard about the CMOS clock situation where if the CMOS clock dies you won't be able to play all your digital content at all. I'm really angry about this because this is the only way I can play Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 because I don't have a Dreamcast or a Gamecube and I didn't know that I could play Gamecube games on the original Wii until I got rid of it when I got the Wii U. Sonic Heroes isn't an issue because I still own a PS2 so I could always get a physical copy in second hand shops. Not only that, I've also gotten rid of my PSP because it wasn't working anymore so I downloaded Sonic Rivals 1 and 2 on my PS Vita. But in terms of the Sonic Adventure games, I'll be really upset if I can no longer play them because of the CMOS issue as they are my favourite Sonic games and there'll be no other way for me to play them unless Sega decides to remake them for the 30th anniversary but instead they're remaking Sonic Colors. This could be just a rumor though. 

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12 hours ago, The Famous Sonic said:

Hopefully I'll be able to still play these after the closing date because I've heard about the CMOS clock situation where if the CMOS clock dies you won't be able to play all your digital content at all. I'm really angry about this because this is the only way I can play Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 because I don't have a Dreamcast or a Gamecube and I didn't know that I could play Gamecube games on the original Wii until I got rid of it when I got the Wii U. Sonic Heroes isn't an issue because I still own a PS2 so I could always get a physical copy in second hand shops. Not only that, I've also gotten rid of my PSP because it wasn't working anymore so I downloaded Sonic Rivals 1 and 2 on my PS Vita. But in terms of the Sonic Adventure games, I'll be really upset if I can no longer play them because of the CMOS issue as they are my favourite Sonic games and there'll be no other way for me to play them unless Sega decides to remake them for the 30th anniversary but instead they're remaking Sonic Colors. This could be just a rumor though. 

While it's still a concern, it's important to note you should be fine for awhile. The CMOS battery only requires authentication with Sony servers - and even at that, it only required if the battery dies, and you need to replace it, and the servers will be remaining up for the foreseeable future, past the store closure date.

It's obviously still a concern, but not for awhile at least. It's also possible that if/when the time comes that Sony decides to pull the CMOS authentication from the PS3, they might patch in a fix that'll get rid of the CMOS battery requirement, as right now - the only reason it exists is due to the trophy system on PSN. 

PS Vita on the other hand - we haven't heard if that has the CMOS issue or not, right now, only the PS3, PS4, and supposedly the PS5 has issues with it. 

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I feel like this is just a process they're going to approach slower in the future instead. They're just waiting until the heat dies down.

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