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What Sonic game should I get next?


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I'm trying to decide what Sonic game I should get next. I'm thinking about getting Shadow the Hedgehog but I've heard that that game is REALLY terrible. I've also been thinking about Sonic Unleashed, and the Sonic Mega Pack for the PS2... The Mega Pack has Sonic 1, 2, 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Beam Machine, Sonic Spinball, Sonic 3D, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine 2, and both of the Sonic animes (The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic X). I'm thinking about the Mega Pack, but my PS2 makes it run TERRIBLE <_< Any suggestions?

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I highly recommend you not to get Shadow the Hedgehog, it's the worst Sonic game ever IMO. I'm not sure what games or consoles you own (well, aside from a PS2) but I highly recommend you get Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle and Sonic Mega Collection for the Gamecube/ Wii, or if you just have a PS2 then Sonic Mega Collection Plus should definitely be top of the list IMO.

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Get Shadow.

I really enjoyed it. Most re-playable 3D Sonic game... err... ever, possibly.

And machine-gunning your way through mechs is funnnn. :D

EDIT: You crazy, S o n i c! You crazy! :P

Edited by Frozen Nitrogen
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You either have some really heavy balls wear your ovaries on the outside or are a glutton for punishment. Not a good memory to evoke round these parts. (they be fightin words :lol: )

As for the game (assuming you mean the PS2 Unleashed) than I would probably give the nod to one of the collection games. If your a fan of the classics, than there is a lot of games for the same money that will keep you entertained for a good long while. Its even better if you have someone else to play with for Sonic 2 and Mean Bean Machine. Good times will ensue.

If your talkin PS360 Unleashed, than that one is a pretty good bet.

As for Shadow, I would really only recommend it under one of 2 circumstances.

#1 You are a die-hard Shadow fan and seeing him skate around is enough to make you happy

#2 You really enjoyed other games, such as Heroes, and are willing to put up with some series flaws. If you can overlook a chunk of negatives, there is some fun to had here.

EDIT : Fix'd to reflect Femininity

Edited by Sega DogTagz
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You either have some really heavy balls or are a glutton for punishment. Not a good memory to evoke round these parts. (they be fightin words :lol: )

As for the game (assuming you mean the PS2 Unleashed) than I would probably give the nod to one of the collection games. If your a fan of the classics, than there is a lot of games for the same money that will keep you entertained for a good long while. Its even better if you have someone else to play with for Sonic 2 and Mean Bean Machine. Good times will ensue.

If your talkin PS360 Unleashed, than that one is a pretty good bet.

As for Shadow, I would really only recommend it under one of 2 circumstances.

#1 You are a die-hard Shadow fan and seeing him skate around is enough to make you happy

#2 You really enjoyed other games, such as Heroes, and are willing to put up with some series flaws. If you can overlook a chunk of negatives, there is some fun to had here.

Well, I REALLY enjoy Sonic Heroes and all the flaws on Shadow the Hedgehog is bad camera control. So yeah.. Running and gunning is FUN :D And I cannot believe that I forgot to change my gender to female lol

Edited by Omochao
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Well, I REALLY enjoy Sonic Heroes and all the flaws on Shadow the Hedgehog is bad camera control. So yeah.. Running and gunning is FUN :D And I cannot believe that I forgot to change my gender to female lol

My mistake.... I will edit my above post to reflect.

Shadow plays slippery like Heroes at times, so if you can deal with that and fight with the camera, and deal with some seriously annoying VO work on some side characters, than you can eek some fun out of the title.

In all honesty, despite popular opinion, if you can find it in a trash bin for 5 dollars it is well worth the money. Even if the only enjoyment you get from the game is watching it burn in fire after your done. :lol:

In fact, if you can find it for 5 dollars than there is nothing stopping you from picking up a second bargain bin title to maximize your money.

Edited by Sega DogTagz
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Get Sonic Adventure DX for the PS2 (worst version) / Gamecube (best version) / PC (middle version). If you have a gamecube, get the Sonic Adventure 2: Battle as well. If you have either a PS360 or a Xbox360, get Sonic Unleashed; and Sonic CD for the PC (also availabe in Sonic Gems Collection for Gamecube in the whole world and in the PS2 for Europe and Japan).

After this, Sonic Unleashed for the Wii (best version) / PS2 (worst version) and Shadow the Hedgehog (some like it, some hate it, go to youtube and browse for it, I personally like it). I don't know how you're about in handhelds, but the majority seems to like Sonic Advance 1, 2, 3 (though I'm not a fan).

Do not get Sonic 06, only if you've already played every Sonic game in existance, including Sonic Eraser.

Edited by redmenace
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If you want Shadow the Hedgehog and have a GameCube, I'd recommend the GameCube version. The PS2 version has some serious frame rate issues. Don't let other people put you off buying it. I enjoyed it quite a bit myself and before Unleashed came out I saw it as the best 3D Sonic game since Adventure 2.

PS2 version of Unleashed is fine. I haven't played it, but I'm guessing it isn't too much different from the Wii version which I enjoyed (although not as much as the PS3/360 version).

Edited by Chooch
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Well.. I have ALMOST played every 2D Sonic Game in existance so that wouldn't be really AWESOME to get any 2D Sonic games. I WOULD like to get this game though:

I need to figure out what song is in the background xD Probably gonna go with this but I'm still deciding :\ Edited by Omochao
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I enjoyed it quite a bit myself and before Unleashed came out I saw it as the best 3D Sonic game since Adventure 2.

Whoo, Backhanded compliment.

That is not high praise, especially if someone were to have a low opinion on Heroes.

I WOULD like to get this game though:

I need to figure out what song is in the background xD Probably gonna go with this but I'm still deciding :\

Yeah, that half of the PS360 Unleashed is one of the greatest things ever made to alot of people. If you don't have a problem the Werehog, the PS360 Unleashed is easily your best choice.

The song in the background is the BGM for City Escape, the first Sonic stage in Sonic Adventure 2. Just about all the stages in that game have lyrical BGMs, it is a very nice touch for style and time.

Also, if you think that Speedrun is impressive, take a look at some other ones from later stages. They will blow your mind.

Here is a good one to start with:

(vid is ugly and choppy, but you get the idea).

Edited by Sega DogTagz
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Whoo, Backhanded compliment.

That is not high praise, especially if someone were to have a low opinion on Heroes.

Does it seriously matter? I liked the game so I said that I did.

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Does it seriously matter? I liked the game so I said that I did.

No problem with that. I just wanted to point out the lack of competition. For he record, I thought Shadow was an Okay-ish game, not the abomination a good chunk of the fanbase makes it out to be.

Sorry if I worded it in an aggressive manor, I might just be a bit cranky today. Ran out of apple juice this morning.

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I'm trying to decide what Sonic game I should get next. I'm thinking about getting Shadow the Hedgehog but I've heard that that game is REALLY terrible. I've also been thinking about Sonic Unleashed, and the Sonic Mega Pack for the PS2... The Mega Pack has Sonic 1, 2, 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Beam Machine, Sonic Spinball, Sonic 3D, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine 2, and both of the Sonic animes (The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic X). I'm thinking about the Mega Pack, but my PS2 makes it run TERRIBLE <_< Any suggestions?

Buy them.

All of them.

I can't really recommend one over the other, but I suggest buying them chronologically if the story aspects of the games are a big deal to you. If you don't like frivolous spending, then I suggest disregarding this post.

1. Sonic Mega Collection has a majority of the classic games worth noting, minus Chaotix and SegaSonic.

2. Sonic Adventure 1

3. Sonic Shuffle

4. Sonic Adventure 2

5. Sonic Advance 1-2

6. Sonic Pinball Party

7. Sonic Heroes

8. Sonic Battle*

9. Sonic Advance 3

10. Sonic Rush

11. Shadow the Hedgehog

12. Sonic Riders

13. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity**

14. Sonic the Hedgehog

15. Sonic Rivals

16. Sonic and the Secret Rings

17. Sonic Rush Adventure

18. Sonic Rivals 2

19. Sonic Unleashed

20. Sonic at the Black Knight

* - Although Sonic Battle was released soon after Heroes, Shadow is depicted as having a full recollection of his past. He doesn't regain his full memory until ShTH, so that's a bit confusing.

** - Although released in 2008, the story takes place "a few months" after the World Gran Prix.

I didn't find Shadow the Hedgehog to be terrible in the slightest - I was actually quite fond of that game. But then again, your mileage may vary. So, I'd suggest renting it and try before you buy.

Edited by HunterTSF
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Except it isn't on that system... only GC and PC.

You're right. I had it in my mind that there was an SA for every platform, but not an SA2.

Edited by redmenace
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Shadow? I just bought it. For seven dollars. It's bad. You should rent it, then play it. I did twice. For some reason I just wanted it. Um.... I'd say Unleashed but I only played it for the 360 and I don't believe in the other versions. XD

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Get Sonic Adventure DX for the PS2 (worst version)

Dude...SADX is not on PS2.

Anyway, I suggest if you have a PS2, get Mega Collection. If you have a GC, get SADX and SA2B. If you have both, get Mega Collection, SADX, and SA2B.

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Dude...SADX is not on PS2.

Anyway, I suggest if you have a PS2, get Mega Collection. If you have a GC, get SADX and SA2B. If you have both, get Mega Collection, SADX, and SA2B.

Mega and Gems Collections are on GCN.

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If you enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2 and Heroes, you'll like Shadow. It's basically Sonic Adventure 2 with guns, and the production values of Heroes. On the plus side, it has TONS of glitches fixed from Heroes (most notably slippy control, camera oddities and grinding controls - all work fine in Shadow).

The only downside of Shadow is 50% of the levels are fairly uninspiring, and the enemy destroying missions can be tiresome, but there are some classics in there too: Circus Park and Lava Shelter are up there with some of the best levels in the whole Sonic franchise in my opinion, and the vehicle destroying missions are great fun, especially when you unlock the secret weapons.

Edited by JezMM
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Personally, I would download a MegaDrive emulator (such as Gens or Kega Fusion) and get some old Sonic ROMs for it - unless you have an Apple Mac, then you FAIL!

Or, if you want to be slightly more legitimate about the way you obtain games, god help you! then I would highly recommend Sonic R and/ or Sonic Mega Collection Plus for PC; they utterly wipe the floor with any post-Dreamcast console releases, and are both available for exceptionally cheap prices (I'm not meaning to advertise SEGA or anything, but the costs are utterly MINISCULE when compared to a PS2 game, and the emulation on Mega Collection Plus is far superior than anything that the home console versions can handle).

Purchase Sonic Mega Collection Plus (PC) from Amazon UK at: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000I2M1BG/sr=8-1/qid=1254332977/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&qid=1254332977&sr=8-1&seller=

Purchase Sonic R (PC) from Amazon UK at: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000059SH0/sr=8-1/qid=1254332977/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&qid=1254332977&sr=8-1&seller=

Oh, and be sure to buy them new - the pre-owned ones are, rather unusually, identically priced, and I'm sure that nobody here would want to run the risk of scratches on a second-hand copy.

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Well.. I have ALMOST played every 2D Sonic Game in existance

Which ones haven't you played? If it's any of the Mega Drive platform games (Sonic 1, 2, 3, and S&K), then mark my words; buying Sonic Mega collection will be totally worth it.

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If you enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2 and Heroes, you'll like Shadow. It's basically Sonic Adventure 2 with guns, and the production values of Heroes.

OMG Wut?

Okay seriously, I don't believe that SA2 and Shadow belong in the same box together. SA2 is STILL the best 3D Sonic game yet and Shadow.... Shadow is worse than Sonic Heroes. But still way better than 06.

Circus Park and Lava Shelter are up there with some of the best levels in the whole Sonic franchise in my opinion...

Really? Lava Shelter is mediocre at best and Circus Park is... okay. I think you can give the "Cyberspace" levels way more credit. Those I had never seen done in Sonic before... uh, at least in 3D!

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Mega and Gems Collections are on GCN.

I was talking about Mega Collection Plus...

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I'm coming to the conclusion of Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, but I'm still kinda iffy on Shadow and Unleashed :blink: Here's Zero Gravity gameplay:

YEHH I'm thinking bout this one :)
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I'm coming to the conclusion of Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, but I'm still kinda iffy on Shadow and Unleashed :blink: Here's Zero Gravity gameplay:

YEHH I'm thinking bout this one :)

I played that one. I am NOT a fan. I wouldn't recommend it.

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