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Since the United Federation is the Sonic Universe's equivalent of the United States...


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What if Sonic's version of Earth also featured a country based on the Soviet Union? (Ignoring the fact that it no longer exists) What would it be named? Would you like to see that as a level in a Sonic game? Or would references to communism get Sega eaten alive by controversy?

Something tells me their flag would look like that of the USSR:


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Unless some sort of interesting story can be told with such parallel elements (they can't even write basic cartoon story these days), I'd rather not even see them try it. 

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It's quite possible that a USSR equivalent never existed on Sonic's earth; it's always been my (admittedly headcanon) thought that the difference between our Earth and Sonic's is the presence of the Chaos Emeralds and all the changes in history that their existence on Earth would create (the US being a Federation, the echidnas somewhat replacing the Aztecs, etc).

Perhaps in Sonic's Earth's timeline, Rasputin managed to obtain all the Chaos Emeralds and destroy the Revolution.... 

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4 hours ago, Nestor said:

It's quite possible that a USSR equivalent never existed on Sonic's earth; it's always been my (admittedly headcanon) thought that the difference between our Earth and Sonic's is the presence of the Chaos Emeralds and all the changes in history that their existence on Earth would create (the US being a Federation, the echidnas somewhat replacing the Aztecs, etc).

Perhaps in Sonic's Earth's timeline, Rasputin managed to obtain all the Chaos Emeralds and destroy the Revolution.... 

And if a USSR equivalent DID come to fruition, what do your think their relations with the UF were like?

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It really depends how much the 'Federation' part of the United Federation changes it from our United States. From what little we see of it, it seems superficially similar, so assuming the Sonic!USSR is roughly similar in make-up to our version, it's relations with the Federation would probably be similar.

However.... there does seem to be an implied greater level of international cooperation on Sonic's Earth, with a global military organisation (GUN) having existed for over 50 years, so it's possible that the Cold War never happened and the Federation and USSR equivalent got along for some reason. The Federation however seems to be the reigning super-power as the GUN Commander appears to either report to him or is at least inclined to take his advice.

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Which only makes me wonder how the people of Sonic's Earth would react to OUR Earth. (As well as fictional Earths based on it like Marvel/DC)

Do you think the Sonic-verse USSR was also involved in the creation of Space Colony ARK?

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I believe the Eggman Empire is more or less that. RobotNIK, remember. A word with Eastern European roots. 

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Maybe? I like to think that Sonic's world is just a surreal version of our earth so maybe there existed a USSR but it collapsed and no one bothers to remember it.

So that I guess that means Hitler also existed in Sonic's lore. Hmmm.

8 hours ago, Miragnarok said:

I believe the Eggman Empire is more or less that. RobotNIK, remember. A word with Eastern European roots. 

ROBOTS OF THE WORLD, UNITE. But seriously I don't see Eggman leaning towards any political ideology.

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16 hours ago, Miragnarok said:

I believe the Eggman Empire is more or less that. RobotNIK, remember. A word with Eastern European roots. 

That's kinda what I was thinking.

7 hours ago, Simasuu said:


ROBOTS OF THE WORLD, UNITE. But seriously I don't see Eggman leaning towards any political ideology.

Except Fascism, apparently.

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4 minutes ago, DabigRG said:

Except Fascism, apparently.

Well, not exactly. Fascism is an ideology where patrioism and nationalism play important roles. Eggman clearly just wants to take over the world and turn everything robotic.

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The Sonic Heroes manual stated that Eggman is a feminist.

And yes, I know that it wasn't in the japanese manual, but still. I consider it canon because the idea of Eggman being a feminist is just too goddamn funny.

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3 hours ago, batson said:

The Sonic Heroes manual stated that Eggman is a feminist.

And yes, I know that it wasn't in the japanese manual, but still. I consider it canon because the idea of Eggman being a feminist is just too goddamn funny.

Do you happen to have that manual? I'd love to see a photo.

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i think many know by now but pretty sure the feminist bit was a mistranslation from the japanese manual. its not the stands up for women type as much as saying he is a ladies man I believe. 'i also do not think the japanese manual listed any of it.

also robotnik has not wanted to turn everything robotic in years. these days it just about conquering the world and even then sega has a hard time telling just that story. 

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6 minutes ago, batson said:

is Eggman a Feminist? | Fandom

Thank you. Very odd. I don't recall Eggman ever showing interest towards any female character. Well excluding Sara from the OVA ofc, but I'm talking about the games.

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