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I wanna cheat

Chaotix Prime

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Quite a pickle. I wanna get a Wii someday but that's way off. My Aunt (whose terms with the family have been sifting) has a PS2 and I'm going to be dog sitting for her for a few days, and I need something to do. Would playing unleashed be an awesome experience on PS2? As long as the CGI demos are uncut and look cool: I really don't care about in-game graphics. Advice?

Edited by Eli
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Quite a pickle. I wanna get a Wii someday but that's way off. My Aunt (whose terms with the family have been sifting) has a PS2 and I'm going to be dog sitting for her for a few days, and I need something to do. Would playing unleashed be an awesome experience on PS2? As long as the CGI demos are uncut and look cool: I really don't care about in-game graphics. Advice?

No. It's not worth it without using a Wiimote. It's only button mashing if you don't use the Wiimote.

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I bought the Xbox 360 version but also bought the PS2 version over the Wii version on release as it was about £15 cheaper than the Wii version for the same game minus Wii controls. I think the PS2 version is awesome, controls work well and the in-game graphics aren't bad at all. The CGI cutscenes that are ripped from the Xbox 360/PS3 version are a little dark but you can easily put up with them. I say go for it.

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No. It's not worth it without using a Wiimote. It's only button mashing if you don't use the Wiimote.

I used the Classic Controller for the entirety of my playthrough for the Wii version. I tried the Wii Remote control option once for a few minutes and never touched it again.

I'd say get whichever. The Wii version looks a bit nicer visually, but you've just said you don't care. Other than that and the fact that the Wii version has widescreen, the Wii and PS2 versions are exactly the same game. You can get them both for dirt cheap these days anyway, I saw Wii Unleashed going for £12 in ASDA the other day.

Edited by Mahzes
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PS2 version is superbly cheap, I say go for it. It's definately the worst of the four versions, but that doesn't mean it's bad by a long shot. Don't forget to go back and try and beat everything in the game after finishing as well: There are a lot of fun day levels tucked away behind all the mandatory werehog ones.

Edited by JezMM
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I never played the PS2/Wii version of Unleashed, but I heard the Werehog is much more fun on the PS2/Wii than the 360/PS3. I don't know what the daytime stages are like on the PS2/Wii. I have the 360 version of Unleashed and I love the daytime stages, but the Werehog stages are so boring and have very annoying music.

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Wanting to get a wii over a 360/PS3 is retardedness to a new level, especially if you consider yourself a gamer ^^.


Thanks for the tips. I can handle any style of gameplay, I mean, I never thought I'd survive heroes grinding levels, so I'd day $20 would be worth it. I just wanna see DEMOOOOOOOS! :D

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Quite a pickle. I wanna get a Wii someday but that's way off. My Aunt (whose terms with the family have been sifting) has a PS2 and I'm going to be dog sitting for her for a few days, and I need something to do. Would playing unleashed be an awesome experience on PS2? As long as the CGI demos are uncut and look cool: I really don't care about in-game graphics. Advice?

Unless you find joy in tearing out your nervous system in agonizing disgust, then I advise you NOT to go with Unleashed at all - ESPECIALLY not on PS2. Why? Well... (warms up rant-o-matic)

The excruciatingly bad game design manifests itself in every stage past level 2, and by the time you breach the deathly borders of Spagonia, the game becomes exceptionally bland; and NO clever trickery awaits as you are plunged into the black pit of extreme boredom called EggmanLand...

Then we reach the night-time stages, and the game comes into a gruesomely unplayable world of its own; if you thought that the daytime glitch-fests were bad, then you should play the game when the sun goes down... because of Sonic's new were-hog form, the levels are now focused less on platforming, but more on tiresome puzzle-solving elements... and as a result of this, the game becomes not only EVEN MORE boring, but also grows a whole new set of pulsating glitches; the term "questionable collision detection" doesn't even so much as begin to describe the atrocities that the horrendous game engine bring to the table, AND the stage completion times are considerably longer, making for a bore-you-to-tears experience with very little fun, and even less playability. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!

Of course, the previous two paragraphs don't even begin to describe the shitiness of the control mechanism (which, by the way, is SO BROKEN that that Sonic is unavoidably uncontrollable almost ALL of the time), the cheesy dialog (I'll just say that the entire cast of Unleashed - and every other employee of 4Kids "Entertainment", for that matter - should be lined up against a wall and SHOT DEAD for their crimes against the series), or even the disgusting graphics (which are not only worse than Sonic Adventure - a game that was released a whole TEN YEARS prior to unleashed - but will have you spitting acid out of your eyes within minutes)... but you get the gist - seriously, buying Sonic Unleashed will only make your weekend worse, not better, so be sure to either pick up a copy of Mega Collection Plus for your Sonic fix, or just bring whatever console you have at home; ANYTHING is better than the PS2 version of this piece of shite.

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Blahblahblah... I only ever played the PS2 version as I don't have any other console for it, but I like it quite alot. However, the disc mysteriously stopped working after 2 months...

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I have it for PS2. It. Is. Horrible. And I cant stand to see any "Sonic fan" COMPLIMENT this peice of shit.

See, that's your opinion. I hate Sonic CD, but I don't say that the people that do like it are fucking idiots.

That's just stupid.

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I didn't call them fucking idiots... I just dont see many redeeming qualities and think that it's a dumbass game.

See, opinion, other people like the game, just not you.

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I like how someone's -1'd nearly everyone including myself for having a fair oppinion in this topic. Talk about childish.

I still say go for the PS2 version if your not bothered about the Wii version being slightly better visually and dont mind not having Wii controls.

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Unless someone can give me examples of some glaring differences between the Wii and the PS2 version I'd say go ahead. I played the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed before buying and playing the PS3 version and although the PS3/360 version is a lot better than the Wii/PS2 version, I still had a bit of fun with it. You can say I have incredibly low standards or whatever else. Don't care, I enjoyed it.

The Wii motion controls really aren't anything to complain about being taken out because they aren't good anyway. The best control method I found for the Wii was the Classic Controller and the PS2's DualShock 3 is relatively close to it so you should be fine.

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I saw Wii Unleashed going for £12 in ASDA the other day.

I got 360 Unleashed from Tescos today for a tenner. :D

Woop woop. I have the Wii version upstairs in the Wii(but am stuck on Chun-nan act 3(night)), I've only finished the first boss, with Tails and the Tornado-1, but I must say, it is SO DIFFERENT!

But, yeah, if ya wanna get Unleashed PS2, go for it, we're not stoppin' ya!

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How is that considered cheating?

It's Nintendo or nothing for me... usually. Nintendo systems have the best titles I often play (i.e. Mario, Kirby). I was planning to get unleashed for a Nintendo system, but I thought it cheaper to just get it earlier. That's what I meant.

Yep, so I got unleashed for PS2, I've only played up to where you recharge the 4th Emerald, and IIIIII... enjoyed it. There, I said it it. That doesn't mean I didn't have complaints... (forgive this upcoming criticism:)


I loved the cut scenes, THESE were exactly what I'd know I'd enjoy about the game. Loved their graphics, and I loved the fun-ness of the characters. I thought Chip would be Tails clone reading about him, but he was quite clever as a character. Too immature to pass off as Tails. But yes, I would have liked Tails to tag along more. I'm sure it was Leon from Sonic X episode 68 who did Chip's voice. (And I KNOW the ice cream vendor guy was voiced by the N.M.E. employee from Kirby, that was neat.) When chip acted tough the first time around I chuckled. Second time... I didn't know if I were to laugh at how persistent the kid was or to cry at how they were over doing an aspect of the character only needed to be done once. (What IS Chip as an animal, or is he just made up?)

I had a hoot with the 1st boss battle, I mean just LOVED the thrill. Too cool. I hope all the Eggy bosses aren't just chase levels, though... Dark Gaia monsters... meh. I did get a challenge from the Holoska one, though.


Ya know, considering I got into these games with Heroes and found that nerve wrecking at 1st; then I adapted then mastered it, I thought I'd be a pretty good judge on receiving the levels everyone complained about, but...

I did get tired of the Werehog levels. The camera wasn't as personal as I wanted it to be. The controlling him was a nightmare when crossing narrow paths (and the double tap run feature doesn't make it any less nerve wrecking.) Three acts per shrine is just too much. Though I'm glad they were divided, because you only get two lives per level. NO, you can't store up lives. I HATE pole jumping, the levels are nerve wrecking and the latter ones have given me 2 game overs (not that that slowed me down much). The fighting isn't bad, but not so good either with the whole mashing buttons thing. I hate holding down the R button on poles, my hands got sweaty.

I loved the Sonic levels for the most part. The barrier thing was a well done aspect I thought. I hated redoing parts of the levels over and over again just to get the tablets. That got annoying.

I think the RPG type village system was a bit tedious for a platforming game. I didn't mind it, it's just you want to see a cutscene in between the levels, finding out where to go next can be a pain sometimes.

But yeah, the game so far has been an interesting next step for the series; not perfect, but onto something.

On another note, after I bought the game a person asked me about it and I told him the story and he said I shouldn't get a Wii and wait for a new nintendo system. It probably won't change my mind (I love Mario and Sonic too much) but what do you think? Would they come out with a system much more better than the Wii? (They WILL make a new system someday, I just can't imagine how more advanced it could be.)

P.S.: Oh, and I don't think many people realize just how the F word really doesn't make a difference in debating.

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Yeah, I know how you feel Eli, I haven't bought a Sony since I saw a real cheap second hand PSX at a second hand store and I haven't played an Xbox in years. Good to hear other people are trying to cling onto the traditional ways.. even thou we're getting screwed doing so.

Cut scenes were great, I loved the Werehogs deep english voice, I was 50/50 on the day/night stages.

I enjoyed rumbling with the Werehog, and the slowly progressing stages made it easy to find the hidden items, but I also enjoyed cutting loose on the day time stages, even thou most of it is scripted.

As for the next Nintendo, we're still not sure what it's going to be, an update to the Wii or a completely new console ( I hear they're already working on a new mascot for the system )

Maybe we'll hear something at TGS in a few days?

P.S : Yeah, people get told off and warned for ridiculous things here, and swearing isn't one of them, go figure

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No version of Unleashed is awesome, in my opinion. Just the absolute shittiest gameplay I could imagine, and I only played the PS3 version. Most people say the PS2 version is slightly worse, which I take to be their admittance that the game is only slightly worse than the holocaust.

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No version of Unleashed is awesome, in my opinion. Just the absolute shittiest gameplay I could imagine, and I only played the PS3 version. Most people say the PS2 version is slightly worse, which I take to be their admittance that the game is only slightly worse than the holocaust.

Well at least it was better than Sonic '06 and SatBK.

But like I said before, I've only played the 360 version. Daytime stages are fun, nighttime stages are boring.

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Well at least it was better than Sonic '06 and SatBK.

But like I said before, I've only played the 360 version. Daytime stages are fun, nighttime stages are boring.

Maybe in your opinion, but I loved Sonic '06, and SatBK's only flaw is an overabundance of waggle & still not having full control of Sonic. Both games are fun, but flawed. But Sonic Unleashed is just a royal fuckup, in my opinion.

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