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[EVENT] The Sonic Musical Spectacular 5 - Celebrating Sonic's 29th, Motobug's 5th, and SSMB's 20th anniversaries! Event ended! Check finale post for details on next year, and awards!


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Coinciding with the 20th Anniversary of The Sonic Stadium, Sonic Musical Spectacular is making it's grand return for the fifth year running! Originally created as an anniversary event for Sonic's 24th anniversary, the event has become a yearly tradition on SSMB, typically coinciding with the anniversary of SSMB's unofficial streaming channel - Motobug! This year however is a hugely important year for the event - not only as it arrives on the 20th anniversary of the site, but it also arrives on Motobug's 5th anniversary. This year marks five years since the original channel was created.

For those of you joining the event for the first time, the Sonic Musical Spectacular is an event based around looking back at the history of Sonic's musical career - where the community comes together to make a playlist of songs from the entire series, and we air this playlist live on SSMB's unofficial streaming channel - Motobug - in a two day event. Once again, the event is being hosted by myself, and the other members of Motobug, as well as being sponsored and helped by @Strickerx5!

As usual, it is important to ensure you read the OP, and understand the rules before taking part in the event!


The event itself is more or less similar to how it was last year. As last year's changes to the structure of the event got positive feedback, we've decided to run with it once again this year. 

So this is how the event works - you can request Sonic songs and they will be added to the playlist that can be found inside of the topic OP below. This playlist is a huge playlist that will be compiled from the requests from every single member who participates in the event, and will cover more or less every game and media in Sonic's history. 

Nearly every game will be listed in the playlist below with three to four song slots (depending on how popular the game typically is), as well as an additional remix slot.

Regular Slots - are fairly self-explanatory - they are regular versions of Sonic songs. For example - Open Your Heart, Green Light Ride, Rooftop Run (Day), etc.

Remix Slots - on the other hand are a remixed version of a Sonic song, and can either be an official remix (Example - the special remix of Can You Feel the Sunshine officially released), or it can be a fan remix/cover of a song (Example - "The Worst Timeline" - Stardust Speedway Bad Future JP Remix by John Davis).

As an example of how each game will be laid out:

Sonic Adventure:


Song 1:

Song 2:

Song 3: 

Remix 1:

Remix 2:

Now, in terms of the requests - there's a slight change from last year. Everyone will receive 4 regular song requests, and 2 remix requests, making up a total of 6 requests per person.

As usual, the catch to this is that you can't use multiple requests for the same game, so for example - one person cannot pick two Team Sonic Racing requests, they can only choose one. This is to keep things fair so no one can simply use all of their requests to take up the entirety of one game.

As per last year's rule set as well, we will not be granting extensions to a game's song list, as we did in previous years, namely due to how much of a hassle it is to determine which games should get extensions to their song lists. Instead, we'll judge how popular the game usually is in terms of requests, and grant it the additional slots from the start. If a game's song list is filled, you're just gonna have to pick a different song from a different game.

As the songs are submitted, the OP will be updated fairly consistently with the requests (Specifically - the songs section). Please keep an eye on it and check if there's available song slots for your request, or that your song request hasn't already been chosen.

The next rule to discuss is linking the songs. You do not have to link the songs themselves, typing the name of the song you want is enough. The only time we might need a link is for your remix requests. 

However - if you choose to link the songs, please use the hyperlink option (the small chain icon at the top of the text box). Embedding a lot of videos can cause major slowdown of the site, and can even crash mobiles and tablets, and make it more difficult for myself and the mods to access the page and update the OP. Also - if linking a song - please ensure it's the non-extended version of the song.

Finally - please ensure that you are linking the correct version of the song, and not parody versions. For example - SilvaGunner tracks, while they're fair game for the remix slot - they will not count as regular versions of a song, and therefore won't count for a regular song request.

After all that is done and the playlist has been compiled from everyone's requests, we will be streaming the entire playlist on SSMB's Streaming Channel - Motobug


Finally, if you create Sonic song remixes yourself, we're also bringing back the option to debut it live on Motobug during the stream. As usual, this is entirely optional, and will not be taken into account when it comes to the requests. You do not have to submit your own remixes.

The last thing to mention is that as we did last year - we're splitting the actual stream into two separate days as not only is the playlist usually massive in length, but a lot of people enjoyed this change last year. So the playlist will be streamed over two days.

One more thing to mention - the deadline for requests, and the air dates/times of the stream!

Request Submission Deadline: July 17th 2020

Stream Airdate and Time: July 25th 2020 - July 26th 2020 - Time to be announced.


As mentioned, there's a few minor changes to the event this year. These are:

  • Everyone now has four regular song requests, and two remix requests for a total of six song requests overall.
  • You can choose to premiere/debut a remix that you made (This is OPTIONAL)
  • We've swapped out the Nights and Jet Set Radio categories last year for a extra length General SEGA section in celebration of SEGA's 60th anniversary.


This is where the song list will be kept, and updated. Click on the spoiler tags for a specific game to check the slots, and see what's taken, and what's free. If you notice any missing games, feel free to let me know. 

Furthermore - SEGA General will allow submissions from any SEGA series - I.E - Yakuza, Persona, Jet Set Radio, Nights, Skies of Arcadia, etc.

Some games may be lumped together, due to lack of popularity in past years. If the need arises, we'll separate them out. That said...

Sonic the Hedgehog: 

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Closed):

Sonic The Hedgehog 3:

Sonic & Knuckles: 


Song 1:

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Remix: Flying Battery Dance Mix (JemanJ) - @Solister

Sonic CD (JP/EU) (CLOSED):

Sonic CD (US) (Closed):

Master System/Game Gear:

Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis/Saturn):

SEGASonic the Hedgehog:


Song 1: I'll Get You Yet - @DarkRula

Song 2: 

Song 3:


Sonic Spinball/Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine


Sonic Jam: 


Song 1: Museum - @Polkadi~☆

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Remix: King of the Ring - @Cuz

Sonic the Fighters: 

Knuckles Chaotix: 

Sonic R:

AoStH/SatAM/Sonic X/OVA:

Sonic Adventure (CLOSED): 

Sonic Adventure 2 (Closed): 

Sonic Shuffle:


Song 1: Blizzard of Coast - @BlueSky

Song 2: 

Song 3:


Sonic Advance:


Sonic Advance 2:

Sonic Advance 3:

Sonic Battle/Pinball Party:


Song 1:

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Remix: Emerald Beach (Lil Boulder Mix) - @tailsBOOM!

Sonic Heroes (Closed):

Sonic Mega Collection (Plus):


Song 1: Intro - @GrammyGram

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Remix: Extras Menu (Remix) - @Your Vest Friend

Sonic Gems Collection: 


Song 1: Fairy of A.I.F - @PaulyBFromDa303

Song 2: 

Song 3:


Shadow the Hedgehog (Closed):

Sonic Rush:


Sonic Rush Adventure:


Song 1: Machine Labyrinth Acts 1 & 2 Mix - @Your Vest Friend

Song 2: 

Song 3:


Sonic Riders: 

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) (Closed):

Sonic Rush Adventure:


Song 1: Coral Cave - @DarkRula

Song 2: 

Song 3:


Sonic Rivals/Rivals 2/Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood:


Song 1:

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Song 4:

Remix: Chronicles Re-imagined - Extended Intro - The Tenth Doctor

Sonic and the Secret Rings:

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (Closed):

Sonic Unleashed (CLOSED):

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Series:


Song 1: Beyond the Speed Of... - @Stay at Home Ultima

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Song 4:


Sonic & The Black Knight:

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episodes 1 & 2:

Sonic Colours (Closed):

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Series:


Song 1: Dream Valley - @Strickerx5

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Song 4:

Remix: We are Burning Rangers - @Strickerx5

Sonic Generations (Console/PC):

Sonic Generations (3DS):


Sonic Lost World: 

Sonic Jump/Dash/Speed Battle:


Song 1:

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Song 4:

Remix: Blue Sky Zone (Remix) - @BlueSky

Sonic Boom (Series):


Song 1:

Song 2: 

Song 3:


Sonic Runners:


Song 1:

Song 2: 

Song 3:

Remix: Run Away! (SARE Mix) - @DarkRula

Sonic Mania (Closed):

Sonic Forces (Closed): 

Team Sonic Racing (Closed): 

Sonic the Hedgehog (2020):

Fan Made Sonic Games:

Super Smash Brothers (Series):

SEGA General:


As with previous years - if you've created your own remix of a Sonic song, you can let us know and we'll premiere it live on Motobug. As stated before - this is purely optional, and not mandatory. 


With this being our 5th anniversary of the event, as well as this being the 20th anniversary of The Sonic Stadium, we made a very special badge for this year! Everyone who participates in the event will receive it!

6Z7YwKp.png - The Disco Egg - Used your requests for Sonic Musical Spectacular 5!


As with previous years, there's a set of rules for the event. The most important of which being this from past years:


I also ask that there be no snark as this is meant to be a positive event.  

And as usual, the standard Motobug rules apply:


While there has always been rules present on Motobug, we want to try make them clear in order to ensure a pleasant viewing experience for everyone. Please follow these rules. 

-No Adult material or NSFW Topics or images

There will be no posting offensive or sexual content. If it happens, you're banned, no ifs ands or buts. 

-The stream is meant to be for fun

The Motobug streams are meant to be a fun community event for everyone on SSMB. It's meant to just be a lighthearted place for everyone to chill out and watch stuff and have fun with each other. Please do not come into the stream to fling insults at yourself, or using it to discuss your issues at length. Not only are most people in the stream not likely qualified to speak regarding those subjects, but those kinds of topics should be going on the Personal Discussion sub-forum here. 

-No Spamming 

As with SSMB, we do not tolerate spamming the chat, especially with image embedding now being present. Give everyone a chance to speak and discuss, and don't take up the entire chat box for yourself. 


No trolling. Simple. As with the staff on SSMB, we want to ensure everyone on Motobug has a good and fun time. Because of that, we are adopting the same zero-tolerance policy on trolling as they do. It won't be tolerated, so please don't do it. 

-Be respectful

This one should be common sense. Be respectful to your fellow community members. Be friendly to them and just in general try to have a friendly attitude. Motobug's a place for everyone to have fun. This includes the same things SSMB does, flaming members, stirring drama, starting arguments, and insulting people will not be tolerated. Simple. 

-Be respectful to Staff 

The same way you should be respectful to other members, you should be respectful to the staff too. At the end of the day, not only are we normal members like you all are, but we're taking time out of our days to run these events that tend to take a ton of organisation, and effort to make happen, so be respectful. 

And finally, rules specifically for the event:

  • Last year, a few people did their requests in-character in a role-play fashion. This is fine, but please do not use images as we had an issue last year where neither myself or mods could access the OP to update it due to the massive number of things to load. 
  • Please ensure if you are linking a YouTube video, it's linked as a NON-EXTENDED version of the song in question. When compiling the playlist for the stream itself, it creates a lot more work hunting down non-extended versions. 
  • Please ensure to add any song links via a hyperlink, and not embedding it.
  • Please be aware that while I will be doing my best to keep the song list above updated, and Stricker likely will too, please look at recent posts to ensure your requests haven't been taken up and the lists weren't updated yet. Also in general, please take care to look at the song list to ensure you aren't entering a song that's already been submitted or a song for a closed game.
  • Please make use of the topic for your requests, and any questions regarding the event.
  • Not a rule, but we'd definitely appreciate feedback on the event after it's over. We love hearing about the time people had during it, and how we can improve. This is in fact how we improved and added to the event so much this year.


This will be updated as questions are asked throughout the event.

As usual, I hope you'll consider joining us for the event this year and taking part in it. As I said above, in the previous four years, it's gotten a lot of positive feedback as a fun Summer event, and everyone having fun listening to the playlist that SSMB created together as a community.

Due to the big celebrations this year (Both TSS's 20th anniversary, and Motobug's 5th anniversary), myself, Strick, and all of the Motobug staff have been working extremely hard to get this event up and running this year, and as it usually is, it was a massive team effort to pull it off. If you've got any questions or need clarification about the event, feel free to ask and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Q. Can songs from Sonic at the Olympic Games be requested?

A. Yes - it'll count under the Mario & Sonic Olympic Series.

Q. Do I need to use all my requests at once?

A. No - you don't need to use all of your requests at once. You can make a post later when you decide what you want in those requests if you don't use them at once.

Q. Does covers count as remixes?

A. Depends on the context. If the cover is an official version of a song that was originally written by the band covering it (I.E - Zebrahead's His World, Cashell's Un-Gravitify - it counts as an official song and therefore must be requested via a regular song request.

If it's a cover long after the original by a different artist, but official - then it counts as a remix (I.E - Tee Lope's remix of Can You Feel the Sunshine). If it's a fan-made cover, it falls into a remix slot.


Event Coordinator: @Ryannumber1gamer

Mod Sponsor: @Strickerx5

Art (Logo, Banners, Badge): @DanJ86 @Spin Attaxx

Stream: @Polkadi~☆

Motobug Staff:




-The Deleter

-Spin Attaxx




-Crow the BOOLET

Special Thanks to @Chris for approving the event!

You for taking part!

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

My first remix pick of course, for Smash:

C’Mon And Ride The Ultimate Smash Hype Train

Edited by Strickerx5
Converted video to hyperlink
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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Ryannumber1gamer was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

Gonna kick things off with my own requests!

  • Whims of Fate - Persona 5
  • Speed Me Up - Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
  • Work It Out - Sonic R
  • Chemical Plant Zone (Modern) - Sonic Generations
  • Remix 1: Riches and Stitches - Price Remix by Lil Boulder - Persona 5
  • Remix 2: Poisoned Paradise - Planet Wisp Remix by Lil Boulder 
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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Teoskaven was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Ellipsis-Ultima was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

Quick question: We can request music from the Sonic at the Olympic Games mobile game right?

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1 minute ago, Stay at Home Ultima said:

Quick question: We can request music from the Sonic at the Olympic Games mobile game right?


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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Failinhearts was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

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So quick reminder for everyone that I want to stress, keep videos out of the thread. Failure to do this will result in general thread slowdown and an inability for some to even navigate it.

Please keep your post to a simple text and/or hyperlink format.

Otherwise, the same general forum rules (outside of the list one of course) apply here so please keep it respectful and let’s have some fun!

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Alright everyone, the song list has been updated with all entries so far.

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Solister was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

Note: Might interest to some of you, this was the link for last year topic. [Closed]

Ooh, this is where the fun begins...

Honestly, I almost chose all my favorite Sonic songs last year, but there's still some good stuff:

Sonic - You Can Do Anything - Sonic CD (JPN)
Open Your Heart (Crush 40 vs. Circuit Freq Remix) - Sonic Generations
Ennio Morricone - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Mirage Saloon Act 2 - Sonic Mania
Theme of Metal City - Sonic Riders
Flying Battery (Dance Remix) [JemenJ] - Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Can I let my second Remix spot empty for now? It's been a while I don't listen Sonic Remixes and while I found one it's ok for now, I'm not sure if that's the best remix I've ever found. Plus, I think I might being a little jerk taking some of the best spots.

I should listen less Electronic Music

Edit: chose my last remix: Electric Toothbrush (Blue Rhythmz Remix) - Jet Set Radio

Edited by Solister
Added my last remix
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Just now, Solister said:

Can I let my second Remix spot empty for now? It's been a while I don't listen Sonic Remixes and while I found one it's ok for now, I'm not sure if that's the best remix I've ever found. Plus, I think I might being a little jerk taking some of the best spots.

I should listen less Electronic Music

Yeah, you don't have to use all your requests at once. You can hold off and wait to see if you can find something you like better if you want.

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

blueblur98 was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

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Kittea was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

Would you count covers as remixes?

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2 minutes ago, Kittea said:

Would you count covers as remixes?

Yes, the only exceptions are covers by the original song writers - for example - Zebrahead's cover of His World would be countered as a regular request, while Can You Feel the Sunshine from Tee Lope would fall under a remix.

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11 minutes ago, Kittea said:

Can't really think of remixes right now. Could I request those later?

Yup, you can request them later when you figure it out.

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Spin Attaxx was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Dr. Detective was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

I'm at work right now so I can't link the songs on my phone but I absolutely will when I get home and update the post. For now though.

Song 1: Sonic Lost World - The Deadly Six Theme (Violin Ver.)

Song 2: Team Sonic Racing - Boo's House

Song 3: Sonic Heroes - Hang Castle

Song 4: Shadow the Hedgehog - All Hail Shadow

Remix 1: Sonic Unleashed - Eurobeat Brony - Discord (Egg Dragoon Remix)

I've updated the post. Thank you for waiting @Ryannumber1gamer

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

StaticMania was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

1. Pyramid Cave - Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

2. Sonic Boom ED version - Sonic CD

3. Toxic Caves - Sonic Generations

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Harkofthewaa was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

TheBlueGuardian was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

My picks for this year.

1. Emerald Coast Classic- Sonic Generations 3DS

2. Wack Workbench Bad Future- Sonic CD (US)

3. Radical Train- The Abandoned Mine- Sonic 06

4. Crystal Cove act 1- Sonic Classic 2

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This post was recognized by Strickerx5!

Mania Pipe was awarded the badge '[Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022] Disco Egg Cleared! - Used all of your requests in Sonic Musical Spectacular 2022 event, or used any request in the Sonic Musical Spectacular 2020 event! Radical!' and 10 points.

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