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Have you ever ragequit a Sonic game?

A Peep

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I don’t mean quit because you’re tired or quit because you wanna watch Netflix, I mean get so angry at a game that you have to take a long break before you come back. I have a lot.


Games I ragequit -

Sonic 2 (GG) - because of the hang glider stage

Sonic Blast - because of the lava level 

Sonic Adventure - because of Big’s stages

Sonic Adventure 2 - because of Security Hall

Sonic Advance 2 - I think around Sky Canyon I quit

Sonic 06 - one of Sonic’s mach speed segments, then the ball puzzle

Sonic Unleashed - as much as I love the game now, I used to hate it. I quit during the Werehog’s stage in Mazuri 

Sonic and the Black Knight - I really hated the motion controls

Sonic Lost World (3DS) - I quit during the stupid pushing snowball stage


Are you as pathetic at Sonic games as I am? Post down below!

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Haha only Sonic '06 for me. I did finish it eventually but it was soooo buggy and boring (and oh my god those speed runs...). Highly frustrating!

Oh, and Sonic and the Secret Rings. That wasn't so much rage as a "This is terrible" quit. Didn't even touch Black Knight after that!

I hear you on the Lost World snowball stage btw. What was that about!! Got through it though.

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I did this with Sonic 4: Episode II. I got it during a time when there had been no new Sonic game for a long while and I was desperate. The game had been out for a while and I knew damn well that I didn't have any real interest but... Tails was in it so I got it. Then the game pissed me off with its constant badness and the ear-bleedingly awful looped boss music. I had never just refused to beat a Sonic game like that before or since.

I still haven't properly beaten the classic games, but not due to a traditional rage quit. More so the realization that I'll never be good enough at them to beat them without constantly saving my spot in Mega Collection so I don't have to worry about dying, which isn't fun. And if you're not having fun, then you shouldn't be playing the game. I have a desire to maybe one day do it but I'm not holding my breath.

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1 hour ago, A Peep said:

Sonic Adventure 2 - because of Security Hall

I used to despise this stage...then I heard about the glitch on how to open the safes without needing to push the switch, and now it's a piece of cake.

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Well, two come to mind.

The first's Sonic Advance 2. I had never actually played any of the other Advance games in the past despite loving the first game ever since I was a kid (it's among one of the games I replay the most), and I wanted to give the others a shot. So I booted it up on an emulator not too long ago, and well, to put it bluntly, Sky Canyon can go suck a big one. Never really touched it again after that session, and I never got around to playing Advance 3 either.

The other one's Sonic 4 Episode II. I was a bit curious about it (and its predecessor) after hearing a lot of the buzz surrounding how bad they are, but I was never in any real rush to go out and buy it. Don't really wanna spend my time playing bad games y'know? The old demo they had on the App Store didn't really convince me otherwise. Then I saw that they made it a part of the Sega Forever initiative and I thought "...alright fine.". At first it wasn't too bad, but eventually it got worse as it went along and I quit at the Oil Desert boss, not because it was frustrating or anything, but because that was the point I decided I was tired of wasting my time on this absolute mediocrity.

But yeah these two broke me, even though I grew up with and 100%'d Sonic Genesis on the GBA. Weird.

EDIT: I almost forgot mention Sonic Blast! Yeah, that water level fuggin' blows lol

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If I’m being honest, I don’t think a Sonic game irritated me enough to be completely done with them. Even some of the more annoying aspects like the special stages in the Class games and unnecessary padding in a lot of the 3D games weren’t enough for me to go beyond my tolerance level. I think the closest a Sonic game has gotten me to rage quit was with my second playthrough of Sonic Adventure 2 where Mad Space had irritated the living hell out of it, but really that just made me wanna finish the game quicker at that point rather than straight up dropping it.

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I ragequit Unleashed's extra acts whenever I attempt them. Then I go back to them later and devote a little while in trying to complete them, rinse and repeat. Unleashed and I have a complicated relationship

I also wanted to give up on ShTH after one playthrough. I tinkered with an already-completed save file and couldn't finish half of the missions I attempted after that lol. Maybe someday I'll try again but everything about that game wears me out.

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I play Heroes on PC fairly frequently, because it's still a really pretty game with an aesthetic I love that can run at 4k and look great.



I very rarely make it past Bingo Highway before I get pissed and table it.

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Probably quite a lot on Egg Rocket in Sonic Advance. For some reason I could never reach the end before the timer ran out.

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Sonic 06 is the biggest one, I’ve been on again off again with the game ever since I got the game for Christmas in 2011 along with Unleashed and several other games. First, it was the Mach speed sections mixed with the fact if you game over, you start from the beginning until you save after Wave Ocean. I also wasn’t aware of the gems so I didn’t use them.

After getting passed that, it was Crisis City, one of the biggest marathon levels in the series, and one I really hate, especially due to the Mach speed section. After that, the longest block for me was Kingdom Valley. I absolutely despise this level. The level is long, the controls bug out a lot, there’s a Mach speed section, and then to top it all off, a horrible Silver section. Screw this level.

I can’t remember too many issues with Shadow and Silver. I think I had a problem with Shadow’s first level where he breaks into Eggman’s base due to bad snowboard controls, but I can’t remember.

However, I’ve still yet to finish 06 after multiple years of stopping and starting again on the same file, and it’s the End of the World that killed the run. This level is the worst. It’s a marathon level forcing you to switch between multiple slow characters, exception to Blaze and Shadow. But no, what kills it is the bullshit insta kill orbs that drag you into them and are everywhere. This is the worst.

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Never have I ever raged so much over a Sonic game.

Say Hello to 1 of my least favorite minigames in the game.

The end map minigame for the Riot Train has asks players to press buttons according to the colored headlights.

Easy, right?


No matter how hard I spammed the buttons during the correct lights, I always got 4th place during this minigame. I got so frustated with this minigame that I pretty much made sure to get Emblems in everything else except the ending minigame. How do I know if I'm doing good or not? Am I gaining Rings or losing them?

Not even the cool animated cutscene of the train turning into an angel and flying off into dream space is enough for this bull.

And don't get me started on the Final Results Screen, where characters try to run from one end of the path to the goal.

In Story Mode, if you lose, you have to replay the entire board from the start... At least the Rings you collected go in the Sonic bank...


Sonic Shuffle.

Cool motifs and music

Broken difficulty and minigames.

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I wouldn’t call it a “rage” quit but:

Free Riders. I couldn’t even complete the tutorial.

“Ummm, not quite. Was your timing off a little bit there?”


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Definitely the Barrel of Doom in Sonic 3.

If it weren’t because of sheer determination to get past that stage, I probably wouldn’t have played Sonic or Tails in that game for years to come.

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I never touched Sonic and the Secret Rings again after realising just how terrible the waggle-controls were implemented and how unplayable they made the game. Looking at YOU "Don't touch the rings" missions.

Empire City's night stage had my raging pretty hard too.

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Black Night.

I had actually been quite excited for the game(anyone else remember the early version of Knight of Wind?) and my parent just decided to get it for me in on a spontaneous whim. I spent up to 30 minutes on the tutorial and first stage trying to get the hang of the controls and just couldn't at the time. I took it out of my Wii and gave it to Gamestop, only buying again several years later.

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Two games.

One is Sonic Forces, but not because it's bad or frustrating, but because the Ring King achievement requires such monotonous grinding. I grew so sick of all the grinding, that the one stage I used to grind a lot on (Prison Hall) has made me despise the song. I'd keep it up for a while, then leave when I finally got really sick and tired of the same route, on the same level, with the same song, and same constant sound effects.

I. Could. Not. STAND IT.


and sonic heroes because it is legitimately terrible to play. I love the music and aesthetics, but the game plays like greased butter shoes slipping on a banana peel—super slippery as all heck. And the casino stages are butt. And the special stage controls make no sense. It is actually the worst Sonic game control-wise.

But damned if Grand Metropolis and Power Plant aren't bumpin' tracks.

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Lost World PC: The snowball level. I had already beaten the game on WII U but I got so frustrated with the game when I replayed it on PC I uninstalled.  (10% because of difficulty, 90% because of Roger's infuriating death clips alongside the stupid happy music and Zeena constantly saying the same thing over and over again)

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sonic & all-stars racing transformed:

chilly castle ghosts.



chilly castle in general deserves to be hoisted right into a fire.

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Sonic games aren't too hard for me. I remember Sonic Riders mission mode and SA2 A Ranks busting my ass but I don't remember the specifics.


Usually the higher end of challenges were the most rage inducing. Completion wasn't a problem for me.

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I never really ragequit anything, but two of the most rage inducing moments I can remember were both in trying to 100% SA2B.


First was trying to A-rank Cosmic Wall. I would play that level feeling like I did perfectly so many times, but just keep on getting a B-rank no matter what. Didn't help that it takes over 7 minutes to complete the stage. Also, apparently they doubled the A-rank requirements for the GCN version from 50,000 points to 100,000. Wth

Second was finding out I had to raise a second Chao just to participate in the Dark race, and that I could have avoided having to do that if I had just raised my first one as a neutral Chao instead of a Hero Chao. 

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Yes, the PS2 version of Shadow the Hedgehog. I already had a huge buyer's remorse after finishing one of the routes, but the thing that made me snap was Cryptic Castle's floor bug.

I don't know if this also happens in the GC or Xbox versions, but this bug literally blocked all my progress. When I started the level, a big chunk of the floor didn't load and Shadow fell forever in the abyss. This happened so frequently that I actually though there was some kind of switch or platform hidden somewhere, just waiting to be found. After many resets and tries, I finally got tired of wasting my time with a game that I didn't even like and let it eat dust in one of my drawers.

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All I remember rage quitting in Sonic Rush when I got to Altitude Limit during my Freshman year. When I beat it a year later, it felt cathartic.

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The only thing I can think of is giving up on getting perfect ranks in every level in a few games like SA2. In that case it was mostly because of Metal Harbor. I know how to do it now so I could probably pull it off, but ehhhhh.

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