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Stuff from other continuities that you wish were canon to the games


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18 minutes ago, Your Vest Friend said:

I doubt SEGA would ever want to touch Skypatrol ever again considering it's all but confirmed it was a reskin of a scrapped Disney game. 

Oh yeah, I think I did see something about Bearenger in particular being a modified Black Pete.

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20 minutes ago, DabigRG said:

Oh yeah, I think I did see something about Bearenger in particular being a modified Black Pete.

Here it is.


But like, Sonic was partially based on Mickey Mouse anyway.

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11 hours ago, Your Vest Friend said:

I doubt SEGA would ever want to touch Skypatrol ever again considering it's all but confirmed it was a reskin of a scrapped Disney game. 

I mean, being a reskin didn't stop Mario Bros. 2 elements from becoming important parts of the series.


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20 hours ago, DabigRG said:

I was actually kinda thinkin that myself :lol:

At least a fanfiction writer will put actual care and effort into their characters, regardless of whether or not they're Mary-Sues. The Avatar was boring, which was a shame because if SEGA had played their cards correctly, they could have branded the concept in non-Sonic games. The Avatar could have had personality presets that effected their dialogue and the decisions that they made, and despite what problems I had with Shadow's game, I did like the branch-story format, and thought that would have been perfect for them. The CaC's gameplay should have been less about gimmick weapons and superficial customizations and more about making choices you wouldn't be able to in Sonic's mode of gameplay.

And one other thing. How the hell did fans manage to come up with a better backstory for Infinite and the Avatar than SEGA? Their writing is just getting lazy and uninspired at this point. SEGA can't even get basic parts of their lore correctly like Tails being able to fight, and that was established as early as Sonic 2. And you don't even need to watch cutscenes or even play the game to know that! It was on the back of the damn manual! If they can't even be that invested that much into their own characters and lore, why should anyone else? I don't blame people for wanting Archie/SatAM/STC/etc. elements in the games because regardless of what you think about those universes, you have to admit even that's better overall than what SEGA's doing. At this point they may as well let the comic writers take over because SEGA's current staff can't make stories to save their lives. Give me Archie comics or fanfiction writers like Dan Drazen. Despite what issues I had with SatAM, I'll take that any day over SEGA's current direction.

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I can't think of too much outside of just general story ideas. Like, I'd love to actually see the Metal Virus in the games. Sounds like it'd be fun if it were a nice open, 3D game. I wonder how they'd work around not being able to fight the Zombots with physical attacks. Perhaps it wouldn't be an issue for Sonic if he were infected there too... sort of. 

I'd like to see the Chaotix Detective Agency household from Sonic X appear in the games. I know it appeared in the Sonic Channel comics for the 25th Anniversary so maybe. 

Animals and humans co-existing like they did in the Archie reboot would be nice. The obvious and least confusing manner of approach that also provides for the most diversity within the world sounds even more alluring the more I think about it.

I'd also be on board for a version of Eggman's Dozen to exist within the games. I love villain groups so much. I like the idea of Eggman either commanding or working with his own group of Kingdom Hearts baddies. It gives me the chills.

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On 9/29/2019 at 2:16 PM, DabigRG said:


Colors and Lost World are so disconnected from the Sonic series in terms of narrative and environment that they feel more like re-skinned Mario games.  There's almost no logic behind any of the stages or places we see in cutscenes.  Eggman's Amazing Interstellar Amusement Park consists of one rollercoaster themed stage and... a bunch of random stages with platforms for Sonic to navigate, exactly one of which actually resembles an enslaved alien planet (and one that's made out of candy...).  And let's not forget the secret base where Eggman and the Deadly Six carry out their plans in Lost World, which consists of a featureless black room with one monitor screen and one door for the Zetti to walk out of.  At least in Forces there was some effort to make the setting resemble stuff we've seen in previous Sonic games, like Arsenal Pyramid and Capital City actually looking like Eggman bases.  The things we see in Forces are actually justified by the plot, instead of just having completely random enemies and obstacles spring up in Sonic's path.

Then there's the characterisation.  Most of the dialogue in Colors and Lost World consists of petty insults and cringey jokes.  Every single character is depicted as a bratty, childish jerk who speaks in surfer dude lingo.  Forces still has the bad jokes but Sonic isn't an annoying prick anymore, he actually behaves like the heroic and friendly Sonic of the Adventure to Unleashed era, reaching out to the Rookie so they can work together to overcome Infinite.  Tails is still a bystander for most of Forces, but it's less terrible than in Colors and Lost World where he's both completely helpless and completely out of character, given essentially the same snarky dialogue as Sonic.  Not to mention Knuckles in Lost World, whose personality is boiled down to "thinks he's better than Sonic and is a buffoon".  Can you imagine the Knuckles of SA2 or Heroes acting like that?   Can you imagine any version of Knuckles caring about whether he's stronger than Sonic, much less while the world is in danger?  In Forces Knuckles has meaningful priorities and is actually concerned about saving Sonic's life, even if he still isn't utilized that well, it's still far better than how he was depicted in the last game.

Pretty much everything I can find wrong with Forces is also a problem in the previous Pontaff games, without any of Forces' redeeming qualities.

Meanwhile Generations is bar-none the worst written Sonic game there is.

Not even getting into how painfully inept the entire plot is, which seems like it was devised by people who skimmed some Sonic articles on Wikipedia rather than actually playing the games, all the dialogue and cutscenes are utter dreck.  Like the opening cinematic: where is Sonic having his birthday party?  Oh, some field somewhere with a picket fence.   Not Angel Island or Tails' workshop or Vanilla's cottage (because Blaze can show up to Sonic's birthday party but not Cream's mom) or any other location where the event might logically take place, just a field the characters picked out of the blue to have the party.  Whatever textures the high school student they got to animate the game had on hand I suppose.  Then there's the scene where the two Sonics go Super, which is so lifeless and dull that in a game already overflowing with embarrassing content I think it's the most embarrassing moment in the series.  The lack of any sense of imagination or cinematography in the composition of these cutscenes compared to virtually every other 3D title in the series is appalling.

Forces is full of incompetent nonsense but at least it actually attempts to be a Sonic game.

And one other thing. How the hell did fans manage to come up with a better backstory for Infinite and the Avatar than SEGA?

Pfft, which fans?

I remember this video someone made explaining "how to fix Infinite", consisting of jettisoning the Jackal Squad, Infinite's beat down by Shadow, and basically everything distinctive about the character until he was just another mook created by Eggman.  Did that fan come up with something better than SEGA?

Not that SEGA hasn't been churning out genuinely stupid storylines for about a decade, but that just makes it more grating when people zero in on the first interesting decision they've made in years and declare it worse than fanfiction.  Infinite and the Avatar were handled with more subtly than any characters we've seen since Black Knight.  The parallelism between Infinite remolding himself into a living weapon after Shadow wiped out his teammates and Shadow's own past could have been beaten over the player's head but the game opted for something less blatant.  I personally really liked the Avatar's story; the way he was a survivor of one of Infinite's massacres, just like Infinite was a survivor of Shadow's attack, but chose to find new comrades to place his trust in rather than adopting Infinite's nihilistic attitude complimented Forces' themes nicely.  There are tons of things in the game that I think should have been executed better but honestly this isn't one of them.

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Of all things, Cluck from SatAM could be a nice addition to Eggman's group - but as a more on-model Sega Cluckoid to act as a beloved pet for the doctor to dote on.


Julian having and actually caring about his pet robot chicken was one of the few redeeming qualities he had in the show, and I think it could be both a nice nod to the cartoon and a chance to give Eggman some minor pet-the-dog (er, chicken?) moments from time to time.

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  • 3 months later...

While Classic seems to have more room for this, at bare minimum, some nods to these continuities would be neat. 

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I always thought it was neat that in the UK comics Super Sonic was a psychotic, alternate form. There would be desperate times where he was needed, but it would be risky considering his unpredictable nature; and whether or not he would revert back to "regular Sonic."

Also in Sonic Underground the Chaos Emeralds actually causing chaos all over Mobius was pretty neat; like with UK Super Sonic there's the unpredictability factor; collecting them means power but also catastrophe.  

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13 minutes ago, Austroid said:

I always thought it was neat that in the UK comics Super Sonic was a psychotic, alternate form. There would be desperate times where he was needed, but it would be risky considering his unpredictable nature; and whether or not he would revert back to "regular Sonic."

Also in Sonic Underground the Chaos Emeralds actually causing chaos all over Mobius was pretty neat; like with UK Super Sonic there's the unpredictability factor; collecting them means power but also catastrophe.  

Sonic X had something similar with machinery going haywire and I think there was an instance where they could cause an explosion.

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I do like the main continuity the best (at least the Magic Islands and Earth part), but there was an anecdote in Sonic X stating that the rings are shed from the Chaos Emeralds when they give off too much excess energy that would fit perfectly if stated as cannon. They give characters a moment of invulnerability, open portals to the Special Zone and keep Super Sonic going. Having them be intrinsically linked to chaos energy like that makes a lot of sense.

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33 minutes ago, Natie said:

I do like the main continuity the best (at least the Magic Islands and Earth part), but there was an anecdote in Sonic X stating that the rings are shed from the Chaos Emeralds when they give off too much excess energy that would fit perfectly if stated as cannon. They give characters a moment of invulnerability, open portals to the Special Zone and keep Super Sonic going. Having them be intrinsically linked to chaos energy like that makes a lot of sense.

I think that was a thing in Archie too.

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On 9/28/2019 at 9:59 AM, Shadowlax said:


This would be neat. And i'm with you. Unfortunately the people in japan are still very much in charge and recently got rid of the last girl who looked like she could scrap and is now ... in the ether so to speak. Maybe one day, somoene will talk to them and convince them in the year of our lord 20XX sonic has a diverse enough fan base to have girl characters like that. Maybe even LGBTQ characters i dunno.

If you mean Sticks, I’m not sure that’s accurate.  In fact, I believe I remember reading/hearing that she was mostly designed by Sonic Team, in other words Japanese people.  She died with Sonic Boom, but SEGA wasn’t looking to kill Sonic Boom; they had sincerely hoped that it would bring in new fans and one of the reasons RoL was so broken is that it started as a separate project before SEGA ordered a retool to make it a plug for that series.  If anyone is to blame for the demise of Sonic Boom and hence Sticks, it’s the American-run Cartoon Network.

Also Blaze isn’t really stereotypical either, she remains the only female character who has (what I would consider) a super form, and she keeps coming back.  I’m not saying everything is all hunky-dory in Japan, but in this case everything blamed on sexism might just as easily be blamed on them not caring much about writing good characters in general.

As for LGBTQ representation, that seems to be dialing down after a few high-profile backlashes, demands for censorship and sometimes outright cancellations in many foreign markets, so I wouldn’t expect it right now.  Especially since romantic relationships aren’t really a thing in this series; making one exception for the sake of activism when it would irritate at least as many people (at least globally) as it pleases seems unlikely.

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Anyway, I will second the desire for Tangle in the main series canon; Sticks too.  That said, I don’t know what interesting things could be done with them, gameplay-wise, by Sonic Team in this era, except in multiplayer games.

Meanwhile, I would also like Fang to appear in Modern Sonic games, as that’s the subset of the series that has multiplayer games, and I don’t see his abilities being useful in a Classic Sonic game.

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On 9/30/2019 at 2:50 PM, Ivo-goji said:

Colors and Lost World are so disconnected from the Sonic series in terms of narrative and environment that they feel more like re-skinned Mario games.  There's almost no logic behind any of the stages or places we see in cutscenes.

Are you suggesting that "that must be the lost hex" isn't peak lore?

But yeah, I tend to refer to those games as "Sonic and his A**hole Friends in Video Game Land" for a reason.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mina has even less of a chance than Sally given the mess that led to her being removed.

Would be nice tho.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/28/2019 at 8:32 AM, Rosaleia said:
  • Egg Bosses. It makes more sense for Eggman to utilize this than simply using a Roboticizer or even Badniks, really. After all, if his entire army is made up of Robots all someone needs to do is make an EMP and disable them all. And with characters like Tails, or Rotor in SatAM/Archie (who I think even made one at some point, I think), or the G.U.N military,  it didnt make sense why Swatbots and other creations like them would have been as much of a problem as they were if you have characters smart enough to whip something up and disable them. Even in the games that's kind of odd to me, when the series has characters like Tails. So having Egg Bosses and Grunts, I feel would help level the playing field.

In a way, Egg Bosses are kinda canon.

Eggman has lieutenants like Metal Sonic and Infinite taking charge of different regions quite often, and has had other sentient allies like Jackal Squad, Shadow, and Gemerl from time to time, and he's had several phantoms of Zavok, Shadow, and others commanding his legions in Forces as well.

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1 hour ago, UnknownByME said:

In a way, Egg Bosses are kinda canon.

Eggman has lieutenants like Metal Sonic and Infinite taking charge of different regions quite often, and has had other sentient allies like Jackal Squad, Shadow, and Gemerl from time to time, and he's had several phantoms of Zavok, Shadow, and others commanding his legions in Forces as well.

Eh, Jackal Squad and the Deadly Six are about as close as it's really gotten.

The reboot also had Horde Commanders, Super Badnik bosses that often accompanied Badnik Hordes and other operations that are deliberately a bit closer.

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The Egg Bosses fit there since Reboot Archie stuck to Eggman being a dictator who ruled territory. The Gameverse Eggman as of Two-Worlds is apparently just a squatter attacking whatever planet.

Infinite is just the villain of the week. The Deadly Six don't work for Eggman willingly.

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4 hours ago, Almar said:

The Egg Bosses fit there since Reboot Archie stuck to Eggman being a dictator who ruled territory. The Gameverse Eggman as of Two-Worlds is apparently just a squatter attacking whatever planet.

That is true.

Still, he could potentially make use or take advantage of people like that.


Infinite is just the villain of the week.

The Jackals were basically an outsource taskforce. Infinite himself was upgraded to the Enforcer.


The Deadly Six don't work for Eggman willingly.

Neither did some of the Egg Bosses/Grandmasters. 

It may also be interesting to note that the Japanese version has Eggman tell Zavok point blank that they'd eventually be Badnik'd and/or Roboticized after certain phases of his plan is complete.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I wish it were all canon to the games. That would be cooler.  Obviously I understand the licensing issues, ala Ken Penders, and the efforts to maintain an overall brand IP and not dilute it. 

But at the same time, Sonic's World is more attractive the more vibrantly colorful and inclusive it is.  It's more fun for everyone. 

Sonic is the main character, and he has his core friends Tails and Amy and Knuckles, but he's a social butterfly and can know a lot of people. Narratively, a game could easily include Knothole and Princess Sally Acorn without assuming the player needs to have any prior knowledge. Tails simply introduces her, "Princess Sally! Wow, we haven't seen you in awhile!"  "Yes, thanks to you and Sonic, Knothole has been peaceful ever since... until this story!"

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