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[EVENT] - The Sonic Musical Spectacular 4 - Celebrating SSMB, 28 Years of Sonic, and 4 years of Motobug! - (Submissions Closed) Main Event Stream Premiere - (New dates) - 3rd and 4th August - 7pm GMT/2pm EST


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For the forth year running, Sonic Musical Spectacular is making it's yearly comeback! The event was originally created as a celebration of Sonic's 24th or 25th anniversary, as well as a celebration for Motobug's first anniversary event (Motobug being a event stream exclusively for SSMB members) - the event is designed to take a look back at the greatest musical hits to come out of the Sonic series from the very beginning! In previous years, the event has been a massive success and seems to be a lot of positive fun for everyone, so we're very happy to be bringing it back for another year!

 This year, the event is being hosted by myself, and the Motobug crew as usual, but also @Strickerx5 will be sponsoring and helping out this year!

That said, there are some changes to the rule set this year around, so please read the OP carefully! We're hoping the changes reflect an overall better experience for everyone involved with Sonic Musical Spectacular 4!


For the event itself, there's a few changes to the event this time around, but it is largely the same as previous years. In this event, you can request your favourite Sonic songs and they will be added to the general playlist found in the topic OP.  This playlist is a massive playlist that will be complied from requests from every single SSMB member who takes part in the event, and will cover the majority of Sonic's games. Nearly every game will be listed in the playlist below with three to four regular song slots - depending on game popularity, and an additional remix slot. 

For the regular song slots - these are just regular versions of the Sonic songs, for example - Open Your Heart, Green Light Ride, Escape from the City. The remix slot is a slot reserved exclusively for either a official, or fan remix/cover from a specific game - for example - Fly in the Freedom Remix by MiatriSs would be placed into Adventure 2's remix slot. 

As an example of how each game is laid out: 

Sonic Unleashed:


Song 1:

Song 2:

Song 3: 

Song 4: 


Now, one of the changes this year is that everyone will receive four regular song requests, and one remix request, making up a total of five song requests per member. The only catch to this is you can't use multiple requests on the same game. For example - you can't choose two Sonic Mania songs to submit, you can only choose one. This is in the interest of fairness so no one can just use all of their requests to take up the entirety of one game. 

Now, a major change to this year is in exchange for the additional games we're adding, as well as a few changes to the general rules, there will be no extensions this year, generally because there's so many games in the series that you can choose from, and because in previous years, it just ends up being a rather large hassle to have to decide which games should get extensions. This time around, based on game popularity, we'll deem if it gets an extra song slot or two from the beginning and leave it at that. If the game's song list is filled, you're just gonna have to pick another game to submit a request for.

As songs are submitted, the OP of the topic will be constantly updated with your requests (Specifically - the songs section). Please keep an eye on it, and check to make sure there's available slots for your song request, or that your request hasn't already been chosen.

Another change this year is for linking songs - if you are linking songs - you do not need to submit the actual link, writing out the name of the song will do just fine. The only real time we might need a link is for remixes. But if you choose to add a link, please use the hyperlink option found in the text box options whilst writing a post (The little chain icon). Embedding your videos can cause a lot of page slowdown, and make it incredibly difficult for myself, and mods to access the page to keep the OP regularly updated. Finally - if you decide to link your songs - PLEASE - use only non-extended versions of the songs. 

Further more - make sure the linked version of the song is the actual legit song and not a parody version - for example - Silvagunner videos. While Silvagunner songs can be accepted as remixes, they will not count as regular versions and will not count as a request.

 Next - after the playlist is compiled from everyone's requests, we will be streaming the entire playlist on SSMB's streaming channel - Motobug:


Finally, it is currently planned that a celebration video will be made that will credit EVERYONE who had a hand in the event, including everyone who submitted requests. For an example of the celebration video - 

We will also be bringing back the option for you to create a remix of a Sonic song and have it aired on Motobug live during the event! - Keeping in mind - this part is not mandatory and is strictly for song creators who want to do so.

IMPORTANT: And to make it clear as there has been confusion on this before - You do not need to make and submit your own remixes. The main event itself is based around you picking your favourite songs from the long line of songs in the Sonic series and requesting them here. Same with requesting a remix made by someone else. While making your own remixes is fine, that is not what the event is about.

I repeat: simply request your favourite Sonic songs and a remix request (A remix made by someone else). That is all you need to partake in this event.

IMPORTANT: In terms of the actual stream of the playlist itself, there is a big change this year - in previous years, we had the entire playlist streamed over one day. However, since the playlist last year nearly totalled to eight hours, we decided that this year, we want to split the event stream into two days - this allows for more requests, and more games to be added to the playlist this year without making it a marathon run.

So, what else? The time and dates of the event!

Request Submission Deadline: 21st July 2019

Stream Air Date: 27th and 28th July - 6pm GMT/1pm EST


To summarise the changes to Sonic Musical Spectacular this year: 

  • Everyone now has four regular song requests and one remix request, making up a total of five requests
  • Some franchises with a strong connection to Sonic will be given their own slots this year
  • Extensions will not be made to song lists, if a song list is filled, you need to pick another song for another game.
  • The deadlines are set in place this year, so there will not be extensions to them. Please get your requests in on time.
  • The main stream of all of the songs selected by SSMB members will be split into two days now as opposed to how it's usually one day. This allows for a lot more slots, a lot more requests, and without causing massive marathon runs of songs.
  • Submitting songs, you do not have to link it, and can just list the name of the song, as well as the game/version of said game it's from. If you do decide to link the song, please link a non-extended version, and use the hyperlink option instead of embedding the video.


This is where the song lists will be kept and updated. Check the spoiler tags for a specific game to see which slots are taken and which song has taken up a slot, and if you notice a missing game, feel free to let me know and I can add it. 

As with last year, some games have been lumped together while others have gotten their own lists due to feedback and research. Also, if you see a (closed) beside a game, that means all the slots are taken. If an extension is added to a specific game, it'll be mentioned here in the topic. With that said...

Classic Era: 

Sonic the Hedgehog (Closed): 

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Closed):

Sonic CD (JP) (Closed): 

Sonic CD (US) (Closed): 

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Closed):

Sonic & Knuckles (Closed): 

Master System/Game Gear Titles: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Sonic 2 Bad Ending Staff Roll - @Ryannumber1gamer

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Song 4:

Remix Slot: 

Sonic 3D Blast: 



Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Trap Tower - @Ryannumber1gamer

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: 

Sonic Spinball/Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine: 

Sonic Jam: 


Song 1: Sonic World - @Ernest the Panda

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: 

Sonic the Fighters (Main slots closed, remix open): 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Sunset Town - @BlueSky

Song 2: Aurora Icefield - @Ernest the Panda

Song 3: Death Egg's Eye - @Dejimon11

Remix Slot: 

Knuckles Chaotix: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Tube Panic - @Your Vest Friend

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: 

Sonic R (Closed): 

TV Shows/OVA (Closed):


Sonic Adventure (Closed):

Sonic Adventure 2 (Closed): 

Sonic Shuffle: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: 

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: Blizzard Coast Hip-Hop Mix - @Your Vest Friend

Sonic Advance: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Cosmic Angel Boss - @TheOcelot

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: 

Sonic Advance 2: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Ice Mountain Act 1 - @Spin Attaxx

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: Music Plant Zone Act 1 - Mania Mix - @Dejimon11

Sonic Advance 3 (Closed):


Sonic Battle/Sonic Pinball Party:


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Battle Highway - @jgcatindig

Song 2: Gimmie Shelter - @Your Vest Friend

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: Emerald Beach - Lil Boulder Mix - @Zaysho

Sonic Heroes (Closed): 

Sonic Mega Collection(Plus) (Closed): 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Manuals - @Zaysho

Song 2:  Extras - @PublicEnemy1

Song 3: History - @Ryannumber1gamer

Remix Slot: Sonic 3 MegaD Mix - @StaticMania

Sonic Gems Collection: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Intro - @BlueSky

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: 

Shadow the Hedgehog (Regular slots closed, remix open): 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Waking Up -  @Solister

Song 2: The Chosen One - @Knight56

Song 3: Cosmic Fall - @DiamondX 

Remix Slot: 

Sonic Rush (Closed): 

Sonic Riders Series: 


Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) (Closed): 

Sonic Rush Adventure (Regular slots closed - remix open): 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Big Swell - @Ellipsis-Ultima

Song 2: Haunted Ship Act 1 - @StaticMania

Song 3: Sky Babylon Act 1 - @Your Vest Friend

Remix Slot: 

Sonic Rivals/Rivals 2/Chronicles: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Rival Select - @BlueSky

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Song 4:

Remix Slot: 

Sonic and the Secret Rings (Closed): 

Sonic Unleashed (Closed): 

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Series) (Main slots closed, remix open):


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Dream Table Tennis - @Ellipsis-Ultima

Song 2: Dark Eyes - @jgcatindig

Song 3: VS Sticks - @Haalyle

Song 4: Diamond Dust Zone - @Dejimon11

Remix Slot: 

Sonic & the Black Knight (Closed):

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Ep 1/2):


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Metal Sonic (Boss, Ep 2) - @AuroraRedwinters

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: VS Metal Sonic - Trance Mix - @Sonic Fan J

Sonic Colours (Closed): 

Sonic and SEGA All-Stars/Transformed (Main slots closed, remix open): 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Graffiti City (Intro) - @Dr. Detective Mike 

Song 2: Carrier Zone - @jgcatindig

Song 3: Burning Depths - @Strickerx5

Song 4: Adder's Lair - @Haalyle

Remix Slot: 

Sonic Generations (Console) (Closed):

Sonic Generations (3DS): 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Big Arm - @Tails spin

Song 2: Radical Highway Act 1 - @The Tenth Doctor

Song 3: Emerald Coast Act 1 - @Haalyle

Remix Slot: 

Sonic Lost World:


Sonic Jump/Dash/Speed Battle:


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Mountain Jump (2005 ver) - @Patron

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Song 4:

Remix Slot: 

Sonic Boom: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Paelo Tarpits Boss - @Tails spin

Song 2: Cutthroat Cove: Cutthroat Swamp/Treetop Marsh - @Haalyle

Song 3: 

Song 4: 

Remix Slot: 

Sonic Runners: 


Sonic Mania (Closed): 

Sonic Forces (Closed): 

Team Sonic Racing (Closed): 

Fan Made Sonic Games (E.G Time Twisted, Before the Sequel): 


Super Smash Bros (Closed): 



Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Queen Bella's Ball - @Jovahexeon Ogilvie Maurice

Song 2: 

Song 3: 

Remix Slot: 

Jet Set Radio: 


Regular OST Slots: 

Song 1: Miller Ball Breakers - @Solister

Song 2: Teknopathetic - @Polkadi~☆

Song 3: Let Mom Sleep - @Teoskaven

Remix Slot: 

Notable Additions this year: 

-Team Sonic Racing

-Smash Bros

-Jet Set Radio



In line with previous years since there's a few song creators on SSMB, you can create your own remix and submit it to be premiered live during Sonic Musicial Spectacular 4 - however as said before - this is not mandatory.


Not only are we bringing the event back for another year, but we've got another exclusive prize to go with it! Here's this year's SSMB award/badge for taking part in the event!

5HByjQg.jpg - Speedy Blue DJ - Used up all song requests for Sonic Musical Spectacular 4!

And as previously mentioned - by using your requests, you will be added to the celebration video being made to celebrate the event!


As usual, there's a set of rules to the event. First things first, as I've done with previous events, I want to state the most important rule of the event from previous years:


I also ask that there be no snark as this is meant to be a positive event.  

 This event has been made to be a fun and positive time for everyone, so please be considerate of others. The standard Motobug rules also apply: 


While there has always been rules present on Motobug, we want to try make them clear in order to ensure a pleasant viewing experience for everyone. Please follow these rules. 

-No Adult material or NSFW Topics or images

There will be no posting offensive or sexual content. If it happens, you're banned, no ifs ands or buts. 

-The stream is meant to be for fun

The Motobug streams are meant to be a fun community event for everyone on SSMB. It's meant to just be a lighthearted place for everyone to chill out and watch stuff and have fun with each other. Please do not come into the stream to fling insults at yourself, or using it to discuss your issues at length. Not only are most people in the stream not likely qualified to speak regarding those subjects, but those kinds of topics should be going on the Personal Discussion sub-forum here. 

-No Spamming 

As with SSMB, we do not tolerate spamming the chat, especially with image embedding now being present. Give everyone a chance to speak and discuss, and don't take up the entire chat box for yourself. 


No trolling. Simple. As with the staff on SSMB, we want to ensure everyone on Motobug has a good and fun time. Because of that, we are adopting the same zero-tolerance policy on trolling as they do. It won't be tolerated, so please don't do it. 

-Be respectful

This one should be common sense. Be respectful to your fellow community members. Be friendly to them and just in general try to have a friendly attitude. Motobug's a place for everyone to have fun. This includes the same things SSMB does, flaming members, stirring drama, starting arguments, and insulting people will not be tolerated. Simple. 

-Be respectful to Staff 

The same way you should be respectful to other members, you should be respectful to the staff too. At the end of the day, not only are we normal members like you all are, but we're taking time out of our days to run these events that tend to take a ton of organisation, and effort to make happen, so be respectful. 

And in terms of rules specifically for the event:

  • Last year, a few people did their requests in-character in a role-play fashion. This is fine, but please do not use images as we had an issue last year where neither myself or mods could access the OP to update it due to the massive number of things to load. 
  •  Please ensure if you are linking a YouTube video, it's linked as a NON-EXTENDED version of the song in question. When compiling the playlist for the stream itself, it creates a lot more work hunting down non-extended versions. 
  •  Please be aware that while I will be doing my best to keep the song list above updated, and Stricker likely will too, please look at recent posts to ensure your requests haven't been taken up and the lists weren't updated yet. Also in general, please take care to look at the song list to ensure you aren't entering a song that's already been submitted or a song for a closed game.
  •  Please make use of the topic for your requests, and any questions regarding the event.
  •  Not a rule, but we'd definitely appreciate feedback on the event after it's over. We love hearing about the time people had during it, and how we can improve. This is in fact how we improved and added to the event so much this year.


This will be updated as questions are asked. 

As always, I very much hope you'll consider taking part in the event this year. It's gotten tons of positive feedback in the past for being a really fun kickoff to Summer, and being a blast to watch the playlist that everyone worked together to make. Motobug staff, myself, and Strick have put a lot of work into organising the event for everyone this year, and it's overall been a huge team effort. If you've got any questions or queries, be sure to let me know!


-Event Coordinator - @Ryannumber1gamer

-Mod Sponsor - @Strickerx5 

-Art (Logo, Badge, and Banners) - @DanJ86

Motobug Staff:

You, for taking part!

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One thing I wanted to stress with Ryan here is the rule about posting you votes. Please keep your votes to a simple text and hyperlink format. No videos.

In the past we've found the pure excess of videos posted to the page to be a hindrance to the thread itself, bogging it down and making it hard to navigate for everyone. Please be respectful to those here and keep the videos out.

Otherwise, the regular forum rules (outside the list one really) still apply here so here's a general reminder to be polite, respectful, and kind to others. Keep this in mind and most importantly, have fun!

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Hmmm. So, does Journey of Dreams also count for the NiGHTS Into Dreams section?

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And to kick us off and get us started, here's my requests:

-Chemical Plant Zone Modern (Generations Console)

-Green Light Ride (Team Sonic Racing)

-Mirage Saloon Act 2 (Sonic Mania)

-Beneath the Mask (Smash Bros)

Remix: Meteor Herd - AshZone Mix (Sonic Adventure 2)

Just now, Jovahexeon Ogilvie Maurice said:

Hmmm. So, does Journey of Dreams also count for the NiGHTS Into Dreams section?

Yes, it does.

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My requests:

-Escape from the City (Sonic Adventure)

- Ice Mountain (Team Sonic Racing)

-With Me (Massive Power Mix) (Sonic and the Black Knight)

-His World (Theme of Sonic the Hedgehog) - (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006)

Remix: Friends by Hyper Potions (Metal Remix by FamilyJules and the 8BitDrummer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiW2fJwInWo )


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My requests: 

-Live Life (Sonic and the Black Knight's credits song)

-Un-Gravity (Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity)

-Labyrinth Zone (Sonic 1)

-Time Trials (Sonic Mania Trailer)

Remix: Tropical Resort by Hyper Potions (Sonic Colors)

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My picks!

- Crisis City: Modern (Sonic Generations)

- Asteroid Coaster: Map (Sonic Colors)

- Battle with Infinite: Showdown (Sonic Forces)

- Route 10 (Super Smash Bros.)

- Remix: FamilyJules cover of Live and Learn

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18 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

- Remix: FamilyJules cover of Live and Learn

SA2's remix slot is already filled, can you pick another remix please?

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43 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Ogilvie Maurice said:

Very well then.

In that case, I submit first my NiGHTS Journey Of Dreams pick: Queen Bella's Ball medley edition.

And for my remix, this remix of Lifelight (Smash)

As for the rest,

Turbine Loop (Team Sonic Racing)

Flying Battery Act 2 (Sonic Mania)

All Hail Shadow (Crush 40 remix).


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3 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

SA2's remix slot is already filled, can you pick another remix please?

Well, guess we'll go with the old classic one then.

Pursuing My Fast Self [Full] - Sonic 3

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9 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Ogilvie Maurice said:

All Hail Shadow (Crush 40 remix).

Remind me - is this the 06 version, or is this a Crush 40 cover of the Shadow version, like for Un-Gravitify, or With Me?

Edit: Nvm, got it. 06 version.

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5 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Remind me - is this the 06 version, or is this a Crush 40 cover of the Shadow version, like for Un-Gravitify, or With Me?

Yup, it's the 06 version.

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Alright, list has been fully updated!

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Song 1: Mystic Cave Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)

Song 2: Land of Darkness (TV Shows/OVA)

Song 3: Time Eater (Classic) (Sonic Generations) 

Sonic 4: Metal Sonic Boss (Sonic 4 Ep 2)

Remix: Sonic Unleashed Eggmanland - Crimson Carnival Day

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just a heads-up: strange parade has been erroneously placed in the sonic boom category.

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2 minutes ago, blueblur98 said:

just a heads-up: strange parade has been erroneously placed in the sonic boom category.

Fixed it!

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Dumb question: would a beta mix (for example, the Simon Wai version of Mystic Cave Zone) count as a remix?

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3 minutes ago, Harkofthewaa said:

Dumb question: would a beta mix (for example, the Simon Wai version of Mystic Cave Zone) count as a remix?

I would class it as a regular request since for example - the Zebrahead mix of His World is classed under it. It was official at one point, even if it went unused, so it would count as a "main". 

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Song 1:  Big Arms Sonic Generations 3ds

Song 2 : Mean bean machine chemcial plant act 1 boss

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Oh boy, here we go again 😄 

1. Chaos 6, S.A.M.E version - Sonic Adventure

2. Radical Highway Act 1 - Sonic Generations 3DS

3. Egg Nega Wisp Phase 2 - Sonic Colours

4. Enemy Territory - Sonic Forces

Bonus: Endless Possibilities Rockestrate my World by Falk - Sonic Unleashed

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You know I was just thinking about this yesterday?

It's my first time here. At first I thought it was the own staff who choose the track which most combined with the members. Now I see I was totally wrong. By the way, I believe these are the tracks which most addict me:

Spencer Nilsen & David Young - Stardust Speedway (Present) - US [Sonic CD]
Julien-K - This Machine [Sonic Heroes]
Julien-K - Waking Up [Shadow the Hedgehog]
Deavid Soul - Miller Ball Breakers [Jet Set Radio]
JemenJ - Chemical Plant (Dance Remix) [Sonic 2]

As you can see, I'm a clearly Julien-K fanatic. And if Sonic Generations slots weren't full, I also would choose their Open Your Heart Remix under the alias of Circuit Freq: Open Your Heart (Crush 40 vs. Circuit Freq Remix). If more slots for the game were added, I definitely would change Stardust Speedway for this one.

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