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The story of the Rush games

Blazey Firekitty

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How did you like the story-telling in the Rush games? Was it stop on, or could it have been better?

My only major beef is that in the first game, Knuckles is treated almost exclusively as comic relief, being even more impulsive and temperamental than normal.

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Knuckles and Amy were a bit off in Rush yeah, but they were barely important. Overall I really liked the Rush storyline, especially the semi-plot twist of the location of Rush Adventure, and the introduction of Blaze and Marine (along with great character development - with Cream too).

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Despite Tails not being playable, I though he and Sonic had the best dialogue and dynamic together since... ooo, I don't know when. But I loved it. The Rush games are my favourite in a long while, I have to say.

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Some of the dialogue was just BAD, but on the whole, I didn't think it was that much to cry about. Except:

My only major beef is that in the first game, Knuckles is treated almost exclusively as comic relief, being even more impulsive and temperamental than normal.

Yeah, that was even more "Durr, I smash rocks!" than usual.

In a shameless plug that may be relevant to your interests, I wrote a one-chapter fanfic about Knux's appearence in Rush, in an effort to put a less stupid bent on his actions. PLUGPLUGPLUG.

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Despite Tails not being playable, I though he and Sonic had the best dialogue and dynamic together since... ooo, I don't know when. But I loved it. The Rush games are my favourite in a long while, I have to say.

Yeah, I liked the way Tails was an ever present voice of reason in those games. And the way he could build seemingly anything out of a pile of scraps.

In a shameless plug that may be relevant to your interests, I wrote a one-chapter fanfic about Knux's appearence in Rush, in an effort to put a less stupid bent on his actions. PLUGPLUGPLUG.

Cool! Sounds quite intriguing.^^

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I liked the story in Rush Adventure a lot better if I'm honest, simply because the first Rush had a tendency to throw as many characters into it as possible. Adventure is just Sonic, Tails and Blaze along with Marine and a few nameless Koalas. It gives more time and opportunities for individual character showcasing and development and it's used very well.

The first Rush is no slouch though, the main stuff that's there such as the introduction of Blaze, Sonic learning about her, Blaze's growing friendship with Cream, Eggman and Eggman Nega; it's all great. It's just the in-the-middle stuff like Knuckles breaking a rock and Amy appearing just for the sake of appearing that we probably could have done without.

Overall they're good though, and they keep it nice and simple for the most part. The whole confusion about Blaze was more to do with her appearance in Sonic 06 after all.

Edited by Tombi
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I am a fan of the Rush story lines. They kept presenting sides of the main cast that we dont normally get to see. Watching Sonic and Tails silently condemn Marine was quite the shocker (even though it was understandable). On top of that, Sonic and Blaze still had the interesting (fascinating even) relationship that had me wanting to see more from the original.

I agree that Knux and Amy were a bit pushed to the side, but they were only there to play their specific roles anyway, so I didnt mind too much.

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I thought Rush Adventure was just a LITTLE sillier.

Tails makes a giant cruse ship from a few stones. :|

And somehow the stones make wood.

Oh, and Marine somehow got to Pirates Island without a boat. :|

Other than that i've little beef with the storyline.

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Oh, and Marine somehow got to Pirates Island without a boat. :|

You're right, that's never explained.O_o

I guess she could have used that jet ski thing she was riding at the end, but that probably hadn't been built yet.

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The only way I can make sense of Tails constructing those vessels from the crude ore and scrap samples he had is that he's actually some sort of alchemist O.o Now, if he would just turn Marine into a brat-shaped rock... X3

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Now, if he would just turn Marine into a brat-shaped rock... X3

Then Blaze could throw her sidekick at her enemies. :lol:

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You're right, that's never explained.O_o

I guess she could have used that jet ski thing she was riding at the end, but that probably hadn't been built yet.

I dunno, Marine always struck me as the stow-away type.

(it is hard to imagine her being quiet enough to pull off such a task though)

Besides, her Koala buddies obviously have some mode of transport. She could have borrowed one of those.

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People wanted Sonic alone without his furry friends in the game, thats what they received and people still ***** and moan :(

The Rush series was awesome, had a great cross dimension story, great voice overs, enjoyable cutscenes and some-what classic game play.

Get it now!!

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The Rush games were actually well-received by fans and critics alike, what moaning?

The only things I've ever really heard people complain about before, to the best of my knowledge was the way that in the first game there were a lot of times where you'd either slam into an enemy or fall into a pit because you were moving to fast to see where you were going. Thankfully this was mostly fixed in the sequel.

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Well there's nothing wrong with complaining about terrible level design, which the first Rush game suffered from, much like its predecessors... The multitude of cheap deaths, which only got worse as the Advance series progressed, drove me mad.

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Well there's nothing wrong with complaining about terrible level design, which the first Rush game suffered from, much like its predecessors... The multitude of cheap deaths, which only got worse as the Advance series progressed, drove me mad.

Heh, I guess that's what happens when you design your platforming course too much like a race track.^_^;;

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Except most race tracks don't have inexplicable sudden death pits or randomly placed enemies that require you to learn the track by heart before you can successfully navigate it without dying multiple times with no way to avoid the obstacle if you didn't know it was there to begin with XD;

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Except most race tracks don't have inexplicable sudden death pits or randomly placed enemies that require you to learn the track by heart before you can successfully navigate it without dying multiple times with no way to avoid the obstacle if you didn't know it was there to begin with XD;

That actually sounds like a good idea for a Hot Wheels playset, considering the recent ones I've seen appear to revolved around the concept of "Your vehicle must die!".XD

But yeah, the whole "run run run, boom!" thing in Rush is kind of annoying and hilarious at the same time, at least to me.XD

Edited by BlazeyBakeneko
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a few nameless Koalas.

The Coconut Crew had names ;_;. Colonel, Daikun, Kylok, Muzy, Setter, and Tabby. I'm not entirely sure whether or not Gardon (Blaze's royal guard stationed on Southen Island at the time) is a member, though.

I liked them.

Anywho, I did love the stories of the Rush games. A well-rounded story that wasn't too deep or too flat - it was nice compromise between the two. Also, I did like how they focused on only a few characters, and really gave them a spot in the limelight for character development, while at the same time still being able to introduce new characters seamlessly. I found Captain Whisker, Mini, Mum, and Johnny to all be entertaining, and Eggman Nega, Blaze, and Marine have become favourite characters of mine.

The music was also fantastic. I nominate "Wrapped in Black" to be the most epic final boss music ever to be featured in a 2005 DS-exclusive video game starring a pretty prestigious purple pyrokinetic pettanko princess catgirl.

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They are very simple, and the dialogue is soooo cheesy. But then I don't play Sonic games for the story, I play them for the action stages. If I wan a really good, full Sonic story I have the comic (which I know some people here don't like, but I love it). So, for me, the story isn't a huge issue, it's the game play.

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