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If Sega were to make a Sonic game taking place in SatAM...

Dummy Bear

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...What would be your response?

Let's pretend that Sega were to make a game taking place in SatAM's universe. A game with it's settings, atmosphere, characters, and characterizations.

Me? I'd probably be annoyed because people often complain that Sonic shouldn't have a deep storyline. That and SatAM's world isn't very diverse enough. It's all dark forest here, dark city there, dark woods, dark island, dark dark dark. And then we're forced to play as the SatAM cast in different gameplay modes, probably. But somehow I see it getting a positive reaction just because it's SatAM, the SatAM cast doesn't cound as "Sonic's shitty friends" for some reason, and everyone will have their rose tinted nostalgia glasses on.

Durr, it's old school Sonic! No offense to SatAM fans on this board.

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I'd probably be annoyed because people often complain that Sonic shouldn't have a deep storyline.

SatAM wasn't deep.

Oh, it was dark, but not deep in any sense of the word. The plot was "The big bad human rules the animals' world, and now the animals have to get it back." There was nothing I remember about the show that had depth or intrigue- The heroes and villains were utterly flat and contemptible, and I found myself with no one to root for. Sonic and his merry gang were annoying, and Robotnik in this incarnation was flat and absolutely unbelievable.

"Deep" is the last word I would use to describe this pretentious take on the Sonic franchise.

To see a game based on this portrayal wouldn't actively upset me, so long as they kept it separated from the games and made absolutely sure not to let it start having effects on the game series. I wouldn't buy it, of course, because the premise simply puts me off.

Although arguably Spinball was your SatAM game- It had Cluck and Freedom Fighters anyway. Now, a game based on the OVA... I wouldn't mind seeing that. But that's for another topic!

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SatAM wasn't deep.

Oh, it was dark, but not deep in any sense of the word. The plot was "The big bad human rules the animals' world, and now the animals have to get it back." There was nothing I remember about the show that had depth or intrigue- The heroes and villains were utterly flat and contemptible, and I found myself with no one to root for. Sonic and his merry gang were annoying, and Robotnik in this incarnation was flat and absolutely unbelievable.

"Deep" is the last word I would use to describe this pretentious take on the Sonic franchise.

To see a game based on this portrayal wouldn't actively upset me, so long as they kept it separated from the games and made absolutely sure not to let it start having effects on the game series. I wouldn't buy it, of course, because the premise simply puts me off.

Although arguably Spinball was your SatAM game- It had Cluck and Freedom Fighters anyway. Now, a game based on the OVA... I wouldn't mind seeing that. But that's for another topic!

Sorry, it's just I keep hearing people tout the show as having such a "deep" storyline with an endless struggle, conflicts and yadda yadda...

Oh and it had an utterly evil Robotnik. He was flat, one dimensional, and an even bigger villain cliche than AoSTH could ever be... BUT HE WAS ACTUALLY THREATENING(as if I care...)

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If it was to happen, at this point I would completely lose all hope in SEGA as an absolute. I would suggest playing "Awesome Possum" for the Genesis for the same message and to to watch various 90's cliched villains in cartoons side by side to get the overall feel of it.

Seriously, no. Not going to happen on my watch.

(Wasn't Sonic MARS going to be based off of this world anyways?)

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If it ever were to happen, a sizable chunk of the fanbase would threaten suicide over the threat it could pose to the general game cannon. (even if you clearly separate the series, introducing an alternate iteration of Sonic kinda clashes IMO).

For me..... Well I could live with it, as long as its good (technically you can say that about anything though. Kids these days would play with a pile of crap as long as its fun). A Satam game would almost force the game back into an SA1 mindset of playable characters, which would escape the problem 06 had with mostly half thought out amigo/s. I for one like playing as Sonics buddies (save for Big) and I think the world would accept them again if effort was put into their alternate playstyles. Satam kinda forces you to do that.

Then theres the other things, like a renewed emphasis on Sonics spindash and Buzzsaw moves that would almost certainly shine through in such a game. For another thing, odds are that this Eggy would not get overthrown. You could beat him down for the final boss and earn your I H-8 THAT HEDGEHOG when you win.

That and I can finally go back to calling him Robotnik

In the end, is it a good idea? Probably not. Any of the benefits from such a tittle can be done w/o the Satam premise. No point in going back just because you can (like a certain Nintendo franchise that comes to mind).

I would be open to it though. Especially if they incorporated others like Dulcy who would rule for transport and combat (Bring the pain in a crash landing body slam :lol:) . Take a lighthearted approach to the bleaker than usual atmosphere and you can have a winner.

Edited by Sega DogTagz
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The important question: Would it be any good?

I don't like SatAM (I don't hate it, like I do Sonic X, but still), but I largely ignore the non-gameplay parts of recent Sonic games anyways; so the setting wouldn't really bother me if it was good.

Edited by Tornado
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Me? I wouldn't mind the premise, but not the characters. This has more to do with the fact almost none of the SatAM crew were actually supporting characters. Don't get me wrong I like the--er well... I liked Bunnie within the context of SatAM but I don't know if any other characters would work as an actual supporting character to Sonic. Maybe Bunnie but that's it if we're looking purely from SatAM and not the games.

I don't really think SatAM was all that pretentious a show either. I think it had it's flaws, but I don't think it's all that pretentious. And I don't think anyone should be howling pretentious when Sonic acts like he's trying to be cool every game with his lame assed speeches for instance. Or about the "power of friendship" when often times his friends will have to just bump into him if they hope to tag along.

Edited by Miko
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Now, a game based on the OVA... I wouldn't mind seeing that. But that's for another topic!

There was one.

But reversed.

The OVA was based on Sonic CD, with Amy replaced with Sera.

And no time travel.

So, the OVA is kind of a loose version of CD.

Back on topic, I would not like to see a SatAM game. Like Skull, I'd cry. Not joyous crying either.

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There was one.

But reversed.

The OVA was based on Sonic CD, with Amy replaced with Sera.

And no time travel.

So, the OVA is kind of a loose version of CD.

The only thing it had in common with Sonic CD was its art style, sorta. The plot and setting were entirely different.

Sure, Metal Sonic is introduced as a new robot in both CD and the OVA, but eh- I wouldn't call the OVA an adaption of Sonic CD by any means.

Edited by Dr. Mechano
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They can go on and make it.

I was about to say that I think such a game would be a lot slower, and quieter, and ...dark.

I don't think it would bother me too much because it wouldn't be SEGA Sonic and I can seperate the two things apapart happilly at the moment. I think the moment they start combining elements, I'll be sad.

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I would blow chunks. This would be the worst turn for the series; even worse than their last "dark and edgy" turn in SA2 and Shadow. Eggman would be a shallow nothing and I'd have to attempt to put up with Princess Sally Acorn (aruably the main character) as she nags on and on, and Sonic running around saying 90s surfer-dude phrases in a quick attempt to attract people who were interested in TMNT.

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I'd like it as a Spinn-Off but not as the next real canon game. I'd like to see all the characters in Yuji Uekawa style or as polygons.

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SatAM wasn't deep.

Oh, it was dark, but not deep in any sense of the word. The plot was "The big bad human rules the animals' world, and now the animals have to get it back." There was nothing I remember about the show that had depth or intrigue- The heroes and villains were utterly flat and contemptible, and I found myself with no one to root for. Sonic and his merry gang were annoying, and Robotnik in this incarnation was flat and absolutely unbelievable.

"Deep" is the last word I would use to describe this pretentious take on the Sonic franchise.

To see a game based on this portrayal wouldn't actively upset me, so long as they kept it separated from the games and made absolutely sure not to let it start having effects on the game series. I wouldn't buy it, of course, because the premise simply puts me off.

Although arguably Spinball was your SatAM game- It had Cluck and Freedom Fighters anyway. Now, a game based on the OVA... I wouldn't mind seeing that. But that's for another topic!

Not deep? Heck, you really do make me laugh sometimes. Maybe so that Ivo was quite brash and evil, but it is much better than your bland one dimensional Eggman. Yes, I venture upon saying that. If anything being evil was Robotnik's thing. Even in the games. Why do we keep forgetting how evil it is to take away a living creature and take away all free will from Roboticization, mechanized or simply put in a robot?

Now, I do think though that had Robotnik had an odd sympathy for Sonic, that it would make for a more interesting portrayal, as that allows him to open up to his good side while still being eviliciously evil. I mean, the friendhip of the two in Sonic the Comic made for a great, legendary storyline for all ages to enjoy. Deep and yet friendly to an extent. That's how Sonic should be. And I will bring up Sonic 2's Metropolis that while it was slightly more colorful, it still was as drab as Robotropolis, with more pollution and machinery going about.

And I still heavily question how SatAM was generic and not deep. In fact, we need the show more than ever as we stupid humans continually pollute the world with trash. So much that even coral reefs are dying! And not only that, but we also have this odd hate for each other instead of love. And yes, I haven't seen District 9, but if anything I will because while science fiction, it is the cold truth about this race of people that we are. Hateful and hostile. In fact, this entire fanbase is hostile to opinions and the sort. And yes, I am guilty of it. We all are. But I've tried to open up and try to get together with people and strive for some dang unity. We're Sonic fans, shouldn't we love each other instead of trashing each other? Opinions and differences truly tear people apart, I see.

And you've just shown me how hostile you can be to something that is not of your taste. Tears of disappointment over such a game? Why? The only thing we should even be worried about is how SEGA would butcher it by developing it strictly for kids and make Sally a vampire or something. The thing that they don't develop for EVERYONE now is sad news that should never have came to existence. Entertainment, such as Sonic, should be for everyone. Why limit an audience?!


You already got that game dude. It's called Sonic 2006.

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SatAM's storyline was by no means groundbreaking, I think we've firmly established that. But from a perspective in regards to quality and deepness, I think it has more to boast about than the games, that's for sure. At least with SatAM, you knew for certain what planet it took place on. And the 'deepness' and 'darkness' in SatAM was at least somewhat tasteful. 'Deepness' and 'darkness' to Sonic Team so far is what we've seen in Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic2k6 in a smaller dosage.

For a game to be released in homage to that effect, though... eh, if anything I would consider it a risky venture. SatAM hustlers would flock to it, yes, but considering how fragile this fanbase is in the first place, the overwhelming majority of Sonic Team enthusiasts would roll their eyes out of their sockets. It would be best executed by a third-party developer with Sonic Team providing little to no involvement what so ever.

I'd play it for the sheer novelty, especially since I did indeed grow up with the SatAM cartoon series and in many facets it is superior to the game series from a continuity standpoint, but that's about it. I can never adopt it as my ideal Sonic universe. By now, the games and the corresponding 'plot' (if that's what you can call it) have ingrained so far into me that I couldn't imagine being overly enthusiastic about any other portrayal. All in all, it would be an interesting installment but from a business perspective, a huge money pit since the SatAM fanbase is too diminutive while the rest of the 10-14 year olds playing these games would probably feel just a wee bit alienated by the new atmosphere to the game, assuming they know nothing of the SatAM Sonic.

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I can't imagine any universe where this would be a good idea. It'd only really interest that small group of people who still care about a show that ended almost 15 years ago; new fans of Sonic have no particular interest in SatAM and would likely be turned off by the full cast replacement and the stubborn old fans aren't going to go for anything that's so at odds with the original games. Sonic's usual gameplay doesn't mesh well with SatAM's style; I can't imagine any decent gameplay coming out of a merging of Sonic's speed and style with guerrilla warfare. And none of the other characters have Sonic-like abilities, so there's a very big question of how to use them, and nothing particularly good comes to mind.

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Not deep? Heck, you really do make me laugh sometimes. Maybe so that Ivo was quite brash and evil, but it is much better than your bland one dimensional Eggman.

A villain with sympathetic qualities is not one-dimensional. By even having qualities other than evil, he is multi-dimensional and therefore a more developed character than Julian was.

Yes, I venture upon saying that. If anything being evil was Robotnik's thing. Even in the games. Why do we keep forgetting how evil it is to take away a living creature and take away all free will from Roboticization, mechanized or simply put in a robot?

So what? I agree SatAM Robotnik was more evil. That doesn't make him a better character- It just makes him a more evil character.

Evilness alone does not make an interesting character, and that was unfortunately all Julian had. With no depth to make his evil interesting, Julian's style of villainy simply doesn't appeal to someone like me, who prefers some actual depth and characterization in his villains. Pah.

And I still heavily question how SatAM was generic and not deep. In fact, we need the show more than ever as we stupid humans continually pollute the world with trash.

If you're going to go so far as to call humanity as a whole "stupid", bear in mind that the same "stupid humans" created this series. Generalizations aren't fun, are they?

And not only that, but we also have this odd hate for each other instead of love.

Funny, you seem to think Eggman- a villain capable of expressing love and other positive emotions- is "one-dimensional" for his good points. You tout love as an upstanding quality, but seem to think villains should abstain from anything good, never breaking from cliched "Always evil" portrayals.

In real life, people who do bad things usually do have redeeming qualities. They're capable of love, of compassion, of heroism! This is why I find Eggman more realistic as a villain- He's multi-dimensional, and exhibits good and evil qualities.

the cold truth about this race of people that we are. Hateful and hostile.

From your cynical perspective, perhaps.

I think humanity has made great strides, and that people are- deep down- basically good. Even people who do bad things, I believe, usually have good in them, at least on some level. But it's all subjective, how one perceives the world and its people.

Perhaps my idealistic view of mankind is why I prefer the games' version of Eggman, because he fits my worldview of a person who, despite his faults, is still a good man deep down. Since you seem a fair bit more cynical, it stands to reason that you see Julian as a more realistic portrayal of "bad people" as irredeemable slime.

In fact, this entire fanbase is hostile to opinions and the sort. And yes, I am guilty of it. We all are. But I've tried to open up and try to get together with people and strive for some dang unity. We're Sonic fans, shouldn't we love each other instead of trashing each other? Opinions and differences truly tear people apart, I see.

I've always agreed with this.

That said, this is a debate, and if I disagree with your position in a debate, I will passionately argue over it. It's nothing personal, and simply a focus on the issue.

And you've just shown me how hostile you can be to something that is not of your taste. Tears of disappointment over such a game?

I never said that. I said I'd dislike the concept, and that I'd never buy such a game, but I never alluded to tears of any kind, much less disappointment.

My reaction would be irritated annoyance if anything.

You already got that game dude. It's called Sonic 2006.

The OVA was a lighthearted romp wherein Eggman tried to gleefully win over the president's daughter in a fleeting romantic pursuit. 2K6 had ancient demon things and other grimdark shenanigans. I don't see the connection. But that's neither here nor there.

My main point in this response was to address your statements about Eggman being "one-dimensional" and why I think that assessment is absolutely wrong by providing examples of his multi-dimensional personality. I think I've conveyed that clearly enough.

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Who the hell cares what canon it's set in?

As long as Sonic plays like he does in daytime Unleashed (360), then I'm game

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Haha, as much as I loved that ol' cartoon show, I'm afraid I would have to pass. Imagine, you would have Sonic Team designing a game with a deeper storyline than the average sonic game usually has (I'm not saying the story is deep.), mostly because the cartoon had more story than the Sonic we know and lo-erm, just know today. And we know how good Sonic Team is with that.

I'd just prefer if they make a game as simple as possible, like in the old days. And not design a potentially crappy game that would be most likely a Sonic Chronicles copy and end up possibly worse.

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Hmm..... Quite. But that's another thing. I like both Robotniks. In fact, the new Robotnik is very interesting due to his sympathy and the sort, but Julian was the type to do anything to achieve his goals.

Maybe, I am too much of a cynic, but I just feel that the evil part of him has taken second banana to a much too kind villain.

As I will continually bring up... Build upon the relationship he has had with Sonic and develop a Professor X and Magneto relationship. If anything that's more interesting than him being almost completely sympathetic. He just doesn't feel like a threat anymore, that while I like a villain who has the ability to respect others opinions but has his own that he harshly fights for, I want him to be an actual threat, and most of all, I want him to be very strategic and well thinking. I mean, SEGA has watered him down so that he is a joke. He can't even last to the final boss fight? I don't like that. Ivo is better than that.

Oh and about people... Heh, I'm not sure, but my building cynicism might be getting the best of me. But I'd like for us to try to open our eyes and try to do something good for the people and planet as a whole. Robotnik may be a bad characterization of people but he represents the type people that have power that don't really care about anything but themselves and their opinions. Just showing off what they do with their power. Still... Had SatAM ever been canon, his loss of power might have opened his eyes and made him open up more to when he was completely inspired to be a good doctor and help mankind, but still kept in mind of his goals and still works to achieve such goals. As it is, the people of the rest of Mobius (the Overlanders and other citizens from Station Square to Empire City) might have learned somewhere to be kinder to each other and help work for a better world and rebuild Mobotropolis.

But I see that you seem to be a little too focused on good. There ARE three parts of the world, and that middle part is indeed gray. I seem to be leaning in that middle section warily between good and bad each day. There are indeed people with good intentions, but sometimes power will get the best of a person and taint the good in their hearts.

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I wouldn't like it because I don't really like much of anything involving SatAM. The characters, the environment, nothing.

Also, like someone said earlier, I don't even see how you can incorporate the gameplay style that's been established in a SatAM style Sonic game. It just doesn't seem like it would work and trying to make it work would only make things worse.

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I wouldn't like it because I don't really like much of anything involving SatAM. The characters, the environment, nothing.

Also, like someone said earlier, I don't even see how you can incorporate the gameplay style that's been established in a SatAM style Sonic game. It just doesn't seem like it would work and trying to make it work would only make things worse.

Run really fast through:

A forest

A cave

A mountainside

*insert random areas here*

Robotnik's base

Insert a couple boss battles here and there, a Tornado game every now and then, and maybe a few Sally/Bunnie levels. End with showdown against Robotnik in giant boss mech, no Super Sonic required.

It's not THAT hard *shrugs* You even get your final fight against Robotnik.

Only people that lose are purists and weeabos, and no one cares about them anyway

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I think I'd cry.

And not tears of joy.


Perhaps not cry, but annoyed a lot at least. It would bring nothing new to the franchise. It would only reinforce the errors 06 and Shadow did.

I think the SatAM characters aren't Sonic's shitty friends. I think they are his shitty friends on a particular nasty bowel irritation day. Like those you stay in the loo for hours, if you can leave at all.

At least with SatAM, you knew for certain what planet it took place on. And the 'deepness' and 'darkness' in SatAM was at least somewhat tasteful. 'Deepness' and 'darkness' to Sonic Team so far is what we've seen in Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic2k6 in a smaller dosage.

Who cares which planet it is? How can that be important to a plot?

Tasteful? It was a furry soap opera. Not really nothing to boast about.

Shadow and 06 sucks and doesn't mesh well with Sonic, we all agree on that. Or the majority. No one wants something close to that again. Certainly not SatAM, who had a handful of Princesses Elises in the main cast.

Oh, it was dark, but not deep in any sense of the word. The plot was "The big bad human rules the animals' world, and now the animals have to get it back." There was nothing I remember about the show that had depth or intrigue- The heroes and villains were utterly flat and contemptible, and I found myself with no one to root for. Sonic and his merry gang were annoying, and Robotnik in this incarnation was flat and absolutely unbelievable.

"Deep" is the last word I would use to describe this pretentious take on the Sonic franchise.

To see a game based on this portrayal wouldn't actively upset me, so long as they kept it separated from the games and made absolutely sure not to let it start having effects on the game series. I wouldn't buy it, of course, because the premise simply puts me off.

No one could have said it better.

I can't imagine any universe where this would be a good idea. It'd only really interest that small group of people who still care about a show that ended almost 15 years ago; new fans of Sonic have no particular interest in SatAM and would likely be turned off by the full cast replacement and the stubborn old fans aren't going to go for anything that's so at odds with the original games. Sonic's usual gameplay doesn't mesh well with SatAM's style; I can't imagine any decent gameplay coming out of a merging of Sonic's speed and style with guerrilla warfare. And none of the other characters have Sonic-like abilities, so there's a very big question of how to use them, and nothing particularly good comes to mind

Perhaps this one isn't better, but it's as good as the one before.

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