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Should sega allow Ian Flynn and Tyson Hesse to finish the Sonic Megadrive series


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After reading through the Sonic Megadrive comic books, I was reminded of how the series was cancelled before the finale (Overdrive). This was due to sega severing ties with Archie. The Megadrive series was so good. Tyson just adds such energy in his art and Ian is so good at keeping the story engaging and fast paced. It would be my dream to see it come to a satisfying close.


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I think Mega Drive has aspects of it that were niches at the time but are now filled by IDW. Both series are game-centric takes on Sonic that are comparatively light on plot and put noticeably greater emphasis on action setpieces than Archie did (especially pre-reboot Archie). The only thing IDW is missing is story art by Hesse, but it otherwise fills the gap that Mega Drive left behind, and I think fans of MD will likely be happy with what IDW provides even if they weren't fans of mainline Archie.

That said, like many others I'm still disappointed that it never got a conclusion or a trade paperback. I think the chance for a continuation has already sailed (keep in mind that it still takes place within the continuity of post-252 Archie) but I would gladly advocate for a spiritual follow-up in the same style.

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Forget IDW, Mania Adventures pretty much covers everything Overdrive was going to do. 

I'd go as far to say that Plus itself put a hatchet to any chance of Overdrive seeing the light of day. 

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Though it would be nice seeing a conclusion, I contacted Flynn about how realistic it would be to bring it back: “Unfortunately it’s not up to me. It’s up to IDW wanting to do so, whatever printing rights remain with Archie, and if SEGA will want/allow it.” It seems like its pretty wishful thinking on my behalf.

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Part 3 has actually already been penned. 

The pages were found on an insecure Archie server, they just need colour added.

So odds are the publishing rights are with them which makes it incredibly unlikely that they'll get a release.

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2 minutes ago, Mayor D said:

Part 3 has actually already been penned. 

The pages were found on an insecure Archie server, they just need colour added.

Yeah, that was my thought.

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Not all the pages were found, only three technically. Not that it affects the argument because one of the pages found was clearly an end page. 

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I did see on a sub reddit that Tyson had some copies or something like that during a meetup somewhere, but I’m not sure if it is entirely truthful.

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I guarantee you Tyson has digital copies of them himself.

But I think he has admitted that the entire part was finished.

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27 minutes ago, VEDJ-F said:

Forget IDW, Mania Adventures pretty much covers everything Overdrive was going to do. 

I'd go as far to say that Plus itself put a hatchet to any chance of Overdrive seeing the light of day. 

With the exception that instead of Mighty and Ray (who even in Mania Adventures feel like being randomly thrown in instead of having a reason to be there), it was Amy who was in the team. That alone is a reason I personally wish that four-part arc had been finished, given how the only thing Mania gave Amy was a pretty lame "cameo".

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Wait, it got cancelled? Why 😧

I was here waiting for this final part... I was going to wait forever. O.o

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I wouldn't mind. Honestly I could see them publishing it and the first 2 issues as a trade and calling it an OGN.

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32 minutes ago, Jango said:

Wait, it got cancelled? Why 😧

I was here waiting for this final part... I was going to wait forever. O.o

Because Mega Drive was a mini-series being published by Archie. Mega Drive was a one-shot, that was successful so Next Level and Overdrive were than made on top of that. However, about a week or so before Overdrive's release, that's when SEGA pulled the plug.

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It was obvious it was cancelled and I'm sure sega wants to avoid archie best they can now. The ships said and were already on a better island now

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Even if it were to come out, I have a feeling that Sega now has mandates against any classic characters talking, for example, so they would have to be re-written. Expect whatever Classic comics do come out to be very different. 

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5 hours ago, Mayor D said:

Part 3 has actually already been penned. 

The pages were found on an insecure Archie server, they just need colour added.

So odds are the publishing rights are with them which makes it incredibly unlikely that they'll get a release.

Wait, are you saying I can find them on internet somewhere?

link please

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9 hours ago, VEDJ-F said:

Forget IDW, Mania Adventures pretty much covers everything Overdrive was going to do. 

I'd go as far to say that Plus itself put a hatchet to any chance of Overdrive seeing the light of day. 

No! I want the third part! Mania Adventure is different!

9 hours ago, Mayor D said:

Part 3 has actually already been penned. 

The pages were found on an insecure Archie server, they just need colour added.

So odds are the publishing rights are with them which makes it incredibly unlikely that they'll get a release.

Where can we find these pages??

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That would require IDW to even be allowed to touch the Archie Sonic universe in any of its forms, and while I do hope that can happen someday...I'll be shocked if it's anytime soon. I'm of the belief that it'd have to be long after the whole thing has blown over, and honestly, it's only been little over a year since Archie lost the license.

So while I'm not ruling it out entirely, I don't think I'm being entirely unrealistic when I say it could be a few years, if it even has a shot of happening at all.

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Much as I would love to see the conclusion, usually the first question you have to ask is if it is financially reasonable. Sure we can all just about guarantee the sales will easily match anything the IDW comics have done so far just based on the success of what was published and the demand for the conclusion, but what of the profit vs costs margins of any legal loopholes that have to be dealt with because of the Archie licence? It may seem pretty straight forward seeing as there was virtually no signs of anything distinctly Archie in Mega Drive, but that does not mean behind the scenes is anywhere near as clean. I mean just to give an example with a sewing analogy, a clean seam looks great from the presented side but if you turn it out you'll see it's a lumpy stitched together mess that is anything but pretty. Not trying to be a downer since I want to see the conclusion, but financially is where the answer to the thread question lies.

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12 hours ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Wait, are you saying I can find them on internet somewhere?

link please


9 hours ago, Marco9966 said:

Where can we find these pages??


I can't link to them directly on SSMB or TSS.

Because based on the description of the person who got then, the manner in which they were taken breaks the computer misuse act in the UK.

And since I'm based in the UK and just graduated in computer science. That's not something I want to freely do.

Now if you do want to find them. I think the leaker released 1 full page and 2 individual panels. So it's not the full comic or 3 full pages just a very small sample.

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Ok since I didn't make this clear enough.


No I will not give you the links or the files on TSS/SSMB. Doing so would break the law where I live.


So don't PM me asking for the files or the links because I won't do it.

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I understand your point, can I ask if someone else (if he/she doesn't have a problem with it) is willing to help a fellow starving fan?

I mean, I was hooked up on this comic (as many other people of course, the comic is so good), and I was left with a cliffhanger with no hope of seeing the end of this great comic, and that's been going on for a year! I just someone understands that I just want to read the end😭

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6 minutes ago, Marco9966 said:

I understand your point, can I ask if someone else (if he/she doesn't have a problem with it) is willing to help a fellow starving fan?

You do realise that it would also be a major problem for anyone to post links to the material on this forum?

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The thing is I live in a place that is more loose on this subject and I was hoping if someone else who can't have problems with this in a region less strict on the matter could share the link. I hope I am not being offensive by asking it. I tried to search on reddit and 4chan, archie forums, deviantart groups, but I couldnt find anything,

If nobody wants to show the pages I'll stop asking. I understand that some regions are more strict on the matter than others.

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