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Is there any chance for Shade and Tikal to appear , at least in spin off games ?


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Tikal is dead and Shade's probably not canon, so the chances of either coming back are about as low as it gets.

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Didn't Penders pull the plug on the Chronicles mythos just like he did most of the Archie stuff?

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I hear Tikal was last in Sonic Runners.

Shade, on the otherhand, was considered plagiarism by Mr. Penders and his lawsuit against SEGA was partially triggered by her game, which makes her usage in the games more unlikely. Though it is worth noting that the Archie comics were apparently free to use her after the reboot.

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Tikal being dead is just more reason for her to show up, it just makes her more interesting! She's a ghost.


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Tikal was a playable character in Runners. She may be dead, but she is still rattling around somewhere over in Sonic Team HQ. She was starting to become something of a recurring character in the Archie comics right before they went belly up too.


Shade on the other hand is at the bottom of a bottomless pit that got thrown into a black hole. Not only is her first "canon" appearance set in a game that happens sometime in the indiscriminate future of the series time line, but then even if you then get around all the legal mumbo jumbo Pernders dragged up from the marshlands, you'd still after all that would have to dance around the idea that the company that made Chronicles, and holds the creative rights over Shade as a result, got brought by a rival publisher shortly after its release.

Between the legal issues, the continuity issues and the ownership issues, Shade will never see the light of day again. She's clusterf*cked on so many levels.

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Tikal is very possible. She was in Runners and made appearances in Archie Sonic recently before the plug got pulled on it. There's no rights issues or anything that hinder an appearance from her.

Shade is impossible because Penders made a whole bullshit case about her being a ripoff of Julie-Su despite only sharing a few similarities, and while I can't remember if Penders won or not, SEGA aren't interested in using them so there's no reason to take the risk.

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The Chronicles lawsuit as far as I'm aware simply never went anywhere. Penders would raise a fuss if that content showed up again, but there's technically nothing stopping them from using them. In fact, as was stated earlier, Ian confirmed Sega was fine with them using Chronicles content and Archie simply chose not to.

The fact Shade originated from a non-Sonic Team game is honestly a bigger hurdle in Sega's mind than Penders.

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Shade not being designed by Sonic Team is probably the hurdle specifically. 

Meanwhile TIkal could, but don't bank on it happening beyond rare occasions. 

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Tikal could appear in a spinoff. Maybe not a direct appearance though like on a mural but she's not off limits as far as I know. It's just really finding a use for her, after all she was really only relevant in Sonic Adventure.

As for Shade, there's little chance that she's ever going to come back to the series. The character was in a game that Sonic Team had very little to no involvement with so as far as they are concerned, she doesn't exist. Shade is like the Archie, Fleetway, DiC and whoever characters, acknowledged however won't be used in games and try to distant themselves away from the unofficial characters with Sticks being the only recent exception.

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2 hours ago, Sega DogTagz said:

Tikal was a playable character in Runners. She may be dead, but she is still rattling around somewhere over in Sonic Team HQ. She was starting to become something of a recurring character in the Archie comics right before they went belly up too.

Plus, she got her own 25th anniversary comic on Sonic channel

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I do actually kinda like the thought of Tikal reappearing as a ghost at some point in the series, especially if that came with gameplay merits to distinguish her from the "basically a Knux clone" moveset she was given in SA2. But lorewise you'd kinda have to contrive a reason for her to come back anyway? Thinking back on in now, she was more a ghost of the restless kind, only there because shit urgently needed to get done - and the ending of SA1 kinda implied she'd already fulfilled everything she came back to do, so she finally passed on in peace. Come to think of it, it's actually kinda annoying how many characters that Dreamcast-06 era Sonic Team wrote into a dead end in ways like this.

Shade is obviously in Archie rights limbo, and honestly even ignoring that I'm convinced she was a really fucking boring character anyway, with traits both character and ability wise that would just never gel with a proper Sonic game.

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8 hours ago, Diogenes said:

Tikal is dead and Shade's probably not canon, so the chances of either coming back are about as low as it gets.

Shade's technically still canon, but in a similar case to S3K, it would take money to bring her back. Money not really worth spending in this case anyway.

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1 hour ago, Blacklightning said:

 Come to think of it, it's actually kinda annoying how many characters that Dreamcast-06 era Sonic Team wrote into a dead end in ways like this.

Yeah, that's something that's really noticeable once they started cutting back on the overly complex stories and were slow but precise to introduce newer characters.

Though I would probably say Infinite was mostly intentionally another candidate.

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Glad to see support for Shade, although the only way she would appear is if Sega/Sonic Team wanted to use her at some point, which isn’t likely in the foreseeable future...or at least as far as what we can tell. In all fairness, it is hard to say given how unpredictable they’ve been with the franchise, but the little bits we know regarding her ownership, it doesn’t look likely.

Only way that can change is if there’s a higher demand for her, or if someone involved in the franchise who is interested in the character just brings her out regardless of her obscurity. High demand led to things like the botched Sonic 4 and the successful Sonic Mania, as well as the botched attempt at a more dramatic story with Forces, so as unlikely as it is for her to appear, it’s not impossible and there are avenues for her to show up.

It’s a shame really, I like her design, abilities, and background, although her character needs to change from the Ms. Exposition that she was in Chronicles.

Tikal on the other hand doesn’t suffer any of this, other than the lack of interest and demand. That has to change for her to appear again, although she can definitely do well with a reappearance and connection to the history of Angel Island as well as the ethereal and mythical aspects of thr series. I liked what Archie Comics did with her, post-reboot, despite not doing too much, but it was great she and Chaos came back and had some involvement in the Unleashed adaptation, and it’s that kind of stuff that made me gravitate to the comics more than the games.

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I really like both Shade and Tikal. They both skirt Knuckles status as the last Echidna (one is dead and the other is long since banished - and technically time displaced from the past). They both have awesome designs and they both help balance out the sorely lacking female count in the roster.


I too thought Archie was rounding into form perfectly with Tikal. Earlier attempts (TiKhaos *shudder*) were ugly, but bringing her in as a spiritual medium for the Unleashed arc was the perfect niche for the character and is exactly how I would envision her utilized in the future. I can only hope that makes the jump over to IDW.

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I agree with an earlier suggestion that in the event of a reboot, Tikal would be suitable to take Knuckles' old job as guardian of the Master Emerald with Knuckles himself not bound to the island. You can give her some sort of immortality that's connected to Angel Island to have an excuse for her not to show up independent of the emerald being guarded or not.

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Really love how that doesn’t build either Tikal or Knuckles as a character...

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7 hours ago, Almar said:

I agree with an earlier suggestion that in the event of a reboot, Tikal would be suitable to take Knuckles' old job as guardian of the Master Emerald with Knuckles himself not bound to the island. You can give her some sort of immortality that's connected to Angel Island to have an excuse for her not to show up independent of the emerald being guarded or not.

That's something that I really don't think adds anything to either character. Tikal IMO already served her purpose in SA1 and while I don't mind her appearing as an extra playable like in Runners, I don't see what role or function can she have within a cast of characters that already cover the majority of basic archetypes. (Besides, I'm not a fan of pacifist type characters since they seem a bit on the extreme side, even if their ideals are noble)

Plus if Knuckles' role of guardian is taken by another character, what would his purpose in the franchise be? I don't think this is a move that would benefit his character, nor will "freeing" Knuckles from his duty going to solve some of the issues the character have like lacking a motive to get involved with Sonic's adventures. Ian Flyn in the last few issues of the Archie comics actually managed to give Knuckles some roles while playing how he is a character that actually takes pride in this one job that only he can do instead or how he is aware that it is where he belongs instead of trying to get rid of the ME so he can get involved in stories that have nothing to do with what his character is about.

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I think what might be interesting would be seeing Tikal trying to cope with the loss of her tribe, even if she probably believes they had what was coming. Also, maybe try to have her get used to modern-day society, assuming she can take on a more solid form.

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It's not necessary for Tikal replace Knuckles as guardian . They might share this duty together 

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14 minutes ago, Gumbit said:

It's not necessary for Tikal replace Knuckles as guardian . They might share this duty together 

 Maybe the two of them can take shifts, i.e. when Knuckles needs to be away to help with the others Tikal could look after the ME for him. 

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For me it'd be nice to have something with a new threat to Knuckles or the Chao, something that ties to the past, and then we get flashbacks scenes extensively with Tikal, or even play as her in these flashbacks.

Imagine a game tying past and present kinda like SA1 but with more worldbuilding on Tikal's world, like we discovers some clues in the past, imagine levels like Angel Island, Mystic Ruins, the echidna society etc... in their glorious past.

That'd be cool.


Fanart by goshaag


OCs fanart by xibalbapiixan and cakeklis. It'd be cool to have new echidna characters like this to expand Tikal's world :D

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Just now, RedFox99 said:

 Maybe the two of them can take shifts, i.e. when Knuckles needs to be away to help with the others Tikal could look after the ME for him. 

Yeah that's better . Also Knuckles won't be lonely on Angel island , because Tikal will be with him . The comics gives me a little hope that Tikal might return .

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2 minutes ago, Gumbit said:


Yeah that's better . Also Knuckles won't be lonely on Angel island , because Tikal will be with him . The comics gives me a little hope that Tikal might return .

That's one thing that I hope Ian can do. Maybe show Knuckles and Tikal hanging out on the island and maybe exploring it.

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