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Sonic Boom: Infinite Chaos TV movie idea

Blueknight V2.0

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This is just an idea for a potential Sonic Boom TV film. If they wanted to finish Sonic Boom properly, I think they should end it with a TV movie they talked about in the past. They should call it, Sonic Boom: Infinite Chaos.

And it should feature Team Sonic need to gather the chaos crystals to stop Lyric from using a newly found crystal (Boom's equivalent to Phantom Ruby), before he can use its power to its full potential, but a Jackal confronts Lyric then shortly after being exposed to the crystal he decides to have it fused to him, becoming Infinite. Along the way they'll run into old foes Eggman, Metal Sonic and Shadow, as well as new allies Blaze, Silver and Rouge (an ally of Eggman's). At a later point in the film Eggman, Shadow, Rouge even Metal Sonic have to work together with Team Sonic and their allies to take down Lyric and Infinite. But Infinite quickly defeats them and sends them into different Virtual Realities. With everyone in Virtual Reality, Lyric thinks his plan can finally go into motion and use the chaos crystals Team Sonic collected to reboot his army. But power goes to Infinite as he gets stronger the longer he's exposed to the crystal and betrays Lyric, quickly defeats him and takes the crystals for his use to become even more powerful. Then everyone somehow escapes the Virtual Reality, and reclaim the chaos crystals, after learning earlier in the film that in addition to powering machines the chaos crystals have special powers that only hedgehogs and cats can use. They harness the crystals powers into (Boom equivalent of Super or Burning forms) to to defeat Infinite and the crystal is then destroyed.

This basic plot of a TV movie sounds relatively good, now most TV movies run for about 80 minutes like Scooby Doo or Tom and Jerry TV movies. So all of this plus more could fit into 80 minutes if such a TV movie would happen. This way they could expand and show the full potential of Infinite's abilities, as well as show an upgraded Metal Sonic from Sonic Heroes. Even include Blaze or Shadow guarding and using the crystal for their abilities. Then finally include Shadows Chaos spear, blast and control, even his backstory.

It'd be a great way to end the series if there isn't going to be a 3rd season. So what do you guys think, would this sound like a really good TV movie as a farewell to Sonic Boom if it were the case?

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Perci, Vector, and D-Fekt ought to be involved. Morpho too, to bolster the villain side along with Nominatus. Maybe Mighton and Bolts, Og, Team Cybonic, and Zooey show up. 

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49 minutes ago, Miragnarok said:

Perci, Vector, and D-Fekt ought to be involved. Morpho too, to bolster the villain side along with Nominatus. Maybe Mighton and Bolts, Og, Team Cybonic, and Zooey show up. 

It really shouldn't involve these characters in any major role, especially the villain side. Unless you're going for a specific villain team-up story, they'd just be unneeded fluff that dilute the run time. Think Spider-Man 3 trying to juggle 3 sub-plots all involving multiple villains. Unless they're going to revisit the whole story idea of a teamup like in Season 1's finale, there's no real point of having them. Let the main villain hold the screen time as much as they need to, and don't take away from it to shove random characters in. Sure, have them appear, but they don't need to specifically be involved with the story at large.

Anyways, thoughts.

1 hour ago, Blue Knight/Bluestreak said:

And it should feature Team Sonic need to gather the chaos crystals to stop Lyric from using a newly found crystal (Boom's equivalent to Phantom Ruby), before he can use its power to its full potential, but a Jackal confronts Lyric then shortly after being exposed to the crystal he decides to have it fused to him, becoming Infinite.

Why does Lyric need to be involved at all? His backstory and motivations all hinged on the ancients and backstory built up throughout Rise of Lyric. Considering it released on the Wii U of all dying consoles, it'd be a terrible idea to involve Lyric once again without explanation of who he is and what/why he is. Even better, why have some random jackal approach Lyric and suddenly be exposed to a Chaos Crystal? It seems like a relatively lazy backstory and doesn't explain how and why Infinite is even involved. Is he still a mercenary? Did he lose his group? Why on Earth would he randomly appear, get powered up and then screw with everyone?

Like, instead of all this nonsense with Lyric, and Infinite, why not just use the main villain of the series? Eggman is perfectly aware of the Chaos Crystals and could be using them for his "Plan Z" to use Plankton's terminology. Over the course of the series, he's run through all his plans and this is his most devious yet. He kidnaps a Jackal and experiments on him with the crystals to try create someone to trump Sonic/Shadow in power. Eggman being well...Boom Eggman miscalculates things and Infinite rebels, escaping the lab for let's say a month. Eggman basically says "forget it", goes to eat some Evil Ham and we time skip to a few months later in which Infinite's learned to control his powers and wants payback.

1 hour ago, Blue Knight/Bluestreak said:

Along the way they'll run into old foes Eggman, Metal Sonic and Shadow, as well as new allies Blaze, Silver and Rouge (an ally of Eggman's). At a later point in the film Eggman, Shadow, Rouge even Metal Sonic have to work together with Team Sonic and their allies to take down Lyric and Infinite.

You see, I don't get this. Eggman, Metal, Shadow. They're far more iconic characters and villains for the show. Lyric was one random character involved with a forgotten and bombed Wii U game and even then not a lot of people liked him. Eggman in his Boom incarnation is really well-received as a character. Why not have him as the main villain? Taking another example, Plankton from Spongebob.

Plankton is a silly villain. He's a smallfry goofball who's had his fair share of idiotic plans and goofy moments either at someone else's expense or his own. He literally hinges his entire plan on stealing a recipe to better his business and even at one point manipulated someone for, and I quote - "LAND DEVELOPMENT". But in the Spongebob Movie, not only does Plankton remain in character, but he takes it up a notch and becomes pretty damn threatening - successfully manipulating everyone, brainwashing all of Bikini Bottom, tricking the royal family to try eliminate his rival and more.

If you're going to go for an 80 minute long movie, then Eggman is the man who should be getting it. Let him have his time in the spotlight. Let him prove to Shadow he can be a legitimately threatening force to be reckoned with. The entire series hinges on Eggman and Team Sonic's dynamic, so why on Earth are we shoving Lyric and Infinite in so Eggman can be relegated to minor threat/team-up, which we've seen before in the series proper.

What if Eggman takes the chance and works with the trained and powered-up Infinite himself, Infinite seeing him to a means to an end and planning to backstab him when Eggman's outlived his usefulness. What if Eggman proves himself to be even smarter and prepared for that, when Infinite tries to backstab him, Eggman reveals to have prepped a device to brainwash Infinite or keep him in line or something, seeing it as "Too valuable to lose at the end!". Let Eggman be a goofy, but legitimately threatening villain this time so he can give a proper end to the series. 

1 hour ago, Blue Knight/Bluestreak said:

Along the way they'll run into old foes Eggman, Metal Sonic and Shadow, as well as new allies Blaze, Silver and Rouge (an ally of Eggman's). 

 This would honestly not be a good idea. Metal Sonic and Shadow maybe, at best. Vector as well. Blaze, Silver and Rouge have not been introduced into the Boom universe at all and either their origin/motivation would have to be rewritten to fit in line, or we'd have to try explain all three to a new audience. Vector for example had an entire intro episode based around his detective show, giving us a clear idea of his Boom Incarnation's life and personality. How do we explain Blaze being a guardian of Sol Emeralds from another universe who randomly ends up in this universe, Silver being from the future to save it, and Rouge being a spy/ally of Eggman without explanation of where she was in the past. 

If you're going to introduce a new Sonic character, pick one and tie it directly into the movie itself. For example, have Blaze and make the main plot around Infinite/Eggman planning to invade another dimension, deciding that it'd be easier to steal the Sol Emeralds. Have Silver come back to stop some absolute destruction event and have him as a main role in the story. Don't just shove everyone in and expect the viewers to follow along, especially considering they're completely alternative versions of the characters we actually know, to the point it'd be downright confusing to even older viewers (Rouge especially would lose practically everything that fits into her backstory with the loss of G.U.N and treasure hunting).

Even the use of Chaos Crystals is somewhat confusing and contradictory, not because of the fact that RoL contradicts a lot of the Boom canon anyway, but on top of that, there's several lines that indicate in the main series that Angel Island exists, and that Knuckles was from there originally, so for all we know, the Chaos Emeralds and/or Master Emerald could exist in the Boom!Verse. 

1 hour ago, Blue Knight/Bluestreak said:

At a later point in the film Eggman, Shadow, Rouge even Metal Sonic have to work together with Team Sonic and their allies to take down Lyric and Infinite. But Infinite quickly defeats them and sends them into different Virtual Realities. With everyone in Virtual Reality, Lyric thinks his plan can finally go into motion and use the chaos crystals Team Sonic collected to reboot his army. But power goes to Infinite as he gets stronger the longer he's exposed to the crystal and betrays Lyric, quickly defeats him and takes the crystals for his use to become even more powerful.

Alright, I somewhat get this, but this would quite honestly just cause the film to be massively rushed. There's far far far too much happening with far too many characters shoved right into it. You have the opening fight with Lyric, then Infinite's creation, setting up the daily life of Team Sonic and co, them going after Eggman and his allies, the Sonic characters that need purposes, explanations, backstories and more, the gathering of the Chaos Crystals themselves which given there's six or so would supposedly go like getting the Infinity Gems or some such. Then them being sent into Virtual Reality, Lyric being betrayed, them escaping, etc. 

There's no real solid direction, or even plan to Lyric or Infinite. They seem to just be doing things for the hell of it. There's no seeming motivation for the Crystal collection other than Infinite possibly being on the prowl. Even then, what is Infinite's grand plan here? Let the heroes gather it all and just get them at the end? Where does Blaze, Silver and Rouge tie in? Shadow and Metal? 

And the virtual reality portion, what is that meant to be? Is it meant to be Shadow's section in Forces where he has Rouge speaking to him? Is it like they're all shoved into their own seemingly perfect worlds so they'll not come back while Infinite does what he does? What is the clear sound plan here? Where's the A to B? It seems like he's just doing whatever and running with coincidences more than either of them having an active plan that manipulates the heroes.

Let's rework it somewhat to a natural structure, and we'll throw Rouge and only Rouge in there. What if we explore the idea that Sonic's island isn't the only island? What if there actually is a bigger more-city like area and that can be one of the bigger/new places we explore. The movie begins with Eggman having raided Angel Island and Team Sonic trying to stop him. They manage to successfully scatter the Chaos Emeralds but Eggman manages to gain enough data to create the Phantom Ruby.

With said data, he creates Infinite, Infinite is then trained as we time-skip. This gives some time to explain what the heroes' daily life is like, and sets up the village for later. Team Sonic is making plans to track down the Chaos Emeralds, planning to lock them down so Eggman can't use them for whatever. Eggman and Infinite need the Emeralds because the Phantom Ruby - being a man made creation is unstable and Infinite needs the Emeralds to stabilize his power. With that, the two groups then have to compete against each other for the emeralds.

Team Sonic, having Tails and Knuckles have a natural detector for the emeralds. Eggman, in order to compete heads to this new city area and hires Rouge, who could be a for-hire bounty hunter and/or treasure hunter. It gives her something resembling her natural backstory while she still works with Eggman.

At a later point, after the emeralds are gathered, Infinite attempts to backstab Eggman as the two are about to use the Emeralds to finally take over the island. Eggman reveals he expected it and uses a failsafe in Infinite's power to keep him under heel, and then Team Sonic are the ones send into Null Space or Virtual Reality or whatever while Eggman is allowed to run free with the Emeralds and Infinite, having seemingly won.

With that, Team Sonic needs to escape and defeat Eggman and Infinite once and for all. 

It's a extremely basic plotline, and there's a few issues, but there's a general Point A to Point B structure that gives us a solid foundation of the teams and the plot, even if you haven't seen Boom before. If we want to go further, we could potentially have Eggman create his own "Team Egg" to counter Team Sonic - Eggman, Shadow, Infinite, Metal Sonic, and Rouge. Sonic>Shadow, Eggman>Tails, Sticks>Metal (More of a joke because of Sticks' paranoia but point remains) etc.

Overall, I'd say while the idea is cool, your idea is far too overstuffed for a TV movie. With the Emerald hunt, all the additional characters, the various subplots, and the fact some of the characters hinges on inconsistent continuity with RoL, it wouldn't work really great as a movie, at least that's' what I gather from this. I think you need to cut the plot down a little so it's a general and consistent plot that ramps up further as things go down. If you want an example - think Sly 2. The Cooper Gang's goals throughout the movie is to hunt down the Clockwork parts to stop Clockwork from being resurrected while the Klaww Gang - an opposite criminal gang races them (or in this case, holds onto their share of parts). In the end, between betrayals and other things, they come to their darkest hour when their parts is stolen by the main villain and then they're forced in a last stand to stop the villain while the odds are stacked against them.

The biggest thing I think of as a criticism is the fact Lyric and Infinite would be the villains. Eggman really should be the main villain here IMO. He's the guy who's been the biggest thorn for Team Sonic in Boom. He's the guy who's always defeated time after time again, and if anyone is going to be their final threat, it should honestly be Eggman. If you're planning to end the series anyway, then give the guy a break and let him play the legitimately threatening villain who actually does manage to outwit some of the other characters and become the final threat of the series. There's good ideas here, but I do feel they need to be rethought and simplified a bit.

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1 hour ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

It really shouldn't involve these characters in any major role, especially the villain side. Unless you're going for a specific villain team-up story, they'd just be unneeded fluff that dilute the run time. Think Spider-Man 3 trying to juggle 3 sub-plots all involving multiple villains. Unless they're going to revisit the whole story idea of a teamup like in Season 1's finale, there's no real point of having them. Let the main villain hold the screen time as much as they need to, and don't take away from it to shove random characters in. Sure, have them appear, but they don't need to specifically be involved with the story at large.

Anyways, thoughts.

Why does Lyric need to be involved at all? His backstory and motivations all hinged on the ancients and backstory built up throughout Rise of Lyric. Considering it released on the Wii U of all dying consoles, it'd be a terrible idea to involve Lyric once again without explanation of who he is and what/why he is. Even better, why have some random jackal approach Lyric and suddenly be exposed to a Chaos Crystal? It seems like a relatively lazy backstory and doesn't explain how and why Infinite is even involved. Is he still a mercenary? Did he lose his group? Why on Earth would he randomly appear, get powered up and then screw with everyone?

Like, instead of all this nonsense with Lyric, and Infinite, why not just use the main villain of the series? Eggman is perfectly aware of the Chaos Crystals and could be using them for his "Plan Z" to use Plankton's terminology. Over the course of the series, he's run through all his plans and this is his most devious yet. He kidnaps a Jackal and experiments on him with the crystals to try create someone to trump Sonic/Shadow in power. Eggman being well...Boom Eggman miscalculates things and Infinite rebels, escaping the lab for let's say a month. Eggman basically says "forget it", goes to eat some Evil Ham and we time skip to a few months later in which Infinite's learned to control his powers and wants payback.

You see, I don't get this. Eggman, Metal, Shadow. They're far more iconic characters and villains for the show. Lyric was one random character involved with a forgotten and bombed Wii U game and even then not a lot of people liked him. Eggman in his Boom incarnation is really well-received as a character. Why not have him as the main villain? Taking another example, Plankton from Spongebob.

Plankton is a silly villain. He's a smallfry goofball who's had his fair share of idiotic plans and goofy moments either at someone else's expense or his own. He literally hinges his entire plan on stealing a recipe to better his business and even at one point manipulated someone for, and I quote - "LAND DEVELOPMENT". But in the Spongebob Movie, not only does Plankton remain in character, but he takes it up a notch and becomes pretty damn threatening - successfully manipulating everyone, brainwashing all of Bikini Bottom, tricking the royal family to try eliminate his rival and more.

If you're going to go for an 80 minute long movie, then Eggman is the man who should be getting it. Let him have his time in the spotlight. Let him prove to Shadow he can be a legitimately threatening force to be reckoned with. The entire series hinges on Eggman and Team Sonic's dynamic, so why on Earth are we shoving Lyric and Infinite in so Eggman can be relegated to minor threat/team-up, which we've seen before in the series proper.

What if Eggman takes the chance and works with the trained and powered-up Infinite himself, Infinite seeing him to a means to an end and planning to backstab him when Eggman's outlived his usefulness. What if Eggman proves himself to be even smarter and prepared for that, when Infinite tries to backstab him, Eggman reveals to have prepped a device to brainwash Infinite or keep him in line or something, seeing it as "Too valuable to lose at the end!". Let Eggman be a goofy, but legitimately threatening villain this time so he can give a proper end to the series. 

 This would honestly not be a good idea. Metal Sonic and Shadow maybe, at best. Vector as well. Blaze, Silver and Rouge have not been introduced into the Boom universe at all and either their origin/motivation would have to be rewritten to fit in line, or we'd have to try explain all three to a new audience. Vector for example had an entire intro episode based around his detective show, giving us a clear idea of his Boom Incarnation's life and personality. How do we explain Blaze being a guardian of Sol Emeralds from another universe who randomly ends up in this universe, Silver being from the future to save it, and Rouge being a spy/ally of Eggman without explanation of where she was in the past. 

If you're going to introduce a new Sonic character, pick one and tie it directly into the movie itself. For example, have Blaze and make the main plot around Infinite/Eggman planning to invade another dimension, deciding that it'd be easier to steal the Sol Emeralds. Have Silver come back to stop some absolute destruction event and have him as a main role in the story. Don't just shove everyone in and expect the viewers to follow along, especially considering they're completely alternative versions of the characters we actually know, to the point it'd be downright confusing to even older viewers (Rouge especially would lose practically everything that fits into her backstory with the loss of G.U.N and treasure hunting).

Even the use of Chaos Crystals is somewhat confusing and contradictory, not because of the fact that RoL contradicts a lot of the Boom canon anyway, but on top of that, there's several lines that indicate in the main series that Angel Island exists, and that Knuckles was from there originally, so for all we know, the Chaos Emeralds and/or Master Emerald could exist in the Boom!Verse. 

Alright, I somewhat get this, but this would quite honestly just cause the film to be massively rushed. There's far far far too much happening with far too many characters shoved right into it. You have the opening fight with Lyric, then Infinite's creation, setting up the daily life of Team Sonic and co, them going after Eggman and his allies, the Sonic characters that need purposes, explanations, backstories and more, the gathering of the Chaos Crystals themselves which given there's six or so would supposedly go like getting the Infinity Gems or some such. Then them being sent into Virtual Reality, Lyric being betrayed, them escaping, etc. 

There's no real solid direction, or even plan to Lyric or Infinite. They seem to just be doing things for the hell of it. There's no seeming motivation for the Crystal collection other than Infinite possibly being on the prowl. Even then, what is Infinite's grand plan here? Let the heroes gather it all and just get them at the end? Where does Blaze, Silver and Rouge tie in? Shadow and Metal? 

And the virtual reality portion, what is that meant to be? Is it meant to be Shadow's section in Forces where he has Rouge speaking to him? Is it like they're all shoved into their own seemingly perfect worlds so they'll not come back while Infinite does what he does? What is the clear sound plan here? Where's the A to B? It seems like he's just doing whatever and running with coincidences more than either of them having an active plan that manipulates the heroes.

Let's rework it somewhat to a natural structure, and we'll throw Rouge and only Rouge in there. What if we explore the idea that Sonic's island isn't the only island? What if there actually is a bigger more-city like area and that can be one of the bigger/new places we explore. The movie begins with Eggman having raided Angel Island and Team Sonic trying to stop him. They manage to successfully scatter the Chaos Emeralds but Eggman manages to gain enough data to create the Phantom Ruby.

With said data, he creates Infinite, Infinite is then trained as we time-skip. This gives some time to explain what the heroes' daily life is like, and sets up the village for later. Team Sonic is making plans to track down the Chaos Emeralds, planning to lock them down so Eggman can't use them for whatever. Eggman and Infinite need the Emeralds because the Phantom Ruby - being a man made creation is unstable and Infinite needs the Emeralds to stabilize his power. With that, the two groups then have to compete against each other for the emeralds.

Team Sonic, having Tails and Knuckles have a natural detector for the emeralds. Eggman, in order to compete heads to this new city area and hires Rouge, who could be a for-hire bounty hunter and/or treasure hunter. It gives her something resembling her natural backstory while she still works with Eggman.

At a later point, after the emeralds are gathered, Infinite attempts to backstab Eggman as the two are about to use the Emeralds to finally take over the island. Eggman reveals he expected it and uses a failsafe in Infinite's power to keep him under heel, and then Team Sonic are the ones send into Null Space or Virtual Reality or whatever while Eggman is allowed to run free with the Emeralds and Infinite, having seemingly won.

With that, Team Sonic needs to escape and defeat Eggman and Infinite once and for all. 

It's a extremely basic plotline, and there's a few issues, but there's a general Point A to Point B structure that gives us a solid foundation of the teams and the plot, even if you haven't seen Boom before. If we want to go further, we could potentially have Eggman create his own "Team Egg" to counter Team Sonic - Eggman, Shadow, Infinite, Metal Sonic, and Rouge. Sonic>Shadow, Eggman>Tails, Sticks>Metal (More of a joke because of Sticks' paranoia but point remains) etc.

Overall, I'd say while the idea is cool, your idea is far too overstuffed for a TV movie. With the Emerald hunt, all the additional characters, the various subplots, and the fact some of the characters hinges on inconsistent continuity with RoL, it wouldn't work really great as a movie, at least that's' what I gather from this. I think you need to cut the plot down a little so it's a general and consistent plot that ramps up further as things go down. If you want an example - think Sly 2. The Cooper Gang's goals throughout the movie is to hunt down the Clockwork parts to stop Clockwork from being resurrected while the Klaww Gang - an opposite criminal gang races them (or in this case, holds onto their share of parts). In the end, between betrayals and other things, they come to their darkest hour when their parts is stolen by the main villain and then they're forced in a last stand to stop the villain while the odds are stacked against them.

The biggest thing I think of as a criticism is the fact Lyric and Infinite would be the villains. Eggman really should be the main villain here IMO. He's the guy who's been the biggest thorn for Team Sonic in Boom. He's the guy who's always defeated time after time again, and if anyone is going to be their final threat, it should honestly be Eggman. If you're planning to end the series anyway, then give the guy a break and let him play the legitimately threatening villain who actually does manage to outwit some of the other characters and become the final threat of the series. There's good ideas here, but I do feel they need to be rethought and simplified a bit.

Okay I just thought of this in about an hours worth of time, adding Lyric into the plot was from what they said they would show what happened to him at the end of RoL.

This was just an idea, but your ideas of involving Eggman and Infinite as main villains with 1 new returning character like Blaze, Silver or Rouge are way better than mine.

Yes Sly 2 was my 2nd favorite Sly game and I liked how the story flowed with some elements carrying over to Sly 4. So yeah an ending to Sonic Boom with those type of elements and story ideas from both mine and yours would make for a great finale whether this would be the finale before or after season 3.

Main point here, if they were to make a TV movie for Sonic Boom as the finale, some things in my idea would work. But I hope its not based on my idea as there are a lot of kinks, if it happens. But yes Boom Eggman for once needs to have a much more threatening appearance like Modern Eggman.


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Eh, I don't think that the Boom show can have such a plot.

I mean, a Boom TV movie would just be 80 minutes of Sonic saying how shitty his franchise is/Sonic telling his friends to go kill themselves, because "He's too cool to have friends".

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Also, just on a side note: how would Rouge, Blaze, Infinite or Silver function in the Boom show?

I mean, considering how everyone in Boom (Besides Amy, for some reason) is a blown out of proportion Pontaff character, I guess it could be like this:

Rouge: Jessica Rabbit, except she's a bat. Constantly wears some skimpy outfits, because Rouge.

Blaze: A freaking  A N G E R Y  Pussy, who's always pissed off and who usually resorts to violence.

Silver: The "It's no use" meme taken to the absolute extreme. Fails at everything and constantly references Sonic 06.

Infinite: Just Shadow, except that the edge is on a whole new level. Constantly quotes 2000-s rock music.

Lyric: Some impulsive AOSTH-Robotnik-esque villain who wants to pollute everything because he's evil.


Not to mention, why are the Chaos Crystals suddenly there? Why is Lyric a threat? Why do the Crystals function like the Chaos Emeralds now?

This feels more like the plot to a 3rd Sanzaru Boom game, than the plot to the show.

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1) You're completely ignoring the chosen tone of Sonic Boom cartoon. I'm not sure why you even picked Sonic Boom, when clearly you want main universe movie

2) Sonic team + villains + new characters = at least 13 characters. Movie would either collapse under it's own weight or turn them into glorified cameos.

3) Overall you premise can be summed up as "pile everything Adventure Fans like and make it awesome". Something like that could only work if movie has impressive budged, like Infinity War. And even then Infinity War had new ideas, like new spin on Thanos. Your idea lacks focus, vision, structure. Does the movie has theme? Character arc? Builds on anything cartoons presented so far? Again it just seems like list of things you like gathered up into something you called movie.

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