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Your Sonic Desert Island Discs


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I was having a conversation with some friends not long ago about how if you were going to a desert Island and  you could only take 3 albums with you what would they be? This got me also thinking about the music for Sonic and if I could only take 3 of the soundtracks with me what would I choose? I though it would make a pretty cool discussion on here with you all. What would you guys choose?

Mine would have to be: Sonic and the Secret Rings , Sonic Generations and Sonic Mania.

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Probably Secret Rings, Unleashed, and possibly Mania, Adventure 1 or 2 (any one of those, really).

They're usually what I end up listening to on Spotify on a semi-regular basis and they've got a decently varied track list so I'd go for those. Mania isn't on Spotify as of yet but the soundtrack is too good to leave out.

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If i get the complete soundtrack (no missing songs & vocal tracks included)

Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Generations & Sonic Mania

could happily get by with just them.

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Oh, we are asking the tough questions now,

Let's see, 3 OST's...

Planetary Pieces, Digi-Log Conversation, and any of the following:

 - Tales of Knighthood;

 - Multi-Dimensional;

 - Blue Blur.

(also include Passion and Pride and it's more than enough, XD)

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Sonic Mania because remixes + new tracks + mental association = win

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive) simply because it's Sonic 2

Sonic R because...because...because sometimes I have guilty pleasures

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Surprised at the lack of love for Sonic CD's OST. I'd also bring Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Mania.

CD and Unleashed have both energetic and relaxing tracks that make them varied - the past, good future and night tracks are so beautiful. Mania has most of my favourite classic tunes remixed as well as banging new ones.

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Wow, this is a tough question. Think I'd choose:

1) Sonic Colors. Can't get enough of Tropical Resort, Sweet Mountain and Aquarium Park (act1) music. Feels kinda appropriate for a desert

2) Sonic Adventure because it's got some amazing tracks.

3) Sonic CD (JP) because it's full of energy. It's a really feel-good soundtrack. Appropriate for being stuck on a desert island. 

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Sonic 06 cause it is by far one of the better ones. Regardless of game

Sonic  r

And sonic adventure 2 ost

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10 hours ago, Biggs said:

Surprised at the lack of love for Sonic CD's OST. I'd also bring Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Mania.

CD and Unleashed have both energetic and relaxing tracks that make them varied - the past, good future and night tracks are so beautiful. Mania has most of my favourite classic tunes remixed as well as banging new ones.

Can I take most of the Japanese OST, but switch in Sonic Boom instead of Toot Toot?

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I'd take Sonic CD (JP), Sonic the Fighters and Sonic Colors.

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