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Is this one of the earliest Western Sonic Comics?

a bean

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So as I said a few minutes ago, I was looking through an issue of Beep MD (a Japanese Megadrive magazine) for Vector stuff. Because one yielded results, I'm going through the backlog that's been scanned in. But along the way to find more Vector, I found this...


There's a feature in this issue about Mega Drive magazines across the world, and this is one of the ones shown. 

My natural assumption would be to call it StC or Stay Sonic, but this issue of the magazine is dated June 1992 so it's too early for them. All I know is that it seems to be in French and might have come out of a magazine called Mega Force or Consoles or Parade or whichever one this is supposed to be linked to on that page.

I've certainly never seen it before, and as I said, it might be one of the oldest ones outside of Japan. Anyone know anything further?

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1 minute ago, VEDJ-F said:

I've certainly never seen it before, and as I said, it might be one of the oldest ones outside of Japan. Anyone know anything further?


Been a while since I looked at mine, but pretty sure that is the Sonic comic which came free with loads of random magazines back in the 90's. It tells the Kintobor Sonic origin story. There's multiple versions of in (In terms of size and cover details) but these are only minor things, such as logos and adverts. 

It was given away with an issue of Mean Machines and also appeared in print inside a Disney magazine.

As for this...


My natural assumption would be to call it StC or Stay Sonic, 

According to Nigel Dobbyn, one of the artists and writers of STC. This comic was the very thing that was given to the STC creative team for the first issue. Which is why Issue 1 of Sonic the Comic is virtually the same in all but length and a few panels, even the dialogue is the same.

Huge chunks of the story would later be re-told in I think it was Issue 8? The one where they basically show Sonic being brown and the Kintobor incident in full.

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Huh, well it makes more sense why Japan would have picked up on it if it was so ubiquitous, even appearing in multiple countries given it's not even the English version in there.  

And I'm not surprised that was their starting point then, they even got the art style down (although that moustache is something yet to be replicated). 


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Well drawn and I wouldn't expect that since it's one of the earliest known comics of Sonic in the west.  I've never seen it before.  New to me.

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I remember getting something like that back in the early 90's, I believe it was in Mean Machines SEGA.

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