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Kukku of the Walk


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It occurred to me that a lot of people don't realise the baddie of Tails Adventures is a cock. I mean, setting fire to a forest, what a cock, right?

Ha! Ha! Jokes.

Anyway. Kukku isn't a word. His name in Katakana is a transcription of foreign (English) words.

グレイトバトルクック = Gureitobatorukukku

So the first parts are supposed to be the English words "great" and "battle", but the kukku part is a bit more ambiguous. Cook? Cock? Cuckoo?


We can safely rule out any chef theme, which leaves cock and cuckoo.


His tail feathers certainly indicate a cock (or rooster, for the faint of heart) more than a cuckoo. But what's this? Zoom! Zoom! Enhance!


The bird skull and crossbones has a cockscomb on it. So cock it is!

Some might say that his son, Battle Cock the 16th, doesn't have anything in his design indicating this.


Those dangling bits could easily be mistaken as loose helmet straps.


But he's a cock. They're his wattle.


On a related note, the Dragon Quest series also has an enemy with クック(kukku) in its name that is cock themed. アイアンクック "Iron Cock". Naturally, for the English localisation they called it Robo-robin. Of course. Obviously. 

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Cock and cuckoo can co-exist, certainly. I appreciate the pun.

You're on to something with the rooster bits in their design. But of course, I think there's some amalgamation going on.

Flicky is called a sparrow, but let's face it: they're flickies. I think it's a similar situation here. We aren't going to confuse a kukku with a cucky.

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The クック refers to the fact that he's a cuckoo clock bird.  A cook, when referring to a chef is spelled コック, as is "cock"


EDIT - After a little more digging, 'cook' is sometimes spelled クック, but it seems obvious to me that it's not that.

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He was explicitly gonna be a rooster in the original plans for the Tails Adventure arc.

Never realized Speedy had a waddle, though. Good eye.

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1 hour ago, Tara said:

The クック refers to the fact that he's a cuckoo clock bird.  A cook, when referring to a chef is spelled コック, as is "cock"


EDIT - After a little more digging, 'cook' is sometimes spelled クック, but it seems obvious to me that it's not that.


Cuckoo is usually カッコウ.


For the English word "cock", コック and クック seem to be a bit interchangeable, though コック does look to be more common. Neither seem to be commonly used, it's not something that would come up often.

However, the English rooster noise "cock-a-doodle-doo" is usually written as クックドゥードゥルドゥー, with コックドゥードゥルドゥー being much less common.

The Japanese onomatopoeia for a rooster noise is コケコッコー (Kokekokkō). In the Tails Adventures manual, Great Battle Cock the 15th's laugh is written as コココココケ〜ッ, so it's clear that he's a rooster, therefore the name Battle Cock.

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1 minute ago, Pengi said:


Cuckoo is usually カッコウ.


For the English word "cock", コック and クック seem to be a bit interchangeable, though コック does look to be more common. Neither seem to be commonly used, it's not something that would come up often.

However, the English rooster noise "cock-a-doodle-doo" is usually written as クックドゥードゥルドゥー, with コックドゥードゥルドゥー being much less common.

The Japanese onomatopoeia for a rooster noise is コケコッコー (Kokekokkō). In the Tails Adventures manual, Great Battle Cock the 15th's laugh is written as コココココケ〜ッ, so it's clear that he's a rooster, therefore the name Battle Cock.

Ah, that's fair, then.  My mistake.








hehehe battle cock

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Sorry, I can't call him Battle Cock. The Kukku pun is too appealing.

But give them a space station, and I'll call it the Shuttlecock.

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Learn more about the game Gear stuff as we go along. Nack’s Not a weasel at all, and now the Kukku leaders are chickens...

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6 minutes ago, Razule said:

The real question is: IS Speedy green or white?!

White.  Somebody did a whole thread about it back on good ol Bumbleking.

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1 hour ago, DabigRG said:

Never realized Speedy had wattles, though. Good eye.

Another small detail; chickens/roosters can't fly very high or very far. If you look closely when Speedy is spiraling in his first boss battle you can see that he has what appears to be a jet pack on his back. Which is why he doesn't flap his wings to fly.

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1 minute ago, Pengi said:

Another small detail; chickens/roosters can't fly very high or very far. If you look closely when Speedy is spiraling in his first boss battle you can see that he has what appears to be a jet pack on his back. Which is why he doesn't flap his wings to fly.

I never played Tails Adventure for long, but that makes sense. He's essentially Metal Sonic in function anyway except with a little more personality and distinctiveness.

And none of the other Birds were depicted outright flying anyway, as far as I've seen.

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In hindsight, I should have guessed that from his symbol, since otherwise it's not congruent with his design at all. It also makes any relation to Bean nigh impossible (before you ask why, pre-reboot Archie tried to infer it) since Bean is a Woodpecker, with Piciformes being pretty far removed from Galliformes.

It also makes their feather colours pretty natural compared to series standards; brown and white are both possible colours for chickens.

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11 hours ago, Pengi said:


The bomb dropping guys fly, but they're the only ones.

That link didn't start at a relevant time, but good to know anyway.

3 hours ago, VEDJ-F said:

In hindsight, I should have guessed that from his symbol, since otherwise it's not congruent with his design at all. It also makes any relation to Bean nigh impossible (before you ask why, pre-reboot Archie tried to infer it) since Bean is a Woodpecker, with Piciformes being pretty far removed from Galliformes.

It also makes their feather colours pretty natural compared to series standards; brown and white are both possible colours for chickens.

I thought it would've been kinda interesting the BattleLord had a tendency to treat non-Battlekukkus as [loose] family simply because of the potential he sees in them. Hence Jet and originally Bean.

Also, are Hedgehogs remotely compatible with Chipmunks or Echidnas?

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8 minutes ago, VEDJ-F said:

The games don't have any examples of children being a different species from their parent, so we technically don't know.

Ah yes, the games. Not exactly a minefield of examples, nor an aspect of real life, but YES, DAGAMES!

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3 minutes ago, VEDJ-F said:

Yes, when referencing how the games handle concepts, the best thing to do is look at the games. Alternate media is irrelevant.

Well, we were talking about how Bean was originally gonna be the BattleLord's grandson/nephew in Archie, so it made a little sense to further inquire about your point.

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I was more talking about how that idea couldn't be applicable to the games (Archie could do what it liked when the idea was formed, there was no restriction on those characters). Sorry, should have made it clearer.

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We are now ready for the heroic epic of Cucky: the brave Battle Kukku who fought the misogynistic imperialism of her society by fleeing to the islands.

And then taught Sonic the secret of how to perform a spin attack!

Sonic Bible Draft II!


Most important of all, Chirps (the chicken) inadvertently helps Sonic develop the technique for his Super Sonic Spin Attack. As Chirps is learning to fly, he tumbles head over heels out of the nest. Sonic teases Chirps by immitating him, but as he tumbles, Sonic builds up so much speed that he becomes a blur of quills and fur.

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49 minutes ago, Sparky said:

What other information on the Battle Kukku is there? 

I'm pretty sure Tails toppled their civilization, executed their families, sowed their fields with salt, and burned any historical record of their people.

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On ‎26‎.‎02‎.‎2018 at 8:32 AM, Miragnarok said:

 the Kukku leaders are chickens...

Not all of them actually.

Fukkurov is an owl.

3 hours ago, BaronGrackle said:

I'm pretty sure Tails toppled their civilization, executed their families, sowed their fields with salt, and burned any historical record of their people.

And speaking of Kukku civilization, does anybody else think that they might be related to the Babylonians? 

Like, their fortress is a floating island that needs to be powered by the emeralds. Does that sound familiar? 

So, technically, we still have Jet and co(?)

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