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Why did a level designer write the story for Sonic Forces?

Badnik Mechanic

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So the story for this game is all sorts of naff and there might be an explanation as to why.

Saw this on retro. In the credits for the game, under writers story and script...


...Eitaro Toyoda is credited as being the writer for the story and game script.

Even if you excuse this as 'well he designed the sequence of levels so that's the story' it doesn't explain why he also wrote the script for the characters.

But doesn't seem to have any experience in writing either entire stories for games or script of any kind.


But then later on, Pontaf and Pontiac and Graf are listed as the English localisation guys... but Makoto Goya is also listed as a writer, who has a long history of writing games according to various sources.


So... who wrote Sonic Forces?

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I see from the link that Eitaro Toyoda has recently been doing a lot of work as a "Character Supervisor."  Forces uses a ton of Sonic characters; perhaps that's why he was brought in, because Shun Nakamura thought he could keep all these characters in line and wanted him to cut his teeth on scriptwriting.  The section of the credits where Pontac, Graf, and Makoto Goya come up appears to be dedicated purely to the CGs, that is, to the animated story scenes, so... maybe they handled purely those, while Eitaro Toyoda did the interlevel Codec calls?  It is all rather mysterious, and tempting to align with the apparent understaffing of Sonic Team on anything which isn't purely making the levels prettier.

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I uh...huh.

Apparently Eitaro Toyoda designed levels for SA2, Heroes and ShtH. Interesting, but why on Earth is he helping out with story this time around? O_o 

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28 minutes ago, Mayor D said:

So the story for this game is all sorts of naff and there might be an explanation as to why.

Saw this on retro. In the credits for the game, under writers story and script...


...Eitaro Toyoda is credited as being the writer for the story and game script.

Even if you excuse this as 'well he designed the sequence of levels so that's the story' it doesn't explain why he also wrote the script for the characters.

But doesn't seem to have any experience in writing either entire stories for games or script of any kind.


But then later on, Pontaf and Pontiac and Graf are listed as the English localisation guys... but Makoto Goya is also listed as a writer, who has a long history of writing games according to various sources.


So... who wrote Sonic Forces?

But then.. where does Nakamura come into this?

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6 minutes ago, Razule said:

But then.. where does Nakamura come into this?

He's the producer of the game, not the writer.

IIRC most people erroneously took him mentioning SEGA Japan checking the script as a confirmation that he was writing it.

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Forces seems to have a higher level of integration with the plot than pretty much any game since Unleashed in that we have actual reasons for going to places again and there are plot related transitions to different stages instead of just "yeah you were just in Hang Castle but now you're on the Egg Fleet and no we aren't going to explain how or why". I'm not sure why that level of cohesion was just suddenly here, but I'm willing to bet that's why. 

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So instead of finding the right people they're assigning the wrong people to roles they have little experience in? Why am I not surprised by that? 


Seriously Nintendo just buy the franchise off these morons. 

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Just now, Indigo Rush said:

Does this mean I can't use "Pontaff" as a scapegoat for anything I don't like about the story? I'm shook.

Well not really, cause Warren Graff was the one who: 'translated' it. Using the term lightly. 

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Part of the reason is because Sega operates using archaic, artless business practices. 

The other part is Sonic Team's idiocy. 

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1 minute ago, TargetWatch said:

Well not really, cause Warren Graff was the one who: 'translated' it. Using the term lightly. 

Why? Did he leave some of it in Japanese? 

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Just now, Remy said:

Why? Did he leave some of it in Japanese? 

I mean that I'm sure it's about as much as a faithful translation as every other Sonic game since Sonic Adventure...

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4 minutes ago, TargetWatch said:

Well not really, cause Warren Graff was the one who: 'translated' it. Using the term lightly. 

So, what did they change?

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1 hour ago, Remy said:

Shouldn't you be torch and pitchforking the lead game designer?

Sure if you want to make a topic about that go ahead but I'd like to keep this one to whoever wrote the story if that's ok?

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Nothing new there. Sonic Team staff have constantly been shifted around throughout their careers. Let's not be quick to forget Yuji Naka, star programmer of the original Sonic games, relegated to producer from the Dreamcast era onward.

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14 hours ago, Indigo Rush said:

Does this mean I can't use "Pontaff" as a scapegoat for anything I don't like about the story? I'm shook.

Naw, just when the godawful facepalming jokes decide to pop up. Or when they actually do have a hand in creating an terrible story such as Lost World. Because writing bad stories in this franchise isn't mutually exclusive to one set of writers but doesn't suddenly make it so they never wrote said bad story before, or a lot of the humour most people dislike in this franchise, as well as said memes birthed from said humour such as "Good one buddy!", "Baldy McNosehair" and the majority of the bro jokes between Sonic and Tails.

Because surprisingly, people don't just meme Pontaff to say a story is bad, they look at said story, explain what reasons why they dislike it and then look towards the writers who typically ends up showing these trends anyway. 

10 hours ago, Gabz Girl said:





Plot inconsistencies, OOC moments, Infinite’s backstory never explained (unless the comic and/or Shadow DLC does), Black Screen of Laziness...need I go on?


I think both the level design and story deserve a damn good torch and pitchforking, but I’m mostly upset about the story rather than level design because I knew the latter wouldn’t be great anyway! I was actually holding out hope that the story would at the very least be Unleashed quality, but boy was I wrong! It tried so hard to be like SA2 but it failed big time. Like a more seriously written Sonic Lost World.

Disliking the story or not, is unmarked spoilers really necessary?

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5 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Disliking the story or not, is unmarked spoilers really necessary?

Well, the title doesn't say "SPOILERS" but you should be aware that there are huge chances of spoilers appearing.

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3 minutes ago, DiamondX said:

Well, the title doesn't say "SPOILERS" but you should be aware that there are huge chances of spoilers appearing.

Uh no? You can discuss a story director not being an actual writer without spoilers? Or if you are, at least place them into a spoiler tag? Or is it alright to place unmarked spoilers into the Odyssey topic, majority of Mania topics, etc etc.

I don't care, the story's been spoiled enough for me, but I know more than enough people who want to avoid Forces spoilers, and making topics designed to discuss Forces that shouldn't have unmarked spoilers and throwing unmarked spoilers into it just means those people are going to be spoiled. Thanks to that - 


People now know Infinite is ineffective, and has no backstory, and that calls his role into question.

Spoilers in of themselves are fine, but unmarked spoilers aren't. 

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