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Sonic Forces Launch Trailer

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7 minutes ago, theofficefan99 said:


This is almost never the case. Marketing teams don't intentionally hold back from showing 40%+ of the game for the sake of "keeping the game a surprise," because that deters them from using more hype-inducing footage. If it seems like a game is holding back with its spoilers, it's almost always a red flag. Means that the devs aren't confident and/or the game has little to offer.

Regardless of Forces being good or bad, it has plenty of "hype-inducing footage". Sonic games have faced a lot of flack in recent years from the vocal fanbase for spoiling too much. I think it's quite obviously an intentional thing. They're going too far and could comfortably show off more of the game. Even if the SEGA think "Oh this game is bad and we can't let the consumers see how bad it is", they could and would still show off cleverly cut footage. The Japanese intro trailer shows us the same rubbish levels we've seen a million times and makes them look good.

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1 hour ago, Blue Blood said:

Regardless of Forces being good or bad, it has plenty of "hype-inducing footage". Sonic games have faced a lot of flack in recent years from the vocal fanbase for spoiling too much. I think it's quite obviously an intentional thing. They're going too far and could comfortably show off more of the game. Even if the SEGA think "Oh this game is bad and we can't let the consumers see how bad it is", they could and would still show off cleverly cut footage. The Japanese intro trailer shows us the same rubbish levels we've seen a million times and makes them look good.


I'm going to have to disagree. I've seen a lot of complaints about them showing the same thing a million times.


Well, obviously it's intentional. But for what reason? What surprises?


Even if you're going to keep a good part of the latter half of the game a surprise, why have we only seen like, what, the first 8 or 9 levels? And judging from the demo most of which will be extremely short?

IDK. But I would definitely consider it as a red flag, rather than them just "not trying to spoil the game." If this was a serious, plot-heavy RPG I'd say you might have a point. But it's a Sonic game. 

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5 hours ago, Swing said:

I really still not get this Eggman-took-over-the-whole-world-feeling. The world still looks like the familiar Sonic world. I always thought a world ruled by Eggman would feel a little bit more whacky and insane. Like we would see his face everywhere on posters or statues of him. Or he would force all the humans and animals to wear fake mustaches or have them all under his mind control and forces them to do the Eggman dance or whatever.

It sounds like they want to make this game way more exciting than it actual is. 

Especially with how the in game enemy AI is awfully lacking and are just major pushovers that are slow to react. So it unintentionally makes looks Knuckles and crew look inept/incompetent. I guess you can chalk it up for Infinite doing most of the hardwork and being more capable, buuuuuut then again (@0:13)...


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Not bad, but it still amazes me how poorly this game's promotion is in North America. North America gets it 2 days before everywhere else, yet they're doing the lousiest job with promoting it. It's strange how an English narrated dub gets released in Italy first. Wouldn't it make more sense to release a video with English narration in English first? It's like Sega wants this game to fail in America, or knows it will fail in America... 

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9 hours ago, theofficefan99 said:


This is almost never the case. Marketing teams don't intentionally hold back from showing 40%+ of the game for the sake of "keeping the game a surprise," because that deters them from using more hype-inducing footage. If it seems like a game is holding back with its spoilers, it's almost always a red flag. Means that the devs aren't confident and/or the game has little to offer.


Kid Icarus: Uprising, tho. And it was a stunning game full of content.

I'm currently subscribed to the reasoning of keeping most of the story a surprise. If I'm wrong then oh no I'm wrong, but I don't think it's unreasonable to think they're keeping it a surprise.

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