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Sonic Force- 100 ring cap in "Easy Mode"


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So once you've collected 100 rings the ring counter starts glittering and you can't add more rings to it. Weird. Just weird :huh:. Any ideas on what it could be?



22 minutes ago, Captain Fun said:

RubyEclipse clarified the limit on a NeoGaf post



I can offer more insight into ring collection, because the 100-ring limit only exists in the lower difficulty mode of the game. In this mode, getting hit causes you to lose only 20 rings, so you can take a number of hits before running out – hence the 100 ring limitation.

In the other mode, you’ll lose all your rings when you get hit, but you can also collect as many as you can grab and go well into the hundreds, just like past Sonic games. 

Hope this helps clarify – there’s even more to talk about in the future and further updates not yet reflected in this footage, so stay tuned!


Edited by Remy
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To give this some credit, do you really need more than 100 Rings at any given point? There are no 1-Ups in Forces, and even after maxing out, you still get points for every Ring you pick up. I'm guessing your Ring counter now acts as a "health bar" of sorts, since the avatar only loses some of their Rings when hit, like in Shadow's game.

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3 minutes ago, Forterror-Metallix said:

To give this some credit, do you really need more than 100 Rings at any given point? 


You need to beat a stage 1000 times now just to unlock a trophy.

Shortest stage is just over 60 seconds long.

So if this is now a thing across the game. 

60 seconds x 1000 stages = 60,000 min.

= 1000 hours just to unlock one trophy.





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1 minute ago, Forterror-Metallix said:

To give this some credit, do you really need more than 100 Rings at any given point? There are no 1-Ups in Forces, and even after maxing out, you still get points for every Ring you pick up. I'm guessing your Ring counter now acts as a "health bar" of sorts, since the avatar only loses some of their Rings when hit, like in Shadow's game.

There are achievements for getting 10,000, 50,000, and 100,000 total rings. At 100 rings max per stage, that's at least a thousand runs to get that last one.

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That's really weird. I don't see any reason for that to happen. I'd assume at least for the achievement and rings collected after the hundredth would still count to the total, though.

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Well, maybe the game still counts Rings you collect after you hit the max, not just the amount you have on your counter

Lost World used that mentality with its Ring-collecting missions, iirc.

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6 minutes ago, Mayor D said:


You need to beat a stage 1000 times now just to unlock a trophy.

Shortest stage is just over 60 seconds long.

So if this is now a thing across the game. 

60 seconds x 1000 stages = 60,000 min.

= 1000 hours just to unlock one trophy.





Sorry that's wrong.

Add onto it loading times... get your figure.

Multiply that number by 3 to get your switch number.

Add that to the stage time to get your final answer.


"Longer than Generations" now we know why.

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Whoops my maths are wrong.

It's not 1000 hours. It's 16.4 hours.

So you only have to replay the same stage for nearly 17 hours not 1000.


And ring cap confirmed for Sonic stages too!

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10 minutes ago, Mayor D said:

Whoops my maths are wrong.

It's not 1000 hours. It's 16.4 hours.

So you only have to replay the same stage for nearly 17 hours not 1000.


And ring cap confirmed for Sonic stages too!

I think this one of those passive trophys. Like, 16 hours will feel long for the player that's going out of his way to get this specific trophy, but by replaying the game, collecting red rings, doing the daily challenges, or overall just replaying the game for the sake of speedrunning or something you'll get the trophy and not "feel" like you did 16 hours just for it.

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Remember that 16 hours is the low estimate, that's if you finish every level with 100 rings and the levels only take about a minute each. In reality it'll probably take a couple more hours than that. And, honestly, I don't expect this game to have anywhere near 20 hours of decent content.

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There will be an item you can buy to remove the ring cap. There's got to be.

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So is this some kind of last-minute fix they threw in after they discovered that everybody hated losing all their rings when hit without being able to recollect them?  Being too far along to actually program in ring-recollecting physics, they just made it so you lose only a small portion of your rings, and then added on a ring cap in an attempt at balance.  Rushing in ill-thought-out quick fixes to their own bad decisions and creating even more problems as a result?  Sonic Team really is innovating - on ways to disappoint people.

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2 hours ago, Marcello said:

That's really weird. I don't see any reason for that to happen. I'd assume at least for the achievement and rings collected after the hundredth would still count to the total, though.

Now now, let's not let logic and sensible assumptions get in the way of finding something to shit on the game about, lord knows we're desperate for legitimate, reasonable reasons to do that after all.

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6 minutes ago, KHCast said:

I don't see how it's sensible to assume it'd coubt rings after the max, otherwise the ring count limit seems pointless

People have already suggested it may be because they're using rings as a more typical health meter in this game, and they want to cap the maximum health you can hold onto.

I will say, Sonic Unleashed did the same thing and solved the issue by having it so the higher your rings, the more you lose, thus you still roughly can take the same number of hits with 500 rings as you can with 100 etc.  However it's reasonable that they might've felt it would be clearer and easier to understand for the player if you always lose the same amount of rings each hit, so opted for this simplified method.

This is the most reasonable and well-thought out idea I can muster, but I concede it's also completely possible that they just decided to arbitrarily limit it as part of an upgrade system just to add more things to upgrade.



Sorry if I'm grumpy but it's just super boring to see people insist on keeping the hate train rolling as if initial assumptions ("because they're dumb") are the only possible reasoning behind this even after others have suggested logical possibilities as to why this design choice was made.

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27 minutes ago, Eurisko said:

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric had a 100 ring cap.

There's the Money Bags upgrade, which lets you increase your ring cap. Downside is that it requires connecting the game with it's 3DS counterpart.

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If we were just looking at "rings as health bar" in isolation, I don't think it would've necessarily been a horrible decision. But this seems to be a very late change (no previous footage has shown a ring cap), and it clashes with the achievements for collecting tons of rings. It reeks of a hasty, last minute change that's bound to cause more problems than it solves. So, it sounds real dumb.

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52 minutes ago, FFWF said:

So is this some kind of last-minute fix they threw in after they discovered that everybody hated losing all their rings when hit without being able to recollect them?  Being too far along to actually program in ring-recollecting physics, they just made it so you lose only a small portion of your rings, and then added on a ring cap in an attempt at balance.  Rushing in ill-thought-out quick fixes to their own bad decisions and creating even more problems as a result?  Sonic Team really is innovating - on ways to disappoint people.

Ring recollecting is a thing. Just not for the Avatar, unless your race is Hedgehog.

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10 minutes ago, Shard The Gentleman said:

Ring recollecting is a thing. Just not for the Avatar, unless your race is Hedgehog.

The cap applies to Sonic stages as well.

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Just now, Mayor D said:

The cap applies to Sonic stages as well.

I know, I never said it didn't. All I said was, Ring recollecting after being damaged is still in the game, but only when you play as a Hedgehog. *According to Aaron Webber, at least*

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2 minutes ago, Mayor D said:

The cap applies to Sonic stages as well.

What's the big deal about the cap anyways? You all are blowing this out of proportion.

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