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New Sonic Forces Gameplay in Nintendo Direct


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Sooo... yeah 

I will add timestamp once the stream ends

EDIT: Forces starts at 1:06:04

EDIT 2: New Link due to video going down and getting re-uploaded. Time is now 37:40


I think I saw a new level. It was either a avatar version of the Desert Portion of Green Hill, or Dessert Ruins from Lost World is back

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Oh joy MORE 10-second Park Avenue/City Heights gameplay.

Just what I needed after a year of no type of news. Thank you SEGA.

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Part of that didn't look like Park Avenue. Too industrial.


But yes, we need more.




it was Park Avenue. FUCK MY LIFE

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They never promised there being anything in this Direct, did they? Given it was under the "other headlines" section, I'm not surprised we got so little from it. 

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Oh boy, nothing like a good ol spilt second of Park Avenue gameplay.

But hey....at least we saw a bird right?

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6 minutes ago, Soniman said:

absolutley no 3D, radical

Hmm? Was this game supposed to have been 3D? Or was it always a 2D game with 3D segments?


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This strategy of drip feeding 30 seconds of gameplay every two months featuring the same two zones we've seen since spring is beyond stupid.

No one is going to have confidence in your product if you don't actually show it.

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This did confirm you can change your hairstyle, at least. The bird in the gameplay has different hair than the render of the bird we've seen

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And then it turns out Park Avenue and Green Hill were the only levels for the entire game, just with 30 mini acts each.

Granted that kind of thing could work if the levels were extremely varied in their design, like On fire Park Avenue, underwater Park Avenue, Tornado filled Park Avenue, Death Egg Robot climb in Park Avenue...

I just don't know if they'll be that creative, or if they'll just reuse the same assets for everything with little variety.

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23 minutes ago, VEDJ-F said:

They never promised there being anything in this Direct, did they? Given it was under the "other headlines" section, I'm not surprised we got so little from it. 

Not an excuse. There was a previous point there was nothing announced for Forces in a Direct, and that's where we got our first look at Green Hill.

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9 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Not an excuse. There was a previous point there was nothing announced for Forces in a Direct, and that's where we got our first look at Green Hill.

Well that doesn't really make it this time's fault, does it? Just because they tell us to expect nothing, after last time they told us to expect nothing, doesn't mean we should expect something, even if there accidentally was something last time.



Technically we've seen another area of this game. This doesn't match up with either park avenue or green hill. It's got some ruins, a big dome, and some jungle scenery. If I squinted my eyes I could maybe tell myself it was Silent Forces (which doesn't even make sense for this game) but it's not Planet Wisp, either.

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Just now, Shaddy the guy said:

Well that doesn't really make it this time's fault, does it? Just because they tell us to expect nothing, after last time they told us to expect nothing, doesn't mean we should expect something, even if there accidentally was something last time.



Technically we've seen another area of this game. This doesn't match up with either park avenue or green hill. It's got some ruins, a big dome, and some jungle scenery. If I squinted my eyes I could maybe tell myself it was Silent Forces (which doesn't even make sense for this game) but it's not Planet Wisp, either.

Considering that we're less than two months from release, Mario has shown at least six worlds in a far shorter time span, and in general, we still know absolutely fuck all from Forces apart from one level that looks like Destroyed Rooftop Run, and Green Hill Zone, then I'd expect SEGA to start taking every chance they can to market the game, especially when it's so close to Mario's release. So I don't see why it should be that unreasonable for people to be disappointed that once again, SEGA skipped the chance to tell us more about the game just to show us the same shit and tell us shit we already know about on a segment that's literally designed to tell people new news regarding games releasing on Nintendo systems.

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2 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Considering that we're less than two months from release, Mario has shown at least six worlds in a far shorter time span, and in general, we still know absolutely fuck all from Forces apart from one level that looks like Destroyed Rooftop Run, and Green Hill Zone, then I'd expect SEGA to start taking every chance they can to market the game, especially when it's so close to Mario's release. So I don't see why it should be that unreasonable for people to be disappointed that once again, SEGA skipped the chance to tell us more about the game just to show us the same shit and tell us shit we already know about on a segment that's literally designed to tell people new news regarding games releasing on Nintendo systems.

This reeks of SEGA not having confidence in Forces. And that will hurt Forces more than it helps. And it'll be a vicious cycle because SEGA will blame the game and not themselves for being too god damn incompetent with marketing.


This fucking sucks man, I want to be hyped with Forces but I am absolutely fucking tired of Park Avenue.

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5 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Considering that we're less than two months from release, Mario has shown at least six worlds in a far shorter time span, and in general, we still know absolutely fuck all from Forces apart from one level that looks like Destroyed Rooftop Run, and Green Hill Zone, then I'd expect SEGA to start taking every chance they can to market the game, especially when it's so close to Mario's release. So I don't see why it should be that unreasonable for people to be disappointed that once again, SEGA skipped the chance to tell us more about the game just to show us the same shit and tell us shit we already know about on a segment that's literally designed to tell people new news regarding games releasing on Nintendo systems.

Listen, I'm not saying you're wrong. I want new Forces shit more than anyone. I'm just saying we expected silence, got silence, and I can't find a reason to really be angry beyond the principle of it being silence in the first place.

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It was a 5 second spot in a "here's more games coming to the system" segment.

I mean, I'm really annoyed by how silent they've been on the game too, but I can't say I'm that upset about this instance specifically.

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I didn't even know a Nintendo Direct happened today. 

I mean, it's whatever. I like being surprised by what I'll see in the game anyway. Although it is interesting how much of a hard right they're taking on the advertising for this game compared to Generations where they literally had trailers for every single stage and boss that was in the game. 

It'd be nice to get something in the middle I guess. Still, if I had to choose, I'd rather not know about everything that was in the game before it came out.

So this is a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. I've got enough to be disappointed about already. 

EDIT: Okay, so after actually watching the video, it was literally just a 5 second mention while they were running down their laundry list of games. That's even less bothersome than I thought. 

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Look I'm not thrilled that we haven't seen much except Park Avenue and GHZ, but if you really expected something shocking from a multiplatform game in the same broadcast as the massive info-dump of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, then you've gotta get your head checked. 

They showed Park Avenue because it's the stage that's most associated with the game, they could show it for 5 seconds and people can say "oh yeah new Sonic game I've heard about," and moved on. 

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3 hours ago, VEDJ-F said:

They never promised there being anything in this Direct, did they? Given it was under the "other headlines" section, I'm not surprised we got so little from it. 

Exactly never expected anything tomorrow we'll likely get more news.EDIT NEVERMIND NEW VIDEO!!!!

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2 hours ago, Hard-Boiled Wisp said:

This reeks of SEGA not having confidence in Forces. And that will hurt Forces more than it helps. And it'll be a vicious cycle because SEGA will blame the game and not themselves for being too god damn incompetent with marketing.


This fucking sucks man, I want to be hyped with Forces but I am absolutely fucking tired of Park Avenue.

Now to be fair, would you have any confidence in a directionless mish-mash of this series previous errors and shortcomings?

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