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[Roleplay] SSMB Heroes Academy: Uprising - A Multiversal Adventure Beyond Fiction and Reality (Please Read First Page Before Joining)


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1 minute ago, Ghostrick Dorklord said:

Kyoko enjoyed the moment with Makoto for a bit longer in silence. She then speaks up, "shall we head back? I think we have a lot more to talk about." She then slowly starts walking down the stairs waiting for Makoto.

"Oh did you see an-" Kyoko stopped herself from asking her question. She'd rather not know if her friend was real or not. The two continued downwards to the main part of the island, enjoying their company.

Suddenly a loud voice was heard shouting from the Pizza Parlor. "DONT THINK I MISEED THAT BEST GIFT LINE"


"...I assume this is one of your attempts at humour Teddie?" Control Freak said, simply glaring a death glare towards him.

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3 minutes ago, Ghostrick Dorklord said:

Kyoko enjoyed the moment with Makoto for a bit longer in silence. She then speaks up, "shall we head back? I think we have a lot more to talk about." She then slowly starts walking down the stairs waiting for Makoto.

"Oh did you see an-" Kyoko stopped herself from asking her question. She'd rather not know if her friend was real or not. The two continued downwards to the main part of the island, enjoying their company.

Makoto nods. "Yeah. Let's."

As the two make their way back, they are stopped by Hina.

1 minute ago, Ryannumber1Scarer said:

"...I assume this is one of your attempts at humour Teddie?" Control Freak said, simply glaring a death glare towards him.

General Teddie looks at Control Freak. "Don't look at me. I can't write their actions. I just choose what gets aired."

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Blaze stood atop the Lighthouse, looking over the island. She couldn't get Eggman Nega out of her mind... Whatever he was doing, she had to stop it! But these "oddities" might find it peculiar that she just keeps disappearing.

Thoughts of anger and determination told her she had to fight, to stop Eggman Nega! But, no... Calming herself, she takes some deep breaths. Eggman Nega will be stopped, just not now. To further calm herself, she summons a firebolt, and starts swinging it around her. It let her only focus on the flame, and on nothing else...

Swinging around with the flame, the bolt slowly grows more intense as she dances with it's movements.

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With the party dying down, Neptune was stuck with putting away the decorations and cleaning.

"Aww, but I promised Noire I'd help heeeerrrr!" Neptune whines, sweeping the floor.

Tails voice can be heard from the kitchen. "Because you're responsible for this mess. Now I gotta fix the Pizzatron and finding parts for these things ain't easy! Look at these things... old 2007 tech! I don't have that crap in my workshop!"

"...That pudding pizza was so worth it, though." Neptune whispers to herself.

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7 hours ago, Failinhearts said:

With the party dying down, Neptune was stuck with putting away the decorations and cleaning.

"Aww, but I promised Noire I'd help heeeerrrr!" Neptune whines, sweeping the floor.

Tails voice can be heard from the kitchen. "Because you're responsible for this mess. Now I gotta fix the Pizzatron and finding parts for these things ain't easy! Look at these things... old 2007 tech! I don't have that crap in my workshop!"

"...That pudding pizza was so worth it, though." Neptune whispers to herself.

Noire and Daniel are watching Neptune tidy up. They accidentally got caught up in the Pizza Pudding fiasco. "I guess I should help her, it's not like I'm looking to a reason to hangout longer or anything..." Noire said to herself as she started straightening chairs and cleaning blobs of pudding that somehow got stuck to the wall.

"Wow." Daniel has been looking at Noire the whole time. "She's really pretty and kind. As a gentleman, I must assist! It's like a law of something..." He then goes around, sweeping up confetti and picking up deflated balloons.

Meanwhile, Toko has fallen asleep sat next to a table with her head resting on it. She tired herself out looking for Byakuya.

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3 hours ago, Headless HorseDanJ86 said:

Noire and Daniel are watching Neptune tidy up. They accidentally got caught up in the Pizza Pudding fiasco. "I guess I should help her, it's not like I'm looking to a reason to hangout longer or anything..." Noire said to herself as she started straightening chairs and cleaning blobs of pudding that somehow got stuck to the wall.

Tails turns to Noire. "Sonic should be taking care of your Share problem, though."

Back at the EPF Command Room, Sonic sits on a chair, looking to Alter-Ego's screen, showcasing a familiar face.


"I see... so Noire didn't use the rift I provided at Planeptune's Basilicom? That explains it... unaided travel between dimensions can potentially result in Share energy becoming unable to travel with you." Histoire explains, listening to Sonic's story. "I'll see if I can get Kei and we can work on allowing the Shares to link back to Noire."

Sonic crosses his arms. "And how long that will be? 3 days? 3 weeks? Something that involves the number three?"

Histoire pauses for a moment before nodding. "Do not worry. I calculate that it would take... 3 hours. Please be patent until then."

With what she needed to say conveyed, Histoire disappears, leaving Alter-Ego to appear again.

"So... is there a reason everything Histoire does involve three of a certain time interval or...?" He asks.

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2 hours ago, Failinhearts said:

Tails turns to Noire. "Sonic should be taking care of your Share problem, though."

"Thank you. I hope it doesn't take Histoire three years to fix...like that other time..." Noire's expression showed concern as she was remembering the time she and the other CPUs were held captive and it took Histoire three years to track them down.

Meanwhile, Daniel has spotted Toko and is holding a cushion. "This is no good, if she sleeps on the table like that, she might wake up with an awful headache later." Wiping the sweat from his brow, he places the cushion on the table next to her and attempts to slowly lift her head slightly. "Aah..." He pauses as Toko stirs slightly, sweating even more than before. He then gently pushes the cushion under her head and gently rests her head on top of it. "Mmm..." Toko stirs again but remains sleeping.

"Phew...I hope her friends are still around to take her home." He then turns around and looks up at the ceiling which is still covered in banners, bunting and various other decorations. "It's a shame Dave isn't here, he could clean up the high up stuff easily...where did he go anyway?" Daniel thinks to himself.


Elsewhere, at an unknown location on the Island, Dave has found a drink vending machine and is looking at the selection.



"Huh? Free advertising? Lets see. Pepsi? Sprite? Cola? ...oh, Dr. Pepper, my favourite!" He checks his pockets for money, only to remember that he hasn't got pockets or money. "Damn..." He looks at the draw where the drinks drop into. "Well...if I'm going to be saving the multiverse, maybe I shouldn't have to pay for soda anymore..." He flies down to the compartment, opens the flap and attempts to squeeze his body inside. After a brief struggle, he drops completely in. *CLUNK!*

The machine shakes as Dave rummages around inside. His voice can still be clearly heard. "Lets see, were are you doctor? Ah! Here you are. I also didn't know I could see in the dark, heh...live and learn." With his prize collected, more shaking takes place as he makes his way back to the same place he entered. However, the flap that covers the draw only opens inwards, he can't seem to grip the flap and pull it open. "Gr...Ghu...Crap! One minor petty theft and I've already been imprisoned..."

After a long pause.

*FSTK!* "Glug-glug-glug...AHH! ...totally worth it."

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Blaze continued to dance along to the flying streams of her flames atop the Lighthouse, focused and relaxed. She was so lost in her flames, the world was gone to her...


Nicole's holographic body rebuilds in the EPF HQ, as she stretches her body, yawning. Looking to Alter-Ego, she starts to feel a little guilty. She didn't really have to dump all her work on him, right? There could have been a better way to do that...

"Ahem, uh, what's been happening here?" she asks to no one in particular.

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1 minute ago, Polkadi said:

Nicole's holographic body rebuilds in the EPF HQ, as she stretches her body, yawning. Looking to Alter-Ego, she starts to feel a little guilty. She didn't really have to dump all her work on him, right? There could have been a better way to do that...

"Ahem, uh, what's been happening here?" she asks to no one in particular.

Sonic turns to Nicole. "Nothing much. Just settling things with one of our newcomers."

Alter-Ego nods. "Yeah. Everything's good here." He then continues his work, maintaining the system and checking for distress calls.

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Just now, Polkadi said:

Blaze continued to dance along to the flying streams of her flames atop the Lighthouse, focused and relaxed. She was so lost in her flames, the world was gone to her...

Suddenly a whistle could be heard from down below.

"Well now, that's one way to light up a lighthouse!", Sonic the Hedgehog snarked. "Y'know, my pal Shantae lives in one too and he's quite adept at fire and flames! Looks like we've got the makings of Fire Brigade between you two, ain't that right Tails?", he said to his buddy.

"Eh heh, yeah...", Tails said sweat-dropping. Leave it to Sonic to try and lighten the mood....that said considering the news about Mr. Miles Edgeworth, a bit of cheering up never hurt anyone, I guess, the two-tailed fox thought to himself.


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3 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Cala Maria said:

Suddenly a whistle could be heard from down below.

"Well now, that's one way to light up a lighthouse!", Sonic the Hedgehog snarked. "Y'know, my pal Shantae lives in one too and she's quite adept at fire and flames! Looks like we've got the makings of Fire Brigade between you two, ain't that right Tails?", he said to his buddy.

"Eh heh, yeah...", Tails said sweat-dropping. Leave it to Sonic to try and lighten the mood....that said considering the news about Mr. Miles Edgeworth, a bit of cheering up never hurt anyone, I guess, the two-tailed fox thought to himself.


Blaze's focus is suddenly whipped back into the world, as the flames around her combust. Looking down from the top of the Lighthouse, Blaze was quite surprised. "Sonic? Tails?"

She jumps all the way back down to the Beach, landing beside the duo with her arms crossed and standing up straight. "I wouldn't be too sure this Shantae and I could get along. Similarities does not create an alliance."

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13 minutes ago, Polkadi said:


Blaze's focus is suddenly whipped back into the world, as the flames around her combust. Looking down from the top of the Lighthouse, Blaze was quite surprised. "Sonic? Tails?"

She jumps all the way back down to the Beach, landing beside the duo with her arms crossed and standing up straight. "I wouldn't be too sure this Shantae and I could get along. Similarities does not create an alliance."

"Huh, well funnily enough, she's a guardian as well", Sonic noted.

"Aww, don't read too deeply into it Blaze!", he reassured clapping her on the back, "I'm sure you two would get along fine enough anyway, differences or similarities!"

"Either way, it's looking like we all may need to get well in tune with each other, considering how things seem to be going lately", Tails spoke up apprehensively.

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5 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Cala Maria said:

"Huh, well funnily enough, she's a guardian as well", Sonic noted.

"Aww, don't read too deeply into it Blaze!", he reassured clapping her on the back, "I'm sure you two would get along fine enough anyway, differences or similarities!"

"Either way, it's looking like we all may need to get well in tune with each other, considering how things seem to be going lately", Tails spoke up apprehensively.

"I do hope I can make acquaintances with her," Blaze replies, nodding. She looks down at her hands, balling them into fists, looking ready for anything. Looking over to Sonic, she continues, "An alliance amongst these oddities would be much appreciated, with what's currently out there."

Blaze grows curious to Tails' wording, oblivious to the impact of the recent announcement. "What has happened that so appears to be a problem?" she asks, rubbing her chin with much interest. Word hasn't gotten out about what she thought it was, right...?

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Meanwhile, Kaede makes it her igloo alongside her Persona, Apollo placing her piano back into place before disappearing. Sighing, Kaede hops onto her bed and yawns.


"Phew! What a day!" Kaede says, lying down.

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1 hour ago, Failinhearts said:

Sonic turns to Nicole. "Nothing much. Just settling things with one of our newcomers."

Alter-Ego nods. "Yeah. Everything's good here." He then continues his work, maintaining the system and checking for distress calls.

Nicole nods, smiling. "Newcomers? Good to hear," she says, walking over to connect herself into the computers.

She pauses, sighing. "Oh forget it..." she mutters, as she stands to confess to Alter-Ego. "You... May have noticed there was a large number of jobs suddenly passed onto you. A very large number. I did that."

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2 minutes ago, Polkadi said:

Nicole nods, smiling. "Newcomers? Good to hear," she says, walking over to connect herself into the computers.

She pauses, sighing. "Oh forget it..." she mutters, as she stands to confess to Alter-Ego. "You... May have noticed there was a large number of jobs suddenly passed onto you. A very large number. I did that."

"O-Oh, I see..." Alter-Ego replies. He shakes his head. "It's fine, though. I managed to take care of most of them. Just putting on the finishing touches. It's as much as my duty as it is yours, after all."

He chuckles. "I didn't call you because I assumed you had your hands full. I mean, you also have that whole Freedom Fighter thing and all that."

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7 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

Meanwhile, Kaede makes it her igloo alongside her Persona, Apollo placing her piano back into place before disappearing. Sighing, Kaede hops onto her bed and yawns.


"Phew! What a day!" Kaede says, lying down.

As Kaede entered her igloo, she saw a small note lying on her piano.


Somewhere, across the multiverse - L.O.S.E HQ

There was a meeting being taken up by several L.O.S.E members as they discussed things around a table.


"Why would I - Mr. Monokuma, the most trust-worthy killing machine around lie about something like this?!" Monokuma shouted as he slammed his fists into the table. 

"Because it sounds utterly ridiculous. How could that blasted fool Aku manage to take over the academy?! We checked in on him a month ago and he was too busy eating pizza to even come on the video chat!" Wily shouted back at the bear. 

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1 minute ago, Failinhearts said:

"O-Oh, I see..." Alter-Ego replies. He shakes his head. "It's fine, though. I managed to take care of most of them. Just putting on the finishing touches. It's as much as my duty as it is yours, after all."

He chuckles. "I didn't call you because I assumed you had your hands full. I mean, you also have that whole Freedom Fighter thing and all that."

"Y-yes... I was helping a friend, correct." Nicole says, placing her hands behind her back, looking away.

She continues, explaining, "But, you see... I wanted to show you a problem, and I picked a not so nice way to show it. I do love to be your assistant, to help you as you need it. But you have become so focused in keeping an eye out for trouble and distress calls, that I've been left with so many jobs of yours, and neither of us have been able to do anything else."

Shrugging with a nervous smile, she asks, "Maybe we could find a nice way to fix all that...?"

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Just now, Ryannumber1Scarer said:

As Kaede entered her igloo, she saw a small note lying on her piano.

Kaede eyes the note. Shuffling off the bed, she picks it up. "Huh? What's this?"

1 minute ago, Polkadi said:

"Y-yes... I was helping a friend, correct." Nicole says, placing her hands behind her back, looking away.

She continues, explaining, "But, you see... I wanted to show you a problem, and I picked a not so nice way to show it. I do love to be your assistant, to help you as you need it. But you have become so focused in keeping an eye out for trouble and distress calls, that I've been left with so many jobs of yours, and neither of us have been able to do anything else."

Shrugging with a nervous smile, she asks, "Maybe we could find a nice way to fix all that...?"

Alter-Ego strokes his chin. "I see..."

He closes his eyes. "Ugh. It's my old mindset from my old purpose before being reprogrammed isn't it? I'm always so... eager to get into some kind of action, even if it is alerting them."

Reopening his eyes, Alter-Ego looks at Nicole. "I got it! How about we take turns doing the tasks?"

1 minute ago, Ryannumber1Scarer said:

Somewhere, across the multiverse - L.O.S.E HQ

There was a meeting being taken up by several L.O.S.E members as they discussed things around a table.


"Why would I - Mr. Monokuma, the most trust-worthy killing machine around lie about something like this?!" Monokuma shouted as he slammed his fists into the table. 

"Because it sounds utterly ridiculous. How could that blasted fool Aku manage to take over the academy?! We checked in on him a month ago and he was too busy eating pizza to even come on the video chat!" Wily shouted back at the bear. 


"Oh, come on, Wily! I trust me! You should trust me trusting me!" Monokuma assures, agreeing with his other self. "Besides, Kurokuma never returns my calls and he still succeeds in getting his jobs done!" 

Kurokuma chokes on his cigar. "Why the fuck are you singlin' ME out?! I'm a busy, busy, busy bear!"

Kaos laughs. "Hah! I saw you at the bar last week! How was that busy?!"

"I was being a heaaaalth inspector! You fuckers don't want food poisoning don't ya?!" Kurokuma exclaims in defense. "Although I bet kiddie villains like you can't drink hard booze!"

Kaos slams his hand on the table. "O-Of course I can, fool!"

"...I just choose not to."

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Just now, Failinhearts said:



"Oh, come on, Wily! I trust me! You should trust me trusting me!" Monokuma assures, agreeing with his other self. "Besides, Kurokuma never returns my calls and he still succeeds in getting his jobs done!" 

"Of course you'd agree with yourself. You bring egotistical to new heights". Dark Danny simply said, examining the situation that was happening.


"It's not my fault the rest of you are too stupid to have an actual conversation with". Monokuma said sadly as he looked down, before jumping back up, laughing. "Besides, when you've got so much brain in one processor, the only other solution is move it to another processor!". 

3 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

Kurokuma chokes on his cigar. "Why the fuck are you singlin' ME out?! I'm a busy, busy, busy bear!"

"Kurokuma being busy? Like that's going to happen! Next thing, Shirokuma is going to grow a pair an-...wait". Monokuma said, stopping to think for a moment, not realising that part already came true a while ago. 

4 minutes ago, Failinhearts said:

Kaede eyes the note. Shuffling off the bed, she picks it up. "Huh? What's this?"

As she picks up the note, it's got a simple message on it.

"I'm sorry - E". 

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1 minute ago, Ryannumber1Scarer said:

"Kurokuma being busy? Like that's going to happen! Next thing, Shirokuma is going to grow a pair an-...wait". Monokuma said, stopping to think for a moment, not realising that part already came true a while ago. 

"Oh, I'm sorry! Who built you the Monobeasts? The Exisals? Repurposed the Geonosis Factory back then? Helped the other you with that hoo-hah in the Imaginite Factory? I can tell you it ain't that backstabbin' cosplaya' bitch, that's for sure!" Kurokuma rants, hands on his hips.

2 minutes ago, Ryannumber1Scarer said:

As she picks up the note, it's got a simple message on it.

"I'm sorry - E". 

"...Edgeworth..." Kaede somberly mumbles, pain already in her heart. She misses him already...

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8 minutes ago, Ryannumber1Scarer said:

As Kaede entered her igloo, she saw a small note lying on her piano.


Somewhere, across the multiverse - L.O.S.E HQ

There was a meeting being taken up by several L.O.S.E members as they discussed things around a table.


"Why would I - Mr. Monokuma, the most trust-worthy killing machine around lie about something like this?!" Monokuma shouted as he slammed his fists into the table. 

"Because it sounds utterly ridiculous. How could that blasted fool Aku manage to take over the academy?! We checked in on him a month ago and he was too busy eating pizza to even come on the video chat!" Wily shouted back at the bear. 


1 minute ago, Failinhearts said:

Kaede eyes the note. Shuffling off the bed, she picks it up. "Huh? What's this?"

Alter-Ego strokes his chin. "I see..."

He closes his eyes. "Ugh. It's my old mindset from my old purpose before being reprogrammed isn't it? I'm always so... eager to get into some kind of action, even if it is alerting them."

Reopening his eyes, Alter-Ego looks at Nicole. "I got it! How about we take turns doing the tasks?"


"Oh, come on, Wily! I trust me! You should trust me trusting me!" Monokuma assures, agreeing with his other self. "Besides, Kurokuma never returns my calls and he still succeeds in getting his jobs done!" 

Kurokuma chokes on his cigar. "Why the fuck are you singlin' ME out?! I'm a busy, busy, busy bear!"

Kaos laughs. "Hah! I saw you at the bar last week! How was that busy?!"

"I was being a heaaaalth inspector! You fuckers don't want food poisoning don't ya?!" Kurokuma exclaims in defense. "Although I bet kiddie villains like you can't drink hard booze!"

Kaos slams his hand on the table. "O-Of course I can, fool!"

"...I just choose not to."


"Can we have order please?" Izanami said with a stern tone, "I have my suspensions on how Aku managed to to take over the Academy but however this puts the League of Super Evil into a good place." She then taps a button on the table and shows a chart of LOSE's stocks. "We've managed to expand our resources in such little time so having Aku in such a position by chance is very good timing for us." The door then opens revealing a man in a suit.


"Well well well... Another meeting? Shame I was late. I was busy getting intel." Hazama appeared and sat on the table. "Feast your eyes on this!" He then pulls out several folders from his coat and laid them out on the table. "I got info on the Skylanders here and there. Its their profiles and what not so please examine them thoroughly."

"Thank you Terumi" Izanami said, "you're free to join us if you're done bragging about yourself." Hazama place his hand on his hat, taking the insult in his stride.

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Just now, Failinhearts said:

Alter-Ego strokes his chin. "I see..."

He closes his eyes. "Ugh. It's my old mindset from my old purpose before being reprogrammed isn't it? I'm always so... eager to get into some kind of action, even if it is alerting them."

Reopening his eyes, Alter-Ego looks at Nicole. "I got it! How about we take turns doing the tasks?"

Nicole replies with a smile, and nods. "That should work just fine, Alter-Ego. Thank you."

Going into the digital matrix of the HQ computer, Nicole gives AE a hug. She then steps back, blushing, as she asks, "This does not overstep boundaries, does it?"

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1 minute ago, Polkadi said:

Nicole replies with a smile, and nods. "That should work just fine, Alter-Ego. Thank you."

Going into the digital matrix of the HQ computer, Nicole gives AE a hug. She then steps back, blushing, as she asks, "This does not overstep boundaries, does it?"

Alter-Ego, caught off guard takes a step backwards. "Oh, no... it's fine. It's natural for friends to hug, right? Even programs." He softly chuckles, fiddling with the bow on his shirt.

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12 minutes ago, Ghostrick Dorklord said:



"Can we have order please?" Izanami said with a stern tone, "I have my suspensions on how Aku managed to to take over the Academy but however this puts the League of Super Evil into a good place." She then taps a button on the table and shows a chart of LOSE's stocks. "We've managed to expand our resources in such little time so having Aku in such a position by chance is very good timing for us." The door then opens revealing a man in a suit.


"Well well well... Another meeting? Shame I was late. I was busy getting intel." Hazama appeared and sat on the table. "Feast your eyes on this!" He then pulls out several folders from his coat and laid them out on the table. "I got info on the Skylanders here and there. Its their profiles and what not so please examine them thoroughly."

"Thank you Terumi" Izanami said, "you're free to join us if you're done bragging about yourself." Hazama place his hand on his hat, taking the insult in his stride.

"Don't mind if I do!" Monokuma said, snatching up the profiles. "Hehe, there's some new interesting faces at that academy, that makes things more interesting". Monokuma said with a devious chuckle. 

"...What are you up to, bear?" Wily said, sipping on some coffee while tinkering with some robot parts. 

"Hehe, just preparing for a little pet project, that's all. Something myself and myself have been pla-" 


Suddenly, five cubs popped out from behind Kurokuma, smacking him in the back of the head and causing him to fall straight onto the floor, waddling mid-rant. 



"Hiya pops! We're done getting that thing you wanted out of that....place". Monotaro suddenly said. The scatterbrain didn't realise that when he jumped onto the table, he accidentally tipped over Wily's coffee, causing it to fall directly onto Kurokuma's face. 



"O-Oh no, you hurt Mr. Kurokuma! He's going to kill you Monotaro!" Another bear, this time a pink one wearing a bra and a flower shouted while throwing up sparkles. 

"Who now Monophanie?" Monotaro asked, scratching his head, not sure what she meant.

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