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When were you born and do you like 2d or 3d more


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This issorr of a study.  from what I see usually older people  / fans like classic 2d games much more than 3d and bash them

While younger fans born on the adventure series on GameCube like the more modern 3d games while not practically caring for the 2d past.


Me I was born 89 and like both equally honestly. But what are you guys thoughts ???

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I'm older then the Sonic series. I do have a huge fondness for 2D art and gameplay. Regardless I have no problems with 3D games long as they are really good! Such as the Sly Cooper, or the Ratchet and Clank series which are among my fave game series.

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I'm currently only 19, born in 98, but grew up in the 2000s and with the 3D Sonic games of the GC and PS2 era.

Not to say I wasn't fond of the 2D games though, considering I've also played and owned some of the Advance games.

Is it weird that I techinally grew up with the Classic games thanks to Mega Collection Plus?

To answer your question, I prefer 3D.

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2 minutes ago, Dee Dude said:

I'm currently only 19, born in 98, but grew up in the 2000s and with the 3D Sonic games of the GC and PS2 era.

Not to say, I wasn't fond with the 2D games though, considering I've also played and own some of the Advance games.

Is it weird that I techinally grew up with the Classic games thanks to Mega Collection Plus?

No it's no weird but hearing your birth year makes me feel old T.T

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I can potentially like both equally, but the problem is with how Sonic Team have struggled with 3D for so long. Since 1992, I've managed to glean enjoyment from most outings, yet those of the 3D variety often come with some kind of major caveat (poor design sadly often being the case). The 2D games have seen a dud now and then but are normally at least good and of course the Classics are some of my favourite games of all time.

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1990 and favour Classic more - purely because the gameplay style holds up a lot better. Modern style gameplay still needs to reach its potential, as right now it feels like Sega can't reach the potential with the more recent style of gameplay.

Of the belief that the boost gameplay should remain and continuously be improved upon. Let Sonic Team/whoever focus on that. Classic gameplay is sorted as far as im concerned - hire people to make that proper 2D to 3D transition. Sonic Adventure was not that.

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I was born in '94, and to be honest, I'd say I like both eras equally. Sonic 3 and Knuckles is the best Sonic game, ignoring Mania being on the horizon, but I find that I play both eras pretty much equally, at least now. If I added up all the hours over time, the 3D games would win out seeing as how I didn't get into the classics until High School, but I find I pretty much get an equal amount of enjoyment from both 2D and 3D Sonic.

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I was born in 1989 and my first experience with Sonic was the 8-bit games on Master System.  I was mostly a Nintendo kid and while I played the mega drive titles at friends houses, it wasn't until Sonic Adventure 2 that I was reintroduced to the series on my own time.  I was kinda blown away by it and permanently fell in love with the idea of Sonic having a world, lore, character building and "serious" plotlines etc.  I then went on to replay the main 2D games properly via Sonic Mega Collection.

Overall this lead me to have a very "I love both" opinion.  I love modern Sonic and it's extended cast, but I'm also hyped as hell for Mania tomorrow for it's promise of plain simple fun.  However I LOVE the world-building and sense of scale that 3D provides that 2D doesn't, and I DREAM of getting a game as high quality in all areas for 3D Modern Sonic as we're getting for 2D Classic Sonic with Mania.  In the same vein that Mania's overall feel draws heavily from a combination of Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic CD, I feel my ideal Sonic game would be a fully 3D one that draws heavily from the first two Sonic Adventures and Sonic Unleashed and somehow just does everything "right".

The problem is that perfect 3D game I want is purely hypothetical - I want them to draw from these games while also perfecting what they got wrong.  Mania has the privelege of drawing from games that were already excellent to begin with.


Anyway, short answer is raised on the 8-bit games, only properly played the 16-bit games after being reintroduced via modern games, overall prefer 3D and wish they could get it right.

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2004, I Prefer the 2D games. I grew up with Sonic on the Wii and 360. The first Sonic Games I played were Sonic 3D Blast on my Cousin's (Now My) Sega Genesis, and Sonic 2006 on another cousins PS3.

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Was born in '97 and grew up with the Advance trilogy and classics on Mega Collection & Gems Collection, but the first ever 3D Sonic game I played was Sonic Heroes. I honestly like both equally. 3D is nowhere near perfect though; there's still a LOT of room for improvement. 2D Sonic is still a strong foundation that can be expanded on.

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This is all good. Though I feel hella old now v.v but it's nice to see a sort of balance between the love of which eras

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Born in 95 but never played any Sonic games until I got a PS2 early 2000s and my on there the games I played were Heroes and Riders. Close to that was the Advance trilogy.

So I prefer newer sonic games but like 3d and 2d equally. Even thought I can see the reasons why the games before then were good and I did like them once I got to play them I would always take a post 2000s sonic game over the 90s ones (well except for 06, 4 and Chronicles)

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1994 and I grew up with 3D games, especially with playsation and gamecube games. Although, there are 2D games that I love to play. Donkey Kong Country and Shantae being one my favorites in that style. As for sonic, it's a bit iffy. I grew up with the 3D games but I'm not very interested in them now as I was back then. I got around the original classics way later in my life ( like around high school ) and my experience with them was kinda mixed. 

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I born in 2003, and honestly I hate every actual 3D game with little exceptions. 2003 was when 3D consoles gained forces, and I really like these 3D Games (Need for Speed Underground 2, Unreal Tournament 2004, Sonic Heroes all of these games was released in 2004 and I simply love them!). In someway I also love 2D 90's games such as Sonic, majority popular SEGA Genesis Games, Worms Armageddon, Yoot Tower and many other DOS/Windows 9x games.

I wrote a topic talking about that, and well in a short way I love both 2D or 3D games, but don't like many actual games. In some way I think that this still reflex in my life style, same I don't remember, I love late 2000's era (Games/Music/Popular things/everything!), but I don't have many information, but if it's what I think I would love it. If someone wants to say something about that era please tell me here or send a PM, it would be an important decision in my teen life!

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i'm almost 20 and Sonic 1 was my first game (at least one of the first i remember playing), i enjoy both styles a lot, but my top 3 fav sonic games is consisted in it's entirety of 3D games, the next one is S3K, so i could say i enjoy 3D more? idk really

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Born 1999. 18 years old, just. Much prefer the 2D games of the series, but definitely potential for 3D forays if Sonic Team got their fingers out of their arse. 

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I think thats one reason sonics lasted so long we all have gone memories with him regardless of age :)

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I was born in '92. I prefer the Classic and Adventure eras.

Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 were a big part of my childhood, but I never really liked Sonic 3 for whatever reason. I adored Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2, the latter of which came out when I was around 9 or so, so I was probably part of the core intended audience for that game. It wasn't until Pontac and Graff signed on for the games that I truly began to dislike them... I listened to "Reach for the stars" and watched a few cutscenes with dialogue, and that was enough to turn me away from Colors at the time. Could be because I'm older now and therefore have a smaller tolerance for that kind of thing, who knows.

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1995. First Sonic game was Triple Trouble on GameGear, then Sonic Chaos. Hated Sonic 2 GG.

Then I got the Adventure games for GameCube and Mega Collection. Probably preferred the 3D games at the time, in fact I was disappointed when Sonic Rush turned out to be a 2D game after the 3D Sonic DS tech demo.

Over the years though, I've grown more attached to the 2D games. Still appreciate 3D Sonic but the 2D games have aged so much better and capture the feeling that makes Sonic exciting in the first place. I don't think I fully appreciated the 2D games for how great they were until the Sonic 4 debacle. I had never given much thought to what made Sonic fun but S4E1's faults really highlighted what made the old games great.

I'd love to have a 3D game that captures the style and physics of Classic Sonic.

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Born in 97. Grew up playing the Sonic and Knuckles collection as my first video game, so I always preferred 2D over 3D.

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