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special stages in mania


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they're not confirmed yet, are they? 

do you thnk they should come back? if so, what kind of special stages would you want?

honestly, i don't want any special stages. those were really the worst part of the genesis games. still, if we had to get them, i'd like ones similar to sonic 1's. those special stages didn't seem so different from the rest of sonic 1, compared to the special stages in other gaems

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Special Stages are confirmed to be in the game, and we know they're entered through giant rings hidden in the stages like in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but they've kept what they look like and how they play tightly underwraps - I hope they stick to that until launch, we're so close now.

S3&K-style bonus stages are also confirmed for when you pass by a checkpoint with a certain number of rings, but again, we haven't seen what they entail yet (or whether there will be different types depending on the number of rings collected).

Finally, it's been heavily hinted that there will be more to collect than just 7 chaos emeralds due to the size of the game, and thus possibly more than 7 special stages, but I believe the super emeralds from S3&K have been deconfirmed.  If I'm remembering wrong someone correct me.


I agree with you that I like the concept of Sonic 1 special stages, where you are using the same controls and physics you are used to from the main game in a unique way - it makes a lot more sense to tuck 100% completion and especially a potential secret final stage/boss behind a challenge that tests your regular gameplay skills in a weird way rather than a totally unrelated minigame with it's own rules.  However the latter is a staple of the series at this point so I'm not gonna be upset unless what they've come up with turns out to be completely not fun.

I'm expecting that like S3&K, the checkpoint bonus stages will use the regular gameplay as a base and the special stages will be a unique minigame, like in S3&K.

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There was a picture with a S3&K's style special stage in a 16:9 TV, but don't remember when it was posted. 

I totally hope there are many types of special stages. To the OP: they were optional. You don't have to play them if you don't like them, but for many people it was some fresh air during the game, and very challenging and fun.

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even though they were executed terribly (bad glitches and physics), i liked the special stages in heroes on paper as they didn't feel so different from the rest of the game. 

59 minutes ago, molul said:

To the OP: they were optional. You don't have to play them if you don't like them, but for many people it was some fresh air during the game, and very challenging and fun.

sure, but they're required to unlock super sonic and the true endings. i wanted to unlock those, so having to suffer through the special stages was annoying

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Too bad :( I only "suffered" Sonic 1's special stage, because I didn't really like it. But Sonic 2's and Sonic 3&K's were really exciting for me. 

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On 03/07/2017 at 2:26 PM, molul said:

There was a picture with a S3&K's style special stage in a 16:9 TV, but don't remember when it was posted.

When asked about this, Taxman's response was a fairly simple yet slightly mysterious "you haven't seen Sonic Mania's special stage yet" (or words to that effect).

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On 3.7.2017 at 6:13 PM, molul said:

Too bad :( I only "suffered" Sonic 1's special stage, because I didn't really like it. But Sonic 2's and Sonic 3&K's were really exciting for me. 

Same. I really loved those both. I kind of hope blue spheres return in some form. We've had halfpipes alot, but I love how they were done in Sonic 2. Also, Sonic 3's special stage music is some stellar stuff.

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