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What's your idea of a spinoff sonic game?

A super no.2rookiemusician

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Instead of arguing over rolling physics or boost or boom, what are your ideas for a spinoff title? What could sonic experiment with that he hasn't done before? How would you design a game starring a different sonic character? (Wishful thinking I know)

What could you see sonic team experimenting with after forces like they did with lost world?

My idea for a sonic spinoff is a mission-packed game. You complete certain and special missions and fight a ton of bosses across certain zones from the series.

I had another Idea about a 3d boost sonic game but has heavy emphasis on the bosses you fight. I'll go into detail later.

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I toss around a few boring ideas in my head every now and again:

- A traditional fighting game. Considering the barriers that exist to traditional fighting games, it would probably shut out a lot of the fanbase and demographics Sega targets with Sonic, but at the same time, considering the franchise's roster, focus on alliances and rivalries, speed, and acrobatic mechanics, it kinda saddens me that we haven't gotten a flashy MvC2-like game yet. Just give it to Arc Sys, because the work they're doing on Dragon Ball FighterZ is utterly outstanding.

- Sonic Riders 4: This is my favorite spin-off series of the bunch. Unique vehicle choices, an interesting focus on fuel that makes tricking that much more essential, and the futuristic/cyber feel gives it a good identity and a lot of potential as an annual series. Also, it's one of the last arcade racers to have a proper campaign mode. Just use a traditional control scheme, make it as challenging as the original was, and pretty it up Mario Kart 8 style, and I'd be perfectly happy.

- A Speedrunners rip-off: I feel like this game is the best solution for multiplayer in a Sonic environment. You're constantly on the run in a looping course and have to contend with obstacles and traps that will slow you down. Instead of it being a race with limited laps, it goes on for as long as players remain on screen- get left behind and you're out for the round. Last player running wins. The same format could probably be adaptable to split screen in a looping 3D environment, and even have some elements of course randomization, but simply replace the off-screen lose state with a distance meter or something.

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Give Eggman a game. Something action-puzzle-platformy, where you've got various weapons/gadgets on foot, then you jump in the Eggmobile for boss fights and general destruction. Come up with some rival villain for him to fight so you can have him win while still preserving the status quo.

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If money wasn't an issue, I'd really love for them to expand on a universe and star the other minor members of the cast that would focus on their strength/weaknesses.

  • Knuckles in a more combat oriented game (Kinda like Shiness)
  • Espio in some stealth/ninja action game
  • Silver in some puzzle oriented action game (A Zelda-esque?)

Actually, anyone could be the part of some action/platform game that is not focused on speed now that I think about it.

As a more ambitious project, I'd love it for someone to have a go at Blaze/Silver/Marine universe. It's practically a white card, and I can definitively see that world filled with magic due to the nature of these characters. Would be a nice go for some fantasy RPG game.

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While I always imagined it originally as a character branch for a potential Sonic Adventure 3, an Eggman game where you use a transforming Egg Mobile to traverse stages, utilising both new and old contraptions (from boss battles in the main series game) to solve puzzles and fight enemies, that always sounded appealing to me.


Like Nepenthe I'd love a Sonic Riders 4.  I'd use the first game as a starting point and tries to make the gameplay a little less "fixed".  I like that Mario Kart races can go in all sorts of ways depending on what items you get, but in Riders you mostly took the same route on every single lap dependant on what character you were playing.  It felt more like a challenge to complete an obstacle course perfectly than  engaging in a proper race.


(Free to play?) Chao Garden mobile game with a downloadable 3D client for consoles/PC too (same functionality across all platforms though).  Connect it with any current Sonic games to transfer collected rings and other goodies in the same way you would from your action stage gameplay in Sonic Adventure 1/2.  Modern platformers, re-releases of classic games, Runners Adventure etc - whatever Sonic you play, you can use your progress to gain progress in the Chao Garden game.

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Honestly?  I'd quite like to see another Storybook game.  Not for the gameplay, but because they provide an opportunity to provide a story-rich multi-character narrative, and particularly an opportunity to do something fresh and different with the characters which wouldn't fit in standard canon.  I've had this pretty detailed plotline in my head for a Greek mythology Storybook game for a few years now, one which works by exploiting the tension between the Sonic characters and the mythological figures they would represent.

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What specifically are we talking about when we say spin-offs?  I don't look at spin-offs like Mario and Sonic or Sonic Drift (being vast departures in terms of gameplay and having stories that don't really interfere with the rest of the games) in the same way I do spin-offs like Shadow (being an expansion of the universe and actually being canon to the main series).

For the former category, as much as of a cop-out as it might be, my answer is just... well-executed, I guess?   I don't think any of the spin-offs like this were terrible ideas, just very clunky in execution, with the exception being the All-Stars Racing games.  I guess if I had a specific preference, I would like to see more All-Stars Racing, as well as maybe a more polished Sonic Riders.

In the latter category, while I'd be interested in experimenting with genre, I'd honestly rather the series stick to enhancing what it's already (somewhat) good at.  That is, platforming.  I'd rather they use spin-offs as a means to expand the universe and the characters.  At their core, I believe they should still be platformers, but how they operate should be radically different based on the characters' abilities.  Tails Adventure sort of falls into a grey area here, because even as a Metroidvania game, its mechanical basis is still rooted in platforming, so I'm okay with that.  So basically, I'd like to see more platformers that experiment with different mechanics and expand upon different parts of the Sonic universe.  Something similar to how Freedom Planet utilizes core Sonic gameplay while experimenting with differing move sets and level design principles.  But with the way Sega currently operates, this is just a pipe dream, I know.

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1 hour ago, Nepenthe said:


- A traditional fighting game. Considering the barriers that exist to traditional fighting games, it would probably shut out a lot of the fanbase and demographics Sega targets with Sonic, but at the same time, considering the franchise's roster, focus on alliances and rivalries, speed, and acrobatic mechanics, it kinda saddens me that we haven't gotten a flashy MvC2-like game yet. Just give it to Arc Sys, because the work they're doing on Dragon Ball FighterZ is utterly outstanding.


This reminded me that I've thought a lot about what kind of movesets/gimmicks everyone would have if you went to the absolute limit and used everything in a fighting game. Espio being able to jump around, turn invisible, throw his ninja stars,  grab people with his tongue etc. makes me think he'd be the most powerful and that's without even getting into marvel tag team shenanigans. 

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Just now, Josh said:

This reminded me that I've thought a lot about what kind of movesets/gimmicks everyone would have if you went to the absolute limit and used everything. Espio being able to jump around, turn invisible, throw his ninja stars,  grab people with his tongue etc. makes me think he'd be the most powerful and that's without even getting into marvel tag team shenanigans. 

So Espio would basically be the Sonic version of Kan-Ra from Killer Instinct with some invisibility. Annoying as shit, but I wager he'd still be toast with a close-range character with a good forward dash and capable jump, which you could probably designate Knuckles as being.

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After the disaster that was Sonic Chronicles I feel enough years have passed that Sonic is due for another attempt at an RPG. Although I think a different approach should be taken this time as turn based combat is a little too slow paced for a Sonic game, so perhaps it should be an action RPG instead, with a large interconnected world akin to how Dark Souls handles its areas, just don't make it as difficult. Considering Sonic Adventure was conceptualized as an RPG at first, I think the idea warrants an attempt to see what could have been.

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1 minute ago, Nepenthe said:

So Espio would basically be the Sonic version of Kan-Ra from Killer Instinct with some invisibility. Annoying as shit, but I wager he'd still be toast with a close-range character with a good forward dash and capable jump, which you could probably designate Knuckles as being.

Well yeah, I was thinking he'd have low health to balance it out and Knuckles would naturally be high damage. It'd also naturally be difficult managing all of Espio's abilities so he'd be hard to control to make up for it. Kinda like Zero from MvC3.

I was also thinking they should do the Smash bros thing where characters can use mechanics from the games they originated from, like Shadow can get more damage by doing things stylishly or Blaze has some kind of boost meter, but that might make the characters too gimmicky

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Believe it or not...

A Sonic MOBA.

Could be fun... And the idea has been stuck in my head for a while.

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For the past few days--I guess Sonic's birthday is to blame?--I've been thinkin' about a couple of spinoff ideas. They're certainly very much unrealistic, but I like 'em. Enough to put possibly too much thought into them.

1) A Rush revival: Put simply: simultaneously reviving Rush as an ongoing subseries and reinventing the boost games into, well, that.

The whole idea would be to get back to what people actually enjoyed about the boost games, particularly Rush + Unleashed, without feeling the need to make compromises like blocky platforming that arguably goes against what the style does best. That said there would be steps made to make things more interesting, such as including a roll (+ spin dash) but actually making it useful unlike the Rush games, and I'm thinking very context-only moves like the quickstep and drift would be ditched in favour of simply making Sonic and Blaze(!!!!) satisfying to maneuver around obstacles more naturally. The trick system and tension gauge would be back and function just as it did in Rush + SRA, requiring you to stay on your toes a lot more to keep the gauge filled, since Unleashed and onwards is lot more generous in that regard.

Also a ton of suggestions--including some I already mentioned--can be attributed to @Josh. One of my favourite suggestions he had was basing the levels on real world locations ala Unleashed. While some of the real world inspirations are tentative, there's a few that I'm in love with--the first zone would be based on this place, for one example.

One of my favourite things about this idea is that we'd get to learn more about Blaze's world and the characters in it. Sonic would definitely be around for this subseries (though not necessarily every game) but I feel like shifting the focus to her and other characters in her universe would make sense. Then again I'm biased because Blaze is one of my faves, so

2) Experimental platform/puzzle thing? The other idea is a lot more vague and hasn't been fleshed out much? Basically it'd be blatantly ripping off "inspired" by Mario Odyssey, being a spinoff where you use a Ring to navigate (think the Chaotix Rings I guess but the tether effect is used on stuff in the environment to launch yourself around, etc.) as well as short circuit badniks. This leaves them vulnerable to attack, but if you leave 'em for a couple seconds the animal inside will now be in control. Then the badniks follow you around, or maybe you can ride on 'em and use their abilities for stuff? Again, not super fleshed out.

Also this one would probably star Amy because this game would, at least how I'm envisioning it, be slower-paced than the average Sonic game. She'd be faster than SA1 but with that game's moveset + spin attacks (including rolling!) + some additions (i.e. I was thinking she could have a wall jump where she uses her hammer jump on walls) + of course, the Ring you can throw around.

Oh and this is probably a huge cliché with regards to ~Amy spinoff ideas~, but Metal Sonic would absolutely be a rival boss you fight two or three times.

So yeah these are the spinoffs that would happen in a world where I was in charge of this franchise for some unfathomable reason. Meanwhile the main series would definitely be building off SA1/SA2 core gameplay but moving on from all the (at the time necessary) scripting, etc. etc. all that good stuff, which is why spinoffs that are based at least partially in platforming would incorporate rolling physics even if they aren't necessarily the focus.

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Here's some of the character centric ideas I have. (I have plenty more, but we'll be here all day XD.)

  • A Blaze the Cat Series - Seriously there is so much potential to her and her world, but we haven't really seen much of it, so how about a little series of games starring the beloved cat and her world, maybe it could be a handheld only series running alongside the main Sonic series on consoles, using the same Rush engine that was used on Generations 3DS, (Which had a lot of potential IMO.), as she and Marine go through various levels set in the Sol Dimension to stop Dr Eggman Nega and his army, (Personally, I would want Captain Whiskers to be the main antagonist of these games as you fight him and his robot pirate crew, but let's be real here.) though as the console and handheld markets are slowly becoming one thanks to the Switch, something like this could be a bit difficult. (Maybe give the boost to Blaze and call it a fire dash or something and have Sonic go back and develop upon the Adventure/Lost World style? I don't know?), but either way, just seeing more of Blaze and the Sol Dimension in general would make me happy.
  • Team Chaotix detective game - Okay let's be honest here, I'm sure everyone kind of wants this, but seriously it's such a neat idea, imagine playing as the Chaotix and using their various abilities to solve various mysteries and cases, hell one of the cases could even be revolved around finding Mighty and Ray (Who have been missing if Generations has to indicate.), seriously this shit writes itself.
  • Tails' Adventure franchise - I really liked the idea behind Tails' Adventure, where you play as Tails as you go around exploring in this huge metroidvania world using the various gadgets you find to explore the large world and to defeat the battle Kukku empire, seriously this is a neat idea and I kind of wished Sega explored it more, as it had a lot of potential to become a true franchise with it's own identify and cast of characters, but alas.
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On 6/24/2017 at 1:35 PM, A cool hedgehog engine said:

Instead of arguing over rolling physics or boost or boom, what are your ideas for a spinoff title? What could sonic experiment with that he hasn't done before? How would you design a game starring a different sonic character? (Wishful thinking I know)

What could you see sonic team experimenting with after forces like they did with lost world?

My idea for a sonic spinoff is a mission-packed game. You complete certain and special missions and fight a ton of bosses across certain zones from the series.

I had another Idea about a 3d boost sonic game but has heavy emphasis on the bosses you fight. I'll go into detail later.

So about this boost game idea I came up with, I say it should be designed more around the day stages and dlc stages from unleashed. The player would control sonic and would have to fight a variety of different robots and dodge all kinds of obstacles. Sonic would have a wall jump and dash, a homing attack button that if pressed then held down while locked on an enemy (something like those fast motobugs) or a boss, sonic grabs on to it and can ride it or press the jump button to hop on to the next enemy.

Put in some grindrail segments that takes skill to get through. Add in some bosses like the city escape gun truck or some giant mechas that you have to chase or chase you. The game would be all about the high speed techniques you use to take out enemies as fast as sonic is. Make the bosses huge and spectacular and throw in some cinematic but not overly complicated quick time events.

You can also use the boost for things in the environment like plow through sand or snow or through a sea of scrap metal. How about a level where you have to use the boost to scale up a tower but you die if you stop using it. The boost would also be used to put out a fire or to power fan-powered generators or something like that. 

I believe this would make a pretty interesting boost game imo.


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i want a new sonic & sega all star racing game on the ps4 and x1. there is no notable kart racer on those consoles, so it could work

a sega all star fighting game might work too. maybe like a crossover with another company franchises a la marvel vs capcom. a sega vs capcom game would be cool, although sega really doesn't have many notable franchises besides sonic

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It’s like this topic was built for me! (Yes, I’m making THAT reference shut up) Seriously though, there are a couple of game ideas I’ve mulled over for a while now. Since this topic exists now, it seems like the perfect time to share them:

1) A Sonic RPG with a mix of elements from FFX, Paper Marios 1+2, and Darkest Dungeon. You’d have the whole “4 party members fighting in turn-based battles while exploring the world” deal, but with more platforming ala Paper Mario (maybe certain characters have movement abilities?), and, with battles, instead of using MP, your characters’ more powerful moves cause you to move later depending on their effect and the character’s speed.

2) Another party game. I think if they tried something similar to Mario Party 9+10, but with each character separate and a focus on rescuing animals, it could work a lot better.

Wow, I didn’t expect to go into that much detail with the RPG one.

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I wonder why no one has thought of a sonic action rpg game that's designed like the star ocean games. IMO it keeps the speedy gameplay of the series and makes battles more fun and interesting. Plus, an overworld filled with loops and springs.

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I ended up thinking about that Fighter idea some more quite a lot because of this thread so I wanted to put all my ideas down in one place. 

ARTSTYLE: If we're going the arcsys route the ideal would be a 3D, Cell shaded game that leans heavily into the Sonic Channel style. The modern designs make more sense for a fighting game due to the longer limbs and I've always thought they've looked better in 2D.






(If you really wanted to have fun, you could use some of the alternate outfits in the art work for costumes.)


Sonic characters have fought 1v1s, in twos, and threes, so I wasn't sure if you should keep it simple or make it a team fighter. Maybe it could be a Skullgirls situation where all 3 types of play are supported. 

Anyway, it'd be a traditional fighter similar to Sonic the Fighters but 2D instead of 3D and with some more "twists." A modified version of the barrier system from Sonic the Fighters would also return to discourage defensive play and keep things frantic. There'd be a simple 3-4 button system instead of 6 or anything like that. There'd be a boost meter that lets you either access a more powerful version of your character temporarily or blow it all on a super move, but the meters would mostly be kept simple. In 2v2 or 3v3 there'd be assists.

There'd be a stage and music from every main Sonic game + whatever spinoffs I could fit in. 

(Don't get upset if your fave isn't here this is just characters I had ideas for playstyles for) 

Sonic: Simple and combo based, Sonic moves fast and can easily chain his moves together, with some of them hitting multiple times for long strings. No projectile to speak of and low power on individual attacks makes him a bit tricky though. His spin dash attacks are particularly good for closing distances and ending combos. He'd have "Light Speed Attack" as a super.

Knuckles: A good "starting character" who fights at a slower pace than Sonic, does more damage, and has an air dash to help him get around projectiles. 

Tails: Tails can fly around the screen and shoot projectiles through various gadgets from Tails Adventure, Sonic Battle etc to kind of play keep away. It won't take long for him to go down once you catch him though.

Amy: Amy has a bit more reach with her hammer but her attacks are a bit slower to compensate. Play a bit further away and take advantage of her hammer to out-range close ranged attackers and catch the longer ranged ones easier. 

Shadow: Shadow is similar to Sonic, playstyle wise, except Chaos Spear gives you access to a projectile. Maybe even give him a teleport that's a bit laggy when cooling down but can get him out of danger. His moves overall do more damage but he has less health to compensate. His supers would also be different, with the player being able to choose between slowing the opponent down and working from there with chaos control, or getting an easy burst of damage with chaos blast. More experienced players might lean toward the former while beginners prefer the latter. 

Dr Eggman: A zoner like Tails. He fights in a base version of the Egg Mobile that can pull out contraptions from bosses all throughout the classic series with his super being the Death Egg Robo's laser. 

Rouge: A mix of Amy and Tails. She can move and fly around pretty easily, attack from a longer distance with her legs and has her own share of powerful juggle combos. Fake enemies out to get them to expose themselves so Rouge can combo them. 

Espio: Espio has access to a huge amount of movement options and can attack from a lot of angles with his shurikens. He can turn invisible and move a short distance for a pseudo "teleport" and his boost move lets him stay invisible for a longer period. 

Blaze: Blaze is another rushdown character similar to Sonic and Shadow but has a bit of a gimmick. Her attacks get stronger the longer she goes without getting hit/doing well in the fight, allowing her to steamroll opponents if things get out of hand.   She'd compensate with having lower health and her combos being harder to execute in general. his idea sprung from how the Rush games value playing well/keeping your momentum going but having your pace being broken felt pretty bad.

The boss character that appears in arcade would depend on what "era" the character you picked originated from. Mecha Sonic for Sonic/Tails/Knuckles etc. Chaos for Shadow, Rouge, Tikal etc. Egg Dragoon for Blaze/Silver/The Werehog Etc. 
Miscellaneous stuff: 
-The characters fighting would interact a little at the beginning of the match. etc: Sonic and Knuckles have something like this classic:

-Taunts would be in the game. Rouge can cancel hers halfway through like Bayonetta to really get into people's heads.
-I'd like there to be a story mode but I haven't really thought about the specifics. 
-Tails Doll is the default training dummy




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I'd like a Sonic Riders 4 game as well, but it seems like that a lot of others have already discussed that and I can't really add much to what they said. So onto the other idea.

I think an Eggman spinoff game would be cool. I always imagined it as a strategy type of game.

You have to build a formidable army of badniks, but you also have to keep budget and materials in mind. I'm not sure of how much money you'd start out with, but I do know that the currency would be rings and they wouldn't be able to be found on the ground (because that would make it too easy). Your standard orange EggRobo is probably not going to be that expensive and won't require too many materials, but its easily defeated in battle by Sonic or any other hero. Meanwhile, something like Metal Sonic is going to be incredibly expensive and need a lot of parts, but will prove a formidable foe to Sonic or any other hero. A roboticizer can reduce costs since you kidnap and enslave energy sources rather than buy them, but its also a great way to anger Sonic and his friends who will fight your robots and you in response. Loans help, but reputable investors probably won't want to give you money so you have to deal with shady types or successfully lie to reputable investors about how you're going to use the money. You can also sell robots and other goods on the black market, or establish a legitimate store under a disguise that funnels rings into your empire's operation.

The battle system would be real time. It would allow you to go into two modes-- automatic and manual. Setting a robot to automatic means that it operates on AI and you can only tell them to go to different regions. Standard Eggrobos and low level badniks would have simplistic AI that amounts to just charging and attacking, but more advanced robots would be able to come up with strategies and find good places to hide. However, if they pick a poor strategy or aren't advanced enough to have one, there's a higher chance of your army losing the battle. This can be rectified by setting a robot to manual, which allows you to seize control of the robot and command them. This allows you to order your robots into certain areas and come up with your own strategies that may be more advanced or better suited for the fight. On the flipside, if you don't tell them to do anything within an undecided period of time, they will not do anything at all and become easy target. If you have a large army, it'll be very difficult to manually control all of your robots. Plus your sentient robots will not appreciate being hijacked. Which leads into another thing...

Your sentient robots are special. They're really expensive, but have the most intelligent robot AI in the game and are the most likely to actually defeat Sonic. They can undermine, run away from, and/or turn against you if they dislike you. Being mistreated and feeling frustrated and/or ignored are very good ways of making them hate you. Sentient robots default to being obedient, but those can be replaced by other traits over time. I haven't decided on what those traits would be though.

As for the other characters, I've decided that Sonic is going to be a real thorn in your side. He's incredibly durable, can cut through all but your most advanced robots with ease, and has a habit of suddenly attacking you when you think you've defeated him for good. He's not above being tricked, but is hard to fool and catches onto your strategies well. Tails isn't as durable or strong as Sonic, but can tag team you with him as well as attack you with the Tornado (which not all of your robots are able to hit). Both become more aggressive towards you if one of them is killed or captured, and are very good at escaping imprisonment, traps, and the roboticizor. Knuckles has the highest attack of all the heroes and is very durable, but is easily fooled into helping you. I can't think of what the others would do but I think that Shadow, Rouge, Silver, and Cream would be there too.

I want to think about this idea more but for now this is all I have.

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A full on Sonic themed pinball game (yes , I like pinball) but not in the style of 'Spinball'.

would love to see really elaborate tables based on well known zones.

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So everyone--including me--wants Riders to come back and be awesome and all that good stuff.

But something I'd like to see even more is an on-foot racer (like good ol' R) that has the aesthetic and (in part) mechanics of a Riders game. Give everyone a dash / special attack like the first Riders. The speed/flight/power classification would come back, though their abilities would be altered to fit a foot based racer (for example the Flying types can fly whenever but tire out quickly). I guess the air tank wouldn't be a thing but your dash would still rely on a gauge of some sort...actually, maybe it is still a thing, but I'm not sure what the justification for it would be? Maybe the #lore explanation would be that the special shoes people would wear for the races in this game function like Labyrinth's slow-down shoes when they run out or something, haha.

Edit: You know what? Let's go wild. Treat this as a straight up sequel series to Riders. Jet decides he wants to try and beat Sonic at his own game, Eggman's up to something that involves some Babylonian backstory maybe, etc.

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