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your most nostalgic sonic game/memory


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hello! since it's still sonic's 26th, i'd like us to share some nostalgia! what's the most nostalgic sonic game, TV show, memory, etc etc in your opinion?

mine would for sure have to be this bad boy:


the first sonic game i ever played way back in 2008... one that introduced me into the franchise in the best way possible.

Edited by blueblur98
forgot to type "boy"
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I'll have to agree with you there, I think SMC+ was my first Sonic game maybe. I'm not sure. I first played a friend's copy, and then borrowed it until I got my own copy.

But the game that was a major part of my childhood was...


Sonic 2006. There's a perfectly good explanation for this.

Back when I was around 6 or 7 or something, my family got a PS3 for christmas. I liked it, but when my birthday rolled around, I got 06. This was my first 'personal' PS3 game (the only PS3 game I personally owned at that time), and I played it to about near the end of Sonic's story (and a bit of Shadow and Silver's stories), and had my older brother finish the rest of the game for me.

I didn't know why he bothered doing that until I asked him a few weeks ago, and he said he wanted to get to the end of Shadow's story (I think).

I'm busy hunting down a copy of it (along with Crash Bash, Sly 3 and Riders Zero Gravity PS2) to see if I can finish it myself.

I also remember watching Sonic X back when it was running (heh) on TV.

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i also have nostalgia for sonic heroes. i played the PS2 version back in i think 2011, but it was fun, and me and my sister were super into it, getting every emerald and finishing the last story eventually. i didn't see any framerate issues outside of 2P mode, and the collision was fine. i've also been collecting PS2 sonic games since '08. i can't get them all, sadly. i can get all of the ones released in the US though!

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Well, If were going to talk about my nostalgia. Let's go back to 2000 here. I think was 3 years old and i just played though Donkey Kong Country as my first game ever and my brother decided to bring out his genesis again and it had Sonic 3 locked onto & Knuckles. Since my brother was very careful about me breaking his stuff or me becoming aimless. He proceeded to teach me how to play by making me play tails for about a few weeks until i got the hang of it. And eventually he moved on to play on his Dreamcast and i was sorta left to my own devices to learn how to play though the game and in two weeks, i was able to beat the game with my dad watching me and guiding me though it all. Now let's fast forward to 2004, I've grown a lot more and i've become more experienced in gaming, I was shopping at Walmart when i came across Sonic Mega Collection +, I begged my dad to get it to me before he left for the Season. Snapping that disk on and playing though all of the Sonic games with my pet hedgehog was a joy until i decided to look at the Extra content the game came with, Comics and rich history filled my joyful soul with warmth, i can still remember that melody playing in my head years later. I think that was when i knew that gaming was more that just fun and games... it was a artform. Something that people put their soul and love into. Soon afterwards i proceeded to jump into my dad's computer and finally nail myself into the web, i soon discovered that there was plenty of sonic games i didn't play yet and started to slowly but surely play though them all, It was a great adventure, and it unleashed me to gaming. 

While i'm nostalgic about my past, I always regard Sonic has my platform to gaming while Donkey Kong Was my awakening.



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I have so many nostalgic memories, I can't pick just one. I remember first playing the original Sonic the Hedgehog at an EB Games in the mall back in 1991. I remember having my mom help me beat Final Zone in Sonic 1. I remember seeing a sneak preview of Sonic SatAM back in 1993 and wondering why Tails was a girl and who the random walrus and rabbit were. I remember watching Adventures of Sonic every afternoon when I get home from school. I remember being so pumped for Sonic comics every month, particularly issues like Mecha Madness and EndGame. I remember a random kiosk showcasing Sonic CD at a JC Penney's and I had no idea what the game was but it was gorgeous. I remember working with my friend to beat Mecha Sonic at the end of Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I remember playing through Sonic 3D Blast with my cousins during the summer of '96. I remember randomly discovering the Sonic OVA in stores, buying it, and watching it every single day for over a month. I could go on and on and on.

The best, though? My absolute favorite Sonic game memory? Going to a game store in the big city and playing the Japanese version of Sonic Adventure a year before the Dreamcast came out in the US. Almost every time I went to the city with my mom or dad, I had to stop by and play it again and again. Not only is it my most absolute favorite Sonic memory, it's one of my favorite, most nostalgic memories of all time. And when I actually was able to buy the game myself on launch day...well!

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guess this can be a general nostalgia thread... better change the title.

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Sonic Advance 3 got me through a lot of dark times in high school. And Heroes. And GTA 3

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My most nostalgic moment was 4-year-old me and my cousins playing sonic adventure for the first time. After they noticed I was hooked on the game. They gave me my own Dreamcast and a copy on Christmas of that year. Ah, happy memories. 

Another one was fun memories of playing sonic battle and sonic advance 3 during early middle school. I used to play those games 24/7. 

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Well, Sonic influenced so much in my life that I don't know where start.

More or less in 2010/2011 It was when I first played Sonic, in SEGA Genesis Collection playing Sonic 2, and the Chemical Plant and Special Stage (Scenario and Music) takes me to a time travel.

One or Two years after, I remember playing Sonic R in Sonic Gems Collection in my PS2, in the same period I remember I won a very very poor Notebook which runs SEGA Genesis emulator and I remember playing levels like Sky Sanctuary and Metropolis in that Notebook. This certainly was my happiest period of my life.

In the end of 2013, I remember I own another very poor PC, but it was sufficient to play Sonic Adventure DX. I was wanting to play this game so much time, and I was so happy when I opened the *.exe of the game and it doesn't crashed.

Then we came to our actual days. It was in February of this year to be more exact, when I bought my new Laptop and played Sonic Generations for the first time, I was so happy as the same when I played SADX for the first time.

These were the 4 most important moments of Sonic Games in my life. It's hard to choice just one, but I think that replaying Sonic 2 and feeling the Nostalgia doesn't have a price.

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Ironically (though not really, given it's Sonic's anniversary), I've just posted a whole mini essay sharing my memories, rants, and love for this franchise on my website, which you can read/follow here.

How's that for a cheap plug?

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the manuals menu music from sonic gems collection and catch me if you can from sonic riders: zero gravity give me a nostalgic feeling, despite the fact i haven't played either! the former made me jealous of the entire country of europe...

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